Why is it necessary to denigrate those with different political views?

Are we not entitled to our own opinions? Are we so certain of the righteousness of our beliefs? Never been wrong? Is it not the height of arrogance to disparage others with different views? Is condescensing sarcasm a good idea? How is this country going to fix the many problems we have if we treat each other like shit?

I see it all the time on this board: ridicule, dehumanizing, demagoguery. It ain't cool and it never helps your argument. Do you want to be that kind of person that resorts to such behavior? Or do you admit that you lack the temperament and ability to participate in a debate by articulating your opinions instead of attacking the other side? What, you can't agree to disagree without badmouthing somebody or what they wrote in a belittling way? If that is the case, then that doesn't say much for you, does it?
When they want to loot me and enslave me, then they deserve to be denigrated, just like Nazis or Jihadis.
When they resort to ridiculous hyperbole like "loot and enslave" they deserve to be denigrated.
That isn't hyperbole, dumbass. It's dead-on accurate.

You just demonstrated why you deserve to be denigrated: you're a fucking liar.
Lol, you may refuse to recognize it but it's still hyperbole.
It's the most immature and the least sophisticated posters who, like Trump, use insult as argument, denigration as political intellect and boorishness as eloquence. ''Twas ever thus. And, until the hex cast by the Charlatan in Chief is broken come November, we must endure it with grace.
It's the most immature and the least sophisticated posters who, like Trump, use insult as argument, denigration as political intellect and boorishness as eloquence. ''Twas ever thus. And, until the hex cast by the Charlatan in Chief is broken come November, we must endure it with grace.
until you can have someone you don't care for be president and not have to insult him and those who support him, here is where we will be. sipping your wine cooler and eating pepper jack cheese while listening to something instrumental doesn't make you a classy person.

in fact, every time you post you remind everyone you're just as bad as those you look down upon.
Fortunately, we can look to the White House as a template for dignity, honor, civility, respect, fairness, articulateness and honesty.

Our role models -- those we can use as examples for each other and our children -- will surely pull us out of this. Any day now.
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Are we not entitled to our own opinions? Are we so certain of the righteousness of our beliefs? Never been wrong? Is it not the height of arrogance to disparage others with different views? Is condescensing sarcasm a good idea? How is this country going to fix the many problems we have if we treat each other like shit?

I see it all the time on this board: ridicule, dehumanizing, demagoguery. It ain't cool and it never helps your argument. Do you want to be that kind of person that resorts to such behavior? Or do you admit that you lack the temperament and ability to participate in a debate by articulating your opinions instead of attacking the other side? What, you can't agree to disagree without badmouthing somebody or what they wrote in a belittling way? If that is the case, then that doesn't say much for you, does it?

The Democrats really don't have that much to say nowadays, except to badmouth people.

Back in the day, FDR ran hard against Wendell Willkie- but he didn't call him Literally Hitler.
All the badmouthing on this thread is coming from Trumpers

Odd that huh?
Not odd at all.
Fortunately, we can look to the White House as a template for dignity, honor, civility, respect, fairness, articulateness and honesty.

Our role models -- those we can use as examples for each other and our children -- will surely pull us out of this. Any day now.
You can't blame Trump for this. I was here the year before Trump was elected, when we had an honorable, articulate and dignified leader in the White House.
The shit here was just as thick then. Worse, at times.
Fortunately, we can look to the White House as a template for dignity, honor, civility, respect, fairness, articulateness and honesty.

Our role models -- those we can use as examples for each other and our children -- will surely pull us out of this. Any day now.
You can't blame Trump for this. I was here the year before Trump was elected, when we had an honorable, articulate and dignified leader in the White House.
The shit here was just as thick then. Worse, at times.
I think that Trump has clearly exacerbated a very bad situation, unlike any other single individual has.
Fortunately, we can look to the White House as a template for dignity, honor, civility, respect, fairness, articulateness and honesty.

Our role models -- those we can use as examples for each other and our children -- will surely pull us out of this. Any day now.
You can't blame Trump for this. I was here the year before Trump was elected, when we had an honorable, articulate and dignified leader in the White House.
The shit here was just as thick then. Worse, at times.
it's simply human nature. we've gotten pretty spoiled and at times seem to make up issues to be mad about or even call issues at all.

obama caught a lot of grief, yes. but i don't believe he had over 100 "Media Mistakes" about him along the way to help fuel a fire that hardly needed any more fuel.
Fortunately, we can look to the White House as a template for dignity, honor, civility, respect, fairness, articulateness and honesty.

Our role models -- those we can use as examples for each other and our children -- will surely pull us out of this. Any day now.
You can't blame Trump for this. I was here the year before Trump was elected, when we had an honorable, articulate and dignified leader in the White House.
The shit here was just as thick then. Worse, at times.
I think that Trump has clearly exacerbated a very bad situation, unlike any other single individual has.
trump isn't making the left falsify evidence
trump isn't making the left go through senseless impeachment activities
trump isn't making the left impossible to work with (hell that's just our normal state of affairs anymore)
trump isn't making people do much of anything at all.

but we do and always will have a group of people that will forever blame others for WHY THEY CHOOSE to act up in the manner they do. at the end of the day that is bullshit. we and we alone are responsible for the things we do regardless of why we say we are doing them. we still chose to.

lack of accountability is rampant and hard to put back in place.
Fortunately, we can look to the White House as a template for dignity, honor, civility, respect, fairness, articulateness and honesty.

Our role models -- those we can use as examples for each other and our children -- will surely pull us out of this. Any day now.
You can't blame Trump for this. I was here the year before Trump was elected, when we had an honorable, articulate and dignified leader in the White House.
The shit here was just as thick then. Worse, at times.
I think that Trump has clearly exacerbated a very bad situation, unlike any other single individual has.
trump isn't making the left falsify evidence
trump isn't making the left go through senseless impeachment activities
trump isn't making the left impossible to work with (hell that's just our normal state of affairs anymore)
trump isn't making people do much of anything at all.

but we do and always will have a group of people that will forever blame others for WHY THEY CHOOSE to act up in the manner they do. at the end of the day that is bullshit. we and we alone are responsible for the things we do regardless of why we say we are doing them. we still chose to.

lack of accountability is rampant and hard to put back in place.
Trump is doing other things, and has been doing so since the ride down the escalator.

And his fans have been cheering that behavior every last step of the way.
Fortunately, we can look to the White House as a template for dignity, honor, civility, respect, fairness, articulateness and honesty.

Our role models -- those we can use as examples for each other and our children -- will surely pull us out of this. Any day now.
You can't blame Trump for this. I was here the year before Trump was elected, when we had an honorable, articulate and dignified leader in the White House.
The shit here was just as thick then. Worse, at times.
I think that Trump has clearly exacerbated a very bad situation, unlike any other single individual has.
trump isn't making the left falsify evidence
trump isn't making the left go through senseless impeachment activities
trump isn't making the left impossible to work with (hell that's just our normal state of affairs anymore)
trump isn't making people do much of anything at all.

but we do and always will have a group of people that will forever blame others for WHY THEY CHOOSE to act up in the manner they do. at the end of the day that is bullshit. we and we alone are responsible for the things we do regardless of why we say we are doing them. we still chose to.

lack of accountability is rampant and hard to put back in place.
Trump is doing other things, and has been doing so since the ride down the escalator.

And his fans have been cheering that behavior every last step of the way.
and how is this any different than cheering such major debates and eternal crisises from the last admin as in where to pee and who must make cakes?

we as a country have lost our way on what we call success and what is actually worth fighting for. so we make everything a fight and stay angry. it works for dr banner but not so much in reality but here we are. you can pretend it's all trump but it still doesn't change my base premise in that YOU AND I CHOOSE how we react - that doesn't fall on anyone but us.

Are we not entitled to our own opinions? Are we so certain of the righteousness of our beliefs? Never been wrong? Is it not the height of arrogance to disparage others with different views? Is condescensing sarcasm a good idea? How is this country going to fix the many problems we have if we treat each other like shit?

I see it all the time on this board: ridicule, dehumanizing, demagoguery. It ain't cool and it never helps your argument. Do you want to be that kind of person that resorts to such behavior? Or do you admit that you lack the temperament and ability to participate in a debate by articulating your opinions instead of attacking the other side? What, you can't agree to disagree without badmouthing somebody or what they wrote in a belittling way? If that is the case, then that doesn't say much for you, does it?

The Democrats really don't have that much to say nowadays, except to badmouth people.

Back in the day, FDR ran hard against Wendell Willkie- but he didn't call him Literally Hitler.
All the badmouthing on this thread is coming from Trumpers

Odd that huh?
It would be odd if it were true.

Willful blindness.
It's how we get our kicks.
And 'liberals' don't?
Not nearly as much. Is there an equivalent to the concept of "liberal tears"?


Do you seriously believe the left is less guilty of that behavior?

Less antagonistic than the Right??
I detest sadism. I see very little desire on the left to make the right suffer needless humiliation.
I'm learning to appreciate it.

It's the only thing I ever learned from a conservitard.
Most of my friends and neighbors are "conservitards". I don't want them to feel bad, I just want them to wise up.

You can't even spell "conservatard" correctly?

Do you think they are "conservitives"?
Fortunately, we can look to the White House as a template for dignity, honor, civility, respect, fairness, articulateness and honesty.

Our role models -- those we can use as examples for each other and our children -- will surely pull us out of this. Any day now.
You can't blame Trump for this. I was here the year before Trump was elected, when we had an honorable, articulate and dignified leader in the White House.
The shit here was just as thick then. Worse, at times.

...but enough about President George W. Bush. You do realize it was much longer ago than a year. Your comments cannot possibly apply to the dishonorable, inarticulate, and undignified leader you worshiped.
I don't know about that, maybe your % numbers are a little high. There are more than a few posts from the Right that are not as civil or as tolerant as they could be.
To be sure there are A-holes on both sides. I've put a few "conservatives" on ignore because they were simply babbling idiots or total crackpots! What I meant was that in my experience, the vast majority on the right try to argue from facts and if they resort to disparagement, it is defensively driven. Most are simply tired of hearing it from and taking it from the left. A great many Trump bashers and lefties seem to go out of their way to take every opportunity to insult, denigrate or call into question the intelligence, education, et al., of anyone on the right or supporting Trump even when it is patently unnecessary and totally immaterial to the discussion. There are a few lefties here who seem to manage to disagree without the schoolyard cheap-shots and I get along with them very well. I don't care if someone disagrees with me, and if proven wrong, am more than happy to both admit it and change my mind, but it is the patent and persistently unnecessary juvenile disrespect (always tinged with hate) and flagrant trolling that I won't tolerate.

There are many things Trump has done I haven't agreed with and many things I feel he has brought on himself, but having looked at all of the same evidence as everyone else abut Ukraine and the phone call, I am still looking for anything he did I feel he was truly way out of line on, much less deserved to be impeached for and called a threat to the nation and "election integrity" and all of the other wildly ostentatious dramatizations for the media made by drama queen democrats.

Some of it would be a bit easier to stomach if the democrats had not famously already done the same things themselves and much worse. I can take the criticisms of Trump, but not when the same person then turns around and flatly denies any culpability by democrats who have clearly done the same things and much more.
Fortunately, we can look to the White House as a template for dignity, honor, civility, respect, fairness, articulateness and honesty.

Our role models -- those we can use as examples for each other and our children -- will surely pull us out of this. Any day now.
You can't blame Trump for this. I was here the year before Trump was elected, when we had an honorable, articulate and dignified leader in the White House.
The shit here was just as thick then. Worse, at times.
I think that Trump has clearly exacerbated a very bad situation, unlike any other single individual has.
trump isn't making the left falsify evidence
trump isn't making the left go through senseless impeachment activities
trump isn't making the left impossible to work with (hell that's just our normal state of affairs anymore)
trump isn't making people do much of anything at all.

but we do and always will have a group of people that will forever blame others for WHY THEY CHOOSE to act up in the manner they do. at the end of the day that is bullshit. we and we alone are responsible for the things we do regardless of why we say we are doing them. we still chose to.

lack of accountability is rampant and hard to put back in place.
Trump is doing other things, and has been doing so since the ride down the escalator.

And his fans have been cheering that behavior every last step of the way.
and how is this any different than cheering such major debates and eternal crisises from the last admin as in where to pee and who must make cakes?

we as a country have lost our way on what we call success and what is actually worth fighting for. so we make everything a fight and stay angry. it works for dr banner but not so much in reality but here we are. you can pretend it's all trump but it still doesn't change my base premise in that YOU AND I CHOOSE how we react - that doesn't fall on anyone but us.

Never said it was "all Trump".

I know you don't see it, or don't care, or don't mind, or it's not there, or it's different, or whatever the hell this is.
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Our issues or problems would be there but less pronounced and less violent iif the entertainment and media industries would promote their craft instead of politics. You have two major Prog political figures calling voters deplorables and dregs. One of them while running for President awaiting coronation. That tells me the fix was in because she was assured by someone. And Democrats should be worried about that also. The noticing of a man with African blood in him running for President was not what was against him that caused any rancor, it was what was for him. Voting for a person that came to the forefront because of his cultural background. Policies be damned. In 2008, Hillary blew it and McCain ran one of the poorest campaigns in history while not even bringing his VP candidate into the loop. In 2012 a majority of people voting not for Obama saw Mitt Romney seem to take a dive like a corrupted boxing match. You have seen his reward now in what many people believed what Trump spouted before the election. Many of you spout about the better candidate. Well Romney whether you like it or not was better then Obama. The voters in many elections for about a decade tried to tell the government about the direction we have taken. To no avail at the federal level. Entertainers and false media have turned the old ways that never existed into the handmaids tale and other fraud spouts. Good men and women have been turned into evil caricatures and a major western religion into a cult with adulation for a major middle eastern one. Not one of our new high priests and high priestesses has given up their wealth for the cause in their global religion. When the global tax through penalties for not making the targets of carbon credits adds up to the tens of trillions of dollars and our economy operating at 70% of what it is now you will be crying with the taxes going to the second and third world nations and not much all done with eco green agendas. We have been sold out.
Not nearly as much. Is there an equivalent to the concept of "liberal tears"?


Do you seriously believe the left is less guilty of that behavior?

Less antagonistic than the Right??
I detest sadism. I see very little desire on the left to make the right suffer needless humiliation.
I'm learning to appreciate it.

It's the only thing I ever learned from a conservitard.
Most of my friends and neighbors are "conservitards". I don't want them to feel bad, I just want them to wise up.

You can't even spell "conservatard" correctly?

Do you think they are "conservitives"?
It's a made up word. I can spell it however I want.
Conservatives demand politics be a sadistic zero-sum game. It's not enough to win, the opposition must lose and be continually humiliated.
Yet another....

Self-Awareness | SkillsYouNeed


2a. Freudian projection
The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto another is called Freudian Projection.

  • “A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits.”
  • “The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual.”
  • “Attributing one’s own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile.”
  • “The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity.”
  • “People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way.”
  • “Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have.”

    I'm here to help.
Are we not entitled to our own opinions? Are we so certain of the righteousness of our beliefs? Never been wrong? Is it not the height of arrogance to disparage others with different views? Is condescensing sarcasm a good idea? How is this country going to fix the many problems we have if we treat each other like shit?

I see it all the time on this board: ridicule, dehumanizing, demagoguery. It ain't cool and it never helps your argument. Do you want to be that kind of person that resorts to such behavior? Or do you admit that you lack the temperament and ability to participate in a debate by articulating your opinions instead of attacking the other side? What, you can't agree to disagree without badmouthing somebody or what they wrote in a belittling way? If that is the case, then that doesn't say much for you, does it?
Politics are verbal warfare, may the strongest side win. It gives me the warm fuzzies to shit on a lefty.

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