Why is Biden letting Covid increase around the US?

Once the vaccines get full approval, the government can legally issue vaccine mandates.
That should go over well with the Drumpftards. I can see many bombings and mass shootings on the horizon if they have to force them to get jabbed.
Well, there are certain things that would increase vaccinations but considered normal....


- Requiring the vaccination for all in the Military, maybe even government contractors working for the Defense dept....

-Requiring vaccinations to enter school for those 12 and up eligible. Other vaccines are already mandated for schools.

Plus once fully approved, more businesses will be more comfortable with employee mandates.

Once more people are vaccinated with no complications, like the families of the military, may then get vaccinated.... And any of their non military anti vaxxer friends may see, that their friends that got the vaccines are doing fine, and may soon get a vaccination themselves.....?
The count is around 10,000 dead from the vaccine. But you don't know that because your party constantly lies to you.
Show us where 10k people died from the vaccine. BTW dont show me the site where anyone can log in and report a death from a vaccine.
Thats says "Rates". do you understand the difference between a rate and a number?

Do you understand that the number will always be higher for groups that have more people? What they are talking about is per capita; the percentage of blacks which as all articles point out, is larger than those of whites.
No stupid. I want the whole numbers. How many Black people havent gotten the jab vs how many whites?
70 % of the country has gotten the jab ...
Thats a weird way to avoid answering my question.
why hasnt Biden improved access for blacks then ? doesnt the left care about blacks ? less than 35 % of blacks have gotten the 1st jab ?
I will let you know when you answer my question.
there isnt info to be found .... but you are saying that most people not getting vaccinated are Trump supporters ... if you add blacks 46 million and latinos 60 million and the nearly 70 % arent vaccinated what number do you come up with ? the math is very very simple .

Do you know what most means? Lets make it real simple. If 10 people haven't gotten vaccinated guaranteed 7 of them are white Dump supporters.
I dunno. If the ICU's fill up again, some innocent people who have accidents and heart attacks will probably die needlessly, but then again it might be impossible for the TrumpTard governors and Faux to avoid the reality that their anti-science know nothingism kills people.
Of course way more whites haven't gotten it which was my point all along. I agree this isnt rocket science but you did seem to have serious trouble understanding that.

No, it's just as a leftist, you are a born liar. More blacks (as a percentage) have not gotten the vaccine than whites (by percentage of whites).
I said nothing about percentages. You introduced that because you know there are more whites unvaccinated.
Nope. One of the vaccines is all but approved, just FDA paperwork and reports are being filed.... It's real close.

Once approved, there are certain federal functions on mandatory vaccinations the govt will be allowed to do, under the law....like....mandating for all military, or for schools for 12 yr old and up, once they get fully approved.... Heard this on the news.

That's why you need to watch real news instead of commie news. This vaccine is suspect of bringing harm to children that have already gotten it. If the schools or teachers unions demand it, fine with me, but they should be held liable for all injuries that come to people they forced to take it. Maybe they will be able to sue the teachers union out of business which would be fine with me.
Actual cases of harm will be a part of the process.
I said nothing about percentages. You introduced that because you know there are more whites unvaccinated.

Well WTF did you think this was about? Of course it's to point out that more blacks are not vaccinated than whites as a group. Did you read the links? That's what they are claiming.
Actual cases of harm will be a part of the process.

The vaccine companies have immunity as this is an experimental drug, but businesses, city schools and unions don't have that immunity. If they forced my kid to take a shot and five years down the road, he or she has medical problems caused by the vaccine they were forced to take, then the party responsible for forcing them to take it is financially liable as it should be.
I dunno. If the ICU's fill up again, some innocent people who have accidents and heart attacks will probably die needlessly, but then again it might be impossible for the TrumpTard governors and Faux to avoid the reality that their anti-science know nothingism kills people.

If they fill up again, the only possible explanation would be these vaccines don't work since over half the country is now vaccinated.
I said nothing about percentages. You introduced that because you know there are more whites unvaccinated.

Well WTF did you think this was about? Of course it's to point out that more blacks are not vaccinated than whites as a group. Did you read the links? That's what they are claiming.
"Of course it's to point out that more blacks are not vaccinated than whites as a group."

Which had nothing to do with what I said. I said more whites were unvaccinated and specifically drump humpers. You tried to turn it into something else but you werent smart enough to pull it off.
I dunno. If the ICU's fill up again, some innocent people who have accidents and heart attacks will probably die needlessly, but then again it might be impossible for the TrumpTard governors and Faux to avoid the reality that their anti-science know nothingism kills people.
This is so true! Our hospitals and healthcare system is still playing catch up from last year! My husband tore his rotator cuff and a bicep muscles that was cut, and reattached...it was a very long process just to get an MRI, and then to get the surgery.... From October 2020 to June in 2021 for the surgery.... He's still incapacitated and in a sling and going through rehab/ physical therapy for three more months.... Sigh....poor thing...Sigh again....:(
I dunno. If the ICU's fill up again, some innocent people who have accidents and heart attacks will probably die needlessly, but then again it might be impossible for the TrumpTard governors and Faux to avoid the reality that their anti-science know nothingism kills people.

If they fill up again, the only possible explanation would be these vaccines don't work since over half the country is now vaccinated.
The ones dying are 99% people NOT VACCINATED.

Which PROVES the vaccines ARE WORKING.

The ineptitude of Biden is never more apparent than with each spike in Covid deaths.

Thanks to the efforts of Donald Trump, the country has access to a vaccine but their glorious leader is incapable of figuring out a way to prevent these deaths

Just amazing.

Everyone who voted for Biden and personally helped kill these people.
Have you taken the vax? Would you like to see the gov mandate taking the vax?
Of course way more whites haven't gotten it which was my point all along. I agree this isnt rocket science but you did seem to have serious trouble understanding that.

No, it's just as a leftist, you are a born liar. More blacks (as a percentage) have not gotten the vaccine than whites (by percentage of whites).
True, but blacks are getting vaccinated at faster rates.
I dunno. If the ICU's fill up again, some innocent people who have accidents and heart attacks will probably die needlessly, but then again it might be impossible for the TrumpTard governors and Faux to avoid the reality that their anti-science know nothingism kills people.

If they fill up again, the only possible explanation would be these vaccines don't work since over half the country is now vaccinated.
The ones dying are 99% people NOT VACCINATED.

Which PROVES the vaccines ARE WORKING.
Logic? YOu want Ray to apply LOGIC? So funny. LOL
COVID-19: Vaccination rates still lagging for Blacks, Hispanics in U.S., Ohio and Ky.

This is so funny. Trump pushed to get this vaccine out to Americans ASAP, and the claim is it's Trump supporters who are not getting them. The Democrats are supporting the vaccine, and it's their people who are not getting the vaccines.
Did you watch CPAC at all? Happen to notice how many of their speakers pushed the anti vax narrative? They don’t want the Fauci ouchie. Why dont you think of those people as a source of the problem?
True, but blacks are getting vaccinated at faster rates.

Still meaningless. Bottom line is black Democrats are more hesitant to getting the vaccines than whites are. I live in a heavily black populated suburb. Many blacks are still wearing their masks, and they wouldn't be if they were vaccinated.
Did you watch CPAC at all? Happen to notice how many of their speakers pushed the anti vax narrative? They don’t want the Fauci ouchie. Why dont you think of those people as a source of the problem?

No I didn't. I find things like that and speeches pretty boring. But since you caught every minute, why don't you post a video or three of the anti-vax people there giving speeches.
Did you watch CPAC at all? Happen to notice how many of their speakers pushed the anti vax narrative? They don’t want the Fauci ouchie. Why dont you think of those people as a source of the problem?

No I didn't. I find things like that and speeches pretty boring. But since you caught every minute, why don't you post a video or three of the anti-vax people there giving speeches.
Not a problem, but if I take to time to do that are you just going to dismiss them as no biggie deal or admit that these leaders are a source of the problem and the right wing is pushing the anti vax narrative?

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