Why is killing unborn babies part of "making a better world" for the Democrats?


y'all know who you are....................

In a thread where the average IQ of the ghouls was already in the low teens, it just dropped precipitously...

Why is it that you Stalinists are always ghouls, and ghouls are always Stalinists? Could it be that Socialism and Abortion are both predicated on a deep seated hatred of human life?

Yep, that's it.
Maybe you should concern yourself with issues that effect you.

If you were “pro life” you’d want to help care for babies after they’re born instead of cutting SNAP

I'm curious fake lawyer, do you scour the writings of Josef Mengele to find phrases to support the holocaust you promote and engage in? I mean, you are really just followers of the Nazis, they were the first to industrialize murder on a massive scale. Granted, you are far worse than the Nazis - well you ARE a Nazi, but you have butchered a hundred times as many innocent humans as the first Nazis did.

It's times like this I wish there were a god, so that ghouls like you could be chained to your mentor, Adolf Hitler, for all of eternity in hell.

y'all know who you are....................

In a thread where the average IQ of the ghouls was already in the low teens, it just dropped precipitously...

Why is it that you Stalinists are always ghouls, and ghouls are always Stalinists? Could it be that Socialism and Abortion are both predicated on a deep seated hatred of human life?

Yep, that's it.

lol.... you're stupid.
For the record, I am pro-life but I want nothing to do with being associated with many here who claim to be pro-life.

Their views are not mine.
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.

So you're in favour of mandated maternity leave and job guarantees for pregnant women. A living wage for low wage workers, universal health care, and subsidized day care for all low wage workers? Employer funded day care centres for large employers? A guaranteed income for young families?

You're never going to get to zero abortions, because circumstances change, and then there's genetic abnormalities, but you COULD cut the abortion rate in half if you were to catch up to the rest of the first world in terms of social benefits for poor families.

What are you prepared to do to encourage poor women to continue their pregnancies?
If they're black, it makes a better world by preventing a much higher crime rate. Even if I cared about other people's embryonic human larvae, which I most certainly do not. I openly admit I support abortion for the most racist reasons possible. Deal with it.
They can say that all day, but it doesn't address my point.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

I don't give a crap how much fucking Fetus Porn you post here, you can't get around that little fact.

Unless you are willing to turn America into a police state to enforce your point of view, the reality is, women are going to have abortions, one way or the other.

So you can squeal about "Science" and "God" all fucking day, but I'm still waiting for you nuts to tell me how you are going to force women to have their rapist's babies.
1 million abortions a year and how many of them are rapes? This is a behavior problem. You pay for it.

If the only abortions were because of rape there would be no huge divide here.

You also are never going to ban abortions for cases of rape.
It's not banning abortions per se we're after, madam,

I'm not a madam.

it's the misinformation the pro-abortionists use that altered the 10,000-a-year secret abortions committed prior to 1973 to a million. It's lying bullshit to ameliorate the profit-making business abortion is today using Planned Parenthood whose erased charter purpose was to shut down abortions and offer alternatives to killing one's own preborn human child. Even animals have more common sense than human beings who want to promote genocide by intellectual faux pas.

I'm pro-life but tell me, what would you do to handle an addition one million babies a year?

Are you for expanding access to health care?

Raising wages?

Providing better access for day care?

Better access to education?

How about allowing gay couples to adopt?
Am I for expanding access to health care? --- Are you for expanding taxes at the local, state and federal levels?

Am I for raising wages? --- Are you for rewarding slovenly work rather than excellence as an incentive?

Am I for providing better access for day care? --- Are you prepared to replace two parents with a 24-hour-a-day government-controlled child care system so they can work their butts off day and night to avoid poverty?

Am I for better access to education? --- Are you suggesting that I turn all American children over to hellions who teach by example the fun irresponsible wiccan precepts are with "Don't get mad, get even," bents?

That isn't the kind of religion I believe in, but Maxine Waters and her "get-even-with-conservative-Republicans-through-harassment" minions do believe that paramilitary satisfaction is more important than protocols of doing the right thing.

Low wage workers are “slovenly”. Is that the hill you want to die on?

“That which you have done to the least among you, you have also done to me.” Try to remember it. Jesus said it.

And all religions are wrong but yours.

Some Christian you are lady.
Maybe you should concern yourself with issues that effect you.

If you were “pro life” you’d want to help care for babies after they’re born instead of cutting SNAP

I'm curious fake lawyer, do you scour the writings of Josef Mengele to find phrases to support the holocaust you promote and engage in? I mean, you are really just followers of the Nazis, they were the first to industrialize murder on a massive scale. Granted, you are far worse than the Nazis - well you ARE a Nazi, but you have butchered a hundred times as many innocent humans as the first Nazis did.

It's times like this I wish there were a god, so that ghouls like you could be chained to your mentor, Adolf Hitler, for all of eternity in hell.

Oh please stop with your self righteous bullshit.

Comparing poor women who cannot afford to bear and raise another child and have an abortion because of economic policies they have no control over, to the deliberate mass genocide by a political regime based on hate hate and bigotry is a huge stretch.

Liberals don’t favour abortions. The favour giving women control over their own lives and their families.

That you try to twist this into something evil is on your hatred of women.
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.

So you're in favour of mandated maternity leave and job guarantees for pregnant women. A living wage for low wage workers, universal health care, and subsidized day care for all low wage workers? Employer funded day care centres for large employers? A guaranteed income for young families?

You're never going to get to zero abortions, because circumstances change, and then there's genetic abnormalities, but you COULD cut the abortion rate in half if you were to catch up to the rest of the first world in terms of social benefits for poor families.

What are you prepared to do to encourage poor women to continue their pregnancies?
You're a fucking liar, even if I agreed to all that you'd still kill babies.
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.

So you're in favour of mandated maternity leave and job guarantees for pregnant women. A living wage for low wage workers, universal health care, and subsidized day care for all low wage workers? Employer funded day care centres for large employers? A guaranteed income for young families?

You're never going to get to zero abortions, because circumstances change, and then there's genetic abnormalities, but you COULD cut the abortion rate in half if you were to catch up to the rest of the first world in terms of social benefits for poor families.

What are you prepared to do to encourage poor women to continue their pregnancies?
You're a fucking liar, even if I agreed to all that you'd still kill babies.

There would be but there would be fewer.
1 million abortions a year and how many of them are rapes? This is a behavior problem. You pay for it.

If the only abortions were because of rape there would be no huge divide here.

You also are never going to ban abortions for cases of rape.
It's not banning abortions per se we're after, madam,

I'm not a madam.

it's the misinformation the pro-abortionists use that altered the 10,000-a-year secret abortions committed prior to 1973 to a million. It's lying bullshit to ameliorate the profit-making business abortion is today using Planned Parenthood whose erased charter purpose was to shut down abortions and offer alternatives to killing one's own preborn human child. Even animals have more common sense than human beings who want to promote genocide by intellectual faux pas.

I'm pro-life but tell me, what would you do to handle an addition one million babies a year?

Are you for expanding access to health care?

Raising wages?

Providing better access for day care?

Better access to education?

How about allowing gay couples to adopt?
Am I for expanding access to health care? --- Are you for expanding taxes at the local, state and federal levels?

Am I for raising wages? --- Are you for rewarding slovenly work rather than excellence as an incentive?

Am I for providing better access for day care? --- Are you prepared to replace two parents with a 24-hour-a-day government-controlled child care system so they can work their butts off day and night to avoid poverty?

Am I for better access to education? --- Are you suggesting that I turn all American children over to hellions who teach by example the fun irresponsible wiccan precepts are with "Don't get mad, get even," bents?

That isn't the kind of religion I believe in, but Maxine Waters and her "get-even-with-conservative-Republicans-through-harassment" minions do believe that paramilitary satisfaction is more important than protocols of doing the right thing.

Low wage workers are “slovenly”. Is that the hill you want to die on?

“That which you have done to the least among you, you have also done to me.” Try to remember it. Jesus said it.

And all religions are wrong but yours.

Some Christian you are lady.

their mantra:

hate your next door neighbor, but don't ferget to say grace.
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.

So you're in favour of mandated maternity leave and job guarantees for pregnant women. A living wage for low wage workers, universal health care, and subsidized day care for all low wage workers? Employer funded day care centres for large employers? A guaranteed income for young families?

You're never going to get to zero abortions, because circumstances change, and then there's genetic abnormalities, but you COULD cut the abortion rate in half if you were to catch up to the rest of the first world in terms of social benefits for poor families.

What are you prepared to do to encourage poor women to continue their pregnancies?
You're a fucking liar, even if I agreed to all that you'd still kill babies.

First off, let's be clear. These are not babies. If they were babies, they'd be able to survive outside the womb.

But the numbers would be so much lower. If your goal is to save innocent lives, then you'd save half of the pregnancies currently being terminated. That's half a million abortions per year. In any medical procedure, a 50% reduction in mortality rate would be considered amazing.

But the goal isn't to save innocent lives at all. The goal is dominate and control women. So only a ban which allows you to arrest and abuse women, will do. It's not about the babies at all. You don't care about the children not one bit. Once they're born they're on their own.
Maybe you should concern yourself with issues that effect you.

If you were “pro life” you’d want to help care for babies after they’re born instead of cutting SNAP

I'm curious fake lawyer, do you scour the writings of Josef Mengele to find phrases to support the holocaust you promote and engage in? I mean, you are really just followers of the Nazis, they were the first to industrialize murder on a massive scale. Granted, you are far worse than the Nazis - well you ARE a Nazi, but you have butchered a hundred times as many innocent humans as the first Nazis did.

It's times like this I wish there were a god, so that ghouls like you could be chained to your mentor, Adolf Hitler, for all of eternity in hell.

Oh please stop with your self righteous bullshit.

Comparing poor women who cannot afford to bear and raise another child and have an abortion because of economic policies they have no control over, to the deliberate mass genocide by a political regime based on hate hate and bigotry is a huge stretch.

Liberals don’t favour abortions. The favour giving women control over their own lives and their families.

That you try to twist this into something evil is on your hatred of women.
You have to love the small gubment wackjobs.

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