Why is killing unborn babies part of "making a better world" for the Democrats?

They want just enough black and brown people to win elections, but they got to keep the population down so the cost doesn't get out of hand.

The only reason why minorities have more abortions is they have less access to other forms of contraception like white folks do.

Not true at all. In every city and town with a health department in this country rubbers and birth control are getable witch not much more effort then asking for them. So that "lack of contraception" crap is just a lie.
They want just enough black and brown people to win elections, but they got to keep the population down so the cost doesn't get out of hand.

The only reason why minorities have more abortions is they have less access to other forms of contraception like white folks do.

Not true at all. In every city and town with a health department in this country rubbers and birth control are getable witch not much more effort then asking for them. So that "lack of contraception" crap is just a lie.
Joe isn’t capable of using a condom. It’s just too difficult for him to understand how to use it.
Once you get it through your thick skull it's not a baby you will understand. By the way, how is that writing career going in NY?
They want just enough black and brown people to win elections, but they got to keep the population down so the cost doesn't get out of hand.

The only reason why minorities have more abortions is they have less access to other forms of contraception like white folks do.

Not true at all. In every city and town with a health department in this country rubbers and birth control are getable witch not much more effort then asking for them. So that "lack of contraception" crap is just a lie.
Joe isn’t capable of using a condom. It’s just too difficult for him to understand how to use it.

That's even more sad.
Once you get it through your thick skull it's not a baby you will understand. By the way, how is that writing career going in NY?
The problem is, it is a baby. What else could it be?

Baby killers don’t want to accept that fact. They want the right to murder.
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.

I can explain this to you again, but you still won't get it.

There were just as many abortions happening before Roe v. Wade as after. Roe v. Wade just got rid of dumb laws no one was obeying to start with.

Fetuses aren't babies, and if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.
Roe v. Wade put the onus on the public, JoeB131. We are now paying for all abortions because the mothers are too young to support themselves and a child, one no longer has to wait till marriage to have sex, and youthful kids do not connect their out-of-wedlock to produce throwing up followed by a swelling of the girl's midsection years before she is intended to become a mother by going through the alleged baloney of watchful guardians supervising a courtship and having a physical presence while courtship takes place without sex, but develops a friendship or the realization by one or both of the people courting that they're dating the wrong person.

Modern men have been groomed that he should not abide anyone who interferes with his pleasure, so pleasure he takes, which is a trainwreck waiting to happen. Oh, wait, the trainwreck is in everone's life now, and good girls are to be despised, even if they provide a means by which a man can go through life without ever having a venereal disease threaten his good health as he learns patience and perseverence through the courtship process. Without it, you have a world of impatient men who do not want to be strapped with child support of a small human being he has implanted into a young woman's uterus. And heaven help him if he is caught fucking a 12-year old when he is 15, because that's rape and will tie the words "sexual predator" unless his little girl friend won't tell who made her belly swell up with child. Fortunately, dna can prove whose sperm went visiting a child's young vagina and stimulated her hormones to produce a viable egg in the process as she learns to use herself to attract a bunch of boyfriends and enough disease to make her baby come early with multiple birth defects and problems that come from using drugs to forget the sorrow of being jilted by some guy who is collecting pelts to achieve admiration from his male friends for getting so many pretty women to screw him and keep quiet about it so he can screw little girls if they make certain agreements not to talk about him.

Who's committed this little 12-year-old girl to a lonely hospital room for 2 weeks to heal after she's delivered a baby that had to be surgically removed from her belly because she didn't have the natural ability to birth a live baby due to bones and muscles unprepared for motherhood. You can better bet her teenage superstud pelt counter isn't going to visit her and claim the child as his own, when he's got six or seven other women and girls pregnant all at the same time. If the girl's parents decide missy hot pants is uncontrollable and don't want her influencing younger siblings in their formative years of learning, she may be sent to a boarding school or simply told she has to get a job and support herself since she violated family rules against out-of-wedlock sex. The boyfriend skips if he has to, and if he is wealthy, his parents don't want him marrying a whore, which is the word they use for a woman he brainwashed into his pleasure seeking world that he isn't aware has consequences, and accommodating parents to this type of lifestyle at an early age plus his friends' jealousy of his awesome good fortune to get out of the responsibilities of fatherhood to so many women with his youthful looks and happy enthusiasm of being serviced so cheaply.

I think this is a society fail. And I think it has to do with the intense prosperity teachers have by unionizing and tapping the local, state, and federal governments with a tremendous share of the nation's wealth. People are no longer taught the skills of homemaking because that interferes with women learning how to be men to earn a living for children nobody wants but them. And often those children hate their mother for their own poverty inflicted upon them from not having a father to pay for their needs with his work, which only gives him spending power of 15% with all the taxes it takes to support a free love lifestyle NEVER ONCE intended by the founding fathers of America.

Go ahead and shoot me out of the water, Joe. I thoroughly understand where you and your fellow like-minded men are coming from. And I don't like what I'm seeing in today's world that demands taxes from fewer and fewer workers every year.

And American voters? Well, when you elect people who see a pot of gold in the American treasury and want some a lot of it for themselves, you have taught them with your silence against their discouraging behaviors that it's okay to plunder that huge, big nice pile of yummy money to buy themselves designer clothes like AOC is discovering how to dig into the treasury for herself, since she got in trouble for diverting hundreds of thousands of dollars into her own designer pockets from her campaign funds her very first year in office. She got away with it as evidenced by her showing up for work to use her office's money to throw dirt in the face of President Trump that seems to (but doesn't) validate her numerous larcenous attempts at getting her hands on other people's money for the prizes she buys with it. Underneath all that powder and paint, there's a vicious, hate-filled viper out to get Trump one way or another.

And that's what I think.
They want just enough black and brown people to win elections, but they got to keep the population down so the cost doesn't get out of hand.

The only reason why minorities have more abortions is they have less access to other forms of contraception like white folks do.

Not true at all. In every city and town with a health department in this country rubbers and birth control are getable witch not much more effort then asking for them. So that "lack of contraception" crap is just a lie.
Joe isn’t capable of using a condom. It’s just too difficult for him to understand how to use it.

That's even more sad.
All advocates of baby murder are sad. Dumb too.
And then we this dose of crazy.

A country who kills its unborn and one who funds it out of other people's earnings has wronged humanity out of (1) A mother to protect the baby (2) A father to provide the mother with time off her day job to raise the child so it won't get into bad company of people who teach the kid to steal first from his loved ones,(3) A home for the child if the parents try to escape the responsibilities to the malnutrition and unlawful neglect of the growing child (4) Legal costs for getting the parents in court to explain why they are being the worst of bad citizens by refusing a child who should have been loved, nurtured, and appropriately cared for from day one by them.

Except that if the two people don't want to have a baby, they will find a way to not have a baby. Frankly, we are better off for abortion. It is no coincidence that there was a DRAMATIC drop in crime in the 1990's, when all those fetuses that ended up in medical waste containers in the 1970's didn't end up in our jails in the 1990's.

I'm getting sick of 50 years of supporting the blatant killings of innocent unborn American citizens who are in the first formative stages of life by selfish and asocial human beings who have been prompted to continue in their bad behaviors by Democrats who guarantee them freedom of responsibility which is against everything the fathers of this country stood for. And I think Congress people who vote to overcharge innocent taxpayers of a huge portion of their wages to pay for other people sins and for first maiming and torture of, then killing the unborn by physicians who are forced to do this process even if their religion teaches against it.

First, thanks to the PURE IDIOCY of the Hyde Amendment, government isn't paying for abortions. Secondly, if you want to see a country where abortion is illegal, you should look at the Philippines, where they have 800K illegal abortions a year, 1.8 million abandoned children, and massive human trafficking.

The democrats want to stop prayers so there will be no religious rules to keep them from plundering other people's money against their will.

Quite the contrary, I'd like to see the Churches actually obey the law and not interfere in politics.

It is the criminal rape pure and simple by Democrats and some Republicans of the common people in the United States who, against their will are forced to (in the case of physicians) to go against their Hippocratian Oath to "do no further damage to the patient, which would be the infanticide of an unborn future citizen to put him through a savage and violent death from instruments that penetrate his brains and suck them out, dismember its tiny corpse with metal weaponry forged to take innocent life and used by doctors who once undertook years of schooling to learn the art of helping people overcome their physical problems, and not to give them physical death and dismemberment far worse than most ordinary serial murderers commit victims to death for the thrill of it and the power it puts in their murderous hands.

Uh, dummy, you wouldn't have any abortion if women didn't want them.

No doctor is "forced" to perform abortions... in fact, many bravely risk their lives because there are fucking religious nuts out there who might kill them.
JoeB the stud sez: "Uh, dummy, you wouldn't have any abortion if women didn't want them."
and "I'd like to see the Churches actually obey the law and not interfere in politics."
Through the grace of a good God, I never got pregnant as a child because I had good parents who taught right from wrong, a strong desire to learn, and abstained from going out with slick characters who used women for pleasure without giving so much as a tinker's damn about them. How dummy is it to learn such a thing to prevent getting a disease that could condemn my family's future children to a life of disability on account of me being careless in love and getting a disease from that carelessness?

Churches have a higher law. It is not consistent with your wishes because you approve of heathenism, and there's not a single method I could convince you of feeling any compassion for any but your fellow atheists, liars, and cheaters in the spiritual side of sexuality which in my humble and "dummy" opinion, you view in the crassest and most animalistic way that creates asocial societies that put orgies and alternate states of mind (drugging) ahead of responsibility and pragmatism about creating a good world for tomorrow's people.

I think you walk in the wrong direction, sir.
And then we this dose of crazy.

A country who kills its unborn and one who funds it out of other people's earnings has wronged humanity out of (1) A mother to protect the baby (2) A father to provide the mother with time off her day job to raise the child so it won't get into bad company of people who teach the kid to steal first from his loved ones,(3) A home for the child if the parents try to escape the responsibilities to the malnutrition and unlawful neglect of the growing child (4) Legal costs for getting the parents in court to explain why they are being the worst of bad citizens by refusing a child who should have been loved, nurtured, and appropriately cared for from day one by them.

Except that if the two people don't want to have a baby, they will find a way to not have a baby. Frankly, we are better off for abortion. It is no coincidence that there was a DRAMATIC drop in crime in the 1990's, when all those fetuses that ended up in medical waste containers in the 1970's didn't end up in our jails in the 1990's.

I'm getting sick of 50 years of supporting the blatant killings of innocent unborn American citizens who are in the first formative stages of life by selfish and asocial human beings who have been prompted to continue in their bad behaviors by Democrats who guarantee them freedom of responsibility which is against everything the fathers of this country stood for. And I think Congress people who vote to overcharge innocent taxpayers of a huge portion of their wages to pay for other people sins and for first maiming and torture of, then killing the unborn by physicians who are forced to do this process even if their religion teaches against it.

First, thanks to the PURE IDIOCY of the Hyde Amendment, government isn't paying for abortions. Secondly, if you want to see a country where abortion is illegal, you should look at the Philippines, where they have 800K illegal abortions a year, 1.8 million abandoned children, and massive human trafficking.

The democrats want to stop prayers so there will be no religious rules to keep them from plundering other people's money against their will.

Quite the contrary, I'd like to see the Churches actually obey the law and not interfere in politics.

It is the criminal rape pure and simple by Democrats and some Republicans of the common people in the United States who, against their will are forced to (in the case of physicians) to go against their Hippocratian Oath to "do no further damage to the patient, which would be the infanticide of an unborn future citizen to put him through a savage and violent death from instruments that penetrate his brains and suck them out, dismember its tiny corpse with metal weaponry forged to take innocent life and used by doctors who once undertook years of schooling to learn the art of helping people overcome their physical problems, and not to give them physical death and dismemberment far worse than most ordinary serial murderers commit victims to death for the thrill of it and the power it puts in their murderous hands.

Uh, dummy, you wouldn't have any abortion if women didn't want them.

No doctor is "forced" to perform abortions... in fact, many bravely risk their lives because there are fucking religious nuts out there who might kill them.
JoeB the stud sez: "Uh, dummy, you wouldn't have any abortion if women didn't want them."
and "I'd like to see the Churches actually obey the law and not interfere in politics."
Through the grace of a good God, I never got pregnant as a child because I had good parents who taught right from wrong, a strong desire to learn, and abstained from going out with slick characters who used women for pleasure without giving so much as a tinker's damn about them. How dummy is it to learn such a thing to prevent getting a disease that could condemn my family's future children to a life of disability on account of me being careless in love and getting a disease from that carelessness?

Churches have a higher law. It is not consistent with your wishes because you approve of heathenism, and there's not a single method I could convince you of feeling any compassion for any but your fellow atheists, liars, and cheaters in the spiritual side of sexuality which in my humble and "dummy" opinion, you view in the crassest and most animalistic way that creates asocial societies that put orgies and alternate states of mind (drugging) ahead of responsibility and pragmatism about creating a good world for tomorrow's people.

I think you walk in the wrong direction, sir.

Joe believes the abortion propaganda that a woman has the right to murder for convenience sake, whenever she so chooses. He ignorantly believes the fetus is not human and killing it is justifiable.

Now if a woman is so dumb as to get pregnant not wanting her baby, what makes Joe think she is mentally capable of deciding whether to kill it or keep it? Clearly she isn’t very bright (just like Joe). After all, nothing a human can do is easier than preventing pregnancy.
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.
How many babies did we kill in the bombing or Hiroshima? Who decided if it was justified? It probably was the Japanese might see it different.
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.
How many babies did we kill in the bombing or Hiroshima? Who decided if it was justified? It probably was the Japanese might see it different.

Look at what the military did at wounded knee to women and babies.

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Not true at all. In every city and town with a health department in this country rubbers and birth control are getable witch not much more effort then asking for them. So that "lack of contraception" crap is just a lie.

Rubbers are awesome if you can get guys to wear them. A lot of guys don't like to.

Other birth control requires a doctor to prescribe them...
Through the grace of a good God, I never got pregnant as a child because I had good parents who taught right from wrong, a strong desire to learn, and abstained from going out with slick characters who used women for pleasure without giving so much as a tinker's damn about them. How dummy is it to learn such a thing to prevent getting a disease that could condemn my family's future children to a life of disability on account of me being careless in love and getting a disease from that carelessness?

That's nice. Not everyone is as perfect as you are.

I knew a gal who was brought up in a religious household, traditional Asian American parents, who was engaged to a friend of mine. Then when he didn't make good on his promises to marry her, she stopped taking her birth control and got knocked up, hoping that would force the issue. When it didn't, she got an abortion so her parents wouldn't know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

People make mistakes. Some relationships don't work out. People are fucking human. I'm sorry you don't get this.

Churches have a higher law. It is not consistent with your wishes because you approve of heathenism, and there's not a single method I could convince you of feeling any compassion for any but your fellow atheists, liars, and cheaters in the spiritual side of sexuality which in my humble and "dummy" opinion, you view in the crassest and most animalistic way that creates asocial societies that put orgies and alternate states of mind (drugging) ahead of responsibility and pragmatism about creating a good world for tomorrow's people.

I think you walk in the wrong direction, sir.

Actually, my life isn't nearly as exciting as you think it is. I've never been to an orgy. I just don't get invited to those kinds of parties.

But the thing is, real life happens, and praying to an imaginary fairy in the sky doesn't prevent that.

Joe believes the abortion propaganda that a woman has the right to murder for convenience sake, whenever she so chooses. He ignorantly believes the fetus is not human and killing it is justifiable.

No, I realize a woman is going to find a way to not be preggers if she doesn't want to be preggers. the mythology you guys seem to believe in was that there were no abortions before 1973. The reality was, the practice was common, and SCOTUS felt they were just striking down unworkable laws no one was obeying anymore.

What they didn't expect was that the Evangelicals nuts, who up to that point saw abortion as a "Catholic" thing, needed an issue to get butts into pews when segregation wasn't working anymore.

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