Why is it in the progressive liberal's DNA to blame something?


Confront reality
Oct 25, 2016
First of all because they have elevated their beliefs to a religion. Secondly, they believe that all behaviors should lead to equal outcomes, so when they don't they must blame someone or something for the failure. Case in point, we all know why Hillary lost, she lost because she is a lousy candidate and more Americans rejected the social policies of the Democrats than Americans who accepted their progressive social policies. In short, they are behaving like religious fanatics whose religion is being attacked by a rival religion.
Oblama fucked up that ability of the dems to win, Clinton was the monster in the closet..
It IS beginning to look liberalism is somehow genetic. It would be politically incorrect to kill or sterilize all liberals but who could find anything wrong, even the most liberals of liberals, with mandatory abortion of all liberal pregnancies. Government funded, of course. Problem solved in one (1, libs) generation!
First of all because they have elevated their beliefs to a religion. Secondly, they believe that all behaviors should lead to equal outcomes, so when they don't they must blame someone or something for the failure. Case in point, we all know why Hillary lost, she lost because she is a lousy candidate and more Americans rejected the social policies of the Democrats than Americans who accepted their progressive social policies. In short, they are behaving like religious fanatics whose religion is being attacked by a rival religion.
^ spent 8 years blaming Obama for his own problems
First of all because they have elevated their beliefs to a religion. Secondly, they believe that all behaviors should lead to equal outcomes, so when they don't they must blame someone or something for the failure. Case in point, we all know why Hillary lost, she lost because she is a lousy candidate and more Americans rejected the social policies of the Democrats than Americans who accepted their progressive social policies. In short, they are behaving like religious fanatics whose religion is being attacked by a rival religion.

Self hatred turned outwards, concentrated in a beam towards the victim of the mob.
First of all because they have elevated their beliefs to a religion. Secondly, they believe that all behaviors should lead to equal outcomes, so when they don't they must blame someone or something for the failure. Case in point, we all know why Hillary lost, she lost because she is a lousy candidate and more Americans rejected the social policies of the Democrats than Americans who accepted their progressive social policies. In short, they are behaving like religious fanatics whose religion is being attacked by a rival religion.
^ spent 8 years blaming Obama for his own problems
Not me. He didn't affect me one way or another.
First of all because they have elevated their beliefs to a religion. Secondly, they believe that all behaviors should lead to equal outcomes, so when they don't they must blame someone or something for the failure. Case in point, we all know why Hillary lost, she lost because she is a lousy candidate and more Americans rejected the social policies of the Democrats than Americans who accepted their progressive social policies. In short, they are behaving like religious fanatics whose religion is being attacked by a rival religion.

Self hatred turned outwards, concentrated in a beam towards the victim of the mob.
Pretty much. Sad, isn't it. This serves as a distraction from their lives. They need to blame someone for their misery.
First of all because they have elevated their beliefs to a religion. Secondly, they believe that all behaviors should lead to equal outcomes, so when they don't they must blame someone or something for the failure. Case in point, we all know why Hillary lost, she lost because she is a lousy candidate and more Americans rejected the social policies of the Democrats than Americans who accepted their progressive social policies. In short, they are behaving like religious fanatics whose religion is being attacked by a rival religion.

Self hatred turned outwards, concentrated in a beam towards the victim of the mob.
Pretty much. Sad, isn't it. This serves as a distraction from their lives. They need to blame someone for their misery.
That's exactly right. And they can't get enough of tearing down more talented people. It's an addiction to them.

It's just a culture that attracts bullies.
Why is it in the progressive liberal's DNA to blame something?

Applies not just to "progressive liberal".
Conservative Republicans are also blaming "something".

Few could have predicted a Trump presidency.
First of all because they have elevated their beliefs to a religion. Secondly, they believe that all behaviors should lead to equal outcomes, so when they don't they must blame someone or something for the failure. Case in point, we all know why Hillary lost, she lost because she is a lousy candidate and more Americans rejected the social policies of the Democrats than Americans who accepted their progressive social policies. In short, they are behaving like religious fanatics whose religion is being attacked by a rival religion.

I seem to remember a certain candidate who did a lot of blaming when he thought he was going to lose.

Point being, it's in everyone's DNA to not look inward.
It's not DNA, the snowflakes have been taught wrong. Great letter here....the author absolutely nails it.

Here’s what you should be angry about, Snowflakes.
You should be angry about the fact that you have not been adequately prepared for life.

You should be angry about the fact that you are now paralyzed with “fear” because society has made you this way.

You should be angry about the fact that no one has ever taught you coping mechanisms.

Life is not fair. We don’t always get a sticker. Sometimes, we actually lose a game.

Losing an election is not a threat to your existence – it is how life goes for a percentage of America every four years.

The fact that there are no consequences for your current bad behavior is not helping you. It’s perpetuating your unhealthy cycle of poor coping mechanisms. It’s providing positive reinforcement.

Across America, you, the defeated liberals, so-called social justice warriors, and irate students are pouring into the streets to vent your rage.

Read the entire thing here....simply outstanding.

An Open Letter to Snowflake Millennials Who Are Melting in the Streets Because Trump Won
Why is it in the progressive liberal's DNA to blame something?

Applies not just to "progressive liberal".
Conservative Republicans are also blaming "something".

Few could have predicted a Trump presidency.
The people chose a man to clean this bullshit up and the committee based thinkers can't accept that the clean up job is to clean up THEIR committee based mess.
First of all because they have elevated their beliefs to a religion. Secondly, they believe that all behaviors should lead to equal outcomes, so when they don't they must blame someone or something for the failure. Case in point, we all know why Hillary lost, she lost because she is a lousy candidate and more Americans rejected the social policies of the Democrats than Americans who accepted their progressive social policies. In short, they are behaving like religious fanatics whose religion is being attacked by a rival religion.

I seem to remember a certain candidate who did a lot of blaming when he thought he was going to lose.

Point being, it's in everyone's DNA to not look inward.
Not everyone's and not all the time. The real question is that is it their rule or their exception. People who blame others for their failures have what is called an external locus of control. It is my observation that this is a common trait among progressives and it is part of their DNA.
First of all because they have elevated their beliefs to a religion. Secondly, they believe that all behaviors should lead to equal outcomes, so when they don't they must blame someone or something for the failure. Case in point, we all know why Hillary lost, she lost because she is a lousy candidate and more Americans rejected the social policies of the Democrats than Americans who accepted their progressive social policies. In short, they are behaving like religious fanatics whose religion is being attacked by a rival religion.

It's much easier to say their the party of zero personal responsibility, EVERYTHING that happens they think is bad is ALWAYS someone else's fault.
First of all because they have elevated their beliefs to a religion. Secondly, they believe that all behaviors should lead to equal outcomes, so when they don't they must blame someone or something for the failure. Case in point, we all know why Hillary lost, she lost because she is a lousy candidate and more Americans rejected the social policies of the Democrats than Americans who accepted their progressive social policies. In short, they are behaving like religious fanatics whose religion is being attacked by a rival religion.

Dear ding
Just because the most vocal progressives are because they are projecting blame,
does NOT make them the majority. The militant and most visible Terrorists are a fraction of their populations terrorizing the majority who are peaceful.
but which do you think you are going to see and hear in the public and media:
the quite ones or the louder more vocal and visible ones?

Projection of blame is due to
* unforgiveness emotionally
* the grief process of working through anger about perceived injustice, oppression or imbalance.
* ill will, division and distrust between groups, which is a MUTUAL dynamic it takes both sides to change, not just one side blaming it all on the other.

So this is universal, that all humans go through this, and we are going to grieve,
express either anger or sadness, and we are going to struggle to understand
"how much is within our control, how much is outside, how to tell the difference, and what to do either way."

So you are looking at the human grief process in action.
Everyone goes through this, in our own ways and timing,
around different issues or lifechanging events.

The key is FORGIVENESS. That brings healing, and restores peace of mind,
so people can think more clearly.

But all people are human, and need to vent upset and grieve,
before working through bargaining and resolution, to get to peace.

the more Compassion we have for others going through grief,
the Sooner we can turn that anger into more constructive energy toward solutions.

Everyone grieves, goes through denial and rejection, anger and projection.
Not just progressives, not just the far right or the far left.
Anyone who has experienced frustration or oppression
because conflicts weren't resolved and the bigger bully silenced the opposition
knows this same struggle and the absolute "questioning of one's whole
perspective on life" that comes with it. The soul searching.

One sociologist explained that people have such an INNATE sense of justice
that when something goes wrong, we try to make sense of what caused it,
and that's why the projection of blame and victimhood issue comes up.
People want an explanation to fit their narrative on good trumping bad,
so they envision it must be the other person, even the victims of rape or wrong,
who had to do something wrong for this to happen, or else they 'can't explain' it,
and lose sense of security if this could happen to them as innocent people.

They have to have some wrong to blame it on to explain how to prevent or fix it.

So if they can't see their part in what went wrong, they blame the other side.
That makes it easier to explain the cause and how to fix it or prevent it.

If the fear they could be the next innocent rape or crime victim, and can't imagine
it being random or it could equally happen to them and that is too disturbing,
it is EASIER to find fault with the victim of rape, to ASSURE themselves
that's why it happened, and it would not happen to them because they wouldn't set themselves up.

So people justify right and wrong to maintain a sense of security,
that there is justice in the world and a cause to injustice they can find and change so they don't feel so powerless,
so they can focus and prepare themselves for prevention and correction,
and this goes on by trial and error until they really figure it all out.

If they wrongly explain away a problem, where it doesn't really solve it but was false justification,
then the same cycle repeats until we figure out the REAL root cause and fix it.

Again I find the root cause is unforgiveness that breeds ill will,
but other people call this FEAR that skews people's judgment.

ding if you FEAR this group you call the progressive left,
then that fear is fueling the same "unforgiveness" causing denial and projection
"outside onto external groups." instead of recognizing this same process going on within ourselves.

So by the time you confront your fear or ill perception toward "progressives" as an "it" a "them"
outside yourself, you will have gone through the same grief to overcome denial/projection
that these "progressives" are going through, too.

BTW I consider myself a progressive who sympathizes on the left.
I just had the grief crushed out of me so many times, I stopped fighting it
and just focus on solutions that all sides can agre e on, so there isn't this
constant sidetaking and projecting anger on blame back and forth all the time.

I still struggle to forgive the horrible legal and political bullying and abuses going on.
So I have my anger and my yelling "WTF can't we get past this already" going on.
But I try to forgive all sides equally, or align with those who CAN forgive things I can't.
I hope if you run into walls you can't forgive, you continue allying with people like
me who can get past those walls. And vice versa, cuz I need the same help when I can't get past something.

I hope some of this makes sense to you.
Since you are looking at the big picture of dialogue between conflicting sides,
I hope you can see how the dynamic is mutual on both sides.

The more both sides forgive, they can get past the projection and division.
Where both sides have ill will, hard feelings, and resentment that projects,
this can hinder the dialogue needed to fix the root causes of both sides' concerns and objections.

Thanks ding I'm glad in a way that you identify as outside the progressive movement,
so you can help check me when I'm projecting a bias that comes from that culture and language.

If you and I both identified as that, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
so if we are going to learn to bridge the gap in culture and mindset,
it makes sense you coming from outside that perspective looking in,
has to meet halfway with someone from that perspective reaching out.

Guidelines for Sharing - principles for intercultural dialogue
First of all because they have elevated their beliefs to a religion. Secondly, they believe that all behaviors should lead to equal outcomes, so when they don't they must blame someone or something for the failure. Case in point, we all know why Hillary lost, she lost because she is a lousy candidate and more Americans rejected the social policies of the Democrats than Americans who accepted their progressive social policies. In short, they are behaving like religious fanatics whose religion is being attacked by a rival religion.

Dear ding
Just because the most vocal progressives are because they are projecting blame,
does NOT make them the majority. The militant and most visible Terrorists are a fraction of their populations terrorizing the majority who are peaceful.
but which do you think you are going to see and hear in the public and media:
the quite ones or the louder more vocal and visible ones?

Projection of blame is due to
* unforgiveness emotionally
* the grief process of working through anger about perceived injustice, oppression or imbalance.
* ill will, division and distrust between groups, which is a MUTUAL dynamic it takes both sides to change, not just one side blaming it all on the other.

So this is universal, that all humans go through this, and we are going to grieve,
express either anger or sadness, and we are going to struggle to understand
"how much is within our control, how much is outside, how to tell the difference, and what to do either way."

So you are looking at the human grief process in action.
Everyone goes through this, in our own ways and timing,
around different issues or lifechanging events.

The key is FORGIVENESS. That brings healing, and restores peace of mind,
so people can think more clearly.

But all people are human, and need to vent upset and grieve,
before working through bargaining and resolution, to get to peace.

the more Compassion we have for others going through grief,
the Sooner we can turn that anger into more constructive energy toward solutions.

Everyone grieves, goes through denial and rejection, anger and projection.
Not just progressives, not just the far right or the far left.
Anyone who has experienced frustration or oppression
because conflicts weren't resolved and the bigger bully silenced the opposition
knows this same struggle and the absolute "questioning of one's whole
perspective on life" that comes with it. The soul searching.

One sociologist explained that people have such an INNATE sense of justice
that when something goes wrong, we try to make sense of what caused it,
and that's why the projection of blame and victimhood issue comes up.
People want an explanation to fit their narrative on good trumping bad,
so they envision it must be the other person, even the victims of rape or wrong,
who had to do something wrong for this to happen, or else they 'can't explain' it,
and lose sense of security if this could happen to them as innocent people.

They have to have some wrong to blame it on to explain how to prevent or fix it.

So if they can't see their part in what went wrong, they blame the other side.
That makes it easier to explain the cause and how to fix it or prevent it.

If the fear they could be the next innocent rape or crime victim, and can't imagine
it being random or it could equally happen to them and that is too disturbing,
it is EASIER to find fault with the victim of rape, to ASSURE themselves
that's why it happened, and it would not happen to them because they wouldn't set themselves up.

So people justify right and wrong to maintain a sense of security,
that there is justice in the world and a cause to injustice they can find and change so they don't feel so powerless,
so they can focus and prepare themselves for prevention and correction,
and this goes on by trial and error until they really figure it all out.

If they wrongly explain away a problem, where it doesn't really solve it but was false justification,
then the same cycle repeats until we figure out the REAL root cause and fix it.

Again I find the root cause is unforgiveness that breeds ill will,
but other people call this FEAR that skews people's judgment.

ding if you FEAR this group you call the progressive left,
then that fear is fueling the same "unforgiveness" causing denial and projection
"outside onto external groups." instead of recognizing this same process going on within ourselves.

So by the time you confront your fear or ill perception toward "progressives" as an "it" a "them"
outside yourself, you will have gone through the same grief to overcome denial/projection
that these "progressives" are going through, too.

BTW I consider myself a progressive who sympathizes on the left.
I just had the grief crushed out of me so many times, I stopped fighting it
and just focus on solutions that all sides can agre e on, so there isn't this
constant sidetaking and projecting anger on blame back and forth all the time.

I still struggle to forgive the horrible legal and political bullying and abuses going on.
So I have my anger and my yelling "WTF can't we get past this already" going on.
But I try to forgive all sides equally, or align with those who CAN forgive things I can't.
I hope if you run into walls you can't forgive, you continue allying with people like
me who can get past those walls. And vice versa, cuz I need the same help when I can't get past something.

I hope some of this makes sense to you.
Since you are looking at the big picture of dialogue between conflicting sides,
I hope you can see how the dynamic is mutual on both sides.

The more both sides forgive, they can get past the projection and division.
Where both sides have ill will, hard feelings, and resentment that projects,
this can hinder the dialogue needed to fix the root causes of both sides' concerns and objections.

Thanks ding I'm glad in a way that you identify as outside the progressive movement,
so you can help check me when I'm projecting a bias that comes from that culture and language.

If you and I both identified as that, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
so if we are going to learn to bridge the gap in culture and mindset,
it makes sense you coming from outside that perspective looking in,
has to meet halfway with someone from that perspective reaching out.

Guidelines for Sharing - principles for intercultural dialogue
Emily, every single progressive believes without exception that the less fortunate are that way because they have been cheated; that they did not have the same opportunity for success; that they were held back because of their race or class.

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