Why is Ja Morant in trouble for having a gun?

Dipshit....the Constitution applies to all Americans.
If it did, black folks wouldn't have been in slavery for over 200yrs and we wouldn't have had Jim Crow for almost another 100yrs. The Constitution was written by white men for white men. Tell me what part of that statement is false.
Ok, so where in the NBA handbook does it say players can't own guns. He was in his own car, nobody was in danger.
Don’t be ignorant . Most player contracts have a personal morality clause that includes behavior that the NBA routinly doesn’t tolerate. The NBA has a strong player union that signs on to this shit. This guy had been warned before not to display firearms in public or in public forums. That you even have to ask means you’re completely ignorant.
This is called CAPITALISM and businesses have a right to expect certain behavior for the millions they pay their players.
I’m obviously right. You don’t see this player suing the league do you ? Obviously you don’t have a clue.
Ja Morant is back in trouble after brandishing a gun on Instagram Live that made the rounds online in Saturday. The Memphis Grizzlies suspended him on Sunday from participating in any team-related activity, while the NBA will likely hand out a steeper punishment at the start of next season.

However, people online are starting to ask why Morant is in trouble for having a gun, given that it's in his right to own one as part of the Second Ammendment. One of those people was Fox News' Will Cain, who wondered the reasons for Morant's suspension.

"Explain to me something," Cain said on Twitter. "Does Ja Morant not have 2A rights? Can he not do what he wants outside of his work environment if it's still legal? It may be stupid, but I don't know what he's done to be suspended."

I am trying to figure out why he is in trouble for having a gun?

Why isn't the NRA out defending him?

Why aren't right wing, conservatives defending him?

Isn't gun rights a big thing for the right?

Ja didn't put anyone's life in danger, he was in his own vehicle.
i’m trying to find from your link where he is in trouble
Ja Morant is back in trouble after brandishing a gun on Instagram Live that made the rounds online in Saturday. The Memphis Grizzlies suspended him on Sunday from participating in any team-related activity, while the NBA will likely hand out a steeper punishment at the start of next season.

However, people online are starting to ask why Morant is in trouble for having a gun, given that it's in his right to own one as part of the Second Ammendment. One of those people was Fox News' Will Cain, who wondered the reasons for Morant's suspension.

"Explain to me something," Cain said on Twitter. "Does Ja Morant not have 2A rights? Can he not do what he wants outside of his work environment if it's still legal? It may be stupid, but I don't know what he's done to be suspended."

I am trying to figure out why he is in trouble for having a gun?

Why isn't the NRA out defending him?

Why aren't right wing, conservatives defending him?

Isn't gun rights a big thing for the right?

Ja didn't put anyone's life in danger, he was in his own vehicle.
I like Ja Morant and I don't agree with the suspension. I guess it's an NBA rule he violated.
If it did, black folks wouldn't have been in slavery for over 200yrs and we wouldn't have had Jim Crow for almost another 100yrs. The Constitution was written by white men for white men. Tell me what part of that statement is false.

You had slavery because the people who would become the democrat party refused to give up their slaves.....they then formed the democrat party, and after the Republicans beat them in the Civil War, the democrat party created jim crow.........

The Constitution doesn't say anything about skin color.... The Declaration of Independence does state All Men Are Created Equal.....

Tell me which part of that statement is false....

That you cling to the democrat party is just weird.....
Morant's idiotic behavior has nothing to do with the Second Amendment or the NRA. Even if he has a concealed carry permit, there's no state in the US whose permit laws allows the holder to be in possession of a firearm while being inebriated in a bar or a club.

I can sit is a bar all day while I'm carrying, as long as I'm not drinking an alcoholic beverage.

There are no laws regarding the consumption of alcohol, and possessing a firearm.

There are laws regarding the reckless handling of firearms, with intoxication being one of the many factors.

The NBA has behaviorable clauses in the contract you sign with them as player, that you agree to not be viewed in a manner that is unprofessional, or seen as a detriment to the community, or hurting your team, or the leagues image. This is true in all professional sports leagues.

If he wants to be Ja the moron with a gun, in a bar, acting like an idiot under the influence. He is welcome to quit the league, surrender any pay and benefits under his contract, and enjoy the thug life in the projects
I also believe that stupid, irresponsible people who don't use common sense or don't follow a few simple rules are doing nothing but giving the left more ammunition for their goal of confiscation.

Indeed, correct. Possession of weed and responsible gun ownership are hardly inconsistent and irresponsible. The standard should be impairment. A person impaired by consumption of drugs including alcohol should not have a carry permit. Any citizen who is responsible and not impaired and is obeying the law is fine with a gun and a carry permit. Prescription pills are as bad or worse than alcohol, off the scale worse than weed.

If Morant was impaired in public, he should not have a carry permit.
That's why fedgov is a running joke.

FedGov DOES NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY to label anyone a menace based on their medical status.

I smoke pot for medical reasons. Both my shoulder sockets are disintegrated, I wouldn't be able to work 80% of the time without some beta caryophylline in my system.

But the stupid ignorant fucktards in FedGov, FIRST tried to label me as mentally ill because I need pain killers.

THEN they said I couldn't own a gun because I was a "drug user".

At that point, I took a look around, and noticed that 3/4 of the people with guns were drug users, and 3/4 of the drug users had guns.

Therefore I came to the conclusion that FedGov is stupid and ignorant, and I should just IGNORE their stupid ignorant bullshit and keep on doing whatever I need to do to survive.

I know a guy in Philly, he has MS, and he smokes pot for medical reasons too. WHO THE FUCK IS UNCLE SAM to tell him he's not allowed to protect his family and his house?

If Uncle Sam had even a single molecule of credibility, people like me might rethink this equation. But he doesn't. Right now, Uncle Sam is a total fucking liar and if you play along you're supporting the lies.

On this point, fuck Uncle Sam. He has neither the power not the authority to stop me from protecting myself.

Just using weed or painkiller is different from impaired.

Small weed amounts do not impair.

Large HUGE consumption of weed can.

Pills absolutely can.

None should prevent gun ownership, but I do support an "impairment" standard for a carry permit. If you cannot hold your liquor then you can't carry.

Confiscation should only apply to people who should otherwise be in prison for life and/or in front of firing squad.

Child rape
I replied to your comment. Irrelevant and overly hostile, for no apparent reason (except it makes you feel tough?)
and your comment was both stupid and irrelevant to the issue at hand,,,

maybe next time you make sense and stick to the subject instead of trying to do a gotcha moment,,
and your comment was both stupid and irrelevant to the issue at hand,,,

maybe next time you make sense and stick to the subject instead of trying to do a gotcha moment,,

"Gotcha moment"?? LOL! Too funny.

Now, if you will go back to the original comment you thought so irrelevant, you will see I did not say it was a 2nd amendment issue (although it easily could become one). I asked why the people who defend 2nd amendment right were not saying anything. It is shorthand for why are the people in the NRA, fans of shooting, fans of CCW permits being available, defenders of the right to keep and bear arms etc etc were not making more noise.
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"Gotcha moment"?? LOL! Too funny.

Now, if you will go back to the original comment you thought so irrelevant, you will see I did not say it was a 2nd amendment issue (although it easily could become one). I asked why the people who defend 2nd amendment right were not saying anything. It is shorthand for why are the people in the NRA, fans of shooting, fans of CCW permits being available, defenders of the right to keep and bear arms etc etc were not making more noise.
of course if you read more than one comment of mine you would have seen I defended his 2nd A right to have it,,

so again you got caught trying to be a smartass and ended up being a dumbass,,,

have a nice day,,

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