Why is being white so........

Am I?


In the field of legal studies, CRT emphasizes that merely making laws colorblind on paper may not be enough to make the application of the laws colorblind; ostensibly colorblind laws can be applied in racially discriminatory ways.[17]

And, it follows that the solution would be......?
Marc, I believe in you. I believe you can succeed. You don't need special treatment. You've got this.
Am I?


In the field of legal studies, CRT emphasizes that merely making laws colorblind on paper may not be enough to make the application of the laws colorblind; ostensibly colorblind laws can be applied in racially discriminatory ways.[17]

And, it follows that the solution would be......?
Marc, I believe in you. I believe you can succeed. You don't need special treatment. You've got this.
And therein lies the rub. Race hustlers like Marc think that in order to be "Down Wit Da Cause", one has to be a hoodrat with his pants down to his ankles, suckling off the Democrat party tit.
I don't. I subscribe to King's ideal of judging a person by the content of their character and you sir, have none.
MLK also pushed for reparations for Black Americans. Do you subscribe to that as well?
The OP is actually right, because under the system of white supremacy those deemed as "white" are given a set of unearned goodies, giveaways and guarantees that are unparalleled.

Everyone else gets screwed, and since it's based on anti-blackness those deemed as "black" has it the worst.

Thanks for your honesty OP, as unwittingly as it was.

I must be black and did not even know it.

Maybe my white oppressors are color blind or something.
Every time I buy a new truck I get the white boy price with zero interest!!!
It's good to be white.

Well actually I get zero interest because I have excellent credit but I want you to think it's just white privilege just to piss you off.

Yeah....I beat up an old black lady and stole her welfare check and the cops just laughed and laughed.
They patted me on the back and gave me the white power hand symbol and gave me a coupon for a free lap dance at the local strip club.....with all white chicks.
No, he didn't. So this is what you want, revenge against ole whitey, amirite? Grow the fuck up!
Yes, he did. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you race-soldier....

Even he talks about the goodies, giveaways and guarantees white Americans got under the system in the second video.
No, he didn't. So this is what you want, revenge against ole whitey, amirite? Grow the fuck up!
Yes, he did. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you race-soldier....

Even he talks about the goodies, giveaways and guarantees white Americans got under the system in the second video.

Those aren't for whites only, moron!
....the skin listening industry in Singapore has nose dived ........
How do you listen to skin?
Its what the Chinese do before they harvest it


Then they just eat the dog

That should of been lightening
You've managed to sum up CRT in one phrase.

An analogous scenario is not just changing the rules of basketball because of Wilt Chamberlain, but changing the rules only for black people, because White Men Can't Jump.
I've really never wanted to be white.

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