Why is it necessary to denigrate those with different political views?

It's the most immature and the least sophisticated posters who, like Trump, use insult as argument, denigration as political intellect and boorishness as eloquence. ''Twas ever thus. And, until the hex cast by the Charlatan in Chief is broken come November, we must endure it with grace.
until you can have someone you don't care for be president and not have to insult him and those who support him, here is where we will be. sipping your wine cooler and eating pepper jack cheese while listening to something instrumental doesn't make you a classy person.

in fact, every time you post you remind everyone you're just as bad as those you look down upon.
Don't use Donald Trump as a paradigm of civil comportment. It makes you look ethically impotent. Just admit that Trump is no role model. He would embarrass you if he were in your family. The ranting,mchildish uncle you must endure at the holidays, but ignore the rest of the year. He's a rude, boorish charlatan totally unworthy of respect. Championing such behavior reveals more about the lack of character than you may care to admit.
It's the most immature and the least sophisticated posters who, like Trump, use insult as argument, denigration as political intellect and boorishness as eloquence. ''Twas ever thus. And, until the hex cast by the Charlatan in Chief is broken come November, we must endure it with grace.
Arguing with leftwingers is a waste of time. They are immune to facts and logic. Ridicule is the only thing that affects them.
It's the most immature and the least sophisticated posters who, like Trump, use insult as argument, denigration as political intellect and boorishness as eloquence. ''Twas ever thus. And, until the hex cast by the Charlatan in Chief is broken come November, we must endure it with grace.
until you can have someone you don't care for be president and not have to insult him and those who support him, here is where we will be. sipping your wine cooler and eating pepper jack cheese while listening to something instrumental doesn't make you a classy person.

in fact, every time you post you remind everyone you're just as bad as those you look down upon.
Don't use Donald Trump as a paradigm of civil comportment. It makes you look ethically impotent. Just admit that Trump is no role model. He would embarrass you if he were in your family. The ranting,mchildish uncle you must endure at the holidays, but ignore the rest of the year. He's a rude, boorish charlatan totally unworthy of respect. Championing such behavior reveals more about the lack of character than you may care to admit.
When you attack Trump you attack everyone who supports him. You're doing the very thing you claim to be against.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Fortunately, we can look to the White House as a template for dignity, honor, civility, respect, fairness, articulateness and honesty.

Our role models -- those we can use as examples for each other and our children -- will surely pull us out of this. Any day now.
You can't blame Trump for this. I was here the year before Trump was elected, when we had an honorable, articulate and dignified leader in the White House.
The shit here was just as thick then. Worse, at times.
I think that Trump has clearly exacerbated a very bad situation, unlike any other single individual has.
Nope. Trump has greatly improved the situation. For one thing, he has exposed the fake news media for what it is: A democrat propaganda organ.
You can't blame Trump for this. I was here the year before Trump was elected, when we had an honorable, articulate and dignified leader in the White House.
The shit here was just as thick then. Worse, at times.
I think that Trump has clearly exacerbated a very bad situation, unlike any other single individual has.
trump isn't making the left falsify evidence
trump isn't making the left go through senseless impeachment activities
trump isn't making the left impossible to work with (hell that's just our normal state of affairs anymore)
trump isn't making people do much of anything at all.

but we do and always will have a group of people that will forever blame others for WHY THEY CHOOSE to act up in the manner they do. at the end of the day that is bullshit. we and we alone are responsible for the things we do regardless of why we say we are doing them. we still chose to.

lack of accountability is rampant and hard to put back in place.
Trump is doing other things, and has been doing so since the ride down the escalator.

And his fans have been cheering that behavior every last step of the way.
and how is this any different than cheering such major debates and eternal crisises from the last admin as in where to pee and who must make cakes?

we as a country have lost our way on what we call success and what is actually worth fighting for. so we make everything a fight and stay angry. it works for dr banner but not so much in reality but here we are. you can pretend it's all trump but it still doesn't change my base premise in that YOU AND I CHOOSE how we react - that doesn't fall on anyone but us.

Never said it was "all Trump".

I know you don't see it, or don't care, or don't mind, or it's not there, or it's different, or whatever the hell this is.
no, i see it. but i'm not putting any of this on a single person. what we have here is a perfect storm of events driving each other and we're pretty much letting the storm drive these days. people want someone to blame cause it makes thinking about it easier. to me anyway. blame this person and we're done. except any single person is driven by a social mindset behind them. obama was successful because he represented a lot of people who felt left out of our country. trump is successful because in their efforts to be relevant, they started tearing out our history from under us, creating their own issues moreso than resolving any.

i'm trying to see an entire pic and the pieces that make it up. in my mind, a lot of people are seeing simply pieces of this jacked up puzzle we're creating and thinking a piece is either the whole or responsible for the rest.

it's just a piece. regardless of where it sits in the puzzle, it's just a piece.
Fortunately, we can look to the White House as a template for dignity, honor, civility, respect, fairness, articulateness and honesty.

Our role models -- those we can use as examples for each other and our children -- will surely pull us out of this. Any day now.
You can't blame Trump for this. I was here the year before Trump was elected, when we had an honorable, articulate and dignified leader in the White House.
The shit here was just as thick then. Worse, at times.

...but enough about President George W. Bush. You do realize it was much longer ago than a year. Your comments cannot possibly apply to the dishonorable, inarticulate, and undignified leader you worshiped.
You really have no leg to stand on with that opinion. And 'worshipped' has two 'p's'.
It's the most immature and the least sophisticated posters who, like Trump, use insult as argument, denigration as political intellect and boorishness as eloquence. ''Twas ever thus. And, until the hex cast by the Charlatan in Chief is broken come November, we must endure it with grace.
Arguing with leftwingers is a waste of time. They are immune to facts and logic. Ridicule is the only thing that affects them.
for that matter, anyone ARGUING is pretty much wasting time. it's an "attack" mindset and most people will react, not discuss, such views stated in that manner.

as for ridicule, i suppose that depends on what you want out of your "argument/discussion/debate" and the like. but going in with an attack mode on is only going to get you the same answers / replies in return.

ridicule is the only thing that affects anyone in that mindset actually.

wish we could get back to discussions and away from arguing I'M RIGHT and HERE'S WHY YOU FOOL! type crap
It's too easy to point fingers. It's Trump, it's the Dems, it's the MSM, it's somebody else. But I think the truth is, if you're being an asshole writing vitriolic crap about what someone else posts, that is 100% on you. Nobody makes you act like an asshole, that is/was your call. The fact that someone else is an asshole, be it Trump or anyone else, does not excuse your own assholish ways.

And BTW, I do not excuse myself from criticism. But you know what? You don't learn nothin' when you become an asshole, and you lose some respect IMHO. If that doesn't matter to you, then you're probably already being ignored by a lot of people. What's the point of posting then? I don't worry too much about respect, but I do want to learn something and gain some perspective. We have quite a few smart people on the USMB, on both sides believe it or not. For sure some idiots and ideologues too, but I guess I don't understand why common decency can't be more common. Ignore the bastards instead of fighting with them, why let yourself be manipulated?

Someone in an earlier post talked about setting an example. There are quite a few pols who are not setting a good example, and here we are, some of us acting just as bad as they are. The ultimate insult, and we're doing it to ourselves: "You're just like Trump"! Or whoever, does that give you pause for thought? You're doing the same things to others on this board that he/they do to whoever. Me, I don't want to be like that. Why do you?
It's the most immature and the least sophisticated posters who, like Trump, use insult as argument, denigration as political intellect and boorishness as eloquence. ''Twas ever thus. And, until the hex cast by the Charlatan in Chief is broken come November, we must endure it with grace.
Arguing with leftwingers is a waste of time. They are immune to facts and logic. Ridicule is the only thing that affects them.
for that matter, anyone ARGUING is pretty much wasting time. it's an "attack" mindset and most people will react, not discuss, such views stated in that manner.

as for ridicule, i suppose that depends on what you want out of your "argument/discussion/debate" and the like. but going in with an attack mode on is only going to get you the same answers / replies in return.

ridicule is the only thing that affects anyone in that mindset actually.

wish we could get back to discussions and away from arguing I'M RIGHT and HERE'S WHY YOU FOOL! type crap
But I AM always right, ice! :26:
"Informative," Will? I wasn't being serious.
With some people, you have to be so literal.
"But I AM always right" I hear this all the time from my better half. Sometimes you gotta decide if the coming battle is worth fighting, both here and at home. And sometimes a little humor goes a long way and defuses what could devolve into a pissing contest. You gotta use those emoji things so the oblivious people like me will realize sarcasm is being employed.
"But I AM always right" I hear this all the time from my better half. Sometimes you gotta decide if the coming battle is worth fighting, both here and at home. And sometimes a little humor goes a long way and defuses what could devolve into a pissing contest. You gotta use those emoji things so the oblivious people like me will realize sarcasm is being employed.
I'm 100% behind you in this, task. When I try to get a poster to tone it down and actually address something I said instead of just ranting about communist nazi baby killers, etc., I usually just get called a snowflake and get told to toughen up. The approach here is sometimes different when a guy says it.
It's the only thing I ever learned from a conservitard.
Most of my friends and neighbors are "conservitards". I don't want them to feel bad, I just want them to wise up.[/QUOTE]

Ohhhh, you want them to take the same stupid pills you do?
Are we not entitled to our own opinions? Are we so certain of the righteousness of our beliefs? Never been wrong? Is it not the height of arrogance to disparage others with different views? Is condescensing sarcasm a good idea? How is this country going to fix the many problems we have if we treat each other like shit?

I see it all the time on this board: ridicule, dehumanizing, demagoguery. It ain't cool and it never helps your argument. Do you want to be that kind of person that resorts to such behavior? Or do you admit that you lack the temperament and ability to participate in a debate by articulating your opinions instead of attacking the other side? What, you can't agree to disagree without badmouthing somebody or what they wrote in a belittling way? If that is the case, then that doesn't say much for you, does it?

Because the assholes are trying to steal my hard earned wealth and freedom in addition to destroying the greatest nation on earth that I fought for. If I could get away with shooting them as part of a legitmate firing squad, I'd give it serious consideration.
It's the most immature and the least sophisticated posters who, like Trump, use insult as argument, denigration as political intellect and boorishness as eloquence. ''Twas ever thus. And, until the hex cast by the Charlatan in Chief is broken come November, we must endure it with grace.
Arguing with leftwingers is a waste of time. They are immune to facts and logic. Ridicule is the only thing that affects them.
for that matter, anyone ARGUING is pretty much wasting time. it's an "attack" mindset and most people will react, not discuss, such views stated in that manner.

as for ridicule, i suppose that depends on what you want out of your "argument/discussion/debate" and the like. but going in with an attack mode on is only going to get you the same answers / replies in return.

ridicule is the only thing that affects anyone in that mindset actually.

wish we could get back to discussions and away from arguing I'M RIGHT and HERE'S WHY YOU FOOL! type crap
But I AM always right, ice! :26:
Every time you are, you most certainly are. :)
I'd have to nominate FrancoHW as the worst here on this issue. Franco has a "cut and paste" list of insults, about 50 of them, and he/she never debates, just keeps "cutting and pasting" the same insults...
It's the most immature and the least sophisticated posters who, like Trump, use insult as argument, denigration as political intellect and boorishness as eloquence. ''Twas ever thus. And, until the hex cast by the Charlatan in Chief is broken come November, we must endure it with grace.
Arguing with leftwingers is a waste of time. They are immune to facts and logic. Ridicule is the only thing that affects them.
for that matter, anyone ARGUING is pretty much wasting time. it's an "attack" mindset and most people will react, not discuss, such views stated in that manner.

as for ridicule, i suppose that depends on what you want out of your "argument/discussion/debate" and the like. but going in with an attack mode on is only going to get you the same answers / replies in return.

ridicule is the only thing that affects anyone in that mindset actually.

wish we could get back to discussions and away from arguing I'M RIGHT and HERE'S WHY YOU FOOL! type crap
But I AM always right, ice! :26:
Every time you are, you most certainly are. :)
"But I AM always right" I hear this all the time from my better half. Sometimes you gotta decide if the coming battle is worth fighting, both here and at home. And sometimes a little humor goes a long way and defuses what could devolve into a pissing contest. You gotta use those emoji things so the oblivious people like me will realize sarcasm is being employed.
I'm 100% behind you in this, task. When I try to get a poster to tone it down and actually address something I said instead of just ranting about communist nazi baby killers, etc., I usually just get called a snowflake and get told to toughen up. The approach here is sometimes different when a guy says it.

And unfortunately sometimes it doesn't make a difference no matter who says to tone it down, guy or girl. For whatever reason, their mind is closed and no amount of reason is likely to change them. I'd like to think that not everyone is like that though, and we do have some good people here who don't want the BS and just want to discuss the issues in a calm and adult manner. We do have the CDZ and a Debate Now forum where one can make their own rules to avoid the vitriol, so that helps.

I would like to clearly state that none of us are obliged to answer a dickhead post. And there's always the Ignore feature, personally I have several people on ignore cuz I don't need the aggravation. These people are unreasonable and either can't or won't disagree with someone without being disagreeable. So, piss on 'em. I will not allow anyone to rattle my chain.
Are we not entitled to our own opinions? Are we so certain of the righteousness of our beliefs? Never been wrong? Is it not the height of arrogance to disparage others with different views? Is condescensing sarcasm a good idea? How is this country going to fix the many problems we have if we treat each other like shit?

I see it all the time on this board: ridicule, dehumanizing, demagoguery. It ain't cool and it never helps your argument. Do you want to be that kind of person that resorts to such behavior? Or do you admit that you lack the temperament and ability to participate in a debate by articulating your opinions instead of attacking the other side? What, you can't agree to disagree without badmouthing somebody or what they wrote in a belittling way? If that is the case, then that doesn't say much for you, does it?
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. They are not entitled to their own facts
And after spending 8 years convincing idiots that Obama was not an American, he and his supporters have no claim to civility.

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