Zone1 Why Is American Afraid of Black History?

The slave trade was the worst mistake whites in the Americas made. It was always unpopular among large segments of the white population.

In the South family farms could not compete with plantations. Nearly every profession and skilled trade paid less in slave states than free states. The vast majority of European immigrants moved to the free states because that was where the economic opportunities were.

The South has always been the economic back water of the United States. The industrial revolution happened in the North. The computer revolution is happening on the West Coast.
“Is happening”?
And still we have whites running their mouths while they support one man indicted on 91 felony counts to be the president of this country.

all paperwork BS charges, no victim, no Crime. Not stealing Millions of Tax dollars during GOVT work hours into private accounts or selling guns & fake ID to city thugs.
Whites have no reason to apologize to blacks about anything. We are not responsible for high rates of black poverty and incarceration. We are responsible for the facts that blacks tend to be more affluent and in better health than blacks in black majority, black run countries.
Actually you are.

I could make a forum about the ways that whites are responsible. That's what you're scared to face.
all paperwork BS charges, no victim, no Crime. Not stealing Millions of Tax dollars during GOVT work hours into private accounts or selling guns & fake ID to city thugs.
BS. Trump stole millions while president by forcing government workers to stay in his properties.
Actually you are.

I could make a forum about the ways that whites are responsible. ...
Why don’t you do that and stop spamming up this one hundreds of times a day?
Slavry was so unpopular among whites that they bred 3.6 million more slaves than were shipped over here from Africa.
Actually you are.

I could make a forum about the ways that whites are responsible. That's what you're scared to face.
If American whites are responsible for the poverty of American Negroes, why are American Negroes more affluent than Negroes in black majority, black run countries?

Ghettos are created blacks turn thriving white working class neighborhoods into crime ridden slums.

Blacks are responsible for their problems and many of ours. If you want to see what blacks do non their own, take a long hard look at Haiti. Haiti is the result of two centuries of black self government.
Recently there has been a trend on college campuses to create courses that discuss the concept of whiteness. Once that began, the usual suspects crawled out from under the rocks and started whining about racism against whites. Never mind that black studies departments exist; the American right must whine. Hence the current right-wing movement to cleanse our history books of everything they believe makes European descendants look bad.

In the 21st century, we must move beyond memes created by mostly far-right loudmouths. These types have some whites believing we all chose to come over here on the Mayflower. Some believe it is unfair how whites get portrayed in modern teachings. Unfair is revising history to leave out the factual record. Teaching our children the mistakes we made should not mean we are teaching them to dislike whites or being white. I and generations of other blacks endured the annual K-12 section of history about black slavery, and it did not make me hate being black. In recent years we have seen a consistent well-funded, politically supported movement by the right-wing to enforce gaslighting as a way of educating today’s students. In this movement, anything that negatively shows whites must be censored.


No one should fear a history that asks a country to live up to its highest ideals.
By Lonnie G. Bunch III

One can tell a great deal about a country by what it chooses to remember: by what graces the walls of its museums, by what monuments are venerated, and by what parts of its history are embraced. One can tell even more by what a nation chooses to forget: what memories are erased and what aspects of its past are feared. This unwillingness to understand, accept, and embrace an accurate history, shaped by scholarship, reflects an unease with ambiguity and nuance—and with truth. One frequent casualty of such discomfort is any real appreciation of the importance of African American history and culture for all Americans.

Why should anyone fear a history that asks a country to live up to its highest ideals—to “make good to us the promises in your Constitution,” as Frederick Douglass put it? But too often, we are indeed fearful. State legislatures have passed laws restricting the teaching of critical race theory, preventing educators from discussing a history that “might make our children feel guilty” about the actions and attitudes of their ancestors. Librarians around the nation feel the chilling effects of book bans. Some individuals who seek to occupy the highest office in the land fear the effects of an Advanced Placement class that explores African American history—a history that, as education officials in Florida have maintained, “lacks educational value”; a history that does not deserve to be remembered.

Rather than running from this history, we should find in it sustenance, understanding, and hope. In the end, we can’t escape the past anyway. What Joe Louis said of an opponent applies to the legacy of history: You can run, but you can’t hide.

All due to Democrats and their acts.
If white people "know" this
Why did they import them by the million?
Why did they selectively breed them?

Let me help you with your intellectual shortcoming.

View attachment 914918

Read this book and get back to us.
If you have read the book, tell me what it says. If you cannot do that, you do not understand yourself.

Whites are the victims of the presence of blacks, We wold be better off without them. They would be lost without us. Look at what they have done to Haiti.
Slavry was so unpopular among whites that they bred 3.6 million more slaves than were shipped over here from Africa.
Blacks should take that as a compliment from Democrats. That the slaves did have value.
What we are being shown here us just how scared right wing whites are of history. Leftwinger has come in here and posting something that has exactly ZERO to do with the thread topic. Now let me add that when white billionaires are committing fraud and other schemes to get more money, a person really needs to shut up and post on topic.
If you have read the book, tell me what it says. If you cannot do that, you do not understand yourself.

Whites are the victims of the presence of blacks, We wold be better off without them. They would be lost without us. Look at what they have done to Haiti.
It says that "blaming the Victim" is a common response among those whose egos cannot accept responsibility for their support of abusing actual victim.

You know...
women ask to be raped
Black people benefitted from slavery...

Pro Sports w/o Black people

That White slavers paid for Black prisoners.
Wait, what? Who did the “white slavers” buy slaves from?

(Hint) …they were Africans just doing business like they had for thousands of years. By the time the Trans Atlantic slave trade came around, the OG black African slavers had established two other international slave trades and had accumulated thousands of year experience selling black people off into slavery.

Black people kidnapped black people, sold them into slavery and kept them as slaves far longer and on a much bigger scale than white people were ever involved in the trading or enslavement of blacks.

The one invention by black people that had the single greatest impact on civilization and history was the international slave trades. That is black history.
What we are being shown here us just how scared right wing whites are of history. Leftwinger has come in here and posting something that has exactly ZERO to do with the thread topic. Now let me add that when white billionaires are committing fraud and other schemes to get more money, a person really needs to shut up and post on topic.
We are not afraid to admit white Democrats vastly owned slaves. Slaves are currently former slaves and have claimed they have advanced very far.
Blacks are scared of blacks that's why blacks move to white hoods.

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