Why is American internet so slow?

Interesting that the conservative posters here are arguing in favor of monopolies. You have a leftist OP making the Capitalist argument for more competition and the right wingers rebuffing him. I must have fallen into the Bizarro World

Is internet access deemed a monopoly?

Right off the top of my head I can get access via TWC, VZ and Optimum....and I know there are others.

It's an oligopoly. There are only a few of providers. I'm in a major US city and I have a grand total of 3 provider optons available to me.
I remember that campaign in the nineties to pass that telecom bill. The industry was all for it,

telling everyone how much better it would be for consumers.

Basic lesson: when corporations tell you they want certain laws because they will make it better for you, the consumer,

if you bet that they are lying, you will win much more than you lose.
Interesting that the conservative posters here are arguing in favor of monopolies. You have a leftist OP making the Capitalist argument for more competition and the right wingers rebuffing him. I must have fallen into the Bizarro World

Is internet access deemed a monopoly?

Right off the top of my head I can get access via TWC, VZ and Optimum....and I know there are others.


These idiots are pushing for the net neutrality act but are too dishonest to state it outright

They want the gubmint in charge -- Of everything.
Interesting that the conservative posters here are arguing in favor of monopolies. You have a leftist OP making the Capitalist argument for more competition and the right wingers rebuffing him. I must have fallen into the Bizarro World

Is internet access deemed a monopoly?

Right off the top of my head I can get access via TWC, VZ and Optimum....and I know there are others.

It's an oligopoly. There are only a few of providers. I'm in a major US city and I have a grand total of 3 provider optons available to me.

I have one. It's Cox. Although, technically, I might be able to get a satellite card.
You're wrong. But... You're a dimocrap, which means you're stupid.

Ask yourself why Europe uses 220 Volt systems and we use 110.

If you can answer that, you'll have the answer to our slower internet.

I ain't gonna hold my breath. You are, afterall, a stupid fucking dimocrap

Holy fuck, did you just say voltage???? Really???

Oh and by the way, I saw your original post where you blamed it on the number of computers per capita. Why did you delete that post? Hahahahaha

Depending on the system your provider has, the number of users can effect the speeds. Fortunately many areas are going to fiber optics from source to the house.
We need a public option in this market.

I knew someone would say that. So you want the government to step in and fix the mess they created by writing legislation favorable to large companies, causing a complete loss of competition and a barrier system almost impentrable?

Some of you are kookoo.
If I was tasks to change out your toilet and make sure all your pressure valves were tightened properly and I blew out all your piping and destroyed your house, would you really want me to fix it?

That sounds like insanity.
Edge is going to say to unkink your internet wire to let the internet flow quicker next
You're wrong. But... You're a dimocrap, which means you're stupid.

Ask yourself why Europe uses 220 Volt systems and we use 110.
If you can answer that, you'll have the answer to our slower internet.

I ain't gonna hold my breath. You are, afterall, a stupid fucking dimocrap

Are you serious?
Edge, please tell us more about how the difference in voltage is what causes the slower speeds. I'm fascinated.
Interesting that the conservative posters here are arguing in favor of monopolies. You have a leftist OP making the Capitalist argument for more competition and the right wingers rebuffing him. I must have fallen into the Bizarro World
Who made that argument?

Nobody....she just thinks it sounds imperialistic.
Yeah, I don't know any conservatives that want less options. There's also Dish and DirecTV, which may be the way of the future.
You're wrong. But... You're a dimocrap, which means you're stupid.

Ask yourself why Europe uses 220 Volt systems and we use 110.

If you can answer that, you'll have the answer to our slower internet.

I ain't gonna hold my breath. You are, afterall, a stupid fucking dimocrap

great the retard answer
All that NSA snooping eats up bandwidth.

The lack of competition is the problem

WAAAIIIIIT A second. There are several competitors, but what's funny is I thought you would want govt control, you want competition? multiple PRIVATE companies, no way. Only the Government can do this!

btw my internet is just fine, I can play any game, post, watch videos, all at the same time.
Coming from someone in the business.. the article, like the OP, is complete horse shit

Are you using the same shovel here that you use for the cable trenches?

Seriously, it's a worthy subject, have any substantive input? Especially if you are "in the business".

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