Why is abortion the way of the world?

The New York and Virginia laws prove categorically that abortion is not now, nor has it ever been, about the health of the mother. It's about the left's unfettered lust to murder. This is exactly what Communism breeds, the murder of hundreds of millions of innocent people.

Murder, plain and simple. demonKKKraps: the party of slavery, death, baby killers, degeneracy, deviancy, Pure evil.
The New York and Virginia laws prove categorically that abortion is not now, nor has it ever been, about the health of the mother. It's about the left's unfettered lust to murder. This is exactly what Communism breeds, the murder of hundreds of millions of innocent people.

Do you realize how insane you sound? If you don't, I just told you. You're off your rocker.

You're clearly just looking for reasons to hate. For many pro-lifers, the joy and excitement they feel from getting their hate-rush on is their primary motivating factor.
No it's not my argument at all. Fact is a good percent of those zygote never take and never become human beings. Why would that fact make you think it's ok to kill people?

Fact is those zygotes already ARE human beings.

Until you can grasp that fact, there is no sense in bickering about the rest.

Nope they are non differentiated cells. Human of course, but with no chance of survival/development into a fully formed human being unless it attaches to the mothers womb. Anybody grieve for those poor little zygotes that don't attach?

Grieving or not grieving over soething does not change what it is.

Science and even Planned Parenthood has established the fact that a zygote is an organism (being) and inthe case of a human zygote, it is a HUMAN organism / being.

Our nation's nearly forty getal HOMICIDE laws which also define a "child in the womb" in "any stage of development" support ny views as well.

Laws which your representatives have failed to challenge or overturn by sharing your denials.

No it doesn't. It, the human zygote, is like an acorn fallen to the ground from a great oak tree. With luck it will sprout a tap root that finds fertile ground and it will grow into a big oak tree one day. Or it might get eaten by a squirrel. Or in the case of humans, flushed out of the system before it becomes an embryo.

You ARE claiming that human beings MORPH out of one organism that is NOT a human being and into an organism that IS a human being.

As humanbeings do not reproduce by metamorphosis. I challenge you to show / provide any kind of credible reference to support your claim.

Specially, what organism did I claim we morph out of? Was that before the zygote (a fertilized egg) becomes an embryo (a fertilized egg attached to the womb) or after?
25 Cultures That Practiced Human Sacrifice

Because historically child sacrifice was the status quo

It's just who we are.

And it is for the same reason, which is material gain. Most women have abortions due to financial concerns. Likewise, pretty much all ancient religions sacrificed their children to the gods for such things as victory at war or fertile crops, etc.
In the old, old days, some cultures believed that the gods would be more moved and willing to "help" if they were given the most precious gifts of the people. There is no more precious gift than a person's child, yannow---like Isaac?
Today people are terminating pregnancies when they cannot afford to feed, clothe, educate and house the child in a decent fashion. It is called being responsible to not bring an unwelcome child into the world.
You are a cold-blooded murderer.

"There are a lot of killers. You think our country's so innocent?"
The "So called" President Trump
Fact is those zygotes already ARE human beings.

Until you can grasp that fact, there is no sense in bickering about the rest.

Nope they are non differentiated cells. Human of course, but with no chance of survival/development into a fully formed human being unless it attaches to the mothers womb. Anybody grieve for those poor little zygotes that don't attach?

Grieving or not grieving over soething does not change what it is.

Science and even Planned Parenthood has established the fact that a zygote is an organism (being) and inthe case of a human zygote, it is a HUMAN organism / being.

Our nation's nearly forty getal HOMICIDE laws which also define a "child in the womb" in "any stage of development" support ny views as well.

Laws which your representatives have failed to challenge or overturn by sharing your denials.

No it doesn't. It, the human zygote, is like an acorn fallen to the ground from a great oak tree. With luck it will sprout a tap root that finds fertile ground and it will grow into a big oak tree one day. Or it might get eaten by a squirrel. Or in the case of humans, flushed out of the system before it becomes an embryo.

You ARE claiming that human beings MORPH out of one organism that is NOT a human being and into an organism that IS a human being.

As humanbeings do not reproduce by metamorphosis. I challenge you to show / provide any kind of credible reference to support your claim.

Specially, what organism did I claim we morph out of?

If you are not claiming that human zygotes morph into human beings, this is your chance to clarify your claim.
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I know that’s a controversial statement, but it is clearly against the word of God to take another person’s life, especially an innocent baby’s life.
God said He knit us together in our mother's womb, and He also said thou shall not kill. • Psalm 139:13 & Exodus 20:13 •

It is as clear as day anyone who’s willing to read their Bible. I don’t believe it is possible to say you are a Christ follower and you believe in the Bible then turn around and say that it’s a “woman’s right” to take her child’s life at the same time. They are a complete contradiction to each other.
Then why did God kill pregnant women in the great flood?

Because they wanted to have abortions stupid.
Why is abortion the way of the world?

Because we live in a world full of heartless, selfish people... and blind people (not physically blind, but you know what I mean.) But it's not always going to be this way. Remember who the temporary "ruler of this world" is. Read John 12:31.
Just to be clear, THIS is the new point where DemonRATS say it is still safe to ABORT.....Any questions?

Just to be clear, THIS is the new point where DemonRATS say it is still safe to ABORT.....Any questions?


It almost looks as if the doctor is trying to strangle him Gosnell style.
25 Cultures That Practiced Human Sacrifice

Because historically child sacrifice was the status quo

It's just who we are.

And it is for the same reason, which is material gain. Most women have abortions due to financial concerns. Likewise, pretty much all ancient religions sacrificed their children to the gods for such things as victory at war or fertile crops, etc.
because the right wing doesn't care about kids once they are born. it is not like we create Spartans with them.

If the right were to supportwelfare from cradle tp grave, you pro fucking aborts would still be clamoring for abortion on demand and you know it.

So much for your fucking red herring.
just Your appeal to emotion. Prevention is more cost effective. Why does the right wing have a problem with it.

I am not the spokesperson for the entire "right wing."

That said, it's a fact and you know it.

You fuctarded proaborts would still demand abortions no matter how much the conservatives promised in the way of welfare.

Why pretend otherwise?
why have a problem with prevention? we should be having a war on communicable diseases not alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
25 Cultures That Practiced Human Sacrifice

Because historically child sacrifice was the status quo

It's just who we are.

And it is for the same reason, which is material gain. Most women have abortions due to financial concerns. Likewise, pretty much all ancient religions sacrificed their children to the gods for such things as victory at war or fertile crops, etc.
because the right wing doesn't care about kids once they are born. it is not like we create Spartans with them.

If the right were to supportwelfare from cradle tp grave, you pro fucking aborts would still be clamoring for abortion on demand and you know it.

So much for your fucking red herring.
just Your appeal to emotion. Prevention is more cost effective. Why does the right wing have a problem with it.

I am not the spokesperson for the entire "right wing."

That said, it's a fact and you know it.

You fuctarded proaborts would still demand abortions no matter how much the conservatives promised in the way of welfare.

Why pretend otherwise?
why have a problem with prevention? we should be having a war on communicable diseases not alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.

No war on drugs? We have Americans dying at a rate of 300 a day from drugs coming across the border.

America may choose not to have a war on drugs but that does not change the fact that drug cartels across the border are at war with American citizens.

It's up to them to fight back.

Unfortunately for the unborn, they are incapable of fighting back. They have no money, no voice, just a billion dollar a year industry to snuff them out.

It's the only time Dims can get behind a billion dollar industry.

Think of it, all billionaires are immoral EXCEPT when they are snuffing out babies.

Progressives are demented hate filled monsters who are actively supporting the genocide of
Americans via drugs and abortion.
As Dr. Gosnell is the pro-life poster boy, you'd think they'd praise him more. Pro-life policy is "Every abortion doctyor should be a Gosnel", so they own him. He's the face of the pro-life movement, along with smirking maga boy.
As Dr. Gosnell is the pro-life poster boy, you'd think they'd praise him more. Pro-life policy is "Every abortion doctyor should be a Gosnel", so they own him. He's the face of the pro-life movement, along with smirking maga boy.


Project much?
As Dr. Gosnell is the pro-life poster boy, you'd think they'd praise him more. Pro-life policy is "Every abortion doctyor should be a Gosnel", so they own him. He's the face of the pro-life movement, along with smirking maga boy.

You would think that the NAACP would be all over Gosnell because he targeted minority women while giving white women better treatment.

But not a peep.

Funny that.

Oh, and the NAACP says the entire GOP is racist?
If you are not claiming that human zygotes morph into human beings, this is your chance to clarify your claim.

As unfertilized eggs also morph into human beings, what are you rambling about?

Common sense, biology and good morailty are all unkind to the pro-life position. That's why the only argument they can muster is "You're a murderer because I say so!".

You know who else tells me that? PETA. I ignore the PETA crazies and pro-life crazies for exactly the same reasons. It's actually quite difficult to tell the two groups apart. The PETA crowd tends to have better hygiene, but that's about the only difference.

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