Why is it that republicans don’t ever condemn business owners for hiring illegal immigrants?

Americans today are the hardest working most productive workers in the world. Perhaps if the wages of those so called jobs Americans won't do paid at least double per hour you might attract them. Why would some American do those jobs for basically no pay?

And how would you go about doubling the value of low-wage jobs?
If the border was secure then businessess wouldn't be able to hire illegals or at least the amount they could hire would be reduced and for the record I support punishing those who knowingly hire illegals.
Bullshit. They'll always find a way to get here if the JOBS are here...and YOU fuckers are HIRING them...TRUMP is hiring them
I'm not hiring anybody you stupid fucker second learn how to read dumbass I never said you could stop everybody I said you could reduce the number who come here if you on the left don't believe that is possible then stop saying you want border security and just admit you want open borders.
Stop the hiring and you fix the problem.

It's that simple

Everything else is bullshit
If the border was secure then businessess wouldn't be able to hire illegals or at least the amount they could hire would be reduced and for the record I support punishing those who knowingly hire illegals.
Bullshit. They'll always find a way to get here if the JOBS are here...and YOU fuckers are HIRING them...TRUMP is hiring them
I'm not hiring anybody you stupid fucker second learn how to read dumbass I never said you could stop everybody I said you could reduce the number who come here if you on the left don't believe that is possible then stop saying you want border security and just admit you want open borders.
Stop the hiring and you fix the problem.

It's that simple

Everything else is bullshit

So what's the Democrats' plan to police the street corners and Home Depot parking lots across the country to stop the hiring? What's the plan to stop illegals from getting fake ID to be hired by legit businesses? How much will this plan cost? I don't hear a dam thing from Chuck and Nancy, who don't seem to be able to stay in Washington long enough to build a plan for this.
If the border was secure then businessess wouldn't be able to hire illegals or at least the amount they could hire would be reduced and for the record I support punishing those who knowingly hire illegals.
Bullshit. They'll always find a way to get here if the JOBS are here...and YOU fuckers are HIRING them...TRUMP is hiring them
I'm not hiring anybody you stupid fucker second learn how to read dumbass I never said you could stop everybody I said you could reduce the number who come here if you on the left don't believe that is possible then stop saying you want border security and just admit you want open borders.
Stop the hiring and you fix the problem.

It's that simple

Everything else is bullshit

So what's the Democrats' plan to police the street corners and Home Depot parking lots across the country to stop the hiring? What's the plan to stop illegals from getting fake ID to be hired by legit businesses? How much will this plan cost? I don't hear a dam thing from Chuck and Nancy, who don't seem to be able to stay in Washington long enough to build a plan for this.

Yep. That's the flip side to the wall. Once it's built, the illegals who go around, over or under it will need to be tracked down an removed from the country. That will require some serious police state action. National ID card, government minders for every business to ensure compliance, neighborhood sweeps to flush out those in hiding etc...
What a crock of shit.

It's just not that hard. What's hard is wading through the bullshit you people spew.

Right wing politicians use the fear and hatred of brown people for political purposes...never intending to fix anything.

And you people think "punishing brown people" is a solution.

It's not
What a crock of shit.

It's just not that hard. What's hard is wading through the bullshit you people spew.

Right wing politicians use the fear and hatred of brown people for political purposes...never intending to fix anything.

And you people think "punishing brown people" is a solution.

It's not

Its not "hard" to police all of the nation's Home Depot and Lowes parking lots. It just takes an enormous number of staff and a huge new bureaucracy to manage it. And the fact that Federal Immigration folks get no support at all from sanctuary cities, counties and states in their enforcement efforts, it will probably take a police force of millions and many billions of dollars in expenditures.
Either increase the pay enough to attract American workers or don't hire. Employers unable to fill jobs means those jobs aren't desirable therefore nobody is applying. It's part of the strength of capitalism. Nobody has to fill every job and that's a win win situation.
Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.
You could ask Trump how he makes those fake green cards for his workers.
So you're unaware of the battles that Repubs and Dems have fought over E-Verify in Congress and that Dems have fought tooth and nail to defang the program as much as possible? Pop quiz: Which president told the SS Administration not to respond to E-Verify requests for SSN verification? You are not to be taken seriously.
So whoever this president is that you are referring to is a traitor but Trump isn’t? His own businesses have hired illegals. I know that is an inconvenient truth, but it is what it is.
Remember the good ol' days when a lot of Clinton's Cabinet nominees had to withdraw their nominations because they failed to pay a nanny's Social Security taxes and all the Right-wing pearl clutching that went with it? (Zoë Baird)

Now Trump has the same thing with immunity.

Why should Trump have to answer for someone else's behavior?

You wouldn't even hold Obama responsible for his own behavior but Trump is responsible for all the behaviors of all of the people he employs?

Oh yea, how many people did Obama employ in his life?
Because Trump golf courses carry the Trump name. If he cant keep his own business in order, how can anybody expect him to lead a country?

Was Obama responsible for the behavior of every American if he's president? If so he has the blood of hundreds of thousands of Americans on his hands, all dying under his presidency.

No, Trump golf courses carry his name because he created them. He's not responsible for who is hired there. That's as absurd as saying Sam Walton was responsible for every single person Wal Mart hired across the country and that he can't possibly keep his "businesses in order" if he doesn't oversee every single hire across all of his stores. You wouldn't know how to run a business if you took a class on it so do us all a favor and shut the fuck up. Dudmuck? More like dumbfuck.

Are liberals that stupid or do you just pretend to be?

Golf courses[edit]
The Trump Organization owns or manages seventeen golf courses in the United States, Scotland, Ireland, and the United Arab Emirates.[100] As of 2015, Trump listed income of at least $176 million in an 18-month span from his golf courses – about 41% of the low-end estimate of his income.[78]

United States[edit]

Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles

Trump Turnberry golf coursein Scotland
The Trump Organization - Wikipedia

Research before you speak.
Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.
You could ask Trump how he makes those fake green cards for his workers.
So whoever this president is that you are referring to is a traitor but Trump isn’t? His own businesses have hired illegals. I know that is an inconvenient truth, but it is what it is.
Remember the good ol' days when a lot of Clinton's Cabinet nominees had to withdraw their nominations because they failed to pay a nanny's Social Security taxes and all the Right-wing pearl clutching that went with it? (Zoë Baird)

Now Trump has the same thing with immunity.

Why should Trump have to answer for someone else's behavior?

You wouldn't even hold Obama responsible for his own behavior but Trump is responsible for all the behaviors of all of the people he employs?

Oh yea, how many people did Obama employ in his life?
Because Trump golf courses carry the Trump name. If he cant keep his own business in order, how can anybody expect him to lead a country?

Was Obama responsible for the behavior of every American if he's president? If so he has the blood of hundreds of thousands of Americans on his hands, all dying under his presidency.

No, Trump golf courses carry his name because he created them. He's not responsible for who is hired there. That's as absurd as saying Sam Walton was responsible for every single person Wal Mart hired across the country and that he can't possibly keep his "businesses in order" if he doesn't oversee every single hire across all of his stores. You wouldn't know how to run a business if you took a class on it so do us all a favor and shut the fuck up. Dudmuck? More like dumbfuck.

Are liberals that stupid or do you just pretend to be?

Golf courses[edit]
The Trump Organization owns or manages seventeen golf courses in the United States, Scotland, Ireland, and the United Arab Emirates.[100] As of 2015, Trump listed income of at least $176 million in an 18-month span from his golf courses – about 41% of the low-end estimate of his income.[78]

United States[edit]

Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles

Trump Turnberry golf coursein Scotland
The Trump Organization - Wikipedia

Research before you speak.

Not quite sure what your point is. Sure didn't see anywhere in there where Trump handles the hiring.
I condemn them! Arrest them! What a stupid OP. Purely projected
Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.
You could ask Trump how he makes those fake green cards for his workers.
So whoever this president is that you are referring to is a traitor but Trump isn’t? His own businesses have hired illegals. I know that is an inconvenient truth, but it is what it is.
Remember the good ol' days when a lot of Clinton's Cabinet nominees had to withdraw their nominations because they failed to pay a nanny's Social Security taxes and all the Right-wing pearl clutching that went with it? (Zoë Baird)

Now Trump has the same thing with immunity.

Why should Trump have to answer for someone else's behavior?

You wouldn't even hold Obama responsible for his own behavior but Trump is responsible for all the behaviors of all of the people he employs?

Oh yea, how many people did Obama employ in his life?
Because Trump golf courses carry the Trump name. If he cant keep his own business in order, how can anybody expect him to lead a country?

Was Obama responsible for the behavior of every American if he's president? If so he has the blood of hundreds of thousands of Americans on his hands, all dying under his presidency.

No, Trump golf courses carry his name because he created them. He's not responsible for who is hired there. That's as absurd as saying Sam Walton was responsible for every single person Wal Mart hired across the country and that he can't possibly keep his "businesses in order" if he doesn't oversee every single hire across all of his stores. You wouldn't know how to run a business if you took a class on it so do us all a favor and shut the fuck up. Dudmuck? More like dumbfuck.

Are liberals that stupid or do you just pretend to be?

Golf courses[edit]
The Trump Organization owns or manages seventeen golf courses in the United States, Scotland, Ireland, and the United Arab Emirates.[100] As of 2015, Trump listed income of at least $176 million in an 18-month span from his golf courses – about 41% of the low-end estimate of his income.[78]

United States[edit]

Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles

Trump Turnberry golf coursein Scotland
The Trump Organization - Wikipedia

Research before you speak.
Debbie I wish you had some intelligence
Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.

When will Democrats condemn business owners that hire illegal immigrants for cheaper wages and demand we fine them or even jail them while deporting the illegal alien?

Can you show me a Democrat willing to do that?
Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.
The Poor are not worth equal protection of the law under Capitalism.
You could ask Trump how he makes those fake green cards for his workers.
Remember the good ol' days when a lot of Clinton's Cabinet nominees had to withdraw their nominations because they failed to pay a nanny's Social Security taxes and all the Right-wing pearl clutching that went with it? (Zoë Baird)

Now Trump has the same thing with immunity.

Why should Trump have to answer for someone else's behavior?

You wouldn't even hold Obama responsible for his own behavior but Trump is responsible for all the behaviors of all of the people he employs?

Oh yea, how many people did Obama employ in his life?
Because Trump golf courses carry the Trump name. If he cant keep his own business in order, how can anybody expect him to lead a country?

Was Obama responsible for the behavior of every American if he's president? If so he has the blood of hundreds of thousands of Americans on his hands, all dying under his presidency.

No, Trump golf courses carry his name because he created them. He's not responsible for who is hired there. That's as absurd as saying Sam Walton was responsible for every single person Wal Mart hired across the country and that he can't possibly keep his "businesses in order" if he doesn't oversee every single hire across all of his stores. You wouldn't know how to run a business if you took a class on it so do us all a favor and shut the fuck up. Dudmuck? More like dumbfuck.

Are liberals that stupid or do you just pretend to be?

Golf courses[edit]
The Trump Organization owns or manages seventeen golf courses in the United States, Scotland, Ireland, and the United Arab Emirates.[100] As of 2015, Trump listed income of at least $176 million in an 18-month span from his golf courses – about 41% of the low-end estimate of his income.[78]

United States[edit]

Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles

Trump Turnberry golf coursein Scotland
The Trump Organization - Wikipedia

Research before you speak.

Not quite sure what your point is. Sure didn't see anywhere in there where Trump handles the hiring.

I did not reply to you dipshit and the point is airplance mechanic in his post said Trump does not own his golf courses and he does some and manages other's. If he is at the top of the organization he is responsible. Why do you troll me little boy?
you going to put me in jail because I hired the guy down the road to mow my yard?
It shouldn't be up to me to make sure he's legal it should be up to him.

And don't EVER bitch about illegals being here.

YOU are the reason they comes here and the reason they stay

So are you...

You want to prevent people from asking if the person his legally able to work in this country, so let admit you are part of the problem and never part of the solution.
Why should Trump have to answer for someone else's behavior?

You wouldn't even hold Obama responsible for his own behavior but Trump is responsible for all the behaviors of all of the people he employs?

Oh yea, how many people did Obama employ in his life?
Because Trump golf courses carry the Trump name. If he cant keep his own business in order, how can anybody expect him to lead a country?

Was Obama responsible for the behavior of every American if he's president? If so he has the blood of hundreds of thousands of Americans on his hands, all dying under his presidency.

No, Trump golf courses carry his name because he created them. He's not responsible for who is hired there. That's as absurd as saying Sam Walton was responsible for every single person Wal Mart hired across the country and that he can't possibly keep his "businesses in order" if he doesn't oversee every single hire across all of his stores. You wouldn't know how to run a business if you took a class on it so do us all a favor and shut the fuck up. Dudmuck? More like dumbfuck.

Are liberals that stupid or do you just pretend to be?

Golf courses[edit]
The Trump Organization owns or manages seventeen golf courses in the United States, Scotland, Ireland, and the United Arab Emirates.[100] As of 2015, Trump listed income of at least $176 million in an 18-month span from his golf courses – about 41% of the low-end estimate of his income.[78]

United States[edit]

Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles

Trump Turnberry golf coursein Scotland
The Trump Organization - Wikipedia

Research before you speak.

Not quite sure what your point is. Sure didn't see anywhere in there where Trump handles the hiring.

I did not reply to you dipshit and the point is airplance mechanic in his post said Trump does not own his golf courses and he does some and manages other's. If he is at the top of the organization he is responsible. Why do you troll me little boy?

It is true Trump is responsible for his Human Resource Management Team, and should hold them accountable of caught hiring illegals.
Why should Trump have to answer for someone else's behavior?

You wouldn't even hold Obama responsible for his own behavior but Trump is responsible for all the behaviors of all of the people he employs?

Oh yea, how many people did Obama employ in his life?
Because Trump golf courses carry the Trump name. If he cant keep his own business in order, how can anybody expect him to lead a country?

Was Obama responsible for the behavior of every American if he's president? If so he has the blood of hundreds of thousands of Americans on his hands, all dying under his presidency.

No, Trump golf courses carry his name because he created them. He's not responsible for who is hired there. That's as absurd as saying Sam Walton was responsible for every single person Wal Mart hired across the country and that he can't possibly keep his "businesses in order" if he doesn't oversee every single hire across all of his stores. You wouldn't know how to run a business if you took a class on it so do us all a favor and shut the fuck up. Dudmuck? More like dumbfuck.

Are liberals that stupid or do you just pretend to be?

Golf courses[edit]
The Trump Organization owns or manages seventeen golf courses in the United States, Scotland, Ireland, and the United Arab Emirates.[100] As of 2015, Trump listed income of at least $176 million in an 18-month span from his golf courses – about 41% of the low-end estimate of his income.[78]

United States[edit]

Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles

Trump Turnberry golf coursein Scotland
The Trump Organization - Wikipedia

Research before you speak.

Not quite sure what your point is. Sure didn't see anywhere in there where Trump handles the hiring.

I did not reply to you dipshit and the point is airplance mechanic in his post said Trump does not own his golf courses and he does some and manages other's. If he is at the top of the organization he is responsible. Why do you troll me little boy?

No dumbfuck he said "Trump golf courses carry his name because he created them. He's not responsible for who is hired there". I always get a kick out of replying to idiots that can't fucking read.
Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.

Haha...You twisted wacks have tried this one over and over again...you sure you want to roll with this talking point again?
“Go after the employers who are hiring the illegals.”
Does anybody really believe that Mexicrats would support such an effort? Weren’t they calling for an abolishment of iCE when the media was covering all the raids of businesses...and weren’t Mexicrats pissing their little pink panties when it was all going down?
When will Mexicrats sack up and just be honest about their position with regard to Wetbacks?
Wait...we can only enforce OUR laws if Mexico approves?

Again..I guess you have to say something

And yes...not only does Trump hire illegals to work at his properties...his people HELP them obtain fale papers

Of COURSE you don't want to go after employers
Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.
What are you talking about? We want employers to be thrown in prison. Make it a minimum 5 year sentence for knowingly hiring an illegal. Make it 5 years for each count in fact.

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