Why is it necessary to denigrate those with different political views?

Not nearly as much. Is there an equivalent to the concept of "liberal tears"?


Do you seriously believe the left is less guilty of that behavior?

Less antagonistic than the Right??
I detest sadism. I see very little desire on the left to make the right suffer needless humiliation.
I'm learning to appreciate it.

It's the only thing I ever learned from a conservitard.
Most of my friends and neighbors are "conservitards". I don't want them to feel bad, I just want them to wise up.

I just want them to wise up.

They likely feel the same about you
I suppose. I don't preach though. This little town I live in is libertarian in philosophy more than anything. We all pretty much take care of each other.
Are we not entitled to our own opinions? Are we so certain of the righteousness of our beliefs? Never been wrong? Is it not the height of arrogance to disparage others with different views? Is condescensing sarcasm a good idea? How is this country going to fix the many problems we have if we treat each other like shit?

I see it all the time on this board: ridicule, dehumanizing, demagoguery. It ain't cool and it never helps your argument. Do you want to be that kind of person that resorts to such behavior? Or do you admit that you lack the temperament and ability to participate in a debate by articulating your opinions instead of attacking the other side? What, you can't agree to disagree without badmouthing somebody or what they wrote in a belittling way? If that is the case, then that doesn't say much for you, does it?
Agree, we need to all shake hands and stop the negative stuff...let bygones be bygones.
Are we not entitled to our own opinions? Are we so certain of the righteousness of our beliefs? Never been wrong? Is it not the height of arrogance to disparage others with different views? Is condescensing sarcasm a good idea? How is this country going to fix the many problems we have if we treat each other like shit?

I see it all the time on this board: ridicule, dehumanizing, demagoguery. It ain't cool and it never helps your argument. Do you want to be that kind of person that resorts to such behavior? Or do you admit that you lack the temperament and ability to participate in a debate by articulating your opinions instead of attacking the other side? What, you can't agree to disagree without badmouthing somebody or what they wrote in a belittling way? If that is the case, then that doesn't say much for you, does it?

Your request seems reasonable and makes perfect sense in most circumstances..frankly it’s the position the passive conservative Right has taken for decades as they’ve got the asses handed to them and bitchslapped nonstop by the Left.
It’s time to forget what you’ve always known...let go of civility, get angry and stay angry, develop a deep extreme hatred for anyone and anything Left...it’s time to hate more and fight harder than those disgusting pieces of shit are willing to. It sucks but it is what it is.
Conservatives demand politics be a sadistic zero-sum game. It's not enough to win, the opposition must lose and be continually humiliated.
Conservatives must resort to demonizing the opposition because their policies are devoid of fact and merit.

In the post-truth, post-fact age of Trump and the right’s incessant lying, denigrating those with different political views is all they have left.
The leftards earn their denigration.
And on only the 4th post a conservative makes it partisan – clearly most on the right find it necessary to denigrate those with different political views.

Haha...face it, the normally nutless fucks of the Right have become retaliatory and maybe even offensive and you gender confused disgusting pukes are on your heels pissing your little pink panties...haha.
Conservatives demand politics be a sadistic zero-sum game. It's not enough to win, the opposition must lose and be continually humiliated.
Conservatives must resort to demonizing the opposition because their policies are devoid of fact and merit.

In the post-truth, post-fact age of Trump and the right’s incessant lying, denigrating those with different political views is all they have left.

Does Hillary still consider half the country 'Deplorables'
Conservatives demand politics be a sadistic zero-sum game. It's not enough to win, the opposition must lose and be continually humiliated.
Conservatives must resort to demonizing the opposition because their policies are devoid of fact and merit.

In the post-truth, post-fact age of Trump and the right’s incessant lying, denigrating those with different political views is all they have left.

Self-Awareness | SkillsYouNeed
You know, this country isn't going to come together again until after we can get the politicians to cease with the demagoguery and rhetoric. And, one of the main offenders is Trump, because while he says that he wants the country to come together in one breath, he then tears down whoever he thinks wronged him that day and demonizes them. Sorry, but until the leadership calms down, the country won't.

When has the country really been together? Maybe after disasters and attacks, but politically, haven't we always had division? At times pretty extreme division, too? Haven't demagoguery and rhetoric been staples of politics throughout the history of the USA? Look at the 1828 presidential election, for example.

Our communication technology has made things very different in a lot of ways, but political tension has always been part of the nation. :dunno:
Conservatives demand politics be a sadistic zero-sum game. It's not enough to win, the opposition must lose and be continually humiliated.
Conservatives must resort to demonizing the opposition because their policies are devoid of fact and merit.

In the post-truth, post-fact age of Trump and the right’s incessant lying, denigrating those with different political views is all they have left.
There is simply no way that you are actually a lawyer.
Conservatives demand politics be a sadistic zero-sum game. It's not enough to win, the opposition must lose and be continually humiliated.
Conservatives must resort to demonizing the opposition because their policies are devoid of fact and merit.

In the post-truth, post-fact age of Trump and the right’s incessant lying, denigrating those with different political views is all they have left.
There is simply no way that you are actually a lawyer.

I wouldn't be so quick to make that judgment. A lot of legitimately licensed lawyers can't distinguished between shit and Shinola brand shoe polish.
Are we not entitled to our own opinions? Are we so certain of the righteousness of our beliefs? Never been wrong? Is it not the height of arrogance to disparage others with different views? Is condescensing sarcasm a good idea? How is this country going to fix the many problems we have if we treat each other like shit?

I see it all the time on this board: ridicule, dehumanizing, demagoguery. It ain't cool and it never helps your argument. Do you want to be that kind of person that resorts to such behavior? Or do you admit that you lack the temperament and ability to participate in a debate by articulating your opinions instead of attacking the other side? What, you can't agree to disagree without badmouthing somebody or what they wrote in a belittling way? If that is the case, then that doesn't say much for you, does it?

The Democrats really don't have that much to say nowadays, except to badmouth people.

Back in the day, FDR ran hard against Wendell Willkie- but he didn't call him Literally Hitler.
All the badmouthing on this thread is coming from Trumpers

Odd that huh?

Typical libtard comment

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Are we not entitled to our own opinions? Are we so certain of the righteousness of our beliefs? Never been wrong? Is it not the height of arrogance to disparage others with different views? Is condescensing sarcasm a good idea? How is this country going to fix the many problems we have if we treat each other like shit?

I see it all the time on this board: ridicule, dehumanizing, demagoguery. It ain't cool and it never helps your argument. Do you want to be that kind of person that resorts to such behavior? Or do you admit that you lack the temperament and ability to participate in a debate by articulating your opinions instead of attacking the other side? What, you can't agree to disagree without badmouthing somebody or what they wrote in a belittling way? If that is the case, then that doesn't say much for you, does it?

Task, the very fact that you are asking the question proves the invalidity of your own point. Anyone ever asking the question is ALWAYS a conservative 99% of the time. You'll have to look far and wide to find one hard left democratic supporter on this board complaining about the lack of civility and the need for tolerance because 98% of it all comes from them in the first place!

Because like Ronald Reagan. President Trump has balls and he is not going to put up with Democratic scum. That’s why

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Not nearly as much. Is there an equivalent to the concept of "liberal tears"?


Do you seriously believe the left is less guilty of that behavior?

Less antagonistic than the Right??
I detest sadism. I see very little desire on the left to make the right suffer needless humiliation.
I'm learning to appreciate it.

It's the only thing I ever learned from a conservitard.
Most of my friends and neighbors are "conservitards". I don't want them to feel bad, I just want them to wise up.

I just want them to wise up.

They likely feel the same about you

What listening to morons like you. Not happening.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Conservatives demand politics be a sadistic zero-sum game. It's not enough to win, the opposition must lose and be continually humiliated.
Conservatives must resort to demonizing the opposition because their policies are devoid of fact and merit.

In the post-truth, post-fact age of Trump and the right’s incessant lying, denigrating those with different political views is all they have left.

Self-Awareness | SkillsYouNeed

You libtards are really brainwashed. The Democrats are the biggest lying scumbags there is.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Conservatives demand politics be a sadistic zero-sum game. It's not enough to win, the opposition must lose and be continually humiliated.
Conservatives must resort to demonizing the opposition because their policies are devoid of fact and merit.

In the post-truth, post-fact age of Trump and the right’s incessant lying, denigrating those with different political views is all they have left.
There is simply no way that you are actually a lawyer.

He’s not. He a Demtard. So he is a liar. It is one of there traits.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Are we not entitled to our own opinions? Are we so certain of the righteousness of our beliefs? Never been wrong? Is it not the height of arrogance to disparage others with different views? Is condescensing sarcasm a good idea? How is this country going to fix the many problems we have if we treat each other like shit?

I see it all the time on this board: ridicule, dehumanizing, demagoguery. It ain't cool and it never helps your argument. Do you want to be that kind of person that resorts to such behavior? Or do you admit that you lack the temperament and ability to participate in a debate by articulating your opinions instead of attacking the other side? What, you can't agree to disagree without badmouthing somebody or what they wrote in a belittling way? If that is the case, then that doesn't say much for you, does it?
When they want to loot me and enslave me, then they deserve to be denigrated, just like Nazis or Jihadis.
When they resort to ridiculous hyperbole like "loot and enslave" they deserve to be denigrated.
That isn't hyperbole, dumbass. It's dead-on accurate.

You just demonstrated why you deserve to be denigrated: you're a fucking liar.
You know, this country isn't going to come together again until after we can get the politicians to cease with the demagoguery and rhetoric. And, one of the main offenders is Trump, because while he says that he wants the country to come together in one breath, he then tears down whoever he thinks wronged him that day and demonizes them. Sorry, but until the leadership calms down, the country won't.

Trump is a counter-puncher. Very unlike previous Republican Presidential candidates, who didn't respond when the libs called them racists, or fascists or Literally Hitler or worse.

Why does the man, holding the highest office in the country, the most powerful figure in the world, NEED to counter punch the "little guys" who are bad mouthing him just as they have bad mouthed every other president before him.

The fake news media is not "the little guys." They only bad-mouth Republicans. They deserve a daily flogging.

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