Why is Biden letting Covid increase around the US?

Dr. Fauci took an oath and that is why remained on the job with trump, because he shuttered to think what would have happened with one of trump's lapdogs advising that moron.. Trust me. Fauci does not need the job.
The rest of your blog is a lot of gibberish "duh" stuff. The medical community is advising on the masks, lambchop, not the Democrats. The trumpiciles are ignoring that advice as usual and are catching the variant at an alarming rate.

Yeah, right. Your dementia patient is allowing untested migrants into this country by the thousands every week, and then busing them all across the country coast to coast. How does this expert Fauci feel about that? Oh, that's right, no comment. He's not going to bite the hand that feeds him.
The Xiden Pandemic is coming folks…couldn’t be a worse time since we are dealing with this Xiden inflation already
How is he controlling us when your claim on the left is it's Republicans not getting the vaccine?
What? It is trumpiciles, not Republicans. I don't follow your lack of logic on this. Trump is doing virtually zappo to convince his followers. Not all trumpiciles are resistant.
Yeah, right. Your dementia patient is allowing untested migrants into this country by the thousands every week, and then busing them all across the country coast to coast. How does this expert Fauci feel about that? Oh, that's right, no comment. He's not going to bite the hand that feeds him.
Whatever the fuck that means
No, he had it for nearly a year and was 94 years old genius. Plus nobody with covid ever came near him. Every single person was tested.
so what. His 94 y.ear old body could not resist the Covid. That nobody came near him is irrelevant.
Covid is in the air. Don't you do any research at all?

Why 41 percent of Republicans don't plan to get the COVID ...
PBS: Public Broadcasting Service › newshour › show › why-41-perc...
Mar 19, 2021 — Although nearly 41 million Americans are now fully vaccinated against COVID-19, one segment of the population remains steadfast in its ...
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so what. His 94 y.ear old body could not resist the Covid. That nobody came near him is irrelevant.
Covid is in the air. Don't you do any research at all?

Are you stupid or something? Yes, covid is in the air only if somebody has it and is coughing or sneezing. It doesn't go into the air, all across a neighborhood, through a screen door and get into somebody's house. Nobody near him had it, and furthermore, everybody (12 people) that was in the room with him before he got hauled off to the hospital got it from him either including my 89 year old father. Explain that one genius, especially when everybody knew that would be the last time they'd see him again and a lot of hugs and kisses went around.
Whatever the fuck that means

It's pretty simple English. Your confused leader is allowing all these immigrants into the country untested, and busing them across the country. The BP estimates that at this rate, by the end of the year, we will have close to 2 million more illegals in this country.
What? It is trumpiciles, not Republicans. I don't follow your lack of logic on this. Trump is doing virtually zappo to convince his followers. Not all trumpiciles are resistant.

Trump supporters are Republican. He's a member of the Republican party. The vaccine came out in late December, about one month before he left office. In the meantime, he was campaigning and then fighting yet another phony impeachment. Dementia has been in office nearly 6 months, and nearly 200,000 dead already.
Whatever the fuck that means
Those are untested genuflectors that the puppet and his sleep-up are trafficking across the border. Fau Chi and the POSPOTUS are not going to bite the Catholic mafia hand that pulls their strings.
The internet is the internet. But when a member of my own family died of cancer and they labeled it a covid death, then we are talking personal experience. When I talk to friends and family associated with covid patients in hospitals and they tell me the same thing, that's personal experience. It's not just internet rumor.

Based on personal experience, what I've read, other doctors that object to Fauci's recommendation, correct, I do not trust government. I didn't before covid and I don't now.
I’m sorry about your family member… condolences. Did they have COVID when they passed away?
And I have no problem with being skeptical about government and medical directives. But what is going on from many in the right wing is not honest or healthy. It’s political and it is only hurting what should be a unified effort to get pasted the COVID crisis. We are doing better than other countries right now because of the vaccines. That’s a fact. Unvaccinated people are the vast majority of those being hospitalized. That’s a fact.
What a crock of shit-------Baby cakes---its the illegals that Biden is having our military fly around. The first Covid 19 was also following the illegals around and so is this new delta strain. Fucking biden is shipping most of his illegals to Florida.
No crock necessary. Stop deflecting. It's red state country that are causing the surges. Sorry, those are the supporters of the last guy in large part.
I’m sorry about your family member… condolences. Did they have COVID when they passed away?
And I have no problem with being skeptical about government and medical directives. But what is going on from many in the right wing is not honest or healthy. It’s political and it is only hurting what should be a unified effort to get pasted the COVID crisis. We are doing better than other countries right now because of the vaccines. That’s a fact. Unvaccinated people are the vast majority of those being hospitalized. That’s a fact.

Thank you for your condolences. I don't disagree with anything you say. Look......I'm vaccinated myself. I took a blood test about a week after my first shot. The report gave me a warning about slightly high Alkaline Phosphatase. My doctor said it could be caused by anything, but told me to give it a month and get another blood test so I did, this time two weeks after the second shot. The numbers were even much higher.

I've taken this test about once every six months. Looking at the history, those numbers were always on the lower side of the normal scale. Now they are off the chart, first time over 15, and second time 50 points. Coincidence? Could be. But what if this vaccine ruined my liver? Should it not be reported to anybody? Would it be anti-vax to warn others if it's suspected that the vaccine did do this to me?
Being concerned is fine… but you’re spinning concern with a concerted effort to spread fear and skepticism to make all the supporters of the vax into big gov socialist. Fauci is bad. The numbers are false, can’t trust gov. That’s what’s being pushed

Not everyone processes things the same way.

It is certainly easy to see why people are suspicious of what they are being told given the pathetic track record of Fauci and the CDC on the virus.

On the one hand, something had to be said....I get that.

But when you are wrong, you need to admit it.
No crock necessary. Stop deflecting. It's red state country that are causing the surges. Sorry, those are the supporters of the last guy in large part.

Top 5 states for active infections are blue states.

If there is a surge in red states, it means those states numbers were lower than these top five and less so now.
Thank you for your condolences. I don't disagree with anything you say. Look......I'm vaccinated myself. I took a blood test about a week after my first shot. The report gave me a warning about slightly high Alkaline Phosphatase. My doctor said it could be caused by anything, but told me to give it a month and get another blood test so I did, this time two weeks after the second shot. The numbers were even much higher.

I've taken this test about once every six months. Looking at the history, those numbers were always on the lower side of the normal scale. Now they are off the chart, first time over 15, and second time 50 points. Coincidence? Could be. But what if this vaccine ruined my liver? Should it not be reported to anybody? Would it be anti-vax to warn others if it's suspected that the vaccine did do this to me?
No that’s not anti vax, these are very new and rushed medicines and should be scrutinized and continuously tested. I just want honest reporting and discussions about all of this and when the right lies and hyperbolizes for political reasons the the left counters with ignoring and dismissing everything. It’s a very unhealthy dynamic on both sides that effects those in the middle who are just looking for what’s real
Each state has their own voting requirements when it comes to voting either in a national or local election. The commies are trying to change that but you can't fight the Constitution. They wouldn't have the power to get it passed anyway as surveys show most Americans are against the idea.

You need a valid ID for most things in the country. You need one to buy a pack of cigarettes, a 12 pack of beer, to board an airplane, to get a home loan, to cash a personal check, to get a VISA, just a number of things. It would almost be impossible to live here without any kind of ID unless you lived out in the street.

Roll purges are used to eliminate people who did not vote in a number of years. They send out several mailers to the people they plan to remove unless they respond with the postage paid envelop stating they want to remain on the rolls. There is no law or requirement that institutions that handle dead people have to report it to the deceased place of voting, or that people must alert their voting officials when they leave the district or state. In fact I was watching one report where in Georgia, they found over 10,000 voters that voted twice; once in from their former place of residence, and once at their new residence, and they haven't even gone through the entire list yet.
That was a whole lot of words to ignore the fact that it is more difficult for black, brown and poor people to get the restrictive ID that is required in some states and to ignore the question as to whether you support Manchin's voter ID law proposal.

Nothing wrong with normal, scheduled list maintenance. I do it all the time and I'm just waiting until November 2022 and I'll be able to cancel thousands of voters that did not respond to my postcard. And? That's all REQUIRED in that same FEDERAL law that requires ID in Federal elections. That same law also requires that states; maintenance of a general program that makes a “reasonable effort to remove the names of ineligible voters from the lists of eligible voters” by reason of death or change in the residence of the registrant.

This is how bullshit gets going on Facebook. It wasn't 10,000, it was 1,000 and alleged, not proven. After every single election I run a report called "voters who voted twice". That report usually gets me a couple dozen responses. When I'm done investigating them all I usually end up forwarding about a half a dozen potential cases of a voter that voted twice. Of those cases I forward to the SOS or DA, maybe one or two will actually prove to be cases of a voter that voted twice. Ninety-nine percent of the time the voter didn't do it on purpose.
Not everyone processes things the same way.

It is certainly easy to see why people are suspicious of what they are being told given the pathetic track record of Fauci and the CDC on the virus.

On the one hand, something had to be said....I get that.

But when you are wrong, you need to admit it.
You’ve heard Fauci admit to being wrong pretty much every time he’s been wrong haven’t you? That’s what the right wing has been using against him.

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