Why is Biden letting Covid increase around the US?

So, pollen cannot get into a car? That is a new one.

"A cabin air filter is, as the name suggests, a filter that blocks dust, debris, pollutants, and allergens from entering the cabin of the car. It is a small filter, usually about the size of a hardback book, that is typically inserted into the air system behind the glove compartment. "

You might consider changing yours out.....

"A cabin air filter is, as the name suggests, a filter that blocks dust, debris, pollutants, and allergens from entering the cabin of the car. It is a small filter, usually about the size of a hardback book, that is typically inserted into the air system behind the glove compartment. "

You might consider changing yours out.....

I do not wear a mask in my car, but neither do I mock those that choose to.

I am cool with people that have different views than me.

You might give it a try and see how it feels
I do not wear a mask in my car, but neither do I mock those that choose to.

I am cool with people that have different views than me.

You might give it a try and see how it feels
You're fine with their view just not the view that they are stupid for thinking wearing a mask in your car offers some protection from COVID that your car (AKA glass bubble) and being outside all by yourself doesn't already convey. Im fine with them wearing one. I dont think they should be barred or it made illegal, but that doesnt mean I dont think they are stupid for thinking it's doing anything for them. I dont think you need to be a genius to figure out that running down the road at 30 MPH in your little bubble is likely more protection than the face diaper you plastered on your face.

Is it that controversial that thinking you need to wear a mask in your car going down the road all by yourself is kind of dumb?
Let’s see the statistics for murders. 21,000 in a year. Less than 10% of those murders are committed by strangers. We are talking 2000 murders a year out of 300 million people. It’s barely a rounding error.

It makes no sense given your chance of being murdered is absolutely minuscule. Makes no sense. Maybe people carrying guns are just uneducated.

Where did I restrict it to murder? It could be assault, it could be an attempted robbery, car jacking, it could be an armed citizen trying to help the woman in the parking lot loading the trunk of her car and some clown trying to steal her purse. Firearms are not just to protect you from murder.
Where did I restrict it to murder? It could be assault, it could be an attempted robbery, car jacking, it could be an armed citizen trying to help the woman in the parking lot loading the trunk of her car and some clown trying to steal her purse. Firearms are not just to protect you from murder.
Because we are talking about life saving effects.

Not having a purse stolen.
I gave like 4 or 5 in my response to your question. Post #793. What’s with the broken record?!
That's not actually answering the question. Once someone can articulate a valid reason I'll stop asking for one. "Who cares" isnt a reason.
Because if you're outside all alone or alone in a car, there is zero chance of you getting covid or giving it to somebody else.
So to be clear, you have no problem with anyone wearing a mask anywhere else?

And maybe they’re just hopping in the car quick or they’re going to be picking someone else up quick and didn’t find the need to take it off. You don’t know.
You probably shouldnt express that you think they are stupid. It's kind of rude. I think people who wear masks in their car are stupid but I wouldnt randomly walk up to them and tell them that.
This is weird.

Yeah. It feels a bit tongue though. Minus the uproar about ”assault weapons” I don’t think they take the picture
That’s exactly what I said. The more they’re offended, the weirder they act.

But supposedly they don’t care what we think. Doesn’t seem like it to me.

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