Why is it that republicans don’t ever condemn business owners for hiring illegal immigrants?

Why is it that republicans don’t ever condemn business owners for hiring illegal immigrants?
many of us do, in fact, lately most of us do

but we also acknowledge that there is a powerful element within our own party that does want unfettered immigration precisely because they want an unlimited supply of cheap and exploitable labor

why are so many democrats so dishonest?
Why is it that republicans don’t ever condemn business owners for hiring illegal immigrants?
many of us do, in fact, lately most of us do

but we also acknowledge that there is a powerful element within our own party that does want unfettered immigration precisely because they want an unlimited supply of cheap and exploitable labor

why are so many democrats so dishonest?
Bullshit. I have NEVER heard a Republican politician do so...and few on this board ever do unless embarrassed into it.

They'd MUCH rather bitch and whine about brown people.
Why is it that republicans don’t ever condemn business owners for hiring illegal immigrants?
many of us do, in fact, lately most of us do

but we also acknowledge that there is a powerful element within our own party that does want unfettered immigration precisely because they want an unlimited supply of cheap and exploitable labor

why are so many democrats so dishonest?
Bullshit. I have NEVER heard a Republican politician do so...and few on this board ever do unless embarrassed into it.

They'd MUCH rather bitch and whine about brown people.[/QUOTE/]

Hey, fuckwad, there are those like myself that don't subscribe to either bought and paid for political party that knows the real score. The most ironic part of your purse swinging finger pointing is the fact that it is YOUR political party that pushes sanctuary cities, despises ICE and wants open borders.....so go fuck yourself.
Bullshit. I have NEVER heard a Republican politician do so...and few on this board ever do unless embarrassed into it.
we have a uniparty baw; two devils working for the same illicit end

I agree with you on one point, going after the companies that hire illegals would be the strongest and most effective ting we could do

but neither side really wants to do this

blaming it all on republicans is disingenuous

you ask a good question and I gave an honest answer

elected officials from both parties are mostly worthless
Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.

They do all the time.

it's the left that won't let you ask the question.
you going to put me in jail because I hired the guy down the road to mow my yard?
It shouldn't be up to me to make sure he's legal it should be up to him.
Excuses Excuses Excuses.
The concept of “personal responsibility” sounds great when they say it a condescending tone to the left, but they can’t be adult enough to embrace it as a personal philosophy.

Back to the doctor billy....

You've got your head stuck up your ass again.
Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.

Every few days we rehash this issue on this board. Asking the questions again will not change the dynamics.

Bill O'Reilly, Donald Trump, etc. - all these rich guys keep telling us how evil the foreigners without papers are and then, we come to find out, they have them living in their homes as maids, gardeners, etc.

Do you folks need a boulder to hit you on the head? Some guy starts a we'll raise the money and build the wall gimmick on GoFundMe yet out of a nation of 400 + million plus people, they can't raise 5.7 Billion dollars??? That works out to less than $1500 per person in the U.S. The effort raised so little money that it was shut down and the money refunded.

Trump told you Mexico was going to pay; then he'd get Congress to and now he can't even get his supposed legions of followers to cough up the money for a wall we don't need.

Trump is willing to give Dreamers citizenship in exchange for the wall. That's another FOUR MILLION new citizens AFTER we've had an administration saying their parents were criminals, rapists, robbers, murderers, etc. So, we've been winning the elections, but in this last round, many solidly held Republican districts came down to numbers not much larger than the fingers on your hands.

Let us suppose that Trump could make that deal. Those Dreamers would take the ban on allowing their parents to come here to court. You already got a sample of how much tolerance Americans had when the media whined about the separation of families of the undocumented. So, when the Dreamers file suits in federal courts that bar their parents from entering the United States due to an improper entry, the United States Supreme Court MUST, AS A MATTER OF LAW,, allow those parents in based on challenges to the Eighth Amendment. Four million Dreamers with two parents each just put us back in the same position as before the wall had been put up.

By then, some liberal piece of scatalogical waste will be in office and the libs may control one or both Houses of Congress. Then they will beat the drums for citizenship for the parents of Dreamers. Within a generation you have 12 MILLION new Hispanic citizens that the Trumpeteers have antagonized for what is already the better part of two decades (4 million Dreamers pluse up to 8 million parents.) And they will have the motivation to dispossess us and that motivation will be as great as the blacks hatred for us based upon the media demonizing all whites over slavery. The new generation will not have any incentive to adopt any of our values and principles.

The gun control people are working feverishly to disarm us at the county and state levels, a bit at a time. So, I hate to think like this, but we are already behind enemy lines; there is no cavalry coming over the hill to save us. There IS a way to turn things around, but it would begin with rethinking a few subjects and playing think tank strategies. Even in a nation with 400 million firearms, we are powerless to stop the trend without re-examining a few uncomfortable truths. The younger generation is way way far left than at any time in our history...
Isn't it time all of you quit playing politics and figure this stuff out?

A wall is not going to stop the rich and businesses from finding ways to get the foreigners in and working. Trump himself is buddy buddy with the Council on Foreign Relations, a think tank that wants a global economy. So, they have all the sheeple chasing their shoelaces over a nonexistent issue. If you believe in the Constitution, there ain't no such thing as an "illegal alien." It's a made up term.

The federal government has no legal / lawful / de jure jurisdiction over who a state allows to come in and work - and we ain't socialist yet... which is what the build the wall guys are hawking - the useful idiots they are. Jobs belong to the person that creates them. The jobs do NOT belong to the public And if you believe in any "Rule of Law" you should pull your head out of your ass and figure this out:

The federal government cannot, under our Constitution, tell a state who they may invite into their country. The feds are limited to an uniform Rule of Naturalization. The rest of the argument is smoke and mirrors - a chance for the right to be idiotic enough to make America a socialist nation.
Why is it that republicans don’t ever condemn business owners for hiring illegal immigrants?
many of us do, in fact, lately most of us do

but we also acknowledge that there is a powerful element within our own party that does want unfettered immigration precisely because they want an unlimited supply of cheap and exploitable labor

why are so many democrats so dishonest?
Democrats agreed to more border security spending - they just didn’t agree to spend it on a wall.
Why is it that republicans don’t ever condemn business owners for hiring illegal immigrants?
many of us do, in fact, lately most of us do

but we also acknowledge that there is a powerful element within our own party that does want unfettered immigration precisely because they want an unlimited supply of cheap and exploitable labor

why are so many democrats so dishonest?
Democrats agreed to more border security spending - they just didn’t agree to spend it on a wall.

It's not just "didn't agree." It's they are going to fight to the death to make sure it isn't built, and they don't care if every government worker starves to death.
If the border was secure then businessess wouldn't be able to hire illegals or at least the amount they could hire would be reduced and for the record I support punishing those who knowingly hire illegals.
You got it ass backward. If illegal employers didn’t hire they wouldn’t come.

You’re wasting a whole lot of time building a wall we wouldn’t need if they would stop.

I can post an article showing you in 1999 Clinton did 400 work raids. In 2003 bush did 4. What does that tell you? It should tell you the deep state rino bush loved the cheap labor. Corporations love them too.

This is why we won’t solve this problem. You refuse to do first things first.
Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.
You nailed it.

And the fact they believe we NEED a wall just because trump says so says they’ll follow anything the republicans say
Why is it that republicans don’t ever condemn business owners for hiring illegal immigrants?

Because they're all too busy granting them citizenship

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

H1-B holders in the United States can rest assured that changes are soon coming which will bring both simplicity and certainty to your stay, including a potential path to citizenship. We want to encourage talented and highly skilled people to pursue career options in the U.S.

4:40 AM - 11 Jan 2019
Why is it that republicans don’t ever condemn business owners for hiring illegal immigrants?
many of us do, in fact, lately most of us do

but we also acknowledge that there is a powerful element within our own party that does want unfettered immigration precisely because they want an unlimited supply of cheap and exploitable labor

why are so many democrats so dishonest?
Democrats agreed to more border security spending - they just didn’t agree to spend it on a wall.

It's not just "didn't agree." It's they are going to fight to the death to make sure it isn't built, and they don't care if every government worker starves to death.
So for some reason you think it is not compromise for the Dems to agree to an increase in border security funding but not the wall? If they agreed to the wall, there would be no compromise. Trump would just get his way. His way is to hold the government hostage over it. It’s completely ridiculous.
Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.
Republican politicians like Illegal Aliens because they provide cheap (near-) slave labor for their businesses.

Democratic politicians like Illegal Aliens because they provide large pools of future grateful Democratic voters.

Neither side of the aisle stands with their fellow countrymen, when it comes to this.

Neither side.

So stop throwing rocks at one side over this, when your own side is just as guilty of anti-Americanism.

Your side is every bit as full of $hit on this subject as their side is - just in different ways.
Are they so blantantly hypocritical in the “rule of law” that they choose to just ignore this fact? I suppose their confusion makes sense to some degree. After all, garbage like Fox News or other conservative media has taught them to never fault the hard working entrepreneur spirit for the sake of maximizing profit! Business owners can do no wrong! Of course, even Trump’s businesses being guilty of this still isn’t enough for republicans to have any sense of principle.
why is it assholes and hypocrites blast generic statements that are obviously full of shit yet run with it as if it's their dying emotion?

no one can be this stupid without a lot of help and willingness to want to be.
Why are you ignoring the fact that if we had a secure border, there would be no illegals for businesses to hire in the first place?
We have no immigration clause; we have a naturalization clause and should have no illegal problem, it should be a capital engineering problem.

Let's upgrade Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure.

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