Why is killing unborn babies part of "making a better world" for the Democrats?

The courts of law have been able to institute life without the possibility of parole for someone who's killed a lot of people but destroyed the evidence in all but the case where he killed a woman who was pregnant. Proving that a person killed one person, let alone many others over in the life of a serial murderer just puts them back on the street if they only get the guy on 1 person. However, if it's proved that he killed 2 people, that's a life sentence with no possibility of parole, which means the 14 people they know he killed but can't find a fingerprint and the witnesses are knocked off by personal issues by the defense can be successful. That's why if a pregnant woman is killed, it ups the criminals murder party to zero in court.

Okay, let's look at that bit of crazy. Yes, when a killer kills a pregnant chick who wanted her baby, that upsets people and they are more likely to impose tougher sentences..

But the "Fetuses are people" laws have had awful effects as well. I give you the case of one Purvi Patel, who was put in prison because of a miscarriage that someone decided, with questionable evidence, was a self-induced abortion. Thanks to a goofy law signed by Deputy Fuhrer Pence, they prosecuted this poor woman until a court with a lick of sense realized that fetuses aren't people, after all.

Purvi Patel - Wikipedia

This is what happens when you declare globs of meat people... the women who they are stuck inside end up getting prosecuted, even if they did nothing wrong.
Pillorying people involved doesn't solve the problem.

Science shows that from conception to death, the human being has distinctive cycles. From the time a human being is just two cells until they die a natural death we might discern a dozen or so stages of human life. First, that life starts with two cells after fertilization takes place. It targets and finds the right place in its mother that naturally provides it with shelter, warmth, food, and oxygen through tubes that develop in the mother's uterus.

Another phase is cellular division that also takes place without conscious thinking, but is nontheless, a phase of human life. Maturation and leaving through the birth canal is also a phase or stage of development. Birth takes place is a stage of development. Nursing outside the womb is accomplished when nature brings milk into the mammary glands, which the baby finds and automatically suckles. That is a stage.

The baby cuts teeth and bites a little too hard on mommy, and she finds a sterile system of nursing from a bottle using formula geared to the growing child, or begins the child on a sterile baby food diet or uses a blender to mash vegetables, meats, and cereals as the child learns to use a spoon to feed. The child undergoes numerous phases of growth and probably doubles in size the first year or so.

Mommy has a lot of sewing or buying clothes to do. When it is time to go shopping, mommy may request babysitting money from dad to give her free time to shop, or he may take over as she needs to clean, cook, sew, mend, and do for the child. If the child is a boy, he often looks to his father to decide he's a friend, but one who expects him to learn things and behave himself while toddler engages in a phase of exploration that could kill himself without the appropriate care from an adult.

Siblings and school peers give the child identity, too. Somehow he makes it through school, music and sports training, and mastering books and computers. All that is a stage. First job through retirement may be a series of growth and maturation events. Love and finding his life's mate is another phase. He may choose to have a family, so he chooses a woman for his partner if he prefers natural children with half its chromosomes matching him and the other half, his chosen wife. He grows older until his body parts become decrepit, if he is not killed in an accident.

At the end, he dies, satisfied that he has done his part by working to serve others and reproducing to replace himself when he passes. His body then decays or is cremated and becomes ashes and minerals faster than coffin placement of his remains that may take several centuries to become raw minerals again. I'm sure you could come up with a lot more stages, sex specific if you choose to discuss the stages women go through from conception to death.

I propose to you science discerns the two-cell start is that of one of the first stages of a human being's life. And when his heart and organs quit, his brain's lights go out, and he becomes dead at the end of life.

If you follow that, whether you believe in God or not, you are following the life cycle of a real, alive, genuine human being who deserves the opportunity that others have--to live and pursue happiness, make friends, have a family, a career doing what you choose for yourself, to learn from mistakes as well as from other people's experiences as our life is played out, one stage at a time, and sometimes stages are simultaneously passed.

The law needs to pay attention to life processes and to understand what man has known since history recorded his understanding that before his mother knew she was pregnant, that person was already there and since the heart starts beating on the eighteenth day, his heart is beating most often prior to the mother's awareness that she is pregnant. The heartbeat and other growth and development of the child in utero may precede her first day of morning sickness, although she may think she has the flu if she doesn't have a friendly cheering section consisting of mother, father, husband/lover, and his family, too.

The least the law could do is rule that a human being has rights that are separate as well as equal to a mother's right to choice. If she chooses to not have children, she owes it to society to provide the child with a space at the hour of birth.

Too many sex partners and even only one abortion may negatively affect her and her first baby with disease pathways we are still studying to organize as a science, although many have been known prior to history beginning with the recording of human knowledge.

Let them live, Joe et al. The mother's rights begin separate from when the baby's rights begin in his first stage of life. After his birth, she may choose to have him adopted out, but that phase must not go on forever nor be the signal to kill the human being formed after a night of passion with a member of the opposite sex.

And may our society provide the unborn with their own unique parents, foster parents if the mother chooses not to go through raising the child herself or whose partner is not willing to pay his share of the requirements of a father in time and earning enough money to shelter and feed a growing family. Wise parents give their child at least one sibling or more to help them through the adult stages of life following their own deaths.

Have a lovely day, all. Life is beautiful. Enjoy and share it. Life's more fun that way. :)
Nice post, but the sperm and the egg combine to form a one cell zygote, not two cells. So the start of life is one cell, not two.

Life Cycle, Human - Biology Encyclopedia - cells, body, process, system, different, DNA, organs, blood, hormone, produce, major
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.
A country who kills its unborn and one who funds it out of other people's earnings has wronged humanity out of (1) A mother to protect the baby (2) A father to provide the mother with time off her day job to raise the child so it won't get into bad company of people who teach the kid to steal first from his loved ones,(3) A home for the child if the parents try to escape the responsibilities to the malnutrition and unlawful neglect of the growing child (4) Legal costs for getting the parents in court to explain why they are being the worst of bad citizens by refusing a child who should have been loved, nurtured, and appropriately cared for from day one by them.

I'm getting sick of 50 years of supporting the blatant killings of innocent unborn American citizens who are in the first formative stages of life by selfish and asocial human beings who have been prompted to continue in their bad behaviors by Democrats who guarantee them freedom of responsibility which is against everything the fathers of this country stood for. And I think Congress people who vote to overcharge innocent taxpayers of a huge portion of their wages to pay for other people sins and for first maiming and torture of, then killing the unborn by physicians who are forced to do this process even if their religion teaches against it.

The democrats want to stop prayers so there will be no religious rules to keep them from plundering other people's money against their will.

It is the criminal rape pure and simple by Democrats and some Republicans of the common people in the United States who, against their will are forced to (in the case of physicians) to go against their Hippocratian Oath to "do no further damage to the patient, which would be the infanticide of an unborn future citizen to put him through a savage and violent death from instruments that penetrate his brains and suck them out, dismember its tiny corpse with metal weaponry forged to take innocent life and used by doctors who once undertook years of schooling to learn the art of helping people overcome their physical problems, and not to give them physical death and dismemberment far worse than most ordinary serial murderers commit victims to death for the thrill of it and the power it puts in their murderous hands.

Abortion shit-stinks.

You do not pay for abortions and infanticide is illegal in the USA. Look no further than Israel , and the state even pays for it.


That is all she has, her hate and bigotry.

I'm not a bigot, but you are. Case in point you feel the need to tell females what to do with their bodies.

I guess Israel is full of sinners hey.

And being a male, Its really none of you business. You are a uninformed male and your view of females is lacking.

Where in the hell did I tell females what to do with their bodies? Again with your lies, hate and bigotry. Abortion is killing a life, it is called science, you might want to educate yourself. If women want to have abortions it is fine by me, but it is killing a baby, plain and simple.

And by the way, being part of a human race, it is my business. Now, go back to your hate of life and bigotry, I noticed you didn't even attempt what you obviously are.
Lila Rose, the leader of Live Action, one of the biggest pro-life organizations in the nation, Joe. Rest assured she would not give you the time of day.

Which is just as good, no one would want to fuck such a nasty skank..

So you think racism is if people are dragged of the street and forced to do something they don’t want to do? That is your idea of what racism Is? Are you really that ignorant?

No, but you guys are acting like abortion is a policy meant to kill off people of color (you know, the ones that your Fuhrer says, "Send them back" about) when in fact, they are choosing to have abortions all on their own...

The reality is, contraception is the biggest creator of a middle class. Women who can control when they make babies are more likely to have positive economic outcomes.

I'm not saying that dumb ass, the black leadership are the ones saying that. Like I said, try to educate yourself before you look dumber than you already are.
The courts of law have been able to institute life without the possibility of parole for someone who's killed a lot of people but destroyed the evidence in all but the case where he killed a woman who was pregnant. Proving that a person killed one person, let alone many others over in the life of a serial murderer just puts them back on the street if they only get the guy on 1 person. However, if it's proved that he killed 2 people, that's a life sentence with no possibility of parole, which means the 14 people they know he killed but can't find a fingerprint and the witnesses are knocked off by personal issues by the defense can be successful. That's why if a pregnant woman is killed, it ups the criminals murder party to zero in court.

Okay, let's look at that bit of crazy. Yes, when a killer kills a pregnant chick who wanted her baby, that upsets people and they are more likely to impose tougher sentences..

But the "Fetuses are people" laws have had awful effects as well. I give you the case of one Purvi Patel, who was put in prison because of a miscarriage that someone decided, with questionable evidence, was a self-induced abortion. Thanks to a goofy law signed by Deputy Fuhrer Pence, they prosecuted this poor woman until a court with a lick of sense realized that fetuses aren't people, after all.

Purvi Patel - Wikipedia

This is what happens when you declare globs of meat people... the women who they are stuck inside end up getting prosecuted, even if they did nothing wrong.
Pillorying people involved doesn't solve the problem.

Science shows that from conception to death, the human being has distinctive cycles. From the time a human being is just two cells until they die a natural death we might discern a dozen or so stages of human life. First, that life starts with two cells after fertilization takes place. It targets and finds the right place in its mother that naturally provides it with shelter, warmth, food, and oxygen through tubes that develop in the mother's uterus.

Another phase is cellular division that also takes place without conscious thinking, but is nontheless, a phase of human life. Maturation and leaving through the birth canal is also a phase or stage of development. Birth takes place is a stage of development. Nursing outside the womb is accomplished when nature brings milk into the mammary glands, which the baby finds and automatically suckles. That is a stage.

The baby cuts teeth and bites a little too hard on mommy, and she finds a sterile system of nursing from a bottle using formula geared to the growing child, or begins the child on a sterile baby food diet or uses a blender to mash vegetables, meats, and cereals as the child learns to use a spoon to feed. The child undergoes numerous phases of growth and probably doubles in size the first year or so.

Mommy has a lot of sewing or buying clothes to do. When it is time to go shopping, mommy may request babysitting money from dad to give her free time to shop, or he may take over as she needs to clean, cook, sew, mend, and do for the child. If the child is a boy, he often looks to his father to decide he's a friend, but one who expects him to learn things and behave himself while toddler engages in a phase of exploration that could kill himself without the appropriate care from an adult.

Siblings and school peers give the child identity, too. Somehow he makes it through school, music and sports training, and mastering books and computers. All that is a stage. First job through retirement may be a series of growth and maturation events. Love and finding his life's mate is another phase. He may choose to have a family, so he chooses a woman for his partner if he prefers natural children with half its chromosomes matching him and the other half, his chosen wife. He grows older until his body parts become decrepit, if he is not killed in an accident.

At the end, he dies, satisfied that he has done his part by working to serve others and reproducing to replace himself when he passes. His body then decays or is cremated and becomes ashes and minerals faster than coffin placement of his remains that may take several centuries to become raw minerals again. I'm sure you could come up with a lot more stages, sex specific if you choose to discuss the stages women go through from conception to death.

I propose to you science discerns the two-cell start is that of one of the first stages of a human being's life. And when his heart and organs quit, his brain's lights go out, and he becomes dead at the end of life.

If you follow that, whether you believe in God or not, you are following the life cycle of a real, alive, genuine human being who deserves the opportunity that others have--to live and pursue happiness, make friends, have a family, a career doing what you choose for yourself, to learn from mistakes as well as from other people's experiences as our life is played out, one stage at a time, and sometimes stages are simultaneously passed.

The law needs to pay attention to life processes and to understand what man has known since history recorded his understanding that before his mother knew she was pregnant, that person was already there and since the heart starts beating on the eighteenth day, his heart is beating most often prior to the mother's awareness that she is pregnant. The heartbeat and other growth and development of the child in utero may precede her first day of morning sickness, although she may think she has the flu if she doesn't have a friendly cheering section consisting of mother, father, husband/lover, and his family, too.

The least the law could do is rule that a human being has rights that are separate as well as equal to a mother's right to choice. If she chooses to not have children, she owes it to society to provide the child with a space at the hour of birth.

Too many sex partners and even only one abortion may negatively affect her and her first baby with disease pathways we are still studying to organize as a science, although many have been known prior to history beginning with the recording of human knowledge.

Let them live, Joe et al. The mother's rights begin separate from when the baby's rights begin in his first stage of life. After his birth, she may choose to have him adopted out, but that phase must not go on forever nor be the signal to kill the human being formed after a night of passion with a member of the opposite sex.

And may our society provide the unborn with their own unique parents, foster parents if the mother chooses not to go through raising the child herself or whose partner is not willing to pay his share of the requirements of a father in time and earning enough money to shelter and feed a growing family. Wise parents give their child at least one sibling or more to help them through the adult stages of life following their own deaths.

Have a lovely day, all. Life is beautiful. Enjoy and share it. Life's more fun that way. :)
Nice post, but the sperm and the egg combine to form a one cell zygote, not two cells. So the start of life is one cell, not two.

Life Cycle, Human - Biology Encyclopedia - cells, body, process, system, different, DNA, organs, blood, hormone, produce, major
I learned what you did about zygotes in 1973. I recently read that when the first cell forms, it is actually 2 cells because all of the man's DNA is half his mother's and half his father's. Same with the mother. They have between them enough aspects of DNA to have enough different aspects for 2 people, but in 1 "zygote, there are actually two, one of the traits that belong to the baby, and one set in reserve, taken on by the resulting human. It has recessive traits accorded to one of the cells, and expressed traits in the other. It reserves half the combined dna.s in case something goes on, sort of like having a spare tire if one goes flat. The sorting process may be more intelligent than we at first think, with the stronger traits becoming that child's expressed designations of traits. So the formed child has a set of expressed dna traits and the same type of dna, except with variations furnished by the child's. The cell that dictates the traits the infant will be constitutes the stronger cell (zygote.) I'm not sure where that recessive cell hangs around, maybe someone here is a medicine man and can tell you about what I read, because I don't remember most of it due to tasks I'm doing when not herre. :dunno:
The courts of law have been able to institute life without the possibility of parole for someone who's killed a lot of people but destroyed the evidence in all but the case where he killed a woman who was pregnant. Proving that a person killed one person, let alone many others over in the life of a serial murderer just puts them back on the street if they only get the guy on 1 person. However, if it's proved that he killed 2 people, that's a life sentence with no possibility of parole, which means the 14 people they know he killed but can't find a fingerprint and the witnesses are knocked off by personal issues by the defense can be successful. That's why if a pregnant woman is killed, it ups the criminals murder party to zero in court.

Okay, let's look at that bit of crazy. Yes, when a killer kills a pregnant chick who wanted her baby, that upsets people and they are more likely to impose tougher sentences..

But the "Fetuses are people" laws have had awful effects as well. I give you the case of one Purvi Patel, who was put in prison because of a miscarriage that someone decided, with questionable evidence, was a self-induced abortion. Thanks to a goofy law signed by Deputy Fuhrer Pence, they prosecuted this poor woman until a court with a lick of sense realized that fetuses aren't people, after all.

Purvi Patel - Wikipedia

This is what happens when you declare globs of meat people... the women who they are stuck inside end up getting prosecuted, even if they did nothing wrong.
Pillorying people involved doesn't solve the problem.

Science shows that from conception to death, the human being has distinctive cycles. From the time a human being is just two cells until they die a natural death we might discern a dozen or so stages of human life. First, that life starts with two cells after fertilization takes place. It targets and finds the right place in its mother that naturally provides it with shelter, warmth, food, and oxygen through tubes that develop in the mother's uterus.

Another phase is cellular division that also takes place without conscious thinking, but is nontheless, a phase of human life. Maturation and leaving through the birth canal is also a phase or stage of development. Birth takes place is a stage of development. Nursing outside the womb is accomplished when nature brings milk into the mammary glands, which the baby finds and automatically suckles. That is a stage.

The baby cuts teeth and bites a little too hard on mommy, and she finds a sterile system of nursing from a bottle using formula geared to the growing child, or begins the child on a sterile baby food diet or uses a blender to mash vegetables, meats, and cereals as the child learns to use a spoon to feed. The child undergoes numerous phases of growth and probably doubles in size the first year or so.

Mommy has a lot of sewing or buying clothes to do. When it is time to go shopping, mommy may request babysitting money from dad to give her free time to shop, or he may take over as she needs to clean, cook, sew, mend, and do for the child. If the child is a boy, he often looks to his father to decide he's a friend, but one who expects him to learn things and behave himself while toddler engages in a phase of exploration that could kill himself without the appropriate care from an adult.

Siblings and school peers give the child identity, too. Somehow he makes it through school, music and sports training, and mastering books and computers. All that is a stage. First job through retirement may be a series of growth and maturation events. Love and finding his life's mate is another phase. He may choose to have a family, so he chooses a woman for his partner if he prefers natural children with half its chromosomes matching him and the other half, his chosen wife. He grows older until his body parts become decrepit, if he is not killed in an accident.

At the end, he dies, satisfied that he has done his part by working to serve others and reproducing to replace himself when he passes. His body then decays or is cremated and becomes ashes and minerals faster than coffin placement of his remains that may take several centuries to become raw minerals again. I'm sure you could come up with a lot more stages, sex specific if you choose to discuss the stages women go through from conception to death.

I propose to you science discerns the two-cell start is that of one of the first stages of a human being's life. And when his heart and organs quit, his brain's lights go out, and he becomes dead at the end of life.

If you follow that, whether you believe in God or not, you are following the life cycle of a real, alive, genuine human being who deserves the opportunity that others have--to live and pursue happiness, make friends, have a family, a career doing what you choose for yourself, to learn from mistakes as well as from other people's experiences as our life is played out, one stage at a time, and sometimes stages are simultaneously passed.

The law needs to pay attention to life processes and to understand what man has known since history recorded his understanding that before his mother knew she was pregnant, that person was already there and since the heart starts beating on the eighteenth day, his heart is beating most often prior to the mother's awareness that she is pregnant. The heartbeat and other growth and development of the child in utero may precede her first day of morning sickness, although she may think she has the flu if she doesn't have a friendly cheering section consisting of mother, father, husband/lover, and his family, too.

The least the law could do is rule that a human being has rights that are separate as well as equal to a mother's right to choice. If she chooses to not have children, she owes it to society to provide the child with a space at the hour of birth.

Too many sex partners and even only one abortion may negatively affect her and her first baby with disease pathways we are still studying to organize as a science, although many have been known prior to history beginning with the recording of human knowledge.

Let them live, Joe et al. The mother's rights begin separate from when the baby's rights begin in his first stage of life. After his birth, she may choose to have him adopted out, but that phase must not go on forever nor be the signal to kill the human being formed after a night of passion with a member of the opposite sex.

And may our society provide the unborn with their own unique parents, foster parents if the mother chooses not to go through raising the child herself or whose partner is not willing to pay his share of the requirements of a father in time and earning enough money to shelter and feed a growing family. Wise parents give their child at least one sibling or more to help them through the adult stages of life following their own deaths.

Have a lovely day, all. Life is beautiful. Enjoy and share it. Life's more fun that way. :)
Nice post, but the sperm and the egg combine to form a one cell zygote, not two cells. So the start of life is one cell, not two.

Life Cycle, Human - Biology Encyclopedia - cells, body, process, system, different, DNA, organs, blood, hormone, produce, major
I learned what you did about zygotes in 1973. I recently read that when the first cell forms, it is actually 2 cells because all of the man's DNA is half his mother's and half his father's. Same with the mother. They have between them enough aspects of DNA to have enough different aspects for 2 people, but in 1 "zygote, there are actually two, one of the traits that belong to the baby, and one set in reserve, taken on by the resulting human. It has recessive traits accorded to one of the cells, and expressed traits in the other. It reserves half the combined dna.s in case something goes on, sort of like having a spare tire if one goes flat. The sorting process may be more intelligent than we at first think, with the stronger traits becoming that child's expressed designations of traits. So the formed child has a set of expressed dna traits and the same type of dna, except with variations furnished by the child's. The cell that dictates the traits the infant will be constitutes the stronger cell (zygote.) I'm not sure where that recessive cell hangs around, maybe someone here is a medicine man and can tell you about what I read, because I don't remember most of it due to tasks I'm doing when not herre. :dunno:
Whether it starts as one cell or two, that doesn't change the main point that a person goes through many life cycle stages.
The courts of law have been able to institute life without the possibility of parole for someone who's killed a lot of people but destroyed the evidence in all but the case where he killed a woman who was pregnant. Proving that a person killed one person, let alone many others over in the life of a serial murderer just puts them back on the street if they only get the guy on 1 person. However, if it's proved that he killed 2 people, that's a life sentence with no possibility of parole, which means the 14 people they know he killed but can't find a fingerprint and the witnesses are knocked off by personal issues by the defense can be successful. That's why if a pregnant woman is killed, it ups the criminals murder party to zero in court.

Okay, let's look at that bit of crazy. Yes, when a killer kills a pregnant chick who wanted her baby, that upsets people and they are more likely to impose tougher sentences..

But the "Fetuses are people" laws have had awful effects as well. I give you the case of one Purvi Patel, who was put in prison because of a miscarriage that someone decided, with questionable evidence, was a self-induced abortion. Thanks to a goofy law signed by Deputy Fuhrer Pence, they prosecuted this poor woman until a court with a lick of sense realized that fetuses aren't people, after all.

Purvi Patel - Wikipedia

This is what happens when you declare globs of meat people... the women who they are stuck inside end up getting prosecuted, even if they did nothing wrong.
Pillorying people involved doesn't solve the problem.

Science shows that from conception to death, the human being has distinctive cycles. From the time a human being is just two cells until they die a natural death we might discern a dozen or so stages of human life. First, that life starts with two cells after fertilization takes place. It targets and finds the right place in its mother that naturally provides it with shelter, warmth, food, and oxygen through tubes that develop in the mother's uterus.

Another phase is cellular division that also takes place without conscious thinking, but is nontheless, a phase of human life. Maturation and leaving through the birth canal is also a phase or stage of development. Birth takes place is a stage of development. Nursing outside the womb is accomplished when nature brings milk into the mammary glands, which the baby finds and automatically suckles. That is a stage.

The baby cuts teeth and bites a little too hard on mommy, and she finds a sterile system of nursing from a bottle using formula geared to the growing child, or begins the child on a sterile baby food diet or uses a blender to mash vegetables, meats, and cereals as the child learns to use a spoon to feed. The child undergoes numerous phases of growth and probably doubles in size the first year or so.

Mommy has a lot of sewing or buying clothes to do. When it is time to go shopping, mommy may request babysitting money from dad to give her free time to shop, or he may take over as she needs to clean, cook, sew, mend, and do for the child. If the child is a boy, he often looks to his father to decide he's a friend, but one who expects him to learn things and behave himself while toddler engages in a phase of exploration that could kill himself without the appropriate care from an adult.

Siblings and school peers give the child identity, too. Somehow he makes it through school, music and sports training, and mastering books and computers. All that is a stage. First job through retirement may be a series of growth and maturation events. Love and finding his life's mate is another phase. He may choose to have a family, so he chooses a woman for his partner if he prefers natural children with half its chromosomes matching him and the other half, his chosen wife. He grows older until his body parts become decrepit, if he is not killed in an accident.

At the end, he dies, satisfied that he has done his part by working to serve others and reproducing to replace himself when he passes. His body then decays or is cremated and becomes ashes and minerals faster than coffin placement of his remains that may take several centuries to become raw minerals again. I'm sure you could come up with a lot more stages, sex specific if you choose to discuss the stages women go through from conception to death.

I propose to you science discerns the two-cell start is that of one of the first stages of a human being's life. And when his heart and organs quit, his brain's lights go out, and he becomes dead at the end of life.

If you follow that, whether you believe in God or not, you are following the life cycle of a real, alive, genuine human being who deserves the opportunity that others have--to live and pursue happiness, make friends, have a family, a career doing what you choose for yourself, to learn from mistakes as well as from other people's experiences as our life is played out, one stage at a time, and sometimes stages are simultaneously passed.

The law needs to pay attention to life processes and to understand what man has known since history recorded his understanding that before his mother knew she was pregnant, that person was already there and since the heart starts beating on the eighteenth day, his heart is beating most often prior to the mother's awareness that she is pregnant. The heartbeat and other growth and development of the child in utero may precede her first day of morning sickness, although she may think she has the flu if she doesn't have a friendly cheering section consisting of mother, father, husband/lover, and his family, too.

The least the law could do is rule that a human being has rights that are separate as well as equal to a mother's right to choice. If she chooses to not have children, she owes it to society to provide the child with a space at the hour of birth.

Too many sex partners and even only one abortion may negatively affect her and her first baby with disease pathways we are still studying to organize as a science, although many have been known prior to history beginning with the recording of human knowledge.

Let them live, Joe et al. The mother's rights begin separate from when the baby's rights begin in his first stage of life. After his birth, she may choose to have him adopted out, but that phase must not go on forever nor be the signal to kill the human being formed after a night of passion with a member of the opposite sex.

And may our society provide the unborn with their own unique parents, foster parents if the mother chooses not to go through raising the child herself or whose partner is not willing to pay his share of the requirements of a father in time and earning enough money to shelter and feed a growing family. Wise parents give their child at least one sibling or more to help them through the adult stages of life following their own deaths.

Have a lovely day, all. Life is beautiful. Enjoy and share it. Life's more fun that way. :)
Nice post, but the sperm and the egg combine to form a one cell zygote, not two cells. So the start of life is one cell, not two.

Life Cycle, Human - Biology Encyclopedia - cells, body, process, system, different, DNA, organs, blood, hormone, produce, major
I learned what you did about zygotes in 1973. I recently read that when the first cell forms, it is actually 2 cells because all of the man's DNA is half his mother's and half his father's. Same with the mother. They have between them enough aspects of DNA to have enough different aspects for 2 people, but in 1 "zygote, there are actually two, one of the traits that belong to the baby, and one set in reserve, taken on by the resulting human. It has recessive traits accorded to one of the cells, and expressed traits in the other. It reserves half the combined dna.s in case something goes on, sort of like having a spare tire if one goes flat. The sorting process may be more intelligent than we at first think, with the stronger traits becoming that child's expressed designations of traits. So the formed child has a set of expressed dna traits and the same type of dna, except with variations furnished by the child's. The cell that dictates the traits the infant will be constitutes the stronger cell (zygote.) I'm not sure where that recessive cell hangs around, maybe someone here is a medicine man and can tell you about what I read, because I don't remember most of it due to tasks I'm doing when not herre. :dunno:

I found one site that explains what a pronucleus is:
Introduction into the creation and development of the pronuclei

After the spermatozoon has impregnated the oocyte, i.e., has delivered the paternal portion of the genetic material, things are now set into motion within the oocyte so that the paternal as well as the maternal genetic information are put into a form that allows both to be brought together in a proper way. The unpacked DNA is enclosed in the slowly forming paternal and maternal pronuclei. During a synthesis phase the duplication of the DNA occurs in them.
After the synthesis phase, which takes almost a day, the DNA condenses into chromosomes. These promptly order themselves on the zygote's mitotic spindle so this can divide into the two-cell stage.
In the following, these processes are explained in greater detail.

The formation of the paternal pronucleus

Via the head of the spermatozoon an extremely thickly packed, haploid chromosome set (1n1C) has penetrated into the cytoplasma of the oocyte. This specially condensed DNA must be unpacked as a first step, i.e., decondensed. The protamines that are wrapped around the DNA strands are expanded and decomposed. With the help of enzymes and molecules from the cytoplasma the oocyte gradually expands the paternal pronucleus. A nucleic membrane encloses the decondensing DNA. The formation of a (pro)nucleus is necessary for the subsequent synthesis phase in which the DNA is duplicated.

The fertilization is complete. The formation of the zygote

1. What is the process of zygote formation?
Fertilization is the fusion of two haploid gametes to produce a diploid zygote. Each haploid gamete in humans has 23 chromosomes, while the diploid zygote has 46. This fusion usually occurs within 24 hours after the oocyte has been released from the ovary. ... Then, they have to break through the oocyte's defenses.

(google, Formation of human zygote - Google Search)

2. Where is the zygote formed in humans?

A zygote is the diploid cell formed when two gametes (egg and sperm) come together, forming a new organism. In humans, these are typically formed in the fallopian tube, since this is usually where sperm fertilize the egg. However, they can also form in the uterus, if the egg has had time to traverse that far.Jan 1, 2019

3. How does a zygote become an embryo?

In animals, the zygote is formed as soon as the sperm and egg fuse to form a diploid cell that has received half of its DNA from each parent. ... During this time, the zygote becomes a ball of cells called a blastocyst. When the blastocyst reaches the uterus, it implants in the uterine wall and is then called an embryo.Nov 26, 2016

4. When and how does a zygote become an embryo during the pregnancy process?

When sperm and egg meet, the new human being created is at the earliest possible stage of development, and is called a zygote. It is a single cell with 46 chromosomes (23 from each parent). As it travels through the Fallopian tube it undergoes further early development, dividing into a bundle of cells, and is called a blastocyst at this stage. After the blastocyst implants in the uterus, the embryonic period begin and it is known as an embryo. It continues cell division, cell differentiation begins, major systems begin to develop.
Eight weeks after the zygote was created, the fetal period begins and the embryo is now called a fetus, until birth where the medical term for the newborn infant is neonate.

5. You have to be a member of Quora to get more information. I should have looked up a University's website. I'm sure if you have facebook or a Google account, you will have instant access. It was fascinating when I was in college, and today, it's three levels up over and beyond what teachers in the 70s and 80s were teaching

But our discussion was you thought the zygote attaches, maybe? Not until it divides and is known as a blastocyst, which has the basic tools the zygote needs to attach, and divide and going after life and its pursuit of happiness. :thup:

Found this to complete the story of zygote to fetus:

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Banning abortion is worth a try. I have feeling though that it will work out as well as gun control.
It worked in the good old days before Roe v. Wade, 2cents. First we need to get the current generation off the gummint tit and let them pay for their own pleasures, not taxpayers. Then we need to pitch out lazy congresscritters and get the adults to get Congress or the Attorney General to work on it. It's not a job for irresponsible children, whoever they might be.

The rest of the story of unborn human development

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How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

As I stood before a statue of Baphomet I asked that very question.

The SOB stood there like he was made out of stone and said nothing.

So I guess I'd just a soon leave it up to the individual who's organic hardware is devoted to growing babies. After all it's her world, not mine.
Only dumb women who have bought the abortionist lies that their baby isn’t a baby, don’t regret killing their baby.

Really? How many have you talked to?
I know it means nothing to you to kill a baby, because you are a psychopath. Killing one’s child is immoral and unnatural. Of course, sane women regret it.
How many times have you given birth, having chosen to not have an abortion?
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.
A country who kills its unborn and one who funds it out of other people's earnings has wronged humanity out of (1) A mother to protect the baby (2) A father to provide the mother with time off her day job to raise the child so it won't get into bad company of people who teach the kid to steal first from his loved ones,(3) A home for the child if the parents try to escape the responsibilities to the malnutrition and unlawful neglect of the growing child (4) Legal costs for getting the parents in court to explain why they are being the worst of bad citizens by refusing a child who should have been loved, nurtured, and appropriately cared for from day one by them.

I'm getting sick of 50 years of supporting the blatant killings of innocent unborn American citizens who are in the first formative stages of life by selfish and asocial human beings who have been prompted to continue in their bad behaviors by Democrats who guarantee them freedom of responsibility which is against everything the fathers of this country stood for. And I think Congress people who vote to overcharge innocent taxpayers of a huge portion of their wages to pay for other people sins and for first maiming and torture of, then killing the unborn by physicians who are forced to do this process even if their religion teaches against it.

The democrats want to stop prayers so there will be no religious rules to keep them from plundering other people's money against their will.

It is the criminal rape pure and simple by Democrats and some Republicans of the common people in the United States who, against their will are forced to (in the case of physicians) to go against their Hippocratian Oath to "do no further damage to the patient, which would be the infanticide of an unborn future citizen to put him through a savage and violent death from instruments that penetrate his brains and suck them out, dismember its tiny corpse with metal weaponry forged to take innocent life and used by doctors who once undertook years of schooling to learn the art of helping people overcome their physical problems, and not to give them physical death and dismemberment far worse than most ordinary serial murderers commit victims to death for the thrill of it and the power it puts in their murderous hands.

Abortion shit-stinks.

You do not pay for abortions and infanticide is illegal in the USA. Look no further than Israel , and the state even pays for it.


Well isn't Christianity based on the OT?? Yes it is.

So why does Israel pay for abortions, and also TEl AVIV is the gay place to be.

Oh those sinners.
And Israel is Socialist-Democrat too. However do they live with themselves?????
A country who kills its unborn and one who funds it out of other people's earnings has wronged humanity out of (1) A mother to protect the baby (2) A father to provide the mother with time off her day job to raise the child so it won't get into bad company of people who teach the kid to steal first from his loved ones,(3) A home for the child if the parents try to escape the responsibilities to the malnutrition and unlawful neglect of the growing child (4) Legal costs for getting the parents in court to explain why they are being the worst of bad citizens by refusing a child who should have been loved, nurtured, and appropriately cared for from day one by them.

I'm getting sick of 50 years of supporting the blatant killings of innocent unborn American citizens who are in the first formative stages of life by selfish and asocial human beings who have been prompted to continue in their bad behaviors by Democrats who guarantee them freedom of responsibility which is against everything the fathers of this country stood for. And I think Congress people who vote to overcharge innocent taxpayers of a huge portion of their wages to pay for other people sins and for first maiming and torture of, then killing the unborn by physicians who are forced to do this process even if their religion teaches against it.

The democrats want to stop prayers so there will be no religious rules to keep them from plundering other people's money against their will.

It is the criminal rape pure and simple by Democrats and some Republicans of the common people in the United States who, against their will are forced to (in the case of physicians) to go against their Hippocratian Oath to "do no further damage to the patient, which would be the infanticide of an unborn future citizen to put him through a savage and violent death from instruments that penetrate his brains and suck them out, dismember its tiny corpse with metal weaponry forged to take innocent life and used by doctors who once undertook years of schooling to learn the art of helping people overcome their physical problems, and not to give them physical death and dismemberment far worse than most ordinary serial murderers commit victims to death for the thrill of it and the power it puts in their murderous hands.

Abortion shit-stinks.

You do not pay for abortions and infanticide is illegal in the USA. Look no further than Israel , and the state even pays for it.


That is all she has, her hate and bigotry.

I'm not a bigot, but you are. Case in point you feel the need to tell females what to do with their bodies.

I guess Israel is full of sinners hey.

And being a male, Its really none of you business. You are a uninformed male and your view of females is lacking.

Where in the hell did I tell females what to do with their bodies? Again with your lies, hate and bigotry. Abortion is killing a life, it is called science, you might want to educate yourself. If women want to have abortions it is fine by me, but it is killing a baby, plain and simple.

And by the way, being part of a human race, it is my business. Now, go back to your hate of life and bigotry, I noticed you didn't even attempt what you obviously are.

It's your opinion and keep it to yourself. You have no business even talking about abortion, what is it about men who want to lord it over women.

I'm getting sick of 50 years of supporting the blatant killings of innocent unborn American citizens who are in the first formative stages of life by selfish and asocial human beings who have been prompted to continue in their bad behaviors by Democrats

Get over it. It none of your business what the female on the corner is doing with her fetus.
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.
A country who kills its unborn and one who funds it out of other people's earnings has wronged humanity out of (1) A mother to protect the baby (2) A father to provide the mother with time off her day job to raise the child so it won't get into bad company of people who teach the kid to steal first from his loved ones,(3) A home for the child if the parents try to escape the responsibilities to the malnutrition and unlawful neglect of the growing child (4) Legal costs for getting the parents in court to explain why they are being the worst of bad citizens by refusing a child who should have been loved, nurtured, and appropriately cared for from day one by them.

I'm getting sick of 50 years of supporting the blatant killings of innocent unborn American citizens who are in the first formative stages of life by selfish and asocial human beings who have been prompted to continue in their bad behaviors by Democrats who guarantee them freedom of responsibility which is against everything the fathers of this country stood for. And I think Congress people who vote to overcharge innocent taxpayers of a huge portion of their wages to pay for other people sins and for first maiming and torture of, then killing the unborn by physicians who are forced to do this process even if their religion teaches against it.

The democrats want to stop prayers so there will be no religious rules to keep them from plundering other people's money against their will.

It is the criminal rape pure and simple by Democrats and some Republicans of the common people in the United States who, against their will are forced to (in the case of physicians) to go against their Hippocratian Oath to "do no further damage to the patient, which would be the infanticide of an unborn future citizen to put him through a savage and violent death from instruments that penetrate his brains and suck them out, dismember its tiny corpse with metal weaponry forged to take innocent life and used by doctors who once undertook years of schooling to learn the art of helping people overcome their physical problems, and not to give them physical death and dismemberment far worse than most ordinary serial murderers commit victims to death for the thrill of it and the power it puts in their murderous hands.

Abortion shit-stinks.

You do not pay for abortions and infanticide is illegal in the USA. Look no further than Israel , and the state even pays for it.


Well isn't Christianity based on the OT?? Yes it is.

So why does Israel pay for abortions, and also TEl AVIV is the gay place to be.

Oh those sinners.
And Israel is Socialist-Democrat too. However do they live with themselves?????

I don't know, its a mystery.
You do not pay for abortions and infanticide is illegal in the USA. Look no further than Israel , and the state even pays for it.


That is all she has, her hate and bigotry.

I'm not a bigot, but you are. Case in point you feel the need to tell females what to do with their bodies.

I guess Israel is full of sinners hey.

And being a male, Its really none of you business. You are a uninformed male and your view of females is lacking.

Where in the hell did I tell females what to do with their bodies? Again with your lies, hate and bigotry. Abortion is killing a life, it is called science, you might want to educate yourself. If women want to have abortions it is fine by me, but it is killing a baby, plain and simple.

And by the way, being part of a human race, it is my business. Now, go back to your hate of life and bigotry, I noticed you didn't even attempt what you obviously are.

It's your opinion and keep it to yourself. You have no business even talking about abortion, what is it about men who want to lord it over women.

I'm getting sick of 50 years of supporting the blatant killings of innocent unborn American citizens who are in the first formative stages of life by selfish and asocial human beings who have been prompted to continue in their bad behaviors by Democrats

Get over it. It none of your business what the female on the corner is doing with her fetus.

My opinion is just as valid as yours, except science backs up my opinion. I'm not lording over anyone if you want to kill a baby, it is your right, go right ahead.

Quick question, how many Democrats are pissed because their mothers didn't abort them?
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.
A country who kills its unborn and one who funds it out of other people's earnings has wronged humanity out of (1) A mother to protect the baby (2) A father to provide the mother with time off her day job to raise the child so it won't get into bad company of people who teach the kid to steal first from his loved ones,(3) A home for the child if the parents try to escape the responsibilities to the malnutrition and unlawful neglect of the growing child (4) Legal costs for getting the parents in court to explain why they are being the worst of bad citizens by refusing a child who should have been loved, nurtured, and appropriately cared for from day one by them.

I'm getting sick of 50 years of supporting the blatant killings of innocent unborn American citizens who are in the first formative stages of life by selfish and asocial human beings who have been prompted to continue in their bad behaviors by Democrats who guarantee them freedom of responsibility which is against everything the fathers of this country stood for. And I think Congress people who vote to overcharge innocent taxpayers of a huge portion of their wages to pay for other people sins and for first maiming and torture of, then killing the unborn by physicians who are forced to do this process even if their religion teaches against it.

The democrats want to stop prayers so there will be no religious rules to keep them from plundering other people's money against their will.

It is the criminal rape pure and simple by Democrats and some Republicans of the common people in the United States who, against their will are forced to (in the case of physicians) to go against their Hippocratian Oath to "do no further damage to the patient, which would be the infanticide of an unborn future citizen to put him through a savage and violent death from instruments that penetrate his brains and suck them out, dismember its tiny corpse with metal weaponry forged to take innocent life and used by doctors who once undertook years of schooling to learn the art of helping people overcome their physical problems, and not to give them physical death and dismemberment far worse than most ordinary serial murderers commit victims to death for the thrill of it and the power it puts in their murderous hands.

Abortion shit-stinks.

You do not pay for abortions and infanticide is illegal in the USA. Look no further than Israel , and the state even pays for it.


Well isn't Christianity based on the OT?? Yes it is.

No it isn't.

That is all she has, her hate and bigotry.

I'm not a bigot, but you are. Case in point you feel the need to tell females what to do with their bodies.

I guess Israel is full of sinners hey.

And being a male, Its really none of you business. You are a uninformed male and your view of females is lacking.

Penny Jackboots no one gives a crap what you do with "your body". Really. We don't care.

Just don't kill the BABY'S bodies inside you. Or fetus bodies, whatever. You know, the ones with totally separate DNA.

It's science, Penny Jackboots.

Oh so you want to tell me what to do. I get it, you Cons think you can tell other people how to live, but hey you love your guns and I suspect many of you get off on the mass shootings.
If you want no children, abstain or get your tubes tied. Killing other human beings is just not a good idea.

Unless they are brown and live on the other side of the world. Then we kill them and throw a parade.
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.
A country who kills its unborn and one who funds it out of other people's earnings has wronged humanity out of (1) A mother to protect the baby (2) A father to provide the mother with time off her day job to raise the child so it won't get into bad company of people who teach the kid to steal first from his loved ones,(3) A home for the child if the parents try to escape the responsibilities to the malnutrition and unlawful neglect of the growing child (4) Legal costs for getting the parents in court to explain why they are being the worst of bad citizens by refusing a child who should have been loved, nurtured, and appropriately cared for from day one by them.

I'm getting sick of 50 years of supporting the blatant killings of innocent unborn American citizens who are in the first formative stages of life by selfish and asocial human beings who have been prompted to continue in their bad behaviors by Democrats who guarantee them freedom of responsibility which is against everything the fathers of this country stood for. And I think Congress people who vote to overcharge innocent taxpayers of a huge portion of their wages to pay for other people sins and for first maiming and torture of, then killing the unborn by physicians who are forced to do this process even if their religion teaches against it.

The democrats want to stop prayers so there will be no religious rules to keep them from plundering other people's money against their will.

It is the criminal rape pure and simple by Democrats and some Republicans of the common people in the United States who, against their will are forced to (in the case of physicians) to go against their Hippocratian Oath to "do no further damage to the patient, which would be the infanticide of an unborn future citizen to put him through a savage and violent death from instruments that penetrate his brains and suck them out, dismember its tiny corpse with metal weaponry forged to take innocent life and used by doctors who once undertook years of schooling to learn the art of helping people overcome their physical problems, and not to give them physical death and dismemberment far worse than most ordinary serial murderers commit victims to death for the thrill of it and the power it puts in their murderous hands.

Abortion shit-stinks.

You do not pay for abortions and infanticide is illegal in the USA. Look no further than Israel , and the state even pays for it.


Well isn't Christianity based on the OT?? Yes it is.

No it isn't.

Christians believe in the moral laws of the Old Treatment, not the Mosaic Law.

The Ten Commandments are OT, part of the backbone of Christianity
A country who kills its unborn and one who funds it out of other people's earnings has wronged humanity out of (1) A mother to protect the baby (2) A father to provide the mother with time off her day job to raise the child so it won't get into bad company of people who teach the kid to steal first from his loved ones,(3) A home for the child if the parents try to escape the responsibilities to the malnutrition and unlawful neglect of the growing child (4) Legal costs for getting the parents in court to explain why they are being the worst of bad citizens by refusing a child who should have been loved, nurtured, and appropriately cared for from day one by them.

I'm getting sick of 50 years of supporting the blatant killings of innocent unborn American citizens who are in the first formative stages of life by selfish and asocial human beings who have been prompted to continue in their bad behaviors by Democrats who guarantee them freedom of responsibility which is against everything the fathers of this country stood for. And I think Congress people who vote to overcharge innocent taxpayers of a huge portion of their wages to pay for other people sins and for first maiming and torture of, then killing the unborn by physicians who are forced to do this process even if their religion teaches against it.

The democrats want to stop prayers so there will be no religious rules to keep them from plundering other people's money against their will.

It is the criminal rape pure and simple by Democrats and some Republicans of the common people in the United States who, against their will are forced to (in the case of physicians) to go against their Hippocratian Oath to "do no further damage to the patient, which would be the infanticide of an unborn future citizen to put him through a savage and violent death from instruments that penetrate his brains and suck them out, dismember its tiny corpse with metal weaponry forged to take innocent life and used by doctors who once undertook years of schooling to learn the art of helping people overcome their physical problems, and not to give them physical death and dismemberment far worse than most ordinary serial murderers commit victims to death for the thrill of it and the power it puts in their murderous hands.

Abortion shit-stinks.

You do not pay for abortions and infanticide is illegal in the USA. Look no further than Israel , and the state even pays for it.


Well isn't Christianity based on the OT?? Yes it is.

No it isn't.

Christians believe in the moral laws of the Old Treatment, not the Mosaic Law.

The Ten Commandments are OT, part of the backbone of Christianity

The Ten Commandments are the backbone of most of civilized society but that isn't really what was claimed. There was no such thing as Christianity in the OT. It only came to be after the events of the NT.
You do not pay for abortions and infanticide is illegal in the USA. Look no further than Israel , and the state even pays for it.


Well isn't Christianity based on the OT?? Yes it is.

No it isn't.

Christians believe in the moral laws of the Old Treatment, not the Mosaic Law.

The Ten Commandments are OT, part of the backbone of Christianity

The Ten Commandments are the backbone of most of civilized society but that isn't really what was claimed. There was no such thing as Christianity in the OT. It only came to be after the events of the NT.

Duh but the OT is very much a part of Christian faith and beliefs.

You wander around a lot

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