Why is Malcom X Celebrated in this Country?

Well, it's a sign of manhood to hunt down predatory beasts, unlike the woody gotten by the A Punk Is a Hunk crowd you want all Whiteys to belong to.

I bet if the predatory beasts had guns you wouldn't be hunting them down would you? All white racists are cowards. I've punked a couple personally. All they do is turn red with anger and cry but they wont step up even if you smack them a couple of times. i was disgusted and appalled at the lack of manhood displayed by the cowards.

Sounds like you were involved in one of many violent racist lynchings .
Against young white kids.
Were they 12? 13?
You are a tough guy aren't you, racist?

I'm not so tough but cowardly white racists make me look like a bad ass in comparison. The only time I smacked a young white kid is when he called me the n word and I was a young black kid. I kicked his ass daily after that until his parents took him out of school. The other 3 were all in the military with me. Cowardly pussies all of them. I have yet to meet one that will stand up and fight for all the crap they talk.
I bet if the predatory beasts had guns you wouldn't be hunting them down would you? All white racists are cowards. I've punked a couple personally. All they do is turn red with anger and cry but they wont step up even if you smack them a couple of times. i was disgusted and appalled at the lack of manhood displayed by the cowards.

Sounds like you were involved in one of many violent racist lynchings .
Against young white kids.
Were they 12? 13?
You are a tough guy aren't you, racist?

I'm not so tough but cowardly white racists make me look like a bad ass in comparison. The only time I smacked a young white kid is when he called me the n word and I was a young black kid. I kicked his ass daily after that until his parents took him out of school. The other 3 were all in the military with me. Cowardly pussies all of them. I have yet to meet one that will stand up and fight for all the crap they talk.

You probably imagined the racism.
One of my corporals, now a mate , when I first joined Battalion used to target red arses and bully them until they hit back.
He would then subject them to a major beat down.
When asked what happened, he always claimed he was racially abused and reacted out of anger.
Sound like someone?
The only racism I see is from haters like you who hate whites , or subhumans as you prefer to call them.
Sounds like you were involved in one of many violent racist lynchings .
Against young white kids.
Were they 12? 13?
You are a tough guy aren't you, racist?

I'm not so tough but cowardly white racists make me look like a bad ass in comparison. The only time I smacked a young white kid is when he called me the n word and I was a young black kid. I kicked his ass daily after that until his parents took him out of school. The other 3 were all in the military with me. Cowardly pussies all of them. I have yet to meet one that will stand up and fight for all the crap they talk.

You probably imagined the racism.
One of my corporals, now a mate , when I first joined Battalion used to target red arses and bully them until they hit back.
He would then subject them to a major beat down.
When asked what happened, he always claimed he was racially abused and reacted out of anger.
Sound like someone?
The only racism I see is from haters like you who hate whites , or subhumans as you prefer to call them.

Kind of hard to mix up someone claiming to be in the KKK or overheard calling someone the n word as someone that was not racist. However, I suspect you have an explanation as to why they were angels and I just imagined it. I already told you that I dont hate white people. I just like smacking white racists. There is a big difference.
Malcolm X changed after he went to Mecca and discovered 'true' Islam.

When he came back from his trip he denounced the racist Nation of Islam cult.

And then held a press conference where he apologized to white people for his racist words and asked for forgiveness.

This ultimately led to his assassination which he knew was coming for his actions against the NOI.

Thus, Malcolm X was a true American hero who sacrificed his life for the 'Truth' and stood against hatred. . :cool:

If this is true and I hope it is, back it up with a link!
He is celebrated by those whose lives he had an impact on, and by those who saw something positive in him. It is a free country where people are allowed to celebrate whomever they choose to. Those who do not wish to, have the option of not doing so.


No shit mental midget. I wonder if you would have the same view if some wore a Jim Crow T shirt! I bet a fucko like you would have a different take!
There's no mystery, you're just an idiot.

Dont [sic] try and change the subject. What is it i [sic] dont [sic] know?

I haven't tried to change the subject. From your repeated comments it seems you don't realize the CIA does not conduct operations domestically and would therefore not have been involved in infiltrating the ridiculous nation of islam. The CIA kept an eye on Malcolm X's doings during his brief period of travel abroad. That his grandstanding might undermine US foreign policy did not endear him to many, but domestic operations of such a sort fall under the jurisdiction of the FBI (with whom the CIA no doubt shared information). Neither the FBI nor the CIA killed him. That was the work of the loony cult he had finally managed to separate himself from.

Now you will deny that you didn't understand this distinction, and pretend that some exception, like the cooperation of a media outlet that fell within its legal purview, 'proves' otherwise.

I knew you would say something stupid and naive like that. How can you prove you have any clue what you are talking about? You'd be surprised what the CIA does domestically despite what their "official" duties entail. Are you really that naive? :lol:
El Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcom X) was without a doubt one of the most intelligent and articulate warriors to walk this earth. The only reason white racists have a problem with him is because he bucked your perception of what a Black man was supposed to be and exposed your silly arguments for white superiority as the biggest fraud ever committed in the history of mankind. For those that were not racist he was portrayed as evil incarnate so you would fear him. He was only about violence in defense of his people. No one should be afraid of hearing the truth.

Who killed Malcolm? ........:eusa_whistle:

It is not known for sure if it was strictly the NOI or a joint effort between the NOI and the FBI/CIA. BTW what does that have to do with the OP's question?

No he was only killed in front of a room filled with WITNESSES, and one of the perps was captured at the scene. However, a follow like you can believe what you want to!
Because in Today's America it is acceptable to celebrate all things Black while demeaning all things White.

Some white people are extremely jealous we don't worship white icons. Why is that offensive to you and what about celebrating Malcolm X is demeaning whites?

Jealous of What? Most whites don't give a shit who you worship. Now for the second part of your question Why would any white person celebrate a man who has been quoted as saying "The common enemy is the white man."

Why did a white person pose the question then if they were not concerned? As for the second part of your question. They would celebrate him because they were actually smart enough to find out his whole story instead of stopping in the middle. It takes intelligence to understand that people grow from earlier mistakes and can become great as a result of it.
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Malcolm X changed after he went to Mecca and discovered 'true' Islam.

When he came back from his trip he denounced the racist Nation of Islam cult.

And then held a press conference where he apologized to white people for his racist words and asked for forgiveness.

This ultimately led to his assassination which he knew was coming for his actions against the NOI.

Thus, Malcolm X was a true American hero who sacrificed his life for the 'Truth' and stood against hatred. . :cool:

If this is true and I hope it is, back it up with a link!

Are you kidding? This is why I maintain that white racists are functional illiterates. Are y ou admitting you didnt hear the news?
Of course by me. Who did you think?

Wow, you are so brave. I'm sure you would be just as brave if we were face to face. Rule number 1, never talk tough over the internet. You'll look like a fool every time.

Its not a matter of me being brave. The issue is would you be? You are just like like your fellow cowards. I smack them across the face to make them mad. They turn red and do nothing.

That's what thugs do. They rely on people doing nothing. Right up to the point where they get shot or beaten over the head by a woman wielding a bicycle pump.
Who killed Malcolm? ........:eusa_whistle:

It is not known for sure if it was strictly the NOI or a joint effort between the NOI and the FBI/CIA. BTW what does that have to do with the OP's question?

No he was only killed in front of a room filled with WITNESSES, and one of the perps was captured at the scene. However, a follow like you can believe what you want to!

2 of the perps were never captured and he was shot with 2 different weapons. How did you miss that?
Your opinion is not fact however. He was a warrior and fought for human rights especially Blacks. .

You seem to misunderstand what "fact" and "opinion" mean, fool. You also insult every real warrior everywhere by your misapplication of the term. He never went to war or fought anyone (in the real world, not the world of your hyperbolic figurative nonsense).

He did go to war on multiple occasions as a human and Black rights activist. Your narrow view of the definition of the word doesn't make it so. You are an insult to every person that has fought for anything physically or mentally.

The rulers won't let Whites fight back. Mentally, we have to explain why we are not "racist" instead of answering defiantly, "What's wrong with racism? It is a rational judgment based on blacks' malignancy."

Blacks don't count, never have and never will count. In this Civil Rights scam, they have been merely pawns and attack dogs used by the rulers to humiliate and distract the White majority. We have been softened up for the kill. In this bullshit fight, Blacks are the picadors used to exhaust and bleed the target. If we don't bypass these minority decoys and destroy the 1%, we won't have any horns left to gore the guillotine fodder directing this spectacle. We will be slaughtered like cattle.
I'm not so tough but cowardly white racists make me look like a bad ass in comparison. The only time I smacked a young white kid is when he called me the n word and I was a young black kid. I kicked his ass daily after that until his parents took him out of school. The other 3 were all in the military with me. Cowardly pussies all of them. I have yet to meet one that will stand up and fight for all the crap they talk.

You probably imagined the racism.
One of my corporals, now a mate , when I first joined Battalion used to target red arses and bully them until they hit back.
He would then subject them to a major beat down.
When asked what happened, he always claimed he was racially abused and reacted out of anger.
Sound like someone?
The only racism I see is from haters like you who hate whites , or subhumans as you prefer to call them.

Kind of hard to mix up someone claiming to be in the KKK or overheard calling someone the n word as someone that was not racist. However, I suspect you have an explanation as to why they were angels and I just imagined it. I already told you that I dont hate white people. I just like smacking white racists. There is a big difference.

They were not angels.
They didn't exist .

It's your imagined racist victim porn mentality.
Your paranoia if you wish.

You get aroused imagining this racism and slapping down the racists don't you?

It's all in your head, crazy man!

Too much weed perhaps?
I have read his bio probably about 10 times. The reason i say no one really knows is because there appears to be police involvement (NYPD) and it was a known fact the CIA/FBI wanted him gone as he was considered a danger. Too much was covered up for it to be the NOI. They actually had a dance in the hall where he was killed about 4 hours after the fact if I recall correctly. Why was that crime scene not processed correctly?
He was murdered in 1965 when a black killing another black wasn't considered much of a crime.

Plus, there was plenty of eye witnesses to the to the murder; so no need to waste time processing the crime scene. .. :cool:

A person of Malcolms stature and visibility should have negated that. Even the eyewitnesses dont all agree if you read up on it. Prior to the assassination the police also moved down the street away from their usual posts. Malcolm had to be pushed to the hospital because no ambulance showed up after being called. You should really read up on it.

You just won't admit that the NOI is a racket run by leaders stabbing one another in the back, wanting all the wealth and power for themselves.
You seem to misunderstand what "fact" and "opinion" mean, fool. You also insult every real warrior everywhere by your misapplication of the term. He never went to war or fought anyone (in the real world, not the world of your hyperbolic figurative nonsense).

He did go to war on multiple occasions as a human and Black rights activist. Your narrow view of the definition of the word doesn't make it so. You are an insult to every person that has fought for anything physically or mentally.

The rulers won't let Whites fight back. Mentally, we have to explain why we are not "racist" instead of answering defiantly, "What's wrong with racism? It is a rational judgment based on blacks' malignancy."

Blacks don't count, never have and never will count. In this Civil Rights scam, they have been merely pawns and attack dogs used by the rulers to humiliate and distract the White majority. We have been softened up for the kill. In this bullshit fight, Blacks are the picadors used to exhaust and bleed the target. If we don't bypass these minority decoys and destroy the 1%, we won't have any horns left to gore the guillotine fodder directing this spectacle. We will be slaughtered like cattle.

What exactly is preventing you from defiantly proclaiming you are racists? I actually would have more respect for you if the racism was not hidden. I cant stand cowards. Be a man and proudly advocate what you believe in so I can see you and understand.

The first problem is that there is only one race. This is not to hold hands and sing kumbaya. Its scientific fact. That one race came from and developed in Africa before spreading out across the globe. The second problem with racism is that it is a concept created to take advantage of your ignorance and based on the very thing you allude to. Crowd control. The "rulers" point at the flavor of the month and tell you that this "race" is your problem and thats why you cant get a job and you fall for it. How gullible can you be?
I tend to agree with this. Malcolm knew the Black Muslims wanted to kill him. Remember that it says in the book how, near the end of his life, after the break with the Black Muslims, and his change in attitude about whites, he was very certain they would try to kill him and always sat facing the door, not with his back to the door. It's probably the case the NYPD knew the Black Muslims wanted to kill him too and just let them do it, didn't care as it was a black on black murder, and didn't care about processing the crime scene or anything. Why would the NYPD bother to kill him when they could just let the Black Muslims do it? I don't have much faith at all in conspiracy theories.

I hate conspiracy theories as much as the next guy but this one looks pretty interesting. The FBI and CIA had numerous plants in the NOI and in Malcolms new organizations. they still haven't released their files for public consumption on the incident as far as I know.

Yet all you have are theories.

Theatrical theories to entertain voodoo zombies trapped in Farrakhan's Fantasyland.
He was murdered in 1965 when a black killing another black wasn't considered much of a crime.

Plus, there was plenty of eye witnesses to the to the murder; so no need to waste time processing the crime scene. .. :cool:

A person of Malcolms stature and visibility should have negated that. Even the eyewitnesses dont all agree if you read up on it. Prior to the assassination the police also moved down the street away from their usual posts. Malcolm had to be pushed to the hospital because no ambulance showed up after being called. You should really read up on it.

You just won't admit that the NOI is a racket run by leaders stabbing one another in the back, wanting all the wealth and power for themselves.

What does that have to do with what I said? I clearly said the NOI was involved in it. Can you read?
As a comparison, when was the last time a white thug selected a black 13 month old because of his race, then shot him in the face?


How about the last time a racist white kidnapped a 12 year old Black child and spent hours torturing and burning him to death because of his race?

It simply doesn't happen.

According to racists and liberals these things are never committed by blacks.

There is an epidemic of anti white racism in the USA today.

Immense violence daily, murders frequently and the haters deny it.
Wow, you are so brave. I'm sure you would be just as brave if we were face to face. Rule number 1, never talk tough over the internet. You'll look like a fool every time.

Its not a matter of me being brave. The issue is would you be? You are just like like your fellow cowards. I smack them across the face to make them mad. They turn red and do nothing.

That's what thugs do. They rely on people doing nothing. Right up to the point where they get shot or beaten over the head by a woman wielding a bicycle pump.

Racists only talk when they think they are safe and only will stand up like a man if they have 10 to 1 odds. I take their heart from them and show them how cowardly they really are. if the racist were so tough why cant they respond like any man would that really believes in themselves? If they were so superior in every way why cant they take me down and show me who is boss?
The only reason you think MLK was great was because you got to beat on Black people that were not fighting back. That probably gave you an extreme woody. :lol:

Well, it's a sign of manhood to hunt down predatory beasts, unlike the woody gotten by the A Punk Is a Hunk crowd you want all Whiteys to belong to.

I bet if the predatory beasts had guns you wouldn't be hunting them down would you? All white racists are cowards. I've punked a couple personally. All they do is turn red with anger and cry but they wont step up even if you smack them a couple of times. i was disgusted and appalled at the lack of manhood displayed by the cowards.

We're not all Reginald Dennys. There are enough George Zimmermans among us to re-enact the Battle of Blood River. Bring it on!

Remember, the Japanese and the Nazis thought we were afraid to fight. Eventually your absurd sense of dominance will lead you to a Pearl Harbor and you will awaken a sleeping giant.

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