Why is climate science political?

truly incredible.........the environmental nutters keep talking about the science as if doing so, over and over and over and over and over is going to change the dynamic in public policy which is what exactly this thread, obstensibly, is about. Its like an autistic person whacking their head off a wall 5,000 times in an effort to get something thats not coming. Even the goofball who started the thread is locked into the science talk.

Realville is the only place to be s0ns..........look over the water in Europe. Their fantasy-world for the last 40 years is not bringing them to the stark realization that retirement age isnt going to be 55. Its not even going to be 60. Experts are talking 80 s0ns........which is what happens when people insist on living outside of Realville. You can do the makey-uppey stuff all you want but in Realville........money matters. The world economy is teetering and the nutters think everything can be turned on its ear based upon some numbers from a computer model.

Simpletons are gay.............
Skooks -

Do you think your posting might have more of an impact if you could read and write?

I have you on ignore mode anyway....I'm just wondering if there is anyone who doesn't...?
For the record, though, Gore's film was being shown to school children in Britain.

BBC NEWS | UK | Education | Gore climate film's nine 'errors'

It had a brief run at the movies here, too, and may have been on TV at some stage.

Likewise the Michael Moore movies do get a run in theatres, but for most people they just aren't particularly relevent outside US borders.

PS - thanks for the compliment! Much appreciated! I did live in New Zealand for a while, so that helped!

For me, the reason that Gore is a good poster child for this topic is that he was either deeply uninformed or was running a swindle. His science was trash, his conclusions were baseless and the film was both disingenuous, to be generous, and unvarnished propaganda.

The result? It was held up as a masterpiece by the Liberal Elite and he was awarded both an Academy Award over here and a Nobel Peace Prize over there.

It reveals him, the Liberal Elite and the Warmers for exactly what they are.

You may deduce what that is by the quality of the film and the research that went in to making it.

OK. Yap-yap. No specifics. Other than you believe that the vast majority of the scientists in the world belong to this "liberal elite".

Care to point out in detail where Al Gores film had major errors?
truly incredible.........the environmental nutters keep talking about the science as if doing so, over and over and over and over and over is going to change the dynamic in public policy which is what exactly this thread, obstensibly, is about. Its like an autistic person whacking their head off a wall 5,000 times in an effort to get something thats not coming. Even the goofball who started the thread is locked into the science talk.

Realville is the only place to be s0ns..........look over the water in Europe. Their fantasy-world for the last 40 years is not bringing them to the stark realization that retirement age isnt going to be 55. Its not even going to be 60. Experts are talking 80 s0ns........which is what happens when people insist on living outside of Realville. You can do the makey-uppey stuff all you want but in Realville........money matters. The world economy is teetering and the nutters think everything can be turned on its ear based upon some numbers from a computer model.

Simpletons are gay.............

Like Quantum Windbag, who admits he's gay.

Like the bath-house posses, who kept tricking, shooting speed, and tricking, until HIV became known, all the way to full-blown AIDS.

You simple, tinfoil-hat-wearing piece of Log Cabin gay shit! Your pants are on fire.
Are Faithers big on ghost hunters too?
Your post is spam. If you want to post spam, put up ridiculous, cyclic argument, against biomass and re-greening, not complete shit, without reference, to:
1. Whether you refer to people who have left Mother Earth, to colonize other worlds;
2. or to dumbshit Christians of the future;
3. or to fucktards who believe in God, Almighty.

Post on climate science, politics, or answer the OP, with a post about why climate science is political, which it is, since look at all the spam, by skeptics against science. Climate-change skeptics may be the children of faithers, who have turned queer, but you guys are too chickenshit to come out and parade in the street, so you and your shit turn up here.

Write something worth crapping on, or parade on over to the flame zone and fuck with people who will call you the f-word or the c-word, and get away with it, asshole.
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truly incredible.........the environmental nutters keep talking about the science as if doing so, over and over and over and over and over is going to change the dynamic in public policy which is what exactly this thread, obstensibly, is about. Its like an autistic person whacking their head off a wall 5,000 times in an effort to get something thats not coming. Even the goofball who started the thread is locked into the science talk.

Realville is the only place to be s0ns..........look over the water in Europe. Their fantasy-world for the last 40 years is not bringing them to the stark realization that retirement age isnt going to be 55. Its not even going to be 60. Experts are talking 80 s0ns........which is what happens when people insist on living outside of Realville. You can do the makey-uppey stuff all you want but in Realville........money matters. The world economy is teetering and the nutters think everything can be turned on its ear based upon some numbers from a computer model.

Simpletons are gay.............

Like Quantum Windbag, who admits he's gay.

Like the bath-house posses, who kept tricking, shooting speed, and tricking, until HIV became known, all the way to full-blown AIDS.

You simple, tinfoil-hat-wearing piece of Log Cabin gay shit! Your pants are on fire.


............seems I touched a nerve!!:D:D:D

I love when the self-loathing go mental on here!!!:fu::fu::fu::fu:

ANd as to the efforts of the true believing dumbasses like Bob-o here...................

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Skooks -

Do you think your posting might have more of an impact if you could read and write?

I have you on ignore mode anyway....I'm just wondering if there is anyone who doesn't...?

All the k00ks have me on IGNORE mode = winning!!!!! On a daily basis, I send them running for the cabinet containing the Ativan!!

I have one interest in my posting and one interest only = educating the curious who wander into this forum. I dish out the real poop for them and highlight the level of fantasy that is concurrent with the green ideology. And I do it with the precision of a laser guided smart bomb..........which is also why every k00k on this message board has me on ignore.:clap2::eusa_dance:
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European governments are not conservative. They are all bankrupt socialists. LMAO!


Which party is in power in England right now?

Which party is in power in Germany right now?

Please answer honestly.

The are all socialist policies. That is why they call leftists center and conservatives far right.

Forget the name. They would list Clinton as a far right fascist skin head. Look at the policies.
Well Code, I will give you credit for at least having the balls to make your prediction. Most of the deniars here will not do that.

My prediction? Continued increase, with a real bump at the next El Nino. By 2030, once again exceeding any one's expections, with the consequences far greater than the predictions.

I stick by my original prediction (which I gave last year) cooling for the next 20 years with occasional blips of warmth.
How much is western civilization worth to you?

Unlikely enough lower to avoid a lot of expensive consequences, but hopefully enough lower to avoid the irrecoverable consequences. Most of the next century is already in the pipeline, at least as far as the changes we are likely to see in the next 50 years, we can make things worse, but due to lags in system response and the momentum the system has already been given, there isn't much we can do that will make the next half century retreat from the course we are currently influencing.

Western civ is worth a tremendous amount to me.

Obviously not, unless it is some bizarre "kill the one you love" relationship, as you seem to be willing to do anything necessary to bind it, set it on fire and push it off a cliff in the deranged belief that there is more personal gain in doing so, than in correcting self-destructive behavior and investing in the technologies needed to progress into a difficult future filled with the consequences of past actions.

Why do you insist on destroying it?

What do you feel I am trying to destroy?

More importantly how about doing something to prevent an asteroid strike which really can wipe us out. We finally have a means of averting that particular method of destruction but you folks are so wrapped around your non-existant hysteria...all for the sake of money and power, that you'll watch the damned asteroid slam into the Earth and say "whoops, never thought that would happen..."

I'm glad that you support an expansion of funding for space exploration and ground-based science research in general, it is unfortunate that so many of the same people trying to deny, obsfucate, and defund science in so many important areas (to include general space exploration and ground-based astronomy) do not seem to understand or care about the consequences of their actions.

I think it's you and your kind who have no concept of the catastrophe that would follow if your goals were met. Your policies if implemented would bankrupt the entire world within a generation. Societies would collapse and billions would die. You see, there really is no such thing as a "sustainable lifestyle".

You either produce more than you need and use it to trade or otherwise enrich yourself and your society or you make do. Making do will work until the first hard winter hits and then you get to starve because you don't have enough excess to take you through a rough year....or five years as oftentimes happens.

You also ignore history. The historical record is filled with examples of how prosperous the planet was when it has been warmer. Your "science" is the only one I know of that ignores the past. Whatever happened 40 years ago is irrelevant to you. Why is that? Could it be becaue it shows your concenrs to be unfounded?

As far as scientific and space research goes I have allways been and will allways be in favour of GOOD scientific research. What the AGW crowd has done however is not good scientific research, it is an example of the worst case of Lysenkoism the planet has seen in decades.
I agree, how do you explain the multi hundred year lag from the onset of warming to the subsequent increase in CO2 levels?

as a quick summary

Climate change has many potential causative factors. You seem to be referring to events like the early Holocene warming and most of the ice expansions and recessions of the last ~2 million years or so. These particular warmings were primarily driven by planetary orbital cycles. In these types of climate change, environmental CO2 acts as a feedback mechanism. Insolation changes due to incremental and cyclical orbital variation result in gradually warming surface conditions, as the surface conditions gradually warm, CO2 sinks in the environment begin emitting their stores of CO2 in a feedback cycle that accelerates and enhances the warming initially driven by cyclic orbital variations that create insolation changes.

Now you want to talk about feedback systems that are becoming more active in our current episode of climate change, and the consequences of them matching and exceeding humanity's emissions? Situations where atmospheric CO2 levels could bump up to 3, 5, possibly even 10x their current values over the period of a few centuries.

Many of our

Your version of feedback only works if water vapor is a positive forcer. The reality just might be that it is a negative forcer. The AGW supporters have NEVER investigated that possibility, instead they ASSUMED it was positive with no evidence to support that.
They have based EVERYTHING on that fact. What happens if they're wrong? Why have they never bothered to investigate that possibility.

You claim sceptics are anti science and yet the AGW movement is the most blindered "science" ever. You look at a single thing and accept that as gospel. I'm sorry, but that's not scientific enquiry, that's dogma.

Evidence for Negative Water Feedback | Clive Best

Contributions of Stratospheric Water Vapor to Decadal Changes in the Rate of Global Warming
I think it's you and your kind who have no concept of the catastrophe that would follow if your goals were met. Your policies if implemented would bankrupt the entire world within a generation. Societies would collapse and billions would die. You see, there really is no such thing as a "sustainable lifestyle".

You either produce more than you need and use it to trade or otherwise enrich yourself and your society or you make do. Making do will work until the first hard winter hits and then you get to starve because you don't have enough excess to take you through a rough year....or five years as oftentimes happens.

You also ignore history. The historical record is filled with examples of how prosperous the planet was when it has been warmer. Your "science" is the only one I know of that ignores the past. Whatever happened 40 years ago is irrelevant to you. Why is that? Could it be becaue it shows your concenrs to be unfounded?

As far as scientific and space research goes I have allways been and will allways be in favour of GOOD scientific research. What the AGW crowd has done however is not good scientific research, it is an example of the worst case of Lysenkoism the planet has seen in decades.
You are a piece of shit that sings songs to yourself, while posting this smear, leaving a load of lines, between quote in quote in quote and your effete rants.

"Your "science" ". . . asshole, quit quoting yourself, while you spam the thread, with your fucktard rants! Use commas, where needed, for coherence. But Wally-rants don't need to be coherent, since Wally is so fuckin' magnificent. Oh, look. Wally the voodoo-bitch calls AGW 'Lysenkoism.'

It'll get hot enough for you, this Summer, Wally. And then it'll get hot enough for you to do something about it, or die, unless you are already too fucking old, then so what.
I think it's you and your kind who have no concept of the catastrophe that would follow if your goals were met. Your policies if implemented would bankrupt the entire world within a generation. Societies would collapse and billions would die. You see, there really is no such thing as a "sustainable lifestyle".

You either produce more than you need and use it to trade or otherwise enrich yourself and your society or you make do. Making do will work until the first hard winter hits and then you get to starve because you don't have enough excess to take you through a rough year....or five years as oftentimes happens.

You also ignore history. The historical record is filled with examples of how prosperous the planet was when it has been warmer. Your "science" is the only one I know of that ignores the past. Whatever happened 40 years ago is irrelevant to you. Why is that? Could it be becaue it shows your concenrs to be unfounded?

As far as scientific and space research goes I have allways been and will allways be in favour of GOOD scientific research. What the AGW crowd has done however is not good scientific research, it is an example of the worst case of Lysenkoism the planet has seen in decades.
You are a piece of shit that sings songs to yourself, while posting this smear, leaving a load of lines, between quote in quote in quote and your effete rants.

"Your "science" ". . . asshole, quit quoting yourself, while you spam the thread, with your fucktard rants! Use commas, where needed, for coherence. But Wally-rants don't need to be coherent, since Wally is so fuckin' magnificent. Oh, look. Wally the voodoo-bitch calls AGW 'Lysenkoism.'

It'll get hot enough for you, this Summer, Wally. And then it'll get hot enough for you to do something about it, or die, unless you are already too fucking old, then so what.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: And you're a loon that no one gives a crap about. I will no longer interact with you because I don't feed trolls. Goodby troll.
I think it's you and your kind who have no concept of the catastrophe that would follow if your goals were met. Your policies if implemented would bankrupt the entire world within a generation. Societies would collapse and billions would die. You see, there really is no such thing as a "sustainable lifestyle".

You either produce more than you need and use it to trade or otherwise enrich yourself and your society or you make do. Making do will work until the first hard winter hits and then you get to starve because you don't have enough excess to take you through a rough year....or five years as oftentimes happens.

You also ignore history. The historical record is filled with examples of how prosperous the planet was when it has been warmer. Your "science" is the only one I know of that ignores the past. Whatever happened 40 years ago is irrelevant to you. Why is that? Could it be becaue it shows your concenrs to be unfounded?

As far as scientific and space research goes I have allways been and will allways be in favour of GOOD scientific research. What the AGW crowd has done however is not good scientific research, it is an example of the worst case of Lysenkoism the planet has seen in decades.
You are a piece of shit that sings songs to yourself, while posting this smear, leaving a load of lines, between quote in quote in quote and your effete rants.

"Your "science" ". . . asshole, quit quoting yourself, while you spam the thread, with your fucktard rants! Use commas, where needed, for coherence. But Wally-rants don't need to be coherent, since Wally is so fuckin' magnificent. Oh, look. Wally the voodoo-bitch calls AGW 'Lysenkoism.'

It'll get hot enough for you, this Summer, Wally. And then it'll get hot enough for you to do something about it, or die, unless you are already too fucking old, then so what.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: And you're a loon that no one gives a crap about. I will no longer interact with you because I don't feed trolls. Goodby troll.

West bro........Im hoping this cheesedick stays around a long time. I love publically humiliating the k00ks, but the angry miserable ones amp up the level of personal entertainment a whole lot. This dope is one of those zero tolerance asshats who loaths his own existence and hates life........the profile define the far left in our society. West.........these are the meatheads to bullseye on these forums for the routine public pwn, thus, the curious who wander into this forum can get educated on what we mean by the true believer nutters.:rock:
Climate change would be awesome! A change in the zone for plants would increase my sales of plant suited to the new zone and more irrigation systems to install. Growing seasons would be extended and more crops could be grown in my area. Fruits would be better priced and more local.
Of course, spamming assholes. We need climate change and acidification, to end the food chains, so we get along even better! You don't have longer growing seasons, with acidification, salting of soil, and failure of the Ogalalla Acquifier.

You have an end to the oceanic food chain, and then the US breadbasket fucks up. The oceans either bloom algae or bacteria. The trade currents fuck up. The sea level rises, while the land subsides, simultaneously. I wonder if some tribe will barbecue wingpunk meat, and will they give any to me, if I'm hungry?
I think it's you and your kind who have no concept of the catastrophe that would follow if your goals were met.

Well, if the quality and character of your thinking were of relevence or significance, we probably wouldn't see you on these boards much.

Your policies if implemented would bankrupt the entire world within a generation. Societies would collapse and billions would die. You see, there really is no such thing as a "sustainable lifestyle".

Simply and utterly wrong, but I'm sure you know that already.

You either produce more than you need and use it to trade or otherwise enrich yourself and your society or you make do. Making do will work until the first hard winter hits and then you get to starve because you don't have enough excess to take you through a rough year....or five years as oftentimes happens.

You are the one arguing that we conservatively must make do, tighten our belts, adapt to our own waste and pull ourselves up by our own gnawed through bootstraps. I'm trying to get people to invest in their future, produce less waste and take advantage of innovation, trade and international cooperation.

You also ignore history.

You keep wanting to repeat the same historic mistakes the rest of us learned from the first several times it was tried and failed.

The historical record is filled with examples of how prosperous the planet was when it has been warmer.

Humans have not been around in times warmer than it is currently.

As far as scientific and space research goes I have allways been and will allways be in favour of GOOD scientific research. What the AGW crowd has done however is not good scientific research, it is an example of the worst case of Lysenkoism the planet has seen in decades.

There is no science or compelling evidences that support your beliefs, no wonder you find little use in such issues of reality.

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