Why is killing unborn babies part of "making a better world" for the Democrats?

Ahh, this thread again.

So, if I punch a pregnant woman and the baby dies, should I be charged with the murder of the fetus or just simple assault on the woman?
I think the police would notice assault with intention to kill and infanticide death caused by assault.
How could someone be charged with murder if it's not a baby (person). The left claims it's just tissue, or cells.
The courts of law have been able to institute life without the possibility of parole for someone who's killed a lot of people but destroyed the evidence in all but the case where he killed a woman who was pregnant. Proving that a person killed one person, let alone many others over in the life of a serial murderer just puts them back on the street if they only get the guy on 1 person. However, if it's proved that he killed 2 people, that's a life sentence with no possibility of parole, which means the 14 people they know he killed but can't find a fingerprint and the witnesses are knocked off by personal issues by the defense can be successful. That's why if a pregnant woman is killed, it ups the criminals murder party to zero in court.

And it has put many a clever serial rapist-murderer away for good. Serial killers have a higher recidivism rate than the prison population at large. They're dangerous before, during and after their incarceration. Only afterward, they're a lot more careful about evidence-destruction.
Only dumb women who have bought the abortionist lies that their baby isn’t a baby, don’t regret killing their baby.

Really? How many have you talked to?
I know it means nothing to you to kill a baby, because you are a psychopath. Killing one’s child is immoral and unnatural. Of course, sane women regret it.
Not really. This is another one of your feeble attempts to look smart,

Guy, you are barely literate, I suspect your reading comprehension is just as poor and you just proved it.


Roughly translated, you are a racist liar who got their lies tossed back in their face and they are to much of a coward to admit it, now run along back to your porn and gay little resume business that never got going.
Only dumb women who have bought the abortionist lies that their baby isn’t a baby, don’t regret killing their baby.

Really? How many have you talked to?
I know it means nothing to you to kill a baby, because you are a psychopath. Killing one’s child is immoral and unnatural. Of course, sane women regret it.

But when they are innocent brown babies on the other side of the world, we throw a parade.
Once you get it through your thick skull it's not a baby you will understand. By the way, how is that writing career going in NY?
The problem is, it is a baby. What else could it be?

Baby killers don’t want to accept that fact. They want the right to murder.

It's not a baby when there's heart beat.
Once you get it through your thick skull it's not a baby you will understand. By the way, how is that writing career going in NY?
The problem is, it is a baby. What else could it be?

Baby killers don’t want to accept that fact. They want the right to murder.

It's not a baby if it looks like a blob and has no heart.
Abortion is murder

Women have no right to make a father pay

It is time for personal responsibility.
Dead beat dads have to be dealt with by the courts. Somehow, when brains were being passed out, they thought responsibilities were somebody else's department due to nature's omission of some or all of his cerebrum or an asocial outlook learned from another family member or his or her absence.
The women are the dead beats, making poor decisions with their bodies then expecting government to make someone else pay.
Abortion is a racist act, I can’t believe anyone would support such racism.
Roughly translated,

you are an illiterate moron who isn't worth my time.

Abortion is a racist act, I can’t believe anyone would support such racism.

That's about the dumbest thing you've said yet.

The only reason why women of color have more abortions than white chicks is because they have LESS access to other forms of contraception.

I know it means nothing to you to kill a baby, because you are a psychopath. Killing one’s child is immoral and unnatural. Of course, sane women regret it.

50 million abortions since Roe... most women are fine with it.
The courts of law have been able to institute life without the possibility of parole for someone who's killed a lot of people but destroyed the evidence in all but the case where he killed a woman who was pregnant. Proving that a person killed one person, let alone many others over in the life of a serial murderer just puts them back on the street if they only get the guy on 1 person. However, if it's proved that he killed 2 people, that's a life sentence with no possibility of parole, which means the 14 people they know he killed but can't find a fingerprint and the witnesses are knocked off by personal issues by the defense can be successful. That's why if a pregnant woman is killed, it ups the criminals murder party to zero in court.

Okay, let's look at that bit of crazy. Yes, when a killer kills a pregnant chick who wanted her baby, that upsets people and they are more likely to impose tougher sentences..

But the "Fetuses are people" laws have had awful effects as well. I give you the case of one Purvi Patel, who was put in prison because of a miscarriage that someone decided, with questionable evidence, was a self-induced abortion. Thanks to a goofy law signed by Deputy Fuhrer Pence, they prosecuted this poor woman until a court with a lick of sense realized that fetuses aren't people, after all.

Purvi Patel - Wikipedia

This is what happens when you declare globs of meat people... the women who they are stuck inside end up getting prosecuted, even if they did nothing wrong.
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.
A country who kills its unborn and one who funds it out of other people's earnings has wronged humanity out of (1) A mother to protect the baby (2) A father to provide the mother with time off her day job to raise the child so it won't get into bad company of people who teach the kid to steal first from his loved ones,(3) A home for the child if the parents try to escape the responsibilities to the malnutrition and unlawful neglect of the growing child (4) Legal costs for getting the parents in court to explain why they are being the worst of bad citizens by refusing a child who should have been loved, nurtured, and appropriately cared for from day one by them.

I'm getting sick of 50 years of supporting the blatant killings of innocent unborn American citizens who are in the first formative stages of life by selfish and asocial human beings who have been prompted to continue in their bad behaviors by Democrats who guarantee them freedom of responsibility which is against everything the fathers of this country stood for. And I think Congress people who vote to overcharge innocent taxpayers of a huge portion of their wages to pay for other people sins and for first maiming and torture of, then killing the unborn by physicians who are forced to do this process even if their religion teaches against it.

The democrats want to stop prayers so there will be no religious rules to keep them from plundering other people's money against their will.

It is the criminal rape pure and simple by Democrats and some Republicans of the common people in the United States who, against their will are forced to (in the case of physicians) to go against their Hippocratian Oath to "do no further damage to the patient, which would be the infanticide of an unborn future citizen to put him through a savage and violent death from instruments that penetrate his brains and suck them out, dismember its tiny corpse with metal weaponry forged to take innocent life and used by doctors who once undertook years of schooling to learn the art of helping people overcome their physical problems, and not to give them physical death and dismemberment far worse than most ordinary serial murderers commit victims to death for the thrill of it and the power it puts in their murderous hands.

Abortion shit-stinks.

You do not pay for abortions and infanticide is illegal in the USA. Look no further than Israel , and the state even pays for it.

I know it means nothing to you to kill a baby, because you are a psychopath. Killing one’s child is immoral and unnatural. Of course, sane women regret it.
50 million abortions since Roe... most women are fine with it.
That's just more evidence of your vast ignorance:

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Roughly translated,

you are an illiterate moron who isn't worth my time.

Abortion is a racist act, I can’t believe anyone would support such racism.

That's about the dumbest thing you've said yet.

The only reason why women of color have more abortions than white chicks is because they have LESS access to other forms of contraception.

I know it means nothing to you to kill a baby, because you are a psychopath. Killing one’s child is immoral and unnatural. Of course, sane women regret it.

50 million abortions since Roe... most women are fine with it.

Another uninformed white male Defining what is and isn’t racism.
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.
A country who kills its unborn and one who funds it out of other people's earnings has wronged humanity out of (1) A mother to protect the baby (2) A father to provide the mother with time off her day job to raise the child so it won't get into bad company of people who teach the kid to steal first from his loved ones,(3) A home for the child if the parents try to escape the responsibilities to the malnutrition and unlawful neglect of the growing child (4) Legal costs for getting the parents in court to explain why they are being the worst of bad citizens by refusing a child who should have been loved, nurtured, and appropriately cared for from day one by them.

I'm getting sick of 50 years of supporting the blatant killings of innocent unborn American citizens who are in the first formative stages of life by selfish and asocial human beings who have been prompted to continue in their bad behaviors by Democrats who guarantee them freedom of responsibility which is against everything the fathers of this country stood for. And I think Congress people who vote to overcharge innocent taxpayers of a huge portion of their wages to pay for other people sins and for first maiming and torture of, then killing the unborn by physicians who are forced to do this process even if their religion teaches against it.

The democrats want to stop prayers so there will be no religious rules to keep them from plundering other people's money against their will.

It is the criminal rape pure and simple by Democrats and some Republicans of the common people in the United States who, against their will are forced to (in the case of physicians) to go against their Hippocratian Oath to "do no further damage to the patient, which would be the infanticide of an unborn future citizen to put him through a savage and violent death from instruments that penetrate his brains and suck them out, dismember its tiny corpse with metal weaponry forged to take innocent life and used by doctors who once undertook years of schooling to learn the art of helping people overcome their physical problems, and not to give them physical death and dismemberment far worse than most ordinary serial murderers commit victims to death for the thrill of it and the power it puts in their murderous hands.

Abortion shit-stinks.

You do not pay for abortions and infanticide is illegal in the USA. Look no further than Israel , and the state even pays for it.


That is all she has, her hate and bigotry.
Roughly translated,

you are an illiterate moron who isn't worth my time.

Abortion is a racist act, I can’t believe anyone would support such racism.

That's about the dumbest thing you've said yet.

The only reason why women of color have more abortions than white chicks is because they have LESS access to other forms of contraception.

I know it means nothing to you to kill a baby, because you are a psychopath. Killing one’s child is immoral and unnatural. Of course, sane women regret it.

50 million abortions since Roe... most women are fine with it.
That's just more evidence of your vast ignorance:


Joe claims to know what women want, what an arrogant ass.
That's just more evidence of your vast ignorance:

That only 24% of women think it should be illegal, and 74% think it should be legal? This is your argument?

In the immortal words of George Carlin, "Did you ever notice the women who are against Abortion are the ones you wouldn't want to fuck, anyway?"

Another uninformed white male Defining what is and isn’t racism.

Please point out where women of color are being dragged off the street and forced to have abortions.

50 million abortions since Roe... most women are fine with it.
That's just more evidence of your vast ignorance:


That only 24% of women think it should be illegal, and 74% think it should be legal? This is your argument?
That's how you read the chart? I see 75% who are totally opposed and are only OK with abortion under certain circumstances. No where does it say most women are fine with the 50 million abortions since Roe.
That's how you read the chart? I see 75% who are totally opposed and are only OK with abortion under certain circumstances. No where does it say most women are fine with the
50 million abortions since Roe.

You can see what you want, but most women are fine with abortions being performed... and the ones who aren't are too ugly to fuck to start with.
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.
A country who kills its unborn and one who funds it out of other people's earnings has wronged humanity out of (1) A mother to protect the baby (2) A father to provide the mother with time off her day job to raise the child so it won't get into bad company of people who teach the kid to steal first from his loved ones,(3) A home for the child if the parents try to escape the responsibilities to the malnutrition and unlawful neglect of the growing child (4) Legal costs for getting the parents in court to explain why they are being the worst of bad citizens by refusing a child who should have been loved, nurtured, and appropriately cared for from day one by them.

I'm getting sick of 50 years of supporting the blatant killings of innocent unborn American citizens who are in the first formative stages of life by selfish and asocial human beings who have been prompted to continue in their bad behaviors by Democrats who guarantee them freedom of responsibility which is against everything the fathers of this country stood for. And I think Congress people who vote to overcharge innocent taxpayers of a huge portion of their wages to pay for other people sins and for first maiming and torture of, then killing the unborn by physicians who are forced to do this process even if their religion teaches against it.

The democrats want to stop prayers so there will be no religious rules to keep them from plundering other people's money against their will.

It is the criminal rape pure and simple by Democrats and some Republicans of the common people in the United States who, against their will are forced to (in the case of physicians) to go against their Hippocratian Oath to "do no further damage to the patient, which would be the infanticide of an unborn future citizen to put him through a savage and violent death from instruments that penetrate his brains and suck them out, dismember its tiny corpse with metal weaponry forged to take innocent life and used by doctors who once undertook years of schooling to learn the art of helping people overcome their physical problems, and not to give them physical death and dismemberment far worse than most ordinary serial murderers commit victims to death for the thrill of it and the power it puts in their murderous hands.

Abortion shit-stinks.

You do not pay for abortions and infanticide is illegal in the USA. Look no further than Israel , and the state even pays for it.


Well isn't Christianity based on the OT?? Yes it is.

So why does Israel pay for abortions, and also TEl AVIV is the gay place to be.

Oh those sinners.
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.
A country who kills its unborn and one who funds it out of other people's earnings has wronged humanity out of (1) A mother to protect the baby (2) A father to provide the mother with time off her day job to raise the child so it won't get into bad company of people who teach the kid to steal first from his loved ones,(3) A home for the child if the parents try to escape the responsibilities to the malnutrition and unlawful neglect of the growing child (4) Legal costs for getting the parents in court to explain why they are being the worst of bad citizens by refusing a child who should have been loved, nurtured, and appropriately cared for from day one by them.

I'm getting sick of 50 years of supporting the blatant killings of innocent unborn American citizens who are in the first formative stages of life by selfish and asocial human beings who have been prompted to continue in their bad behaviors by Democrats who guarantee them freedom of responsibility which is against everything the fathers of this country stood for. And I think Congress people who vote to overcharge innocent taxpayers of a huge portion of their wages to pay for other people sins and for first maiming and torture of, then killing the unborn by physicians who are forced to do this process even if their religion teaches against it.

The democrats want to stop prayers so there will be no religious rules to keep them from plundering other people's money against their will.

It is the criminal rape pure and simple by Democrats and some Republicans of the common people in the United States who, against their will are forced to (in the case of physicians) to go against their Hippocratian Oath to "do no further damage to the patient, which would be the infanticide of an unborn future citizen to put him through a savage and violent death from instruments that penetrate his brains and suck them out, dismember its tiny corpse with metal weaponry forged to take innocent life and used by doctors who once undertook years of schooling to learn the art of helping people overcome their physical problems, and not to give them physical death and dismemberment far worse than most ordinary serial murderers commit victims to death for the thrill of it and the power it puts in their murderous hands.

Abortion shit-stinks.

You do not pay for abortions and infanticide is illegal in the USA. Look no further than Israel , and the state even pays for it.


That is all she has, her hate and bigotry.

I'm not a bigot, but you are. Case in point you feel the need to tell females what to do with their bodies.

I guess Israel is full of sinners hey.

And being a male, Its really none of you business. You are a uninformed male and your view of females is lacking.

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