Why is Donald Trump treated better than the other candidates?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
I'm thinking that all of the media, from FOX News all the way to CNN and MSNBC are actually contributing heavily to this clown candidacy that is being perpetrated by Donald Trump.

I mean...............any place he shows up to speak (even if it's not his event), the media is there, and follows him when he leaves (regardless of whether or not there are other candidates left to speak), as well as the fact that they allow Trump to phone in his interviews on a regular basis, while other candidates have to wait for interviews in person or on the trail.

I mean seriously, what other candidate can you name that has phoned in their interview as often as Trump?

Shit..................he's even gonna phone it in for Jimmy Kimmel tonight.
Yeah...............I understand networks wanting ratings, but turning your political coverage into a reality show goes beyond the pale.

News should be more concerned about facts than the shock value of some blowhard.
Because he has the ballz to say what he's thinking. He doesn't care.The other puppets just pucker up their assholes and say what they "think" their their brain dead constituents and pimps want to hear.
Because he has the ballz to say what he's thinking.

Did it ever occur to his sycophantic supporters that T-Rump let's his balls do all of his thinking?

That much is patently obvious given his misogynistic remarks.
Yeah...............I understand networks wanting ratings, but turning your political coverage into a reality show goes beyond the pale.

News should be more concerned about facts than the shock value of some blowhard.

The news has no social obligation to anybody. They are a business like any other.

Everybody witnessed the record viewership of the first debate. They all know it's because of Trump. High ratings means high commercial prices and that's why everybody is trying to get a piece. Bush, Kasich, Kristie, Paul are not going to bring in that kind of dough to their stations.

Always follow the money.
Yep. It's all about the ratings. Donald Trump is the living proof our political process is a reality TV show. Trump has just brought that truth out into the open.

The "news" is all part of the show. They are not observers, reporting what they see. They are creating what you see. Deciding what you should and should not see, guiding you with their narration and doom music so you come to the conclusions to which they want you to come. The watchdog was taken away in the night and replaced with a lapdog.

Thank you, Trump. Your descent down the golden escalator captured it all perfectly.

"I have a lot of money to make you believe whatever I say."
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Huckabee meanwhile is vowing to grab attention at the debates by singing God Bless America in an American flag g-string with spangled pasties and high heels ....while handling snakes labeled with other candidates names......Trump has no answer for this..
We need a new candidate...hmmm....

G5000 for president in the year 5000!

I will form an alliance with the chick with the biggest boobs, and the backstabbing beach bum. Then we will vote everyone else off the debate island.
For you people who are so surprised that are probably younger..... after Perot ran against Clinton and Bush, most political experts who were NOT tied to either party believed that..........if the political parties kept screwing around and another self financed person beholden to nobody ran, the establishment parties would be fighting for their political lives.

You think Trump is an aberration? No he isn't, what about Sanders? Besides political leanings, the only difference between the two is Trump has loads of money. If Sanders had Trump money, Hilly would be DOA!

Remember, it takes HUGE money to run a campaign for any office that is not local, and once you do, you are seen as "inside the beltway" unless you are financed by very small donations, or you finance yourself.

Let me put it this way...........polls say that 47% of the GOP do NOT want Bush. A large percentage of Democrats do NOT want Hilly, although because the Democrats have a much smaller field, it looks better for her than it really is. I find it absolutely fascinating that people from BOTH parties who ask these types of questions, just can not fathom how PISSED the American people are, and believe that before to long, this election will return to normal. Oh sure, maybe if you liv in New York, Chicago, L.A. etc, you do not see how angry the heartland actually is. I have a feeling though most of you are going to find out very quickly that the same old-same old nonsense is not going to fly this time around.
For you people who are so surprised that are probably younger..... after Perot ran against Clinton and Bush, most political experts who were NOT tied to either party believed that..........if the political parties kept screwing around and another self financed person beholden to nobody ran, the establishment parties would be fighting for their political lives.

You think Trump is an aberration? No he isn't, what about Sanders? Besides political leanings, the only difference between the two is Trump has loads of money. If Sanders had Trump money, Hilly would be DOA!

Remember, it takes HUGE money to run a campaign for any office that is not local, and once you do, you are seen as "inside the beltway" unless you are financed by very small donations, or you finance yourself.

Let me put it this way...........polls say that 47% of the GOP do NOT want Bush. A large percentage of Democrats do NOT want Hilly, although because the Democrats have a much smaller field, it looks better for her than it really is. I find it absolutely fascinating that people from BOTH parties who ask these types of questions, just can not fathom how PISSED the American people are, and believe that before to long, this election will return to normal. Oh sure, maybe if you liv in New York, Chicago, L.A. etc, you do not see how angry the heartland actually is. I have a feeling though most of you are going to find out very quickly that the same old-same old nonsense is not going to fly this time around.
Perot is why the bimbo's Megyn Kelly's first question for the candidates, which was actually aimed right at Trump, was asking them to promise not to form a third party candidacy if they didn't get the GOP nomination.

Such a thing would guarantee a loss for the GOP, just like Perot did.

"There will be a giant sucking sound of votes leaving the GOP."

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