Why is DHS Using TrainingTargets that depict old, children and pregnant women?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Wow. I remember a controversy about some people selling targets that depicted blacks as the target. Now the federal government has bought targets that depict civilians that are elderly, children and even pregnant women as the targets.

Don't worry; the libtards will find nothing wrong at all with any of that.

It is OK if our Dictator in Chief Obama is behind it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxysJL4WxF8&feature=youtu.be]Obama Admin Prepares to Disarm America - YouTube[/ame]

Note the categories of 'terrorist hot spots', good God.

People be prepared.
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Used such targets myself as 'no shoot' targets. Testing reflexes, and target identification these sort are the ones you're not supposed to shoot.
NRA uses Justice memo to accuse Obama admin of wanting to confiscate guns - Washington Times

WASHINGTON — The National Rifle Association is using a Justice Department memo it obtained to argue in ads that the Obama administration believes its gun control plans won’t work unless the government seizes firearms and requires national gun registration — ideas the White House has not proposed and does not support.

The NRA’s assertion and its obtaining of the memo in the first place underscore the no-holds-barred battle under way as Washington’s fight over gun restrictions heats up.

The memo, under the name of one of the Justice Department’s leading crime researchers, critiques the effectiveness of gun control proposals, including some of President Obama’s. A Justice Department official called the memo an unfinished review of gun violence research and said it does not represent administration policy.

The memo says requiring background checks for more gun purchases could help, but also could lead to more illicit weapons sales. It says banning assault weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines produced in the future but exempting those already owned by the public, as Obama has proposed, would have limited impact because people now own so many of those items.

It also says that even total elimination of assault weapons would have little overall effect on gun killings because assault weapons account for a limited proportion of those crimes.

The nine-page document says the success of universal background checks would depend in part on “requiring gun registration,” and says gun buybacks would not be effective “unless massive and coupled with a ban.”

The administration has not proposed gun registration, buybacks or banning all firearms. But gun registration and ownership curbs are hot-button issues for the NRA and other gun-rights groups, which strenuously oppose the ideas.

Justice Department and White House officials declined to provide much information about the memo or answer questions about it on the record.

The memo has the look of a preliminary document and calls itself “a cursory summary” and assessment of gun curb initiatives. The administration has not released it officially.

When gun grabbing fascists say that they do not plan to take your guns, they are lying, as normal.
Used such targets myself as 'no shoot' targets. Testing reflexes, and target identification these sort are the ones you're not supposed to shoot.

That's good then, but it doesn't seem to be working too well.

And how does one track when they are used as illegit vrs legit targets?
Can't disarm 300 million+ weapons. Best a repressive government could do is make them illegal so they're all hidden away. No one in their right mind would try to come door-to-door and confiscate them.
Why is DHS Using TrainingTargets that depict old, children and pregnant women?

Well clearly because that is the plan, right?

Seriously how fucking nuts are you, lad?
Wow. I remember a controversy about some people selling targets that depicted blacks as the target. Now the federal government has bought targets that depict civilians that are elderly, children and even pregnant women as the targets.

Don't worry; the libtards will find nothing wrong at all with any of that.

It is OK if our Dictator in Chief Obama is behind it.

Obama Admin Prepares to Disarm America - YouTube

Note the categories of 'terrorist hot spots', good God.

People be prepared.

The notion is that it will de-sensitise the shooter toward being protective towards these when shooting at humans.
The same notion is used when talking about using the standard B-27 to make shooting at black people as acceptable.
Me, I make my own targets.
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Can't disarm 300 million+ weapons. Best a repressive government could do is make them illegal so they're all hidden away. No one in their right mind would try to come door-to-door and confiscate them.

And no one NOT in their right mind has ever held the reigns of power?

How many thought Obama would lie about 'If you like your plan you can keep it. Period.'?

How many thought he would leave 4 Americans to die at Benghazi then have his staff lie about it to Congress and the American people?

How many thought he would give himself war powers during nonemergency peace time conditions, meaning he has war time power 24/7 EVERYWHERE in the USA?

How many thought he would Use the IRS to target political opposition or have the NSA spy on American citizens within the US?

How many thought he would use drones to kill American citizens without trial or any due process?

I am no longer capable of being surprized by what Obama may do in or out of his right mind.
Wow. I remember a controversy about some people selling targets that depicted blacks as the target. Now the federal government has bought targets that depict civilians that are elderly, children and even pregnant women as the targets.

Don't worry; the libtards will find nothing wrong at all with any of that.

It is OK if our Dictator in Chief Obama is behind it.

Obama Admin Prepares to Disarm America - YouTube

Note the categories of 'terrorist hot spots', good God.

People be prepared.

The notion is that it will de-sensitise the shooter toward being protective towards these when shooting at humans.
The same notion is used when talking about using the standard B-27 to make shooting at black people as acceptable.
Me, I make my own targets.

While I know a number of Southerners who still hate General Sherman, he was one of our very best generals.
Wow. I remember a controversy about some people selling targets that depicted blacks as the target. Now the federal government has bought targets that depict civilians that are elderly, children and even pregnant women as the targets.

Don't worry; the libtards will find nothing wrong at all with any of that.

It is OK if our Dictator in Chief Obama is behind it.

Obama Admin Prepares to Disarm America - YouTube

Note the categories of 'terrorist hot spots', good God.

People be prepared.

The notion is that it will de-sensitise the shooter toward being protective towards these when shooting at humans.
The same notion is used when talking about using the standard B-27 to make shooting at black people as acceptable.
Me, I make my own targets.

While I know a number of Southerners who still hate General Sherman, he was one of our very best generals.

He was very efficient at making war on women, children, old people, and their food supplies.
The notion is that it will de-sensitise the shooter toward being protective towards these when shooting at humans.
The same notion is used when talking about using the standard B-27 to make shooting at black people as acceptable.
Me, I make my own targets.

While I know a number of Southerners who still hate General Sherman, he was one of our very best generals.

He was very efficient at making war on women, children, old people, and their food supplies.

I'm sure the Germans thought the same thing in 1943-45 as we bombed their cities into ash killing millions.

But I am glad we did it.

In modern warfare there is no substitute for winning, no second place prize.
i think it needs a lot of practice to efficiently shoot children. they are small, and usually, quite fast. unless they are obese. then they are big and slow.
Wow. I remember a controversy about some people selling targets that depicted blacks as the target. Now the federal government has bought targets that depict civilians that are elderly, children and even pregnant women as the targets.

Don't worry; the libtards will find nothing wrong at all with any of that.

It is OK if our Dictator in Chief Obama is behind it.

Obama Admin Prepares to Disarm America - YouTube

Note the categories of 'terrorist hot spots', good God.

People be prepared.

just a little heads up, the shooting range i shoot at is county owned, there is NO human related targets allowed, NOT even of Bin Laden !!
Wow. I remember a controversy about some people selling targets that depicted blacks as the target. Now the federal government has bought targets that depict civilians that are elderly, children and even pregnant women as the targets.

Don't worry; the libtards will find nothing wrong at all with any of that.

It is OK if our Dictator in Chief Obama is behind it.

Obama Admin Prepares to Disarm America - YouTube

Note the categories of 'terrorist hot spots', good God.

People be prepared.

just a little heads up, the shooting range i shoot at is county owned, there is NO human related targets allowed, NOT even of Bin Laden !!

Not even zombies?

Good Lord! That is a draconian stifling of god given freedom!

Wow. I remember a controversy about some people selling targets that depicted blacks as the target. Now the federal government has bought targets that depict civilians that are elderly, children and even pregnant women as the targets.

Don't worry; the libtards will find nothing wrong at all with any of that.

It is OK if our Dictator in Chief Obama is behind it.

Obama Admin Prepares to Disarm America - YouTube

Note the categories of 'terrorist hot spots', good God.

People be prepared.

just a little heads up, the shooting range i shoot at is county owned, there is NO human related targets allowed, NOT even of Bin Laden !!

Not even zombies?

Good Lord! That is a draconian stifling of god given freedom!


you did notice i said "county" right ?

that means "GOVERNMENT", and when .gov intervenes it means...., well you know... :clap2:

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