Why is it always Atheists vs Christians?

Like I said. We aren't having a conversation. You want to assign alternate meanings and post garbage, feel free.
Like I said. We aren't having a conversation. You want to assign alternate meanings and post garbage, feel free.

We were. You just decided to say "you're an idiot" and start holding your breath. The fact remains you asked me for proof of a claim I never made. If you're going to clam up like a petulant child because you're not getting your way I have a 5-year-old and a 3-year-old at home I can go to for that.

There is an unfortunate stereotype that religion makes people hostile and irrational. You may want to make an effort not to further it.
Because we're not allowed to. If I pick on a Muslim or Jew or whatever, I'm an evil evil person for being so islamaphobic/anti-semitic/whathaveyou.

There is nothing politically incorrect about picking on Christians.

.................... in all seriousness though, I don't pick on Christians either, just like to ask questions.
Like I said. We aren't having a conversation. You want to assign alternate meanings and post garbage, feel free.

We were. You just decided to say "you're an idiot" and start holding your breath. The fact remains you asked me for proof of a claim I never made. If you're going to clam up like a petulant child because you're not getting your way I have a 5-year-old and a 3-year-old at home I can go to for that.

There is an unfortunate stereotype that religion makes people hostile and irrational. You may want to make an effort not to further it.

The stereotype exists only in your mind, and separate from reality.

It's called "bigotry".
The point is..it almost always starts with small erosions of liberty. And usually the starting point is to limit religious freedom.

Um, no that wasn't the point. It never was the point.

On top of which, I don't know of anyone eroding religious liberty. If I did I would join the fight against them. Religious freedom protects us atheist too. A fact too many people seem to miss consistently.


This is why it's always going to be us vs them.

Christians view opposition to a christian monument in a government owned public park as "trying to take their rights".

The truth is their monument is trying to take away our rights by tying the government to their religion.

How many millions of christians bitched about, and tried to stop construction of, a muslim community center being built on privately owned property in NYC a few years ago? And yet they fail to see the log in their own eye.

If I were to see someone actually infringing on the rights of christians I would fight that tooth and nail. But if I were a betting man, I'd bet they would throw me under the bus if someone were to be infringing my rights.
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Um, no that wasn't the point. It never was the point.

On top of which, I don't know of anyone eroding religious liberty. If I did I would join the fight against them. Religious freedom protects us atheist too. A fact too many people seem to miss consistently.


This is why it's always going to be us vs them.

Christians view opposition to a christian monument in a government owned public park as "trying to take their rights".

The truth is their monument is trying to take away our rights by tying the government to their religion.

How many millions of christians bitched about, and tried to stop construction of, a muslim community center being built on privately owned property in NYC a few years ago? And yet they fail to see the log in their own eye.

If I were to see someone actually infringing on the rights of christians I would fight that tooth and nail. But if I were a betting man, I'd bet they would throw me under the bus if someone were to be infringing my rights.

This, unfortunately, is all to true.
Um, no that wasn't the point. It never was the point.

On top of which, I don't know of anyone eroding religious liberty. If I did I would join the fight against them. Religious freedom protects us atheist too. A fact too many people seem to miss consistently.


This is why it's always going to be us vs them.

Christians view opposition to a christian monument in a government owned public park as "trying to take their rights".

The truth is their monument is trying to take away our rights by tying the government to their religion.

How many millions of christians bitched about, and tried to stop construction of, a muslim community center being built on privately owned property in NYC a few years ago? And yet they fail to see the log in their own eye.

If I were to see someone actually infringing on the rights of christians I would fight that tooth and nail. But if I were a betting man, I'd bet they would throw me under the bus if someone were to be infringing my rights.

The government don't own anything. It belongs to the public and in America 80 percent believe in God. You do not have a right to not be offended.

Answer this, if you don't believe in God, then why do you fear him?
Progressives don't know what rights are. The only rights they stand for is the right of a minority to subjugate a majority by any means necessary...and of course they will always belong to that minority.
How many hundreds of years ago was the Inquisition?

And it was, of course, a political movement.

Progressives are so stupid. They seem to think Christianity springs from the Catholic Church.

(My bold)

Christianity doesn't derive from the R. Catholic Church? In the West, I thought that was true. It isn't? Then where does Christianity in the West come from?
Christianity comes from Christ and the disciples. Christ and the disciples did not create the Roman Catholic church. The Roman Catholic church was created when a caesar became Christian. Hence a pope is born.

Christianity existed before the Catholic Church, and the Catholic church does not represent the core of Christianity. It just represents the one flavor...that of the Roman caesars.
The remainder of the first century AD saw the number of Jesus' followers, who were soon called "Christians," grow rapidly. Instrumental in the spread of Christianity was a man named Paul, a zealous Jew who had persecuted Christians, then converted to the faith after experiencing a vision of the risen Jesus. Taking advantage of the extensive system of Roman roads and the time of peace, Paul went on numerous missionary journeys throughout the Roman Empire. He started churches, then wrote letters back to them to offer further counsel and encouragement. Many of these letters would become part of the Christian scriptures, the "New Testament."
In the second and third centuries AD, Christians struggled with persecution from outside the church and doctrinal debates from within the church. Christian leaders, who are now called the "church fathers," wrote defenses of the false claims made against Christians (apologetics) as well as arguments against false teachings spreading within the church (polemics). Doctrines were explored, developed, and solidified, the canon of the New Testament was formed, and the notion of "apostolic succession" established a system of authority to guard against wrong interpretations of Christian teachings.
A major turning point in Christian history came in the early 4th century AD, when the Roman emperor Constantine converted to Christianity. The Christian religion became legal, persecution ceased, and thousands of pagans now found it convenient to convert to the emperor's faith. Allied with the Roman Empire, Christianity gradually rose in power and hierarchy until it became the "Christendom" that would encompass the entire western world in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. "

Overview of Christian History - ReligionFacts
Most ignorant atheists think that christianity sprung from Constantine.
Christianity comes from Christ and the disciples. Christ and the disciples did not create the Roman Catholic church. The Roman Catholic church was created when a caesar became Christian. Hence a pope is born.

Christianity existed before the Catholic Church, and the Catholic church does not represent the core of Christianity. It just represents the one flavor...that of the Roman caesars.

(My bold)

Remarkable statements.

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity, para 4
"Worldwide, the three largest groups of Christianity are the Roman Catholic Church , the Eastern Orthodox Church , and the various denominations of Protestantism . The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox patriarchates split from one another in the schism of the 11th century , and Protestantism came into existence during the Reformation of the 16th century, splitting from the Roman Catholic Church.[16] As of the early 21st century, Christianity is the world's largest religion ,[17] [18] with approximately 2.2 billion adherents.[19] [20] [21] [22]"

(My bold in the quote)

So my memory hasn't gone altogether. The various & many Protestant churches splintered off from R. Catholicism & each other. Thus Lutheranism kept much of the structure of the R. Catholic service, & so on down the line. & thus the laying on of hands, theology, liturgy, music, plastic arts, ritual, prayers, & so on of the Protestant churches (I assume that's where you're speaking from) were utterly dependent upon the early church & then the R. Catholic church - for 15 centuries - to get @ least the basics right. No?
How many millions of christians bitched about, and tried to stop construction of, a muslim community center being built on privately owned property in NYC a few years ago? .

People were not opposing that 'in the name of Christianity.'
How many millions of christians bitched about, and tried to stop construction of, a muslim community center being built on privately owned property in NYC a few years ago? .

People were not opposing that 'in the name of Christianity.'


I believe that you are being obtuse in that on purpose. It was very much the churches and the Christians opposing that move. For the most part, atheists and non-Christian religious people simply did not care.

Of course, you have another counter to that though – atheists were the ones spearheading the opposition for the display of the ‘cross’ from the rubble in a privately funded museum because, well, I can’t really tell what for. The opposition made no sense. At least the Christians had somewhat of an underlying reason – Islamic radicals DID kill a LOT of people taking those buildings out.

Really, in essence, we have an example where the opposition to religion was essentially all over the place, not just with Christians but with others as well and all were essentially equal in this.

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