Why is killing unborn babies part of "making a better world" for the Democrats?


Well isn't Christianity based on the OT?? Yes it is.

No it isn't.

Christians believe in the moral laws of the Old Treatment, not the Mosaic Law.

The Ten Commandments are OT, part of the backbone of Christianity

The Ten Commandments are the backbone of most of civilized society but that isn't really what was claimed. There was no such thing as Christianity in the OT. It only came to be after the events of the NT.

Duh but the OT is very much a part of Christian faith and beliefs.

You wander around a lot

No, the OT is not.
Well isn't Christianity based on the OT?? Yes it is.

No it isn't.

Christians believe in the moral laws of the Old Treatment, not the Mosaic Law.

The Ten Commandments are OT, part of the backbone of Christianity

The Ten Commandments are the backbone of most of civilized society but that isn't really what was claimed. There was no such thing as Christianity in the OT. It only came to be after the events of the NT.

Duh but the OT is very much a part of Christian faith and beliefs.

You wander around a lot

No, the OT is not.

I'm weary of you thinking you can simply say something and it's factual.

You're an idiot

And you can't debate worth a damn
Why is killing unborn babies part of "making a better world" for the Democrats?

How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.

It's the sacred ABC’s of “literate” — oh, I mean “liberal” — feminism.

Abortion, Birth control, Circumcision. No way around that block for all the streetwalkers.
No it isn't.

Christians believe in the moral laws of the Old Treatment, not the Mosaic Law.

The Ten Commandments are OT, part of the backbone of Christianity

The Ten Commandments are the backbone of most of civilized society but that isn't really what was claimed. There was no such thing as Christianity in the OT. It only came to be after the events of the NT.

Duh but the OT is very much a part of Christian faith and beliefs.

You wander around a lot

No, the OT is not.

I'm weary of you thinking you can simply say something and it's factual.

You're an idiot

And you can't debate worth a damn

Should this be where you call me a name? Christianity is based upon the life of Jesus Christ.

None of the old laws of the OT are in effect any longer.
Jesus fulfilled the law of the Old Testament, though most Christians follow the New Testament the principles of the old testament apply.
Christians believe in the moral laws of the Old Treatment, not the Mosaic Law.

The Ten Commandments are OT, part of the backbone of Christianity

The Ten Commandments are the backbone of most of civilized society but that isn't really what was claimed. There was no such thing as Christianity in the OT. It only came to be after the events of the NT.

Duh but the OT is very much a part of Christian faith and beliefs.

You wander around a lot

No, the OT is not.

I'm weary of you thinking you can simply say something and it's factual.

You're an idiot

And you can't debate worth a damn

Should this be where you call me a name? Christianity is based upon the life of Jesus Christ.

None of the old laws of the OT are in effect any longer.

You're an idiot and yes some laws (Ten Commandments) were still in effect.

You're confusing Testaments with Covenants...amateur.

Now cease annoying me with your elementary Biblical knowledge
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.
A country who kills its unborn and one who funds it out of other people's earnings has wronged humanity out of (1) A mother to protect the baby (2) A father to provide the mother with time off her day job to raise the child so it won't get into bad company of people who teach the kid to steal first from his loved ones,(3) A home for the child if the parents try to escape the responsibilities to the malnutrition and unlawful neglect of the growing child (4) Legal costs for getting the parents in court to explain why they are being the worst of bad citizens by refusing a child who should have been loved, nurtured, and appropriately cared for from day one by them.

I'm getting sick of 50 years of supporting the blatant killings of innocent unborn American citizens who are in the first formative stages of life by selfish and asocial human beings who have been prompted to continue in their bad behaviors by Democrats who guarantee them freedom of responsibility which is against everything the fathers of this country stood for. And I think Congress people who vote to overcharge innocent taxpayers of a huge portion of their wages to pay for other people sins and for first maiming and torture of, then killing the unborn by physicians who are forced to do this process even if their religion teaches against it.

The democrats want to stop prayers so there will be no religious rules to keep them from plundering other people's money against their will.

It is the criminal rape pure and simple by Democrats and some Republicans of the common people in the United States who, against their will are forced to (in the case of physicians) to go against their Hippocratian Oath to "do no further damage to the patient, which would be the infanticide of an unborn future citizen to put him through a savage and violent death from instruments that penetrate his brains and suck them out, dismember its tiny corpse with metal weaponry forged to take innocent life and used by doctors who once undertook years of schooling to learn the art of helping people overcome their physical problems, and not to give them physical death and dismemberment far worse than most ordinary serial murderers commit victims to death for the thrill of it and the power it puts in their murderous hands.

Abortion shit-stinks.

You do not pay for abortions and infanticide is illegal in the USA. Look no further than Israel , and the state even pays for it.


Well isn't Christianity based on the OT?? Yes it is.

No it isn't.
Yes it is, apparently you have not studied the whole bible.

The present writer has counted 224 direct citations introduced by a definite formula indicating the writer purposed to quote. To these must be added seven cases where a second quotation is introduced by the conjunction “and,” and 19 cases where a paraphrase or summary rather than a direct quotation follows the introductory formula. We may further note at least 45 instances where the similarity with certain Old Testament passages is so pronounced that, although no explicit indication is given that the New Testament author was referring to Old Testament Scripture, his intention to do so can scarcely be doubted. Thus a very conservative count discloses unquestionably at least 295 separate references to the Old Testament. These occupy some 352 verses of the New Testament, or more than 4.4 per cent. Therefore one verse in 22.5 of the New Testament is a quotation.
New Testament Use of the Old Testament, by Roger Nicole

That is all she has, her hate and bigotry.

I'm not a bigot, but you are. Case in point you feel the need to tell females what to do with their bodies.

I guess Israel is full of sinners hey.

And being a male, Its really none of you business. You are a uninformed male and your view of females is lacking.

Where in the hell did I tell females what to do with their bodies? Again with your lies, hate and bigotry. Abortion is killing a life, it is called science, you might want to educate yourself. If women want to have abortions it is fine by me, but it is killing a baby, plain and simple.

And by the way, being part of a human race, it is my business. Now, go back to your hate of life and bigotry, I noticed you didn't even attempt what you obviously are.

It's your opinion and keep it to yourself. You have no business even talking about abortion, what is it about men who want to lord it over women.

I'm getting sick of 50 years of supporting the blatant killings of innocent unborn American citizens who are in the first formative stages of life by selfish and asocial human beings who have been prompted to continue in their bad behaviors by Democrats

Get over it. It none of your business what the female on the corner is doing with her fetus.

My opinion is just as valid as yours, except science backs up my opinion. I'm not lording over anyone if you want to kill a baby, it is your right, go right ahead.

Quick question, how many Democrats are pissed because their mothers didn't abort them?

How many Republican are pissed they weren't aborted. Science, depends on what science. A fetus is dependent on the female for everything until birth. The jews believe the first breath is a sign of life force in a infant. Your science backs nothing up. Unless a fetus can live without and out of its female its dependent on the female. Infanticide is illegal in every state, so giving out false info is no good.

True you opinion is valid, but really you have no choice if a female gets one or not.
You're mistaken. For centuries police were rarely if ever involved in childbirth procedures unless they stopped to see a parked car with a woman delivering unassisted. They assist in that case, and they have a phone they can call the hospital for birthing instructions that will not harm the child or its mother.

Your politics have brought death to 60 million unborn human beings. Hitler can't match you, asswipe.

Fetuses aren't people, and there were just as many abortions happening before Roe v Wade as after.

The delusion you nutters have (other than globs of tissue being people) is that no abortions happened before Roe. In fact, they were common. Affluent women got them done at their OB?GYN, poor women went to more shady providers.

SCOTUS looked at these laws that were on the books, but were not being enforced, as cruel and stupid. Much like they did with the Birth Control laws in Griswald v. Ct. or the Sodomy laws in Lawrence v. Texas.

Or to put it another way. Prostitution is illegal in IL, but the suburban area I live in has a bunch of strip joints, massage parlors and escort services for those services no one is getting.

Speaking of people who need hookers to get laid...

There is also "the negro project. If you listen to Jose, it's like he almost quotes it word for word. Honestly, he most likely doesn't even know why he supports it. He did say he didn't want to share HIS streets with other people's unwanted babies, he does live in Chicago, so one has to assume he is talking about black peoples unwanted babies. If you read loosely betwixt the lines it's pretty obvious Jose wants the blacks off his block the Sanger way.

Uh, guy, you have no idea what Sanger stood for or what the Negro project was. First, Sanger was opposed to legalized abortion.. mostly because back in the bad old days, before anti-biotics, it was still a pretty dangerous proposition.

Secondly, the Negro project was enthusiastically supported by the black community at the time. It provided them access to birth control that white folks were already getting.

There isn't a single person that is going to listen to you ramble on about something you're obviously clueless about.

Fat Irish Sow, the sad thing is Crixy made more of an effort than you do, and he's functionally illiterate..
I'm not saying that dumb ass, the black leadership are the ones saying that. Like I said, try to educate yourself before you look dumber than you already are.

sad pathetic Uncle Toms sucking up to White People are not the "Black Leadership".

I found one site that explains what a pronucleus is:
Introduction into the creation and development of the pronuclei

After the spermatozoon has impregnated the oocyte, i.e., has delivered the paternal portion of the genetic material, things are now set into motion within the oocyte so that the paternal as well as the maternal genetic information are put into a form that allows both to be brought together in a proper way.

Again, it's nice that you are spamming the thread with this shit, but one more time

Should we force a woman to have her rapist's child? Because, frankly, that's the logical conclusion of your position.

It worked in the good old days before Roe v. Wade, 2cents. First we need to get the current generation off the gummint tit and let them pay for their own pleasures, not taxpayers. Then we need to pitch out lazy congresscritters and get the adults to get Congress or the Attorney General to work on it. It's not a job for irresponsible children, whoever they might be.

Uh, the good old days before Roe? We had the few "Good Old Days" because the workforce was unionized and the government employed millions of people in infrastructure and public works projects, which the rich paid for.

So, um, yeah... in the "Good old days", you could have five kids... but today, with both mom and dad working to make ends meet because wages don't keep up with inflation, not so much.
JoeB131 sez: Fetuses aren't people, and there were just as many abortions happening before Roe v Wade as after.
The unborn ARE human beings. They do not have their mother's DNA exclusively. They are a separate, and not the same person the mother is. That's where "pro-choice" goes apeshit. If you're going to assault somebody you're going to get yourself in trouble. Conspiracy to kill your own baby? BAD!!!

The delusion you nutters have (other than globs of tissue being people) is that no abortions happened before Roe. In fact, they were common. Affluent women got them done at their OB?GYN, poor women went to more shady providers.
You feel good when you're mean to other people? It's science, Mr. Joe, Science has proven the baby is a separate person from its mother, and she is not God who gives and takes life. She's subject to having decency and having laws that say "live and let live." The delusion is that other people than the mother do not matter. Yes they do matter.

SCOTUS looked at these laws that were on the books, but were not being enforced, as cruel and stupid. Much like they did with the Birth Control laws in Griswald v. Ct. or the Sodomy laws in Lawrence v. Texas.
SCOTUS got 60 million babies exterminated by killer moms and their hired hands to kill their own child. :puke: I used to think they were bent on justice. NOT. They had to set aside helpless human beings in their first stages of life on this earth and get their masters votes for allowing this atrocity to kill unborn American citizens. It's just not fitting, Joe, it's not fitting at all.

Or to put it another way. Prostitution is illegal in IL, but the suburban area I live in has a bunch of strip joints, massage parlors and escort services for those services no one is getting.
Sex is nice, but it is best when practiced in a way that will not give one's partner a blinding, life-threatening, itchy crabby situation from having too many partners. If a man has too many partners, guess what. His wife has a 60% higher chance of getting deadly ovarian cancer than women who don't have a man who cats around with feline women who have had one too many sick sex partners. All their partners can pass their pid to wives through the lothario who cheat on a wife who has been nothing but good, quiet, and true to her man who didn't give reciprocity of valuing his vows as well. That's what's not fair to women. And the madder a woman gets from being cheated on, the better abortion looks to her. It's an asocial sick cycle. And it is destroying the moral fiber of this country, and it's destroying this nation's future kids and handing it over to somebody else.

I think that is very, very unwise to destroy the unity of a family with catting around and abortion. :(
That is all she has, her hate and bigotry.

I'm not a bigot, but you are. Case in point you feel the need to tell females what to do with their bodies.

I guess Israel is full of sinners hey.

And being a male, Its really none of you business. You are a uninformed male and your view of females is lacking.

Where in the hell did I tell females what to do with their bodies? Again with your lies, hate and bigotry. Abortion is killing a life, it is called science, you might want to educate yourself. If women want to have abortions it is fine by me, but it is killing a baby, plain and simple.

And by the way, being part of a human race, it is my business. Now, go back to your hate of life and bigotry, I noticed you didn't even attempt what you obviously are.

It's your opinion and keep it to yourself. You have no business even talking about abortion, what is it about men who want to lord it over women.

I'm getting sick of 50 years of supporting the blatant killings of innocent unborn American citizens who are in the first formative stages of life by selfish and asocial human beings who have been prompted to continue in their bad behaviors by Democrats

Get over it. It none of your business what the female on the corner is doing with her fetus.

My opinion is just as valid as yours, except science backs up my opinion. I'm not lording over anyone if you want to kill a baby, it is your right, go right ahead.

Quick question, how many Democrats are pissed because their mothers didn't abort them?

True you opinion is valid, but really you have no choice if a female gets one or not.

And? If you want to kill a baby, that's on you not me.
I'm not saying that dumb ass, the black leadership are the ones saying that. Like I said, try to educate yourself before you look dumber than you already are.

sad pathetic Uncle Toms sucking up to White People are not the "Black Leadership".

I found one site that explains what a pronucleus is:
Introduction into the creation and development of the pronuclei

After the spermatozoon has impregnated the oocyte, i.e., has delivered the paternal portion of the genetic material, things are now set into motion within the oocyte so that the paternal as well as the maternal genetic information are put into a form that allows both to be brought together in a proper way.

Again, it's nice that you are spamming the thread with this shit, but one more time

Should we force a woman to have her rapist's child? Because, frankly, that's the logical conclusion of your position.

It worked in the good old days before Roe v. Wade, 2cents. First we need to get the current generation off the gummint tit and let them pay for their own pleasures, not taxpayers. Then we need to pitch out lazy congresscritters and get the adults to get Congress or the Attorney General to work on it. It's not a job for irresponsible children, whoever they might be.

Uh, the good old days before Roe? We had the few "Good Old Days" because the workforce was unionized and the government employed millions of people in infrastructure and public works projects, which the rich paid for.

So, um, yeah... in the "Good old days", you could have five kids... but today, with both mom and dad working to make ends meet because wages don't keep up with inflation, not so much.

Sure it is only racist when Democrats say it is. Another big nonfactual nothing from the leader of nothing.
Unborn? Didn't you listen to democrat Va. gov Northam explain how "newborn babies would be made comfortable while the parents and the doctor decide if the baby should be killed" if it doesn't conform to the democrat (nazi) eugenic standards?
The unborn ARE human beings. They do not have their mother's DNA exclusively. They are a separate, and not the same person the mother is. That's where "pro-choice" goes apeshit. If you're going to assault somebody you're going to get yourself in trouble. Conspiracy to kill your own baby? BAD!!!

Only in your mind. A fetus isn't a baby, it's a fetus or an embryo or a zygote. 30% of zygotes don't attach themselves to the uterine wall. We don't treat every tampon as a crime scene. We have, by some estimates, just as many miscarriges as abortions. If you take your crazy view to it's logical conclusion, every last one of those has to have a funeral, and be investigated as a potential homicide.

I can point out how the anti-choice nuts have prosecuted Purvi Patel in IN or Maersha Jones in AL, for losing their pregnancies through no real fault of their own.

You feel good when you're mean to other people? It's science, Mr. Joe, Science has proven the baby is a separate person from its mother, and she is not God who gives and takes life. She's subject to having decency and having laws that say "live and let live." The delusion is that other people than the mother do not matter. Yes they do matter.

There is no God, and those are only voices in your head. We have medication for that now. I only enjoy being mean to stupid people. The Anti-Choice people are as stupid as they get. You haven't saved one fetus, but you managed to kill off the middle class.

SCOTUS got 60 million babies exterminated by killer moms and their hired hands to kill their own child. I used to think they were bent on justice. NOT. They had to set aside helpless human beings in their first stages of life on this earth and get their masters votes for allowing this atrocity to kill unborn American citizens. It's just not fitting, Joe, it's not fitting at all.

No, they recognized reality. The abortion laws in 1973 were rarely enforced, forced poorer women to go to shady providers, and were considered more of a hinderance than a help. The only time they went after an abortion provider, was when he fucked up and maimed his patient. Women themselves were never prosecuted for having them.

Now, this was BEFORE women had gotten used to having access to abortion as a right for 46 years. Before they developed pills that can end a pregnancy in its earliest stages. Before you had an internet where people could quietly make side deals to provide illegal services.

The idea of "There ought to be a law" isn't just that there ought to be a law, but how enforceable the law is, and how much cooperation you would get in enforcing it.

Murder laws are enforceable because everyone agrees that murder is a bad thing. Police will investigate, prosecutors will prosecute, juries will convict.

Abortion- people didn't do this before Roe, and they won't after Roe is overturned.

Sex is nice, but it is best when practiced in a way that will not give one's partner a blinding, life-threatening, itchy crabby situation from having too many partners. If a man has too many partners, guess what. His wife has a 60% higher chance of getting deadly ovarian cancer than women who don't have a man who cats around with feline women who have had one too many sick sex partners.

You keep missing the point, and the point is not your prudishness. The ability to enforce a law is the willingness of society to enforce it. The Sex Industry exists because as long as the hooker isn't picking up customers outside your kid's school, most people don't care that it's going on. So we have a lot of dumb laws on the books that the police usually can't be bothered to enforce, and a lot of people just ignore.

This is a case where the laws actually make the situation worse, since it is technically illegal, it's not regulated. Europe already figured it out, they've legalized and regulated it.
The unborn ARE human beings. They do not have their mother's DNA exclusively. They are a separate, and not the same person the mother is. That's where "pro-choice" goes apeshit. If you're going to assault somebody you're going to get yourself in trouble. Conspiracy to kill your own baby? BAD!!!

Only in your mind. A fetus isn't a baby, it's a fetus or an embryo or a zygote. 30% of zygotes don't attach themselves to the uterine wall. We don't treat every tampon as a crime scene. We have, by some estimates, just as many miscarriges as abortions. If you take your crazy view to it's logical conclusion, every last one of those has to have a funeral, and be investigated as a potential homicide.

I can point out how the anti-choice nuts have prosecuted Purvi Patel in IN or Maersha Jones in AL, for losing their pregnancies through no real fault of their own.

You feel good when you're mean to other people? It's science, Mr. Joe, Science has proven the baby is a separate person from its mother, and she is not God who gives and takes life. She's subject to having decency and having laws that say "live and let live." The delusion is that other people than the mother do not matter. Yes they do matter.

There is no God, and those are only voices in your head. We have medication for that now. I only enjoy being mean to stupid people. The Anti-Choice people are as stupid as they get. You haven't saved one fetus, but you managed to kill off the middle class.

SCOTUS got 60 million babies exterminated by killer moms and their hired hands to kill their own child. I used to think they were bent on justice. NOT. They had to set aside helpless human beings in their first stages of life on this earth and get their masters votes for allowing this atrocity to kill unborn American citizens. It's just not fitting, Joe, it's not fitting at all.

No, they recognized reality. The abortion laws in 1973 were rarely enforced, forced poorer women to go to shady providers, and were considered more of a hinderance than a help. The only time they went after an abortion provider, was when he fucked up and maimed his patient. Women themselves were never prosecuted for having them.

Now, this was BEFORE women had gotten used to having access to abortion as a right for 46 years. Before they developed pills that can end a pregnancy in its earliest stages. Before you had an internet where people could quietly make side deals to provide illegal services.

The idea of "There ought to be a law" isn't just that there ought to be a law, but how enforceable the law is, and how much cooperation you would get in enforcing it.

Murder laws are enforceable because everyone agrees that murder is a bad thing. Police will investigate, prosecutors will prosecute, juries will convict.

Abortion- people didn't do this before Roe, and they won't after Roe is overturned.

Sex is nice, but it is best when practiced in a way that will not give one's partner a blinding, life-threatening, itchy crabby situation from having too many partners. If a man has too many partners, guess what. His wife has a 60% higher chance of getting deadly ovarian cancer than women who don't have a man who cats around with feline women who have had one too many sick sex partners.

You keep missing the point, and the point is not your prudishness. The ability to enforce a law is the willingness of society to enforce it. The Sex Industry exists because as long as the hooker isn't picking up customers outside your kid's school, most people don't care that it's going on. So we have a lot of dumb laws on the books that the police usually can't be bothered to enforce, and a lot of people just ignore.

This is a case where the laws actually make the situation worse, since it is technically illegal, it's not regulated. Europe already figured it out, they've legalized and regulated it.
Mr. Joe., do you always get stuff wrong, or could it be your advanced case of tds has you talking way out of your head? Yes, science tells us that the unborn are human beings, and they are merely occupying stage one of a science known to physicians and other health care providers, including interns, medical lawyers, registered nurses, sociologists, anatomy professors, medical researchers, anesthesiologists, pathologists, and even educational scientists known as "Human Development Science." So, where were you when others were getting their science degrees? You can't even get a doctorate in education any more if you don't have several college credits in human development. Not even coaches, health instructors, and physical educators can get jobs without college credits in human developmental stages coursework. I'm pretty certain it would be hard to receive a jurist doctorate if you knew nothing about the differences in the human brain on reasoning at conception, in vitro for several stages before birth, at birth, age 1, age 6, age 10, age 14, age 18, 21, 25, 30, 45, 60, septuagenarians, octogenarians, and so on until death occurs. Here's a little video that without any words whatsoever clues many people into the facts of life: people exist at different times of their life with different levels of understanding. Try to get out of the stuck on stupid stage (invents silly excuses when faced with the facts) and pay attention, won't you?

Get back to me when all this information sinks into your narrow little liberal narrative, well known here at USMB and pictured as >>>>>> :lalala: <<<<<< won't you? (you will know it when you acknowledge that conception to birth has numerous levels of important brain development prior to being able to walk without assistance as one advances from babyhood to toddler-hood).

And prudishness? Me? Actually, I am too hot to handle for a lowlife moron who is stuck on stupid somewhere on the developmental continuum.
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