Why is Biden letting Covid increase around the US?

Oh just stop with this horse manure. LOL. :auiqs.jpg:I mean, no one is buying it any more. Of course the right wing marches in lockstep. I've never seen talking points circulate so fast among the faithful. It's like you guys have each other on speed dial or an email blast list. When one right wing outlet proclaims something, you are all singing off the same song sheet by the end of the business day. :)

Face it. He was your savior. Your last hope to hang on to an America you remember fondly growing up. You were hoping that this country would stay frozen in time as you remembered it. When those dark and "different" people all knew their place. So you threw your support behind a kindred spirit. And when he turned out to be an incompetent disaster, people voted him out. I get it. You're making excuse after excuse for his incompetency. But you only have yourself to blame. You backed the wrong horse.

The only reason Trump is not our President today is because of all the mail-in voting. The more people who mail in, the more stupid and politically uninterested voters you end up with as we have just seen last election.

If we on the right march in lockstep, why did we not vote for a typical run of the mill Republican politician last two elections? If we all marched in lockstep, why are not all Republicans getting the vaccine Trump worked so hard to get to us, that he and his family took themselves?

It's like voter-id. Okay, how is voter-id racist? The reply is :aug08_031:The reason is nobody on the left can give a response that makes a lick of sense. You are told what to think, and you just think it no questions asked.
The only bullshit is what you are espousing. Fauci disagreed with Trump big time and spoke of the roadblocks that Trump threw at him. Yes, his first interview after Trump's loss was somewhat favorable relative to trump's treatment of him, but after that, his comments about trump became negative, like most others. What rock have you been hiding under?

He's the highest paid federal worker in the entire government. Of course he's going to try and keep his job with the commies in charge. But President Trump held daily press briefings on this subject. He allowed Drs Birx and Fauci to speak freely on anything they wanted. Every time they spoke, they talked about masks, hand sanitizing, social distancing. President Trump also invited other medical experts to express their opinions.

I got my shot, but if I had not and were on the fence about it, I'm not concerned about what Trump says about them. I'd be more focused on what the Democrats are doing, such as making kids in class all wear masks, telling people this isn't going to ever end; that other variants are on their way and we may be wearing masks forever, that even if we do wipe out covid, it's a good idea to wear masks in the winter to help stop the flu.

Nobody is going to get a vaccine unless it helps lead us us to a normal way of life again, and the way they Democrats are, that's not looking very promising. So look in the mirror before you start taking shots at anybody else. It may be your own party that's turning people off of vaccines.

Again, zero idea of what reality you live in. But it's not the real world. Trump was sidelined on March 12th after bungling the address to the nation the night before. But that only held for a week or two. Soon, he was back, talking about injecting disinfectants and introducing UV light into the body "in some other way". Sorry, "freely speaking" wasn't in the Trump lexicon. But neither was competence. And I believe the doctors are couching here. It was probably worse.
Oh just stop with this horse manure. LOL. :auiqs.jpg:I mean, no one is buying it any more. Of course the right wing marches in lockstep. I've never seen talking points circulate so fast among the faithful. It's like you guys have each other on speed dial or an email blast list. When one right wing outlet proclaims something, you are all singing off the same song sheet by the end of the business day. :)

Face it. He was your savior. Your last hope to hang on to an America you remember fondly growing up. You were hoping that this country would stay frozen in time as you remembered it. When those dark and "different" people all knew their place. So you threw your support behind a kindred spirit. And when he turned out to be an incompetent disaster, people voted him out. I get it. You're making excuse after excuse for his incompetency. But you only have yourself to blame. You backed the wrong horse.

The only reason Trump is not our President today is because of all the mail-in voting. The more people who mail in, the more stupid and politically uninterested voters you end up with as we have just seen last election.

If we on the right march in lockstep, why did we not vote for a typical run of the mill Republican politician last two elections? If we all marched in lockstep, why are not all Republicans getting the vaccine Trump worked so hard to get to us, that he and his family took themselves?

It's like voter-id. Okay, how is voter-id racist? The reply is :aug08_031:The reason is nobody on the left can give a response that makes a lick of sense. You are told what to think, and you just think it no questions asked.
Mail-in voting has been used by states and the military without incident for decades. What you saw in 2020 was the nullification of voter suppression and gerrymandering that have been the hallmark of the GOP for the last two decades.
That should be the norm. It should be automatic. I mean jeez, if we're talking about stupid and uninformed voters, that's a master class in the pathology of the right wing in this country. So, the people who were affected by the pandemic
the most, ended up being the difference makers that showed Trump the door. If he just gives a bit of a shit about responding to the pandemic, he locks up his re-election before one vote is cast in the Democratic primaries.
You are not marching in lockstep on the vaccine because your savior has not come out and explicitly said to his faithful, "Get the vaccine". That and your reliance on alt-right media sources for your "information". Who are doing a damn fine
job of misinformation. I haven't seen media message effectiveness like this since a bunch of guys in Germany did it in the early 1930's. :)
Oh just stop with this horse manure. LOL. :auiqs.jpg:I mean, no one is buying it any more. Of course the right wing marches in lockstep. I've never seen talking points circulate so fast among the faithful. It's like you guys have each other on speed dial or an email blast list. When one right wing outlet proclaims something, you are all singing off the same song sheet by the end of the business day. :)

Face it. He was your savior. Your last hope to hang on to an America you remember fondly growing up. You were hoping that this country would stay frozen in time as you remembered it. When those dark and "different" people all knew their place. So you threw your support behind a kindred spirit. And when he turned out to be an incompetent disaster, people voted him out. I get it. You're making excuse after excuse for his incompetency. But you only have yourself to blame. You backed the wrong horse.

The only reason Trump is not our President today is because of all the mail-in voting. The more people who mail in, the more stupid and politically uninterested voters you end up with as we have just seen last election.

If we on the right march in lockstep, why did we not vote for a typical run of the mill Republican politician last two elections? If we all marched in lockstep, why are not all Republicans getting the vaccine Trump worked so hard to get to us, that he and his family took themselves?

It's like voter-id. Okay, how is voter-id racist? The reply is :aug08_031:The reason is nobody on the left can give a response that makes a lick of sense. You are told what to think, and you just think it no questions asked.
Trump is no longer President because of his shit assed COVID response and because he is a jerk. It had nothing to do with mail in ballots.

Voter ID itself is not racist. Restrictive ID laws like those put in place in red States DO disproportionately effect people of color. This is a fact. Do you support Manchin' s voter ID law?
Being concerned is fine… but you’re spinning concern with a concerted effort to spread fear and skepticism to make all the supporters of the vax into big gov socialist. Fauci is bad. The numbers are false, can’t trust gov. That’s what’s being pushed

The internet is the internet. But when a member of my own family died of cancer and they labeled it a covid death, then we are talking personal experience. When I talk to friends and family associated with covid patients in hospitals and they tell me the same thing, that's personal experience. It's not just internet rumor.

Based on personal experience, what I've read, other doctors that object to Fauci's recommendation, correct, I do not trust government. I didn't before covid and I don't now.
Trump is no longer President because of his shit assed COVID response and because he is a jerk. It had nothing to do with mail in ballots.

Voter ID itself is not racist. Restrictive ID laws like those put in place in red States DO disproportionately effect people of color. This is a fact. Do you support Manchin' s voter ID law?

Here we go again. Okay, explain how a law that applies to everybody equally can be more harmful to one group over the other. Go!
Here we go again. Okay, explain how a law that applies to everybody equally can be more harmful to one group over the other. Go!
Because one group is less likely to posses the restrictive ID required in red States

Now why not answer my question. Do you support Manchin's voter ID laws idea? I do.
Because one group is less likely to posses the restrictive ID required in red States

Now why not answer my question. Do you support Manchin's voter ID laws idea? I do.

Nice try posting sites with paywalls, but you're not the only leftist to pull that stunt. You aren't that slick or creative.

So why is one "group" less likely to get an ID? Oh, that's right, Democrats think they are incompetent and incapable because of the color of their skin. They've always treated minorities like the kids on the short bus. No, I didn't read up on Manchin's ID idea. Tell me what you object to about it.
Nice try posting sites with paywalls, but you're not the only leftist to pull that stunt. You aren't that slick or creative.

So why is one "group" less likely to get an ID? Oh, that's right, Democrats think they are incompetent and incapable because of the color of their skin. They've always treated minorities like the kids on the short bus. No, I didn't read up on Manchin's ID idea. Tell me what you object to about it.
Open in a private tab or reading view. :rolleyes:

I don't object to Manchin's bill. I support it. It would build on the current Federal voting ID laws. Did you even know that there are already voter ID laws for Federal elections?
People on the left and people n the right are two different animals. We on the right don't march in lockstep to whatever our leaders command. We are free thinkers and do what we feel is best for ourselves and family. When leftist leaders tell their sheep something, they believe it and obey without question.

It's President Trump who laid heavy pressure on the FDA to permit these vaccines. It was President Trump who spent 14 billion dollars to secure contracts with 8 different companies this time last year, to make sure Americans came first when the vaccine was finally approved. We on the right were well aware that President Trump and his family all had their vaccinations. He even went on Fox to tell the audience he not only approved of getting the vaccine, but highly recommended them. We know all that already.

This phony attempt to try and place blame on President Trump for everything is as transparent as plastic wrap for your potato salad. It's bogus and everybody outside of the sheep know this. Nearly 200,000 Americans have died from Covid since Dementia took office in January, and you won't find one commentator or politician on the right blaming him, because unlike the left, we are not complete liars.
First of all, you trumpiciles are hardly free thinkers in that you support a fascist who cares only about money, power and control. He loves uneducated and uninformed people like you because you are easy to manipulate and he has said so. Free thinkers are Democrats and certainly not trump supporters, who believe anything that trump espouses.
It was trump who put heavy pressure on the FDA to permit these vaccines even though the vaccines had not been properly vetted. I am glad that he did in this case. Saying that he highly recommends something like a life-saving vaccine and actually pressing the issue are 2 different things. His lack of action on the Covid for 3 months is the reason for so many deaths. Believe it, sonny.
There is no phony attempt to place blame on trump for anything that he is not responsible for. Unlike the left, you support liars. Oh, and once again your high school mentality is getting in the way of your brains with your obtuse rhetoric.
He isn't. The unvaccinated (a lot of Trump supporters) are the ones being infected, being hospitalized, the ones dying. They are also serving as
petri dishes for the virus to mutate if it wants to. At this rate, we may never be rid of the virus due to the ignorance and selfishness of the
anti-vaxx crowd. And your dear leader has been notoriously anti-vaxx (despite getting one himself).
His complete bungling of the response to virus when it first broke over here means that every single death...is attributed to him.
What a cool thing to have next to your bio for the historians. :)
What a crock of shit-------Baby cakes---its the illegals that Biden is having our military fly around. The first Covid 19 was also following the illegals around and so is this new delta strain. Fucking biden is shipping most of his illegals to Florida.
First of all, you trumpiciles are hardly free thinkers in that you support a fascist who cares only about money, power and control. He loves uneducated and uninformed people like you because you are easy to manipulate and he has said so. Free thinkers are Democrats and certainly not trump supporters, who believe anything that trump espouses.
It was trump who put heavy pressure on the FDA to permit these vaccines even though the vaccines had not been properly vetted. I am glad that he did in this case. Saying that he highly recommends something like a life-saving vaccine and actually pressing the issue are 2 different things. His lack of action on the Covid for 3 months is the reason for so many deaths. Believe it, sonny.
There is no phony attempt to place blame on trump for anything that he is not responsible for. Unlike the left, you support liars. Oh, and once again your high school mentality is getting in the way of your brains with your obtuse rhetoric.

OMG, you people don't even realize when you put your foot in your own mouth. Trump is responsible for the 600,000 American deaths, but Biden is not responsible for the near 200,000 American deaths even though unlike Trump, he had the vaccines his entire first term. But nahhhhh, you people on the left aren't hypocrites.

I would give you a link on what the Trump administration did since the introduction of this virus into the US, but what's the point of trying to convinced somebody that's already brainwashed by CNN and other MSM outlets.
He's the highest paid federal worker in the entire government. Of course he's going to try and keep his job with the commies in charge. But President Trump held daily press briefings on this subject. He allowed Drs Birx and Fauci to speak freely on anything they wanted. Every time they spoke, they talked about masks, hand sanitizing, social distancing. President Trump also invited other medical experts to express their opinions.

I got my shot, but if I had not and were on the fence about it, I'm not concerned about what Trump says about them. I'd be more focused on what the Democrats are doing, such as making kids in class all wear masks, telling people this isn't going to ever end; that other variants are on their way and we may be wearing masks forever, that even if we do wipe out covid, it's a good idea to wear masks in the winter to help stop the flu.

Nobody is going to get a vaccine unless it helps lead us us to a normal way of life again, and the way they Democrats are, that's not looking very promising. So look in the mirror before you start taking shots at anybody else. It may be your own party that's turning people off of vaccines.
Dr. Fauci took an oath and that is why remained on the job with trump, because he shuttered to think what would have happened with one of trump's lapdogs advising that moron.. Trust me. Fauci does not need the job.
The rest of your blog is a lot of gibberish "duh" stuff. The medical community is advising on the masks, lambchop, not the Democrats. The trumpiciles are ignoring that advice as usual and are catching the variant at an alarming rate.
Apparently you are confused about the two words "we" and "I".
Ha ha. Semantics, yes? What a stupid remark! "We", in this case, means "I" because trump makes all the decisions and only wants to hear what he wants to hear and not what he needs to hear. Didn't you know that? Anyone giving trump advice that he doesn't want to hear is gone.
OMG, you people don't even realize when you put your foot in your own mouth. Trump is responsible for the 600,000 American deaths, but Biden is not responsible for the near 200,000 American deaths even though unlike Trump, he had the vaccines his entire first term. But nahhhhh, you people on the left aren't hypocrites.

I would give you a link on what the Trump administration did since the introduction of this virus into the US, but what's the point of trying to convinced somebody that's already brainwashed by CNN and other MSM outlets.
Oh, your gosh? trump loves people of your ilk for your lack of sense. This enables him to control you.
Open in a private tab or reading view. :rolleyes:

I don't object to Manchin's bill. I support it. It would build on the current Federal voting ID laws. Did you even know that there are already voter ID laws for Federal elections?

Each state has their own voting requirements when it comes to voting either in a national or local election. The commies are trying to change that but you can't fight the Constitution. They wouldn't have the power to get it passed anyway as surveys show most Americans are against the idea.

You need a valid ID for most things in the country. You need one to buy a pack of cigarettes, a 12 pack of beer, to board an airplane, to get a home loan, to cash a personal check, to get a VISA, just a number of things. It would almost be impossible to live here without any kind of ID unless you lived out in the street.

Roll purges are used to eliminate people who did not vote in a number of years. They send out several mailers to the people they plan to remove unless they respond with the postage paid envelop stating they want to remain on the rolls. There is no law or requirement that institutions that handle dead people have to report it to the deceased place of voting, or that people must alert their voting officials when they leave the district or state. In fact I was watching one report where in Georgia, they found over 10,000 voters that voted twice; once in from their former place of residence, and once at their new residence, and they haven't even gone through the entire list yet.
The internet is the internet. But when a member of my own family died of cancer and they labeled it a covid death, then we are talking personal experience. When I talk to friends and family associated with covid patients in hospitals and they tell me the same thing, that's personal experience. It's not just internet rumor.

Based on personal experience, what I've read, other doctors that object to Fauci's recommendation, correct, I do not trust government. I didn't before covid and I don't now.
The cancer weakened your family member's ability to fight the Covid, genius.
Ha ha. Semantics, yes? What a stupid remark! "We", in this case, means "I" because trump makes all the decisions and only wants to hear what he wants to hear and not what he needs to hear. Didn't you know that? Anyone giving trump advice that he doesn't want to hear is gone.

You claimed that Trump "said" he was controlling the virus. Now you move the goal posts when you can't backup your claim.

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