Why is killing unborn babies part of "making a better world" for the Democrats?

Science can tell us that what we have is human (unlike what some claim) but they can not tell us when we have a human being (unlike some tell us). I believe it's right from the beginning but there is no way for science to qualify that and that's the conundrum.
Mr. Joe., do you always get stuff wrong, or could it be your advanced case of tds has you talking way out of your head? Yes, science tells us that the unborn are human beings, and they are mereoy occupyint stage one of a science known to physicians and other health care providers, including interns, medical lawyers, registered nurses, sociologists, anatomy professors, medical researchers, anesthesioilogists, pathologists, and even educational scientists known as "Human Development Science."

They can say that all day, but it doesn't address my point.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

I don't give a crap how much fucking Fetus Porn you post here, you can't get around that little fact.

Unless you are willing to turn America into a police state to enforce your point of view, the reality is, women are going to have abortions, one way or the other.

So you can squeal about "Science" and "God" all fucking day, but I'm still waiting for you nuts to tell me how you are going to force women to have their rapist's babies.
Mr. Joe., do you always get stuff wrong, or could it be your advanced case of tds has you talking way out of your head? Yes, science tells us that the unborn are human beings, and they are mereoy occupyint stage one of a science known to physicians and other health care providers, including interns, medical lawyers, registered nurses, sociologists, anatomy professors, medical researchers, anesthesioilogists, pathologists, and even educational scientists known as "Human Development Science."

They can say that all day, but it doesn't address my point.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

I don't give a crap how much fucking Fetus Porn you post here, you can't get around that little fact.

Unless you are willing to turn America into a police state to enforce your point of view, the reality is, women are going to have abortions, one way or the other.

So you can squeal about "Science" and "God" all fucking day, but I'm still waiting for you nuts to tell me how you are going to force women to have their rapist's babies.
Fetal porn???? Laws of mercy, why do I not leave you on ignore permanently? Why do I think you have some slight though it may be chance of growing up at some far away elusive date prior to death from stumbling on archaic caveman practice? *sigh* It's a mystery of God. :D
Mr. Joe., do you always get stuff wrong, or could it be your advanced case of tds has you talking way out of your head? Yes, science tells us that the unborn are human beings, and they are mereoy occupyint stage one of a science known to physicians and other health care providers, including interns, medical lawyers, registered nurses, sociologists, anatomy professors, medical researchers, anesthesioilogists, pathologists, and even educational scientists known as "Human Development Science."

They can say that all day, but it doesn't address my point.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

I don't give a crap how much fucking Fetus Porn you post here, you can't get around that little fact.

Unless you are willing to turn America into a police state to enforce your point of view, the reality is, women are going to have abortions, one way or the other.

So you can squeal about "Science" and "God" all fucking day, but I'm still waiting for you nuts to tell me how you are going to force women to have their rapist's babies.
Fetal porn???? Laws of mercy, why do I not leave you on ignore permanently? Why do I think you have some slight though it may be chance of growing up at some far away elusive date prior to death from stumbling on archaic caveman practice? *sigh* It's a mystery of God. :D

He's a colossal waste of time...and nobody gives two shits about his BS ramblings
Mr. Joe., do you always get stuff wrong, or could it be your advanced case of tds has you talking way out of your head? Yes, science tells us that the unborn are human beings, and they are mereoy occupyint stage one of a science known to physicians and other health care providers, including interns, medical lawyers, registered nurses, sociologists, anatomy professors, medical researchers, anesthesioilogists, pathologists, and even educational scientists known as "Human Development Science."

They can say that all day, but it doesn't address my point.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

I don't give a crap how much fucking Fetus Porn you post here, you can't get around that little fact.

Unless you are willing to turn America into a police state to enforce your point of view, the reality is, women are going to have abortions, one way or the other.

So you can squeal about "Science" and "God" all fucking day, but I'm still waiting for you nuts to tell me how you are going to force women to have their rapist's babies.
1 million abortions a year and how many of them are rapes? This is a behavior problem. You pay for it.
Mr. Joe., do you always get stuff wrong, or could it be your advanced case of tds has you talking way out of your head? Yes, science tells us that the unborn are human beings, and they are mereoy occupyint stage one of a science known to physicians and other health care providers, including interns, medical lawyers, registered nurses, sociologists, anatomy professors, medical researchers, anesthesioilogists, pathologists, and even educational scientists known as "Human Development Science."

They can say that all day, but it doesn't address my point.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

I don't give a crap how much fucking Fetus Porn you post here, you can't get around that little fact.

Unless you are willing to turn America into a police state to enforce your point of view, the reality is, women are going to have abortions, one way or the other.

So you can squeal about "Science" and "God" all fucking day, but I'm still waiting for you nuts to tell me how you are going to force women to have their rapist's babies.
1 million abortions a year and how many of them are rapes? This is a behavior problem. You pay for it.

If the only abortions were because of rape there would be no huge divide here.

You also are never going to ban abortions for cases of rape.
Mr. Joe., do you always get stuff wrong, or could it be your advanced case of tds has you talking way out of your head? Yes, science tells us that the unborn are human beings, and they are mereoy occupyint stage one of a science known to physicians and other health care providers, including interns, medical lawyers, registered nurses, sociologists, anatomy professors, medical researchers, anesthesioilogists, pathologists, and even educational scientists known as "Human Development Science."

They can say that all day, but it doesn't address my point.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

I don't give a crap how much fucking Fetus Porn you post here, you can't get around that little fact.

Unless you are willing to turn America into a police state to enforce your point of view, the reality is, women are going to have abortions, one way or the other.

So you can squeal about "Science" and "God" all fucking day, but I'm still waiting for you nuts to tell me how you are going to force women to have their rapist's babies.
1 million abortions a year and how many of them are rapes? This is a behavior problem. You pay for it.
Joe's problem is he must think raping women will evaporate if women sink to getting an innocent person aborted 100% of the stuck-on-stupid time parameter in which he dwells.
Mr. Joe., do you always get stuff wrong, or could it be your advanced case of tds has you talking way out of your head? Yes, science tells us that the unborn are human beings, and they are mereoy occupyint stage one of a science known to physicians and other health care providers, including interns, medical lawyers, registered nurses, sociologists, anatomy professors, medical researchers, anesthesioilogists, pathologists, and even educational scientists known as "Human Development Science."

They can say that all day, but it doesn't address my point.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

I don't give a crap how much fucking Fetus Porn you post here, you can't get around that little fact.

Unless you are willing to turn America into a police state to enforce your point of view, the reality is, women are going to have abortions, one way or the other.

So you can squeal about "Science" and "God" all fucking day, but I'm still waiting for you nuts to tell me how you are going to force women to have their rapist's babies.
1 million abortions a year and how many of them are rapes? This is a behavior problem. You pay for it.

If the only abortions were because of rape there would be no huge divide here.

You also are never going to ban abortions for cases of rape.
It's not banning abortions per se we're after, madam, it's the misinformation the pro-abortionists use that altered the 10,000-a-year secret abortions committed prior to 1973 to a million. It's lying bullshit to ameliorate the profit-making business abortion is today using Planned Parenthood whose erased charter purpose was to shut down abortions and offer alternatives to killing one's own preborn human child. Even animals have more common sense than human beings who want to promote genocide by intellectual faux pas.
Mr. Joe., do you always get stuff wrong, or could it be your advanced case of tds has you talking way out of your head? Yes, science tells us that the unborn are human beings, and they are mereoy occupyint stage one of a science known to physicians and other health care providers, including interns, medical lawyers, registered nurses, sociologists, anatomy professors, medical researchers, anesthesioilogists, pathologists, and even educational scientists known as "Human Development Science."

They can say that all day, but it doesn't address my point.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

I don't give a crap how much fucking Fetus Porn you post here, you can't get around that little fact.

Unless you are willing to turn America into a police state to enforce your point of view, the reality is, women are going to have abortions, one way or the other.

So you can squeal about "Science" and "God" all fucking day, but I'm still waiting for you nuts to tell me how you are going to force women to have their rapist's babies.
1 million abortions a year and how many of them are rapes? This is a behavior problem. You pay for it.

If the only abortions were because of rape there would be no huge divide here.

You also are never going to ban abortions for cases of rape.
It's not banning abortions per se we're after, madam,

I'm not a madam.

it's the misinformation the pro-abortionists use that altered the 10,000-a-year secret abortions committed prior to 1973 to a million. It's lying bullshit to ameliorate the profit-making business abortion is today using Planned Parenthood whose erased charter purpose was to shut down abortions and offer alternatives to killing one's own preborn human child. Even animals have more common sense than human beings who want to promote genocide by intellectual faux pas.

I'm pro-life but tell me, what would you do to handle an addition one million babies a year?

Are you for expanding access to health care?

Raising wages?

Providing better access for day care?

Better access to education?

How about allowing gay couples to adopt?
Mr. Joe., do you always get stuff wrong, or could it be your advanced case of tds has you talking way out of your head? Yes, science tells us that the unborn are human beings, and they are mereoy occupyint stage one of a science known to physicians and other health care providers, including interns, medical lawyers, registered nurses, sociologists, anatomy professors, medical researchers, anesthesioilogists, pathologists, and even educational scientists known as "Human Development Science."

They can say that all day, but it doesn't address my point.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

I don't give a crap how much fucking Fetus Porn you post here, you can't get around that little fact.

Unless you are willing to turn America into a police state to enforce your point of view, the reality is, women are going to have abortions, one way or the other.

So you can squeal about "Science" and "God" all fucking day, but I'm still waiting for you nuts to tell me how you are going to force women to have their rapist's babies.
1 million abortions a year and how many of them are rapes? This is a behavior problem. You pay for it.

If the only abortions were because of rape there would be no huge divide here.

You also are never going to ban abortions for cases of rape.
And you are going to promote the arrested ideal of killing the innocent? Your only point is the abortion equipment that makes painful the situation an innocent being is in already with human emotionalism unchecked with intellectual mercy that most human beings, even a pregnant woman, is capable of understanding if she is informed that acting on strong emotion is not always a very good idea. And we have prisons full of people who acted on strong emotion rather than being encouraged to learn to do the right thing when young. I know, because I live within a 10-mile circle of 5 prisons housing a hundred thousand people who are incarcerated due to an act of violence induced by acting on emotion rather than rational thought.

And you ought to see how caregivers of these monsters drive in the 3-times-a-day shift changes in which they just need to get the hell away from the places they work. :evil:
Mr. Joe., do you always get stuff wrong, or could it be your advanced case of tds has you talking way out of your head? Yes, science tells us that the unborn are human beings, and they are mereoy occupyint stage one of a science known to physicians and other health care providers, including interns, medical lawyers, registered nurses, sociologists, anatomy professors, medical researchers, anesthesioilogists, pathologists, and even educational scientists known as "Human Development Science."

They can say that all day, but it doesn't address my point.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

I don't give a crap how much fucking Fetus Porn you post here, you can't get around that little fact.

Unless you are willing to turn America into a police state to enforce your point of view, the reality is, women are going to have abortions, one way or the other.

So you can squeal about "Science" and "God" all fucking day, but I'm still waiting for you nuts to tell me how you are going to force women to have their rapist's babies.
1 million abortions a year and how many of them are rapes? This is a behavior problem. You pay for it.

If the only abortions were because of rape there would be no huge divide here.

You also are never going to ban abortions for cases of rape.
And you are going to promote the arrested ideal of killing the innocent? Your only point is the abortion equipment that makes painful the situation an innocent being is in already with human emotionalism unchecked with intellectual mercy that most human beings, even a pregnant woman, is capable of understanding if she is informed that acting on strong emotion is not always a very good idea. And we have prisons full of people who acted on strong emotion rather than being encouraged to learn to do the right thing when young. I know, because I live within a 10-mile circle of 5 prisons housing a hundred thousand people who are incarcerated due to an act of violence induced by acting on emotion rather than rational thought.

Stating facts is simply stating facts. I'm pro-life.

I'll wait for the answers to my questions above.
Mr. Joe., do you always get stuff wrong, or could it be your advanced case of tds has you talking way out of your head? Yes, science tells us that the unborn are human beings, and they are mereoy occupyint stage one of a science known to physicians and other health care providers, including interns, medical lawyers, registered nurses, sociologists, anatomy professors, medical researchers, anesthesioilogists, pathologists, and even educational scientists known as "Human Development Science."

They can say that all day, but it doesn't address my point.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

I don't give a crap how much fucking Fetus Porn you post here, you can't get around that little fact.

Unless you are willing to turn America into a police state to enforce your point of view, the reality is, women are going to have abortions, one way or the other.

So you can squeal about "Science" and "God" all fucking day, but I'm still waiting for you nuts to tell me how you are going to force women to have their rapist's babies.
1 million abortions a year and how many of them are rapes? This is a behavior problem. You pay for it.

If the only abortions were because of rape there would be no huge divide here.

You also are never going to ban abortions for cases of rape.
It's not banning abortions per se we're after, madam,

I'm not a madam.

it's the misinformation the pro-abortionists use that altered the 10,000-a-year secret abortions committed prior to 1973 to a million. It's lying bullshit to ameliorate the profit-making business abortion is today using Planned Parenthood whose erased charter purpose was to shut down abortions and offer alternatives to killing one's own preborn human child. Even animals have more common sense than human beings who want to promote genocide by intellectual faux pas.

I'm pro-life but tell me, what would you do to handle an addition one million babies a year?

Are you for expanding access to health care?

Raising wages?

Providing better access for day care?

Better access to education?

How about allowing gay couples to adopt?
Induce your party to stop the million-a-year influx of other countries' prison cleansings, and I'll tell you how we can handle one million innocent newborns a year. Of course, the first sentence in this short paragraph practically paints a picture. :lmao:

You're not a patricia but a patrick? Couldn't tell. Mil perdonnes.
They can say that all day, but it doesn't address my point.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

I don't give a crap how much fucking Fetus Porn you post here, you can't get around that little fact.

Unless you are willing to turn America into a police state to enforce your point of view, the reality is, women are going to have abortions, one way or the other.

So you can squeal about "Science" and "God" all fucking day, but I'm still waiting for you nuts to tell me how you are going to force women to have their rapist's babies.
1 million abortions a year and how many of them are rapes? This is a behavior problem. You pay for it.

If the only abortions were because of rape there would be no huge divide here.

You also are never going to ban abortions for cases of rape.
It's not banning abortions per se we're after, madam,

I'm not a madam.

it's the misinformation the pro-abortionists use that altered the 10,000-a-year secret abortions committed prior to 1973 to a million. It's lying bullshit to ameliorate the profit-making business abortion is today using Planned Parenthood whose erased charter purpose was to shut down abortions and offer alternatives to killing one's own preborn human child. Even animals have more common sense than human beings who want to promote genocide by intellectual faux pas.

I'm pro-life but tell me, what would you do to handle an addition one million babies a year?

Are you for expanding access to health care?

Raising wages?

Providing better access for day care?

Better access to education?

How about allowing gay couples to adopt?
Induce your party to stop the million-a-year influx of other countries' prison cleansings, and I'll tell you how we can handle one million innocent newborns a year. Of course, the first sentence in this short paragraph practically paints a picture. :lmao:

You're not a patricia but a patrick? Couldn't tell. Mil perdonnes.

I do not belong to a party but I will take that as a no, you do not support programs that would lessen the reasons people choose to abort.

You are not pro-life. You are what you accuse me of. An extreme partisan.
Fetal porn???? Laws of mercy, why do I not leave you on ignore permanently? Why do I think you have some slight though it may be chance of growing up at some far away elusive date prior to death from stumbling on archaic caveman practice? *sigh* It's a mystery of God.

Honey, I did grow up.

Most of my childhood the Nasty Frustrated Lesbians in Habits (AKA nuns) showed us all the same tired Fetal Porn you seem to delight in, telling us that these were babies, not globs of meat, and it's terrible that abortion was legal now. (I went to Catholic Grammar school from 68-76) They beat us about the head with this fucking propaganda... and frankly, even after i became an atheist in 1983, this kind of stuck for a while.

Then I realized that the Right Wing doesn't give a fuck about "the babies". If they did, they wouldn't keep trying to cut programs to help poor kids and pregnant women to give tax breaks to billionaires. NOpe, the only purpose of harping on this issue is to keep stupid people like you upset so you keep voting for Republicans.

Roe was decided by Five Republican appointees joining with two Democrats to strike down those laws. Of the 10 Justices appointed to SCOTUS by Republicans since 1973, half of them have supported Roe, because they know what a clusterfuck we'd have if overturned those laws.

Mark my words... when these new laws come up in front of SCOTUS, watch Justice Roberts suddenly develop a love for "Settled Law".

If the only abortions were because of rape there would be no huge divide here.

You also are never going to ban abortions for cases of rape.

Why not? If you take the logic of the Anti-Choice nutters like Buttress to their logical conclusion, that a glob of meat has more rights than the woman it is in, then you CAN'T abort a rape-pregnancy. It's totally a person. IN fact, we need to have police to make sure after a rape report, she doesn't go out and kill Globby.
Induce your party to stop the million-a-year influx of other countries' prison cleansings, and I'll tell you how we can handle one million innocent newborns a year. Of course, the first sentence in this short paragraph practically paints a picture. :lmao:

You're not a patricia but a patrick? Couldn't tell. Mil perdonnes.

See, it's awesome... When Buttress says she's "Pro-Life", she just means white people... those people who are form other countries, fuck them!
Mr. Joe., do you always get stuff wrong, or could it be your advanced case of tds has you talking way out of your head? Yes, science tells us that the unborn are human beings, and they are mereoy occupyint stage one of a science known to physicians and other health care providers, including interns, medical lawyers, registered nurses, sociologists, anatomy professors, medical researchers, anesthesioilogists, pathologists, and even educational scientists known as "Human Development Science."

They can say that all day, but it doesn't address my point.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

I don't give a crap how much fucking Fetus Porn you post here, you can't get around that little fact.

Unless you are willing to turn America into a police state to enforce your point of view, the reality is, women are going to have abortions, one way or the other.

So you can squeal about "Science" and "God" all fucking day, but I'm still waiting for you nuts to tell me how you are going to force women to have their rapist's babies.
1 million abortions a year and how many of them are rapes? This is a behavior problem. You pay for it.

If the only abortions were because of rape there would be no huge divide here.

You also are never going to ban abortions for cases of rape.
It's not banning abortions per se we're after, madam,

I'm not a madam.

it's the misinformation the pro-abortionists use that altered the 10,000-a-year secret abortions committed prior to 1973 to a million. It's lying bullshit to ameliorate the profit-making business abortion is today using Planned Parenthood whose erased charter purpose was to shut down abortions and offer alternatives to killing one's own preborn human child. Even animals have more common sense than human beings who want to promote genocide by intellectual faux pas.

I'm pro-life but tell me, what would you do to handle an addition one million babies a year?

Are you for expanding access to health care?

Raising wages?

Providing better access for day care?

Better access to education?

How about allowing gay couples to adopt?
Am I for expanding access to health care? --- Are you for expanding taxes at the local, state and federal levels?

Am I for raising wages? --- Are you for rewarding slovenly work rather than excellence as an incentive?

Am I for providing better access for day care? --- Are you prepared to replace two parents with a 24-hour-a-day government-controlled child care system so they can work their butts off day and night to avoid poverty?

Am I for better access to education? --- Are you suggesting that I turn all American children over to hellions who teach by example the fun irresponsible wiccan precepts are with "Don't get mad, get even," bents?

That isn't the kind of religion I believe in, but Maxine Waters and her "get-even-with-conservative-Republicans-through-harassment" minions do believe that paramilitary satisfaction is more important than protocols of doing the right thing.
They can say that all day, but it doesn't address my point.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

I don't give a crap how much fucking Fetus Porn you post here, you can't get around that little fact.

Unless you are willing to turn America into a police state to enforce your point of view, the reality is, women are going to have abortions, one way or the other.

So you can squeal about "Science" and "God" all fucking day, but I'm still waiting for you nuts to tell me how you are going to force women to have their rapist's babies.
1 million abortions a year and how many of them are rapes? This is a behavior problem. You pay for it.

If the only abortions were because of rape there would be no huge divide here.

You also are never going to ban abortions for cases of rape.
It's not banning abortions per se we're after, madam,

I'm not a madam.

it's the misinformation the pro-abortionists use that altered the 10,000-a-year secret abortions committed prior to 1973 to a million. It's lying bullshit to ameliorate the profit-making business abortion is today using Planned Parenthood whose erased charter purpose was to shut down abortions and offer alternatives to killing one's own preborn human child. Even animals have more common sense than human beings who want to promote genocide by intellectual faux pas.

I'm pro-life but tell me, what would you do to handle an addition one million babies a year?

Are you for expanding access to health care?

Raising wages?

Providing better access for day care?

Better access to education?

How about allowing gay couples to adopt?
Am I for expanding access to health care? --- Are you for expanding taxes at the local, state and federal levels?

Am I for raising wages? --- Are you for rewarding slovenly work rather than excellence as an incentive?

Am I for providing better access for day care? --- Are you prepared to replace two parents with a 24-hour-a-day government-controlled child care system so they can work their butts off day and night to avoid poverty?

Am I for better access to education? --- Are you suggesting that I turn all American children over to hellions who teach by example the fun irresponsible wiccan precepts are with "Don't get mad, get even," bents?

That isn't the kind of religion I believe in, but Maxine Waters and her "get-even-with-conservative-Republicans-through-harassment" minions do believe that paramilitary satisfaction is more important than protocols of doing the right thing.

You simply reinforced my point. I am grateful that there are many who are pro-life unlike yourself though.
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.
Maybe you should concern yourself with issues that effect you.

If you were “pro life” you’d want to help care for babies after they’re born instead of cutting SNAP

y'all know who you are....................
Science can tell us that what we have is human (unlike what some claim) but they can not tell us when we have a human being (unlike some tell us). I believe it's right from the beginning but there is no way for science to qualify that and that's the conundrum.

Science is a process. A method of discovery. To Marxist idiots like JoeB131 Stalin, science is a religion that they have no grasp of yet fervently believe in.

As you said, we can test the DNA of a baby from the point of conception and positively determine that it is human and separate from the mother. Stalin and other ghouls love to tell a lie that a baby is no different than a fingernail, because you can find human DNA in a fingernail as well. But of course the fingernail doesn't have distinct DNC as a baby does. Stalin is stupid, but the ghouls who cook this crap up are dishonest and intend to deceive.

Being: the quality or state of having existence

We have established that the baby is human - irrefutable. Does the baby exist? Well, quite obviously - hence the baby is a human being, irrefutable.

What the ghouls do is the same as what the Nazis did, they seek to dehumanize their intended victims. They are slaughtering human beings by the millions, that is scientific fact. But to sell what they are doing to the public, they attempt to dehumanize their victims as "blobs" or "parasites."

It is really quite sick. The ghouls are a blemish on the soul of the human race. Like the Nazis they are so very much similar to, these are the evil that festers in the lowest point that humans can sink to.

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