Why is it ok for blacks to be racist in society

So much generalization :lol:

Let me use myself as an example here:

- I've never been charged with a crime.
- Never even been at the scene of a crime.
- Never shot a gun.
- Never had to fight in my adult life.
- Listen to more Rock music than Hip Hop
- Prefer soccer to basketball/football

Oh yeah and I'm black.

What about any of that says I'm predisposed to be racist towards white people let alone anyone else?

My point here is that it's ludicrous to lump every black in the country into the same boat simply because a choice few choose to make asses out of themselves. Diversity exists just as much with this group of people as with any of the others. There is literally no difference in that regard.

Dude, I'm not blaming all blacks, but the stats do show that a lot of your kind do have a high level of crime. We need to work together to lower this crime and open up dialogue. The first step is to be honest and realize there's a problem.

I've never once said that all blacks are bad. I know that some of you are good people. :eusa_angel: Do you think the stat's are wrong?

I'll admit that when half of all murders are being caused by blacks. I do in fact generalize too much. I don't mean to hurt the innocent blacks that don't deserve it.
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If a white says anything about a black person even if it doesnt have to do about their race . They are portrayed as racist but if a black person does the same thing or worst there you cant call them racist because if you do then you will be called a racist. why the double standard.

For example. This black professor said the 10 most overrated WHITE people. Why couldnt he just say PEOPLE. But if a white person does this same thing they would be called racist ..

Here is the article Marc Lamont Hill Mocks Columbus Day With List of 15 Most Overrated White People | TheBlaze.com

Another example:

White Only College is considered racist and not legal under affirmative action
Black only colleges are considered acceptable and don't have to follow affirmative action laws.

A real life legal example for you.

There are no "Blacks Only" colleges.
One thing that annoys me, that I consider to be a sort of reverse racism:

The term '******' is an offensive one. Black people can't stand it when you use that word to describe them. White people are strictly forbidden from using this term. Yet a black man can walk up to his black friends, and call them the EXACT same thing, but its not racist. Same word, yet its racist for a white person to use it, acceptable for a black person.

It makes no sense at all.
One thing that annoys me, that I consider to be a sort of reverse racism:

The term '******' is an offensive one. Black people can't stand it when you use that word to describe them. White people are strictly forbidden from using this term. Yet a black man can walk up to his black friends, and call them the EXACT same thing, but its not racist. Same word, yet its racist for a white person to use it, acceptable for a black person.

It makes no sense at all.

It does seem inconsistent, but it does make sense.
That "government sponsored racism" has no impact on my life so it does not support me and I do not support it. Why should I be lumped in with the idiots who use the government as a crutch because they refuse to work or drudge up racism when at best, it's discrimination or prejudice?

That's essentially what I'm reading when one of these folks goes off and says "Most blacks are this" or "Blacks act like that". There is no "most" or "some". Groups are made of individuals. There is no "hive mentality" or collective thought. That's for bees and androids.

It's wholly shameful, but what's more shameful is that people like me, who generally don't care about race, are being lumped in with the rest of the black race simply because we look like someone who apparently is predisposed to hate the white man. It's ridiculous, ignorant, and demonstrates what happens when people rely on kneejerk emotion, hearsay, stereotypes and propaganda over rational logic.
95% of Black Americans are loyal Democrat voters and supporters.

This makes them the least politically diverse group in the history of free elections.

Are you seriously suggesting this isn't an indication of "hive mentality" or "collective thought"?

And there are 5% that don't vote party line Democrat on every single issue. I am of that group and therefore the exception of whatever picture you're trying and failing to paint here.

So YES I am suggesting that this is NOT Hive Mentality and Collective Thought. That would require the ENTIRE demographic to fall in lockstep. That is not the case here.

Any more brain busters?

Actually you bring up a very good point.

Conservative blacks come under attack by liberals on a constant basis. Allen West, Clarence Thomas, and Condi Rice aren't even considered authentic blacks by other blacks, yet Barrack Obama has less in common with them. He was born and raised outside of the continental United States, he never grew up experiencing racism by whites, but instead discovered that local Hawaiians and Indonesians can be just as prejudice and in most cases even more prejudice than Southern whites were toward blacks.

Clarence Thomas was especially hated because not only was he unapologetic-ally conservative but he's married to a white woman.

Conservative Women catch the same hell. Sarah Palin is a prime example. Before her Anita Bryant was often got a pie in the face from libs for being not being pro-gay rights and a Christian.

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If a white says anything about a black person even if it doesnt have to do about their race . They are portrayed as racist but if a black person does the same thing or worst there you cant call them racist because if you do then you will be called a racist. why the double standard.

For example. This black professor said the 10 most overrated WHITE people. Why couldnt he just say PEOPLE. But if a white person does this same thing they would be called racist ..

Here is the article Marc Lamont Hill Mocks Columbus Day With List of 15 Most Overrated White People | TheBlaze.com

Another example:

White Only College is considered racist and not legal under affirmative action
Black only colleges are considered acceptable and don't have to follow affirmative action laws.

A real life legal example for you.

There are no "Blacks Only" colleges.

Nope. They're called "Historically Black Colleges".

Top Black Colleges & Universities

Where blacks can attend schools like Bethune Cookman college in Daytona Beach FL and study in an almost "White-free" atmosphere.
Why is it ok for blacks to be racist in society?

Becuase everybody has the right to be as racist as you obviously are?

Just a guess, of course.

Blacks might have far better reasons that most White racists have to be racist.

You'd have to ask each Black racist personally what makes them racist, to really know if its okay for them to be racists, I think.

Why don't you do that survey for us, and get back to us with your results, lad?
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Why is it ok for blacks to be racist in society?

Becuase everybody has the right to be as racist as you obviously are?

Just a guess, of course.

Blacks might have far better reasons that most White racists have to be racist.

You'd have to ask each Black racist personally what makes them racist, to really know if its okay for them to be racists, I think.

Why don't you do that survey for us, and get back to us with your results, lad?

Blacks can't be racist.......nor can Democrats. :eusa_whistle:
That "government sponsored racism" has no impact on my life so it does not support me and I do not support it. Why should I be lumped in with the idiots who use the government as a crutch because they refuse to work or drudge up racism when at best, it's discrimination or prejudice?

That's essentially what I'm reading when one of these folks goes off and says "Most blacks are this" or "Blacks act like that". There is no "most" or "some". Groups are made of individuals. There is no "hive mentality" or collective thought. That's for bees and androids.

It's wholly shameful, but what's more shameful is that people like me, who generally don't care about race, are being lumped in with the rest of the black race simply because we look like someone who apparently is predisposed to hate the white man. It's ridiculous, ignorant, and demonstrates what happens when people rely on kneejerk emotion, hearsay, stereotypes and propaganda over rational logic.
95% of Black Americans are loyal Democrat voters and supporters.

This makes them the least politically diverse group in the history of free elections.

Are you seriously suggesting this isn't an indication of "hive mentality" or "collective thought"?

You beat me to it, a lot of black people vote for Obama only because he's (part) black. On the news, YouTube, WorldStarHipHop etc you will see footage of a black person being arrested and the community converges screaming, throwing rocks and bottles etc regardless of the crime committed by the one being arrested. And I'm not referring to "police brutality" instances.

How about Trayvon Martin? Let's face it, if he would have been a white kid there would be no rallies, no marches, no extended news coverage, no Al or Jesse whipping the black community into a frenzy. Just sayin', the black community wouldn't give a shit about a dead white kid.

Stacey Dash and Nicki Minaj took a lot of abuse for supporting Romney, an overwhelming number of tweets and FaceBook comments castigated them because they are supposed to vote for Obama because they're black.

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One thing that annoys me, that I consider to be a sort of reverse racism:

The term '******' is an offensive one. Black people can't stand it when you use that word to describe them. White people are strictly forbidden from using this term. Yet a black man can walk up to his black friends, and call them the EXACT same thing, but its not racist. Same word, yet its racist for a white person to use it, acceptable for a black person.

It makes no sense at all.

"Yet a Italian man can walk up to his Italian friends, and call them a wop or a ginny , but its not racist."

"Yet a Jewish man can walk up to his Jewish friends, and call them a **** , but its not racist."

"Yet a Irish man can walk up to his Irish friends, and call them a mick, but its not racist."

"Yet a Hispanic man can walk up to his Hispanic friends, and call them a **** , but its not racist."

It makes all of the sense in the world to people who aren't biased and don't have a racist agenda. See, I would like to see a visibly non-Italian, walk up to an Italian guy in Bensonhurst and say; "Hey you fucking wop." or "Hey you fucking ginny." and see his reaction to what they said would be.

Why does it seem like some people only want to concentrate on "the Blacks"? Do they really desire to address them as '******'? In my opinion, the 'incredulity' of the above post is common and pretty fucking dishonest. We all know that CONTEXT is king, we all know that there's a difference between a black guy saying "That's my ******." and a white person saying "Look at that fucking ******.".

Thanks for the laugh.
Another example:

White Only College is considered racist and not legal under affirmative action
Black only colleges are considered acceptable and don't have to follow affirmative action laws.

A real life legal example for you.

There are no "Blacks Only" colleges.

Nope. They're called "Historically Black Colleges".

Top Black Colleges & Universities

Where blacks can attend schools like Bethune Cookman college in Daytona Beach FL and study in an almost "White-free" atmosphere.

That's 'funny' here's the demographics for Bethune:
Bethune Cookman College Profile
Here's the demographics for Bob Jones university:

Pretty much the same hah? Bethune on the Black side and Bob Jones on the white side.
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One thing that annoys me, that I consider to be a sort of reverse racism:

The term '******' is an offensive one. Black people can't stand it when you use that word to describe them. White people are strictly forbidden from using this term. Yet a black man can walk up to his black friends, and call them the EXACT same thing, but its not racist. Same word, yet its racist for a white person to use it, acceptable for a black person.

It makes no sense at all.

No blacks don't call each other "******" we replace it with an "A" and the term is more for friendly purposes than anything but your right, the etymology is the same and its still pejorative which is why I hardly use it. But whites call black folks "nigga" all the time. I checked a white kid on the bus for saying it. His excuse was that they say it all the time in rap.

The problem is since whites are the most consumers of hip-hop many kids are influenced by what they hear because they feel that since the words are used as lyrics then its ok because its apart of a song.
I hate the word, regardless of how it's pronounced or who's saying it. It's an ugly term. I've never used it, will never use it and will make damn sure my kid doesn't either. There are much, MUCH better words to use in its place.
There are no "Blacks Only" colleges.

Nope. They're called "Historically Black Colleges".

Top Black Colleges & Universities

Where blacks can attend schools like Bethune Cookman college in Daytona Beach FL and study in an almost "White-free" atmosphere.

That's 'funny' here's the demographics for Bethune:
Bethune Cookman College Profile
Here's the demographics for Bob Jones university:
Bob Jones University : Profile

Pretty much the same hah? Bethune on the Black side and Bob Jones on the white side.

White students aren't in the habit of picking schools to avoid being around blacks. That's why Bob Jones is a rarity while there are dozens of historically black colleges.
I think HBUs are a good idea because they are successful in educating blacks, even if the standards are not as high. it is important to develop the black middle class as much as possible.

it is unfortunate that so many HBUs are have major monetary difficulties because of incompetent and sometimes criminal mismanagement.
Nope. They're called "Historically Black Colleges".

Top Black Colleges & Universities

Where blacks can attend schools like Bethune Cookman college in Daytona Beach FL and study in an almost "White-free" atmosphere.

That's 'funny' here's the demographics for Bethune:
Bethune Cookman College Profile
Here's the demographics for Bob Jones university:
Bob Jones University : Profile

Pretty much the same hah? Bethune on the Black side and Bob Jones on the white side.

White students aren't in the habit of picking schools to avoid being around blacks. That's why Bob Jones is a rarity while there are dozens of historically black colleges.

So, you think that Black students choose to go to historically black colleges to "avoid being around Whites"?
Can we just throw caution to the wind here everybody and speak the forbidden truth?

Black people simply aren't all that nice, in fact most are down right rude and belligerent.

Whites have been trained to accept black ill-mannered behavior as being cute and funny.

And yes, it has become socially acceptable for blacks to be openly racist toward whites.

Where did you get your training? It's not socially acceptable for people of ANY race and color to be biased or "racist" against other people.
Where did you get your training Pheop?...One of us is either poorly informed or blind to reality.

Blatant Racism is not only accepted by society but condoned by government as well...Where have you been dood?!

"White Exclusion" is as common as sand and salt water at the beach while "Black Exclusion" is strictly forbidden in western civilization.

Off the top of my head; Black Universities? The United Negro College Fund? Black History Month? Black Entertainment Television? Miss Black America? The Black Caucus of Congress? Affirmative Action?

You can play word games and make lame excuses till you're blue in the face, but these racist realities happen every day and affect the lives of real people.

Unfortunately, this racism has been part of America for so long that we have accepted it as the norm and blinded ourselves to damage it does to race relations.

"Racism" is either good or bad but it can't be both and all the rationalizing in the world can't change that.....You need to get your head straight Pheop!
That's 'funny' here's the demographics for Bethune:
Bethune Cookman College Profile
Here's the demographics for Bob Jones university:
Bob Jones University : Profile

Pretty much the same hah? Bethune on the Black side and Bob Jones on the white side.

White students aren't in the habit of picking schools to avoid being around blacks. That's why Bob Jones is a rarity while there are dozens of historically black colleges.

So, you think that Black students choose to go to historically black colleges to "avoid being around Whites"?

Some do.

My nephew said that it's a great place to meet black women. Black women go there to find black men that might become suitable husbands as opposed to some nobody that wants to live off his ole lady.
Nope. They're called "Historically Black Colleges".

Top Black Colleges & Universities

Where blacks can attend schools like Bethune Cookman college in Daytona Beach FL and study in an almost "White-free" atmosphere.

That's 'funny' here's the demographics for Bethune:
Bethune Cookman College Profile
Here's the demographics for Bob Jones university:
Bob Jones University : Profile

Pretty much the same hah? Bethune on the Black side and Bob Jones on the white side.

White students aren't in the habit of picking schools to avoid being around blacks. That's why Bob Jones is a rarity while there are dozens of historically black colleges.

I don't think that those students who go to those historically Black colleges are going there to avoid being around whites. I'm willing to bet that much of the participation is because it may be a tradition for some as well as some of the students may be children of alumni of that university or universities. Do you think that Herman Cain went to Morehouse to avoid being around whites? :lol:
I think HBUs are a good idea because they are successful in educating blacks, even if the standards are not as high. it is important to develop the black middle class as much as possible.

it is unfortunate that so many HBUs are have major monetary difficulties because of incompetent and sometimes criminal mismanagement.

Here are some alumni from one of those "low standard" HBU:
Morehouse College is a private, all-male, liberal arts, historically black college located in Atlanta, in the U.S. state of Georgia. Along with Hampden–Sydney College and Wabash College, Morehouse is one of three remaining traditional men's liberal arts colleges in the United States.

Morehouse has a 61-acre (250,000 m2) campus and an enrollment of approximately 3,000 students. The student-faculty ratio is 16:1 and 100% of the school's tenure-track faculty hold tertiary degrees. Along with Clark Atlanta University, Interdenominational Theological Center, Morehouse School of Medicine and nearby women's college Spelman College, Morehouse is part of the Atlanta University Center.

Morehouse is one of two black colleges in the country to produce Rhodes Scholars, and it is the alma mater of many African-American leaders, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., theologian Howard Thurman, filmmaker Spike Lee, actor Samuel L. Jackson, Olympic gold medalist Edwin Moses, musician Lil Jon, former Bank of America Chairman Walter E. Massey, the first African-American mayor of Atlanta, Maynard Jackson, former Secretary of Health and Human Services Louis W. Sullivan, and former United States Surgeon General David Satcher, among others.

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