Why is American internet so slow?

Is internet access deemed a monopoly?

Right off the top of my head I can get access via TWC, VZ and Optimum....and I know there are others.

Yes, but who owns the local loop? Who has the backbone?

In my area, all roads lead to Verizon. They own the fiber backbone and everyone else is just leasing bandwidth. Time Warner can pull cable to a house, but past the CO, it's right back on Verizon.
Lack of competition?

Here in NY I am bombarded daily by salespeople for a multitude of internet carriers.


And hey.. if the 'monopoly complainers' own or can lease rights to land spanning miles to make a fiber mesh or ring, you go ahead and lay the millions and millions of dollars for fiber for a backbone... be my guest.. more competition is a good thing

In my town alone, I have have basically 5 choices for last mile or household internet service.. companies battling for it in a town with less than 750 houses

Laughable, these little progs are

i have one company.
I hope google fiber takes off and kills prices and all the rape they do.

But no you go switch to those 5 companies, They all give you the same basic rates for the same shit ball quality

But it's a MONOPOLY :rolleyes:

Not to mention I have choices between class.. I even have the choice that I have taken and having a ds3 directly to my fucking house, which I then have the option of offering to my neighbors to piggyback.. and this is paid for as a benefit in my employment in this fucking business...

I guess your McDonalds job does not come with that benefit

Funny.. I have no problems with quality.. and I could choose between several carries to handle the transmission.. my other neighbor has no problems with their comcast.. some complain about the speeds of the 2 dsl options by Verizon, but it is cheaper.. the old house about 4 miles up the road went the satellite route, download not bad, but upload sucks, but hey, HE LIVES A MILE OFF THE ROAD ON A FARM AND DOES NOT EVEN HAVE PUBLIC WATER AND SEWER...
Is internet access deemed a monopoly?

Right off the top of my head I can get access via TWC, VZ and Optimum....and I know there are others.

Yes, but who owns the local loop? Who has the backbone?

In my area, all roads lead to Verizon. They own the fiber backbone and everyone else is just leasing bandwidth. Time Warner can pull cable to a house, but past the CO, it's right back on Verizon.

Funny... verizon may have laid the fiber or local copper from the CO... but all other companies have access to it.. I actually buy my local high speed line access from a west coast company...

But hey, you got the cash and the land rights to lay the fiver and/or local copper... more power too ya.. go into competition... you are free to do so
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Is internet access deemed a monopoly?

Right off the top of my head I can get access via TWC, VZ and Optimum....and I know there are others.

Yes, but who owns the local loop? Who has the backbone?

In my area, all roads lead to Verizon. They own the fiber backbone and everyone else is just leasing bandwidth. Time Warner can pull cable to a house, but past the CO, it's right back on Verizon.

Funny... verizon may have laid the fiber or local copper from the CO... but all other companies have access to it.. I actually buy my local high speed line access from a west coast company...

But hey, you got the cash and the land rights to lay the fiver and/or local copper... more power too ya.. go into competition... you are free to do so

The problem is, that it has a massive barrier to entry imposed by government. It's the same thing regarding comm utilities back in the day with a much heavier does of corporatism. Thais why I dislike the why it was govt fostered on set up.
The short answer is that the market does not do everything better
The biggest problem I have is with AT&T's "long haul" Servers. When I run a trace, I start seeing packet drops starting with them. For me, AT&T is the problem and there isn't a damn thing I can do about it.

As for Satelite Internet, it will never ever be a viable option for certain things like gaming. You can not play your PC Games, XBox, Playstation, GameCube or whatever Nintendo system is out now over Satelite and you never will unless it's a Turn Based Game like Checkers or Chess. Even then, people will become frustrated by how slow the game is moving.

I'm rather lucky since I live in a Rural area but we have Fiber Optic up to the end of our street and from there it's copper. Then again, that means nothing when the Service Provider contracts out to AT&T for their "Long Haul" servers and AT&T is really bad about fixing problems.
We need a public option in this market.


Who pulls the lines? Who installs the backbone? Who buys the switches?

This doesn't happen by magic.

American taxpayers already paid for fibre to every single home in America. Congress let them off the hook based on some crazy idea that we would rather have wireless cell phone data plans.

1.. no they did not
2.. you're not going to get fiber to every home in ability any time soon.. some just too out of the way
3.. The government has no business in the business of ISP
Funny... verizon may have laid the fiber or local copper from the CO... but all other companies have access to it..

For a price - i.e. they lease bandwidth.

I actually buy my local high speed line access from a west coast company...

It's Level 3, Verizon, or SBC (AT&T) - they have at least California locked up. It's not that it's illegal to compete, it just isn't practical. It would cost billions to recreate fiber backbones that are already in place.

But hey, you got the cash and the land rights to lay the fiver and/or local copper... more power too ya.. go into competition... you are free to do so


Who pulls the lines? Who installs the backbone? Who buys the switches?

This doesn't happen by magic.

American taxpayers already paid for fibre to every single home in America. Congress let them off the hook based on some crazy idea that we would rather have wireless cell phone data plans.

1.. no they did not
2.. you're not going to get fiber to every home in ability any time soon.. some just too out of the way
3.. The government has no business in the business of ISP

Yes, we did. Excuses. Govco's job is to break of monopolies and regulate interstate commerce, yeah that's the internet and other types of communication trunks and right of ways leased to telco's by our government.
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But that was inevitable because DARPA took the goods first as always. The military gets all the goodies first. Hence why I always buy military grade gear...like my new specops watch that is just awesome.

And hey.. if the 'monopoly complainers' own or can lease rights to land spanning miles to make a fiber mesh or ring, you go ahead and lay the millions and millions of dollars for fiber for a backbone... be my guest.. more competition is a good thing

In my town alone, I have have basically 5 choices for last mile or household internet service.. companies battling for it in a town with less than 750 houses

Laughable, these little progs are

i have one company.
I hope google fiber takes off and kills prices and all the rape they do.

But no you go switch to those 5 companies, They all give you the same basic rates for the same shit ball quality

But it's a MONOPOLY :rolleyes:

Not to mention I have choices between class.. I even have the choice that I have taken and having a ds3 directly to my fucking house, which I then have the option of offering to my neighbors to piggyback.. and this is paid for as a benefit in my employment in this fucking business...

I guess your McDonalds job does not come with that benefit

Funny.. I have no problems with quality.. and I could choose between several carries to handle the transmission.. my other neighbor has no problems with their comcast.. some complain about the speeds of the 2 dsl options by Verizon, but it is cheaper.. the old house about 4 miles up the road went the satellite route, download not bad, but upload sucks, but hey, HE LIVES A MILE OFF THE ROAD ON A FARM AND DOES NOT EVEN HAVE PUBLIC WATER AND SEWER...

It is, but then you are bias.
I can go down the list of companies and the rates will all end up being about the same. Class or no class. We pay too much for internet.
lol you are in the business and dont even get NN...lol

We have gone over NN ad nauseum.... and it is not about the freedom and private competition...

uh huh

C'mon Mr. Internet and data transmission expert.. you go right ahead and educate us about the way companies should peer with each other and be forced to by big mommy government or else... you tell us how not letting a company charge more if they have to run an extra 4 miles to your house is about freedom... you tell us that QoS is a bad thing

i have one company.
I hope google fiber takes off and kills prices and all the rape they do.

But no you go switch to those 5 companies, They all give you the same basic rates for the same shit ball quality

But it's a MONOPOLY :rolleyes:

Not to mention I have choices between class.. I even have the choice that I have taken and having a ds3 directly to my fucking house, which I then have the option of offering to my neighbors to piggyback.. and this is paid for as a benefit in my employment in this fucking business...

I guess your McDonalds job does not come with that benefit

Funny.. I have no problems with quality.. and I could choose between several carries to handle the transmission.. my other neighbor has no problems with their comcast.. some complain about the speeds of the 2 dsl options by Verizon, but it is cheaper.. the old house about 4 miles up the road went the satellite route, download not bad, but upload sucks, but hey, HE LIVES A MILE OFF THE ROAD ON A FARM AND DOES NOT EVEN HAVE PUBLIC WATER AND SEWER...

It is, but then you are bias.
I can go down the list of companies and the rates will all end up being about the same. Class or no class. We pay too much for internet.

Oh... another little thing you want even cheaper, no matter how much it costs the provider.. or maybe you want it subsidized by big mommy government too

Go fuck yourself, prog

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