Why is killing unborn babies part of "making a better world" for the Democrats?

I and my wife are white and we have been on Gov assistance most our adult lives until recently. I am now an OTR truck driver and no longer need that assistance.

Several members of my wife's family had abortions because couldnt afford kids. My wife and her family grew up poor in trailer parks on gov assistance programs. My wife's family is all southern white.
Congratulations on getting a good job, SR007. :thup:
The ruling had a fault, Joe the Meanie. It ignored The fetus is a human being in its formative stage. As a human being. he has the right to be alive and engage in the pursuit of happiness or no one has..

Again, how do you do that without taking rights away from the woman it is inside? taking your argument to it's logical conclusion, a rape victim should be FORCED to have her rapist's baby.

She should be forced to have a fetus that threatens her health. After all, the fetus' rights are more important.

Even if you subscribe to this kind of crazy, how do you enforce it?
Having unprotected sex is a decision. It has consequences.
Give her father a gun and the right to kill the no-good who got her pregnant while he chooses not to help her with the task of raising the child.

Problem solved with a 99.99% chance he will change his mind to marry her and keep up his end of the sex bargain of "you made the kid. You father the child and help the mother."

It's a time-tested system that works pretty good.
The left certainly avoided this.

They won't watch it. Liberals can and will burn in hell.
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.
An embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby.’

The thread premise is a lie.

And most authoritarian conservatives are interested only in compelling conformity, not ending abortion.
The unborn human being is alive in its mother before she knows she is with child. Of the 60 million aborted babies, 20% of those who had them wind up with PTSD, and lifelong regrets that they took away another person's chance to miss out on having their life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Not only that, but it has been proven that abortion is very painful for its human victim and a very, very cruel way to die.

The rest become very asocial people, full of anger and hate for the slightest of differences with other people.

Nurses know that by the third abortion, the mother is merely using government money that pays for it in place of birth control, although she will likely deny it, because if you don't allow people to grow up, they never take responsibility for changing the behaviors of badly-behaved children.

Life is fuller and happier when you've had the joy of being a parent. But asocial women think their responsibility to comfort their parents in their old age is absent, or they're so angry, they commit acts against the good parent to humiliate them into their child's world of everything that happens is someone else's fault.

Researchers Discover Abortion Regret Is Not A Myth
So true. Children are a wonderful thing. Nothing is more fulfilling than loving and receiving love from a child.

I feel sorry for women who have murdered their baby. The guilt and pain they must suffer, has to be intolerable.
We haven't even seen how the damages asocial personalities of the 80% who do not give a damn about other people in general will do on society long-range. I think we have, but I can't prove it, because that takes sociological scientists to get to the bottom of how social change changes the entire structure of the world.
Abortion is murder

Women have no right to make a father pay

It is time for personal responsibility.
The left certainly avoided this.

They won't watch it. Liberals can and will burn in hell.

I know that it seems that way to us sometimes, Theowl32. They may change there minds months or even years later if the video is still up. Don't forget, liberals were not always asocial toward others not of their tribe. When they take their place in the adult world, even the angels will rejoice. When I was young, abortion was something I'd never even consider doing, but I went along with the verbal arguments, and I didn't really care what people did to their own. I still don't, but I care about the truth and the law. The truth here is that a human being's life has begun approximately 9 months before birth. The truth is they are human beings in a stage of life when 2 cells appear that have identical dna that is unlike the dna of any person outside the amniotic sac they were born in.

It is said that Indian Americans believed their children were already a year old when born, so instead of being 0 years old at birth, they were 1 year old. That's because they knew that babies were people inside their mommies, and they had due respect for them.

We have a need to respect the child that is born prior to his birth.

Instead we have a self-centered I-me-my-mine monster conspiring with others to take life away because she has no one telling her basic instinct to keep and protect that baby she has been given as her own security in old age. We learn in family how to take care of things. Women have the babies, boys become fathers to support his woman and his child, and not others. A man who supports his woman and their child gives life reason. All that catting around stuff is bad. Loyalty to family is good. This is earth, not heaven. Making the best of life with what you have is what life is all about.
Ahh, this thread again.

So, if I punch a pregnant woman and the baby dies, should I be charged with the murder of the fetus or just simple assault on the woman?
I think the police would notice assault with intention to kill and infanticide death caused by assault.
How could someone be charged with murder if it's not a baby (person). The left claims it's just tissue, or cells.
Ahh, this thread again.

So, if I punch a pregnant woman and the baby dies, should I be charged with the murder of the fetus or just simple assault on the woman?
I think the police would notice assault with intention to kill and infanticide death caused by assault.
How could someone be charged with murder if it's not a baby (person). The left claims it's just tissue, or cells.
Funny, the same left wing pukes would be gushing and celebrating if ever discovered prokaryotic cells on some moon orbiting Jupiter, but they don't consider a human being with arms moving, legs kicking, a brain with a functioning central nervous system a legit form of life. Now, even when the BABY is OUTSIDE of the mother.

The left, all of them without exception are wicked losers and not worth one ounce of respect. Especially now, since their pathetic band of heathens celebrate and promote abortions in the second stage, third trimester, and now OUTSIDE of the mother.
Abortion is murder

Women have no right to make a father pay

It is time for personal responsibility.
Dead beat dads have to be dealt with by the courts. Somehow, when brains were being passed out, they thought responsibilities were somebody else's department due to nature's omission of some or all of his cerebrum or an asocial outlook learned from another family member or his or her absence.
Generalized map of the human brain

Outline of brain mapping - Wikipedia

Group1: Medical Basics - BTT SoSe 2017 - TUM Wiki
Not really. This is another one of your feeble attempts to look smart,

Guy, you are barely literate, I suspect your reading comprehension is just as poor and you just proved it.

Blacks and Browns on government assistance should face mandatory sterilization.

How about whites?
Many white women sterilized themselves by not even contemplating having children using every pregnancy control item on the market. They will die knowing that they made a difference in all of those jobs that did not make a difference.
The unborn human being is alive in its mother before she knows she is with child. Of the 60 million aborted babies, 20% of those who had them wind up with PTSD, and lifelong regrets that they took away another person's chance to miss out on having their life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Not only that, but it has been proven that abortion is very painful for its human victim and a very, very cruel way to die.

Well, yeah, if the pain receptors were turned on, it would be. Most scientist believe that doesn't happen until week 20 of the pregnancy...

Never met a woman who regretted her abortion.

Nurses know that by the third abortion, the mother is merely using government money that pays for it in place of birth control, although she will likely deny it, because if you don't allow people to grow up, they never take responsibility for changing the behaviors of badly-behaved children.

I agree, if a woman has her third abortion, she's doing it wrong...

Life is fuller and happier when you've had the joy of being a parent. But asocial women think their responsibility to comfort their parents in their old age is absent, or they're so angry, they commit acts against the good parent to humiliate them into their child's paradigm of everything that happens is someone else's fault.

Yawn... most women I know who've had abortions are decent. I can't say the same for religious assholes who can't mind their own fucking business.
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.

Leftist make out that they hate white people and want genocide of the white race.

But the truth is that leftist hate people, ALL people, in fact they hate life.
How many unborn babies must die before the "better world" is achieved?

I say, a world where even one unborn baby is murdered legally is a rotten world.

I can explain this to you again, but you still won't get it.

There were just as many abortions happening before Roe v. Wade as after. Roe v. Wade just got rid of dumb laws no one was obeying to start with.

Fetuses aren't babies, and if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.


Fucking liar.
Having unprotected sex is a decision. It has consequences.
Give her father a gun and the right to kill the no-good who got her pregnant while he chooses not to help her with the task of raising the child.

How's he going to help after her father shoots him? You didn't think this through at all, did you?

Problem solved with a 99.99% chance he will change his mind to marry her and keep up his end of the sex bargain of "you made the kid. You father the child and help the mother."

You know what, I grew up in the generation where that was still a thing. Usually Dad was drunk and mom was resentful and Little Timmy was the class bully. Usually grew up to be a real piece of shit.

Thankfully, those mistakes end up at the bottom of medical waste containers now, and we are all better off for it.
The unborn human being is alive in its mother before she knows she is with child. Of the 60 million aborted babies, 20% of those who had them wind up with PTSD, and lifelong regrets that they took away another person's chance to miss out on having their life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Not only that, but it has been proven that abortion is very painful for its human victim and a very, very cruel way to die.

Well, yeah, if the pain receptors were turned on, it would be. Most scientist believe that doesn't happen until week 20 of the pregnancy...

Never met a woman who regretted her abortion.

Nurses know that by the third abortion, the mother is merely using government money that pays for it in place of birth control, although she will likely deny it, because if you don't allow people to grow up, they never take responsibility for changing the behaviors of badly-behaved children.

I agree, if a woman has her third abortion, she's doing it wrong...

Life is fuller and happier when you've had the joy of being a parent. But asocial women think their responsibility to comfort their parents in their old age is absent, or they're so angry, they commit acts against the good parent to humiliate them into their child's paradigm of everything that happens is someone else's fault.

Yawn... most women I know who've had abortions are decent. I can't say the same for religious assholes who can't mind their own fucking business.
Only dumb women who have bought the abortionist lies that their baby isn’t a baby, don’t regret killing their baby.

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