Why is it that republicans don’t ever condemn business owners for hiring illegal immigrants?

Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.

I condemn them, and I'm registered Republican. Looks like your OP is worthless, but then SOSDD. BTW, you're wrong about Fox News. Watch Tucker Carlson and learn something.
Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.
you of courses have examples of Republicans NOT condemning businesses who hire illegals? Post some video of them not condemning this.
Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.
You could ask Trump how he makes those fake green cards for his workers.
LOL! Uh, the Republicans have been screaming for the enforcement of the E-Verify program so that businesses would be forced to verify the SSNs of all job applicants and employees! Sheesh, how can you not know these things?

Oh really? I must have missed it when Trump campaigned so passionately on the issue.

So you're unaware of the battles that Repubs and Dems have fought over E-Verify in Congress and that Dems have fought tooth and nail to defang the program as much as possible? Pop quiz: Which president told the SS Administration not to respond to E-Verify requests for SSN verification? You are not to be taken seriously.
So whoever this president is that you are referring to is a traitor but Trump isn’t? His own businesses have hired illegals. I know that is an inconvenient truth, but it is what it is.
Remember the good ol' days when a lot of Clinton's Cabinet nominees had to withdraw their nominations because they failed to pay a nanny's Social Security taxes and all the Right-wing pearl clutching that went with it? (Zoë Baird)

Now Trump has the same thing with immunity.

Why should Trump have to answer for someone else's behavior?

You wouldn't even hold Obama responsible for his own behavior but Trump is responsible for all the behaviors of all of the people he employs?

Oh yea, how many people did Obama employ in his life?
Because Trump golf courses carry the Trump name. If he cant keep his own business in order, how can anybody expect him to lead a country?
Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.
You could ask Trump how he makes those fake green cards for his workers.
Oh really? I must have missed it when Trump campaigned so passionately on the issue.

So you're unaware of the battles that Repubs and Dems have fought over E-Verify in Congress and that Dems have fought tooth and nail to defang the program as much as possible? Pop quiz: Which president told the SS Administration not to respond to E-Verify requests for SSN verification? You are not to be taken seriously.
So whoever this president is that you are referring to is a traitor but Trump isn’t? His own businesses have hired illegals. I know that is an inconvenient truth, but it is what it is.
Remember the good ol' days when a lot of Clinton's Cabinet nominees had to withdraw their nominations because they failed to pay a nanny's Social Security taxes and all the Right-wing pearl clutching that went with it? (Zoë Baird)

Now Trump has the same thing with immunity.

Why should Trump have to answer for someone else's behavior?

You wouldn't even hold Obama responsible for his own behavior but Trump is responsible for all the behaviors of all of the people he employs?

Oh yea, how many people did Obama employ in his life?
Because Trump golf courses carry the Trump name. If he cant keep his own business in order, how can anybody expect him to lead a country?

Was Obama responsible for the behavior of every American if he's president? If so he has the blood of hundreds of thousands of Americans on his hands, all dying under his presidency.

No, Trump golf courses carry his name because he created them. He's not responsible for who is hired there. That's as absurd as saying Sam Walton was responsible for every single person Wal Mart hired across the country and that he can't possibly keep his "businesses in order" if he doesn't oversee every single hire across all of his stores. You wouldn't know how to run a business if you took a class on it so do us all a favor and shut the fuck up. Dudmuck? More like dumbfuck.

Are liberals that stupid or do you just pretend to be?
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"Why is it that republicans don’t ever condemn business owners for hiring illegal immigrants?"

Clearly this is rhetorical.
Here's some critical thought for you however. It's the govts. responsibility to control immigration. If they choose not to like progs, then why blame employers for putting the people our govt. wants here to work? Looks like misdirection to me prog.
Here's some critical thought for you however. It's the govts. responsibility to control immigration. If they choose not to like progs, then why blame employers for putting the people our govt. wants here to work? Looks like misdirection to me prog.
Lol you’re hilarious. In your previous post you said you condemn them and here you are now trying to take the blame away from them.
Here's some critical thought for you however. It's the govts. responsibility to control immigration. If they choose not to like progs, then why blame employers for putting the people our govt. wants here to work? Looks like misdirection to me prog.
Lol you’re hilarious. In your previous post you said you condemn them and here you are now trying to take the blame away from them.

I'm looking at both angles, because I'm rational. At the end of the day you steer blame on employers instead of our corrupt prog government, and they are in fact corrupt.......BLATANTLY.

For years liberals feared law enforcement was corrupt, and today's progs cheer it on. What a disaster.
I say....let's organize a day without illegals and see how it goes, heck even a month....see who will come out screaming that their fried chicken is $30 amd their bacon is not affordable....you wanna dine ina restaurant for your birthday? $100 a plate., let's do this.
Is the OP willing to arrest legal immigrant business owners?
In construction many crews are subcontracted, with a legal Mexican business owner who in turn hires illegals for cash under the table. No one is the wiser and no checks are conducted since our government is overwhelmed.
Mexican business owners like cheap labor also.
I say....let's organize a day without illegals and see how it goes, heck even a month....see who will come out screaming that their fried chicken is $30 amd their bacon is not affordable....you wanna dine ina restaurant for your birthday? $100 a plate., let's do this.

NOPE................Kids would go to work like we used to do. The only downside is the Self-fulfilled prophecy that only Mexicans will do the work. It's true for the most part, USA is mostly lazy as fuck when it comes to skilled trade labor, and can't even do basic shit like mowing a lawn and changing oil. Somehow they're above it "leave it to the Mexican". It's by design. You can blame progs for most of it, they exploit everything, including Mexicans.
Here's some critical thought for you however. It's the govts. responsibility to control immigration. If they choose not to like progs, then why blame employers for putting the people our govt. wants here to work? Looks like misdirection to me prog.
Lol you’re hilarious. In your previous post you said you condemn them and here you are now trying to take the blame away from them.

I'm looking at both angles, because I'm rational. At the end of the day you steer blame on employers instead of our corrupt prog government, and they are in fact corrupt.......BLATANTLY.

For years liberals feared law enforcement was corrupt, and today's progs cheer it on. What a disaster.
Lol by that logic any other republican president is culpable including Trump because his dumbass couldn’t get a wall built in the two years republicans controlled congress.
I say....let's organize a day without illegals and see how it goes, heck even a month....see who will come out screaming that their fried chicken is $30 amd their bacon is not affordable....you wanna dine ina restaurant for your birthday? $100 a plate., let's do this.

NOPE................Kids would go to work like we used to do. The only downside is the Self-fulfilled prophecy that only Mexicans will do the work. It's true for the most part, USA is mostly lazy as fuck when it comes to skilled trade labor, and can't even do basic shit like mowing a lawn and changing oil. Somehow they're above it "leave it to the Mexican". It's by design. You can blame progs for most of it, they exploit everything, including Mexicans.
No point of return...Americans are super lazy and lot of them are obese and wont do hard labor.
When I first arrived to this country and I took the bus, and I found out that the bus stop every 200 yats or so, I knew people have to be lazy.
Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.

You seem to think politicians (and their devoted minions) are guided by 'principles' or the 'rule of law', what a weird idea...

Corporations, who are people too my friend, simply can't be criticized, that's where the campaign bribes donations come from after all.

Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.
Sorry but Im a republican and im aginst hiring illegals.
There is no doubt that business owners that hire

Illegals should be punished. This would cut down

on the incentive to illegally cross the border…

democrats and rino business owners both take

advantage of the cheap labor and the tards are

counting on their future votes. The fact is if these

people were White and the tards thought they would

vote Right, the likes of belowsi and crying chuck scummer

would be on the border laying the bricks their selves…..

I think all of this will hurt the libtards in the long run.

I know from experience that the vast majority of

Mexicans are decent hard working family loving people.

They will end up on the Right side.
Americans today are the hardest working most productive workers in the world. Perhaps if the wages of those so called jobs Americans won't do paid at least double per hour you might attract them. Why would some American do those jobs for basically no pay?
Neither tribe talks about it much, and it's the primary magnet for illegals to come here.

The tribes would rather just fling poo at the other.
Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.
You could ask Trump how he makes those fake green cards for his workers.
Oh really? I must have missed it when Trump campaigned so passionately on the issue.

So you're unaware of the battles that Repubs and Dems have fought over E-Verify in Congress and that Dems have fought tooth and nail to defang the program as much as possible? Pop quiz: Which president told the SS Administration not to respond to E-Verify requests for SSN verification? You are not to be taken seriously.
So whoever this president is that you are referring to is a traitor but Trump isn’t? His own businesses have hired illegals. I know that is an inconvenient truth, but it is what it is.
Remember the good ol' days when a lot of Clinton's Cabinet nominees had to withdraw their nominations because they failed to pay a nanny's Social Security taxes and all the Right-wing pearl clutching that went with it? (Zoë Baird)

Now Trump has the same thing with immunity.

Why should Trump have to answer for someone else's behavior?

You wouldn't even hold Obama responsible for his own behavior but Trump is responsible for all the behaviors of all of the people he employs?

Oh yea, how many people did Obama employ in his life?
Because Trump golf courses carry the Trump name. If he cant keep his own business in order, how can anybody expect him to lead a country?

So what if they carry his name or not ? That doesn't mean that he micromanages the enterprises. The Trump name is synonymous with astounding achievements in the field of Excellence, people are willing to pay him to license it even if Trump has no management responsibilities whatsoever.

BTW, why doesn't Carlos Slim- largest shareholder at the New York Times- get his name on that business? Or why isn't Buffett's name on his GEICO property? Because their names aren't as respected as the Trumpster's are.
Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.
You could ask Trump how he makes those fake green cards for his workers.
So you're unaware of the battles that Repubs and Dems have fought over E-Verify in Congress and that Dems have fought tooth and nail to defang the program as much as possible? Pop quiz: Which president told the SS Administration not to respond to E-Verify requests for SSN verification? You are not to be taken seriously.
So whoever this president is that you are referring to is a traitor but Trump isn’t? His own businesses have hired illegals. I know that is an inconvenient truth, but it is what it is.
Remember the good ol' days when a lot of Clinton's Cabinet nominees had to withdraw their nominations because they failed to pay a nanny's Social Security taxes and all the Right-wing pearl clutching that went with it? (Zoë Baird)

Now Trump has the same thing with immunity.

Why should Trump have to answer for someone else's behavior?

You wouldn't even hold Obama responsible for his own behavior but Trump is responsible for all the behaviors of all of the people he employs?

Oh yea, how many people did Obama employ in his life?
Because Trump golf courses carry the Trump name. If he cant keep his own business in order, how can anybody expect him to lead a country?

So what if they carry his name or not ? That doesn't mean that he micromanages the enterprises. The Trump name is synonymous with astounding achievements in the field of Excellence, people are willing to pay him to license it even if Trump has no management responsibilities whatsoever.

BTW, why doesn't Carlos Slim- largest shareholder at the New York Times- get his name on that business? Or why isn't Buffett's name on his GEICO property? Because their names aren't as respected as the Trumpster's are.
The Trump name is synonymous with astounding achievements?
Trump name removed from another NYC condo building
The brand is toxic.
Hiring undocumented workers is only one reason.

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