Why is Malcom X Celebrated in this Country?

Well, it's a sign of manhood to hunt down predatory beasts, unlike the woody gotten by the A Punk Is a Hunk crowd you want all Whiteys to belong to.

I bet if the predatory beasts had guns you wouldn't be hunting them down would you? All white racists are cowards. I've punked a couple personally. All they do is turn red with anger and cry but they wont step up even if you smack them a couple of times. i was disgusted and appalled at the lack of manhood displayed by the cowards.

We're not all Reginald Dennys. There are enough George Zimmermans among us to re-enact the Battle of Blood River. Bring it on!

Remember, the Japanese and the Nazis thought we were afraid to fight. Eventually your absurd sense of dominance will lead you to a Pearl Harbor and you will awaken a sleeping giant.

Oh I get it. So all you are really doing is taking a defensive position for something that is never going to happen? Black people are not out hunting racists. You clowns are not that important. Stay safe in your compounds and behind keyboards.
Those who have not read The Autobiography of Malcolm X should not so readily judge him on the basis of racist propaganda. He was a highly intelligent man who underwent a dramatic personal metamorphosis while in prison and could have done much to improve race relations in America if he hadn't been murdered by a radically racist element of the Black Muslim sect.

What he was about is causing American Blacks to have respect for themselves, to establish family values in the Black community, and to stop blaming Whites for all their problems and shortcomings. He also was effectively combating the epidemic of heroin addiction in Black communities.
I smack them across the face to make them mad. They turn red and do nothing.

Nobody believes that you smack anybody across the face, you ridiculously transparent poseur. Give up the 'tough guy' act, you suck at it.
By whom? You?

Of course by me. Who did you think?

Wow, you are so brave. I'm sure you would be just as brave if we were face to face. Rule number 1, never talk tough over the internet. You'll look like a fool every time.

Notice that the Blacks are so yellow that they don't dare bring their lootfest riots into White neighborhoods. Nor do their gangs expand their daily rounds of shakedown cruises to our neighborhoods. I wish they would, so we could settle this once and for all like we did with the Indian savages. Even with all our boytoy generations, I have full faith in the revival of White manhood if it ever meets an existential challenge.
I smack them across the face to make them mad. They turn red and do nothing.

Nobody believes that you smack anybody across the face, you ridiculously transparent poseur. Give up the 'tough guy' act, you suck at it.

I dont really care what you believe Unk. I do know it infuriates you that I have smacked white racists to see if they would back up their tough talk.
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Dont [sic] try and change the subject. What is it i [sic] dont [sic] know?

I haven't tried to change the subject. From your repeated comments it seems you don't realize the CIA does not conduct operations domestically and would therefore not have been involved in infiltrating the ridiculous nation of islam. The CIA kept an eye on Malcolm X's doings during his brief period of travel abroad. That his grandstanding might undermine US foreign policy did not endear him to many, but domestic operations of such a sort fall under the jurisdiction of the FBI (with whom the CIA no doubt shared information). Neither the FBI nor the CIA killed him. That was the work of the loony cult he had finally managed to separate himself from.

Now you will deny that you didn't understand this distinction, and pretend that some exception, like the cooperation of a media outlet that fell within its legal purview, 'proves' otherwise.

I knew you would say something stupid and naive like that. How can you prove you have any clue what you are talking about? You'd be surprised what the CIA does domestically despite what their "official" duties entail. Are you really that naive?

I knew you'd say something stupid like that instead of just admitting you didn't know. Your pattern of ignorance and dishonesty continues.
I haven't tried to change the subject. From your repeated comments it seems you don't realize the CIA does not conduct operations domestically and would therefore not have been involved in infiltrating the ridiculous nation of islam. The CIA kept an eye on Malcolm X's doings during his brief period of travel abroad. That his grandstanding might undermine US foreign policy did not endear him to many, but domestic operations of such a sort fall under the jurisdiction of the FBI (with whom the CIA no doubt shared information). Neither the FBI nor the CIA killed him. That was the work of the loony cult he had finally managed to separate himself from.

Now you will deny that you didn't understand this distinction, and pretend that some exception, like the cooperation of a media outlet that fell within its legal purview, 'proves' otherwise.

I knew you would say something stupid and naive like that. How can you prove you have any clue what you are talking about? You'd be surprised what the CIA does domestically despite what their "official" duties entail. Are you really that naive?

I knew you'd say something stupid like that instead of just admitting you didn't know. Your pattern of ignorance and dishonesty continues.

So how do you know the CIA doesnt conduct operations domestically? Because they said so? :lol:
I smack them across the face to make them mad. They turn red and do nothing.

Nobody believes that you smack anybody across the face, you ridiculously transparent poseur. Give up the 'tough guy' act, you suck at it.

I dont really care what you believe Unk. I do know it infuriates you that I have smacked white racists to see if they would back up their tough talk.

NOBODY believes you. You have never smacked anyone, pussy, so stop trying to play the 'tough guy.' You seem to be trying really hard to make the racist fucking idiots on this thread look normal by comparison given the way you are conducting yourself here. At this point you look just about as stupid and racist as prometheusbitch and as cowardly as shithispeedos. You can stop smearing shit all over yourself whenever you choose, if you've got enough sense to do so.
I knew you would say something stupid and naive like that. How can you prove you have any clue what you are talking about? You'd be surprised what the CIA does domestically despite what their "official" duties entail. Are you really that naive?

I knew you'd say something stupid like that instead of just admitting you didn't know. Your pattern of ignorance and dishonesty continues.

So how do you know the CIA doesnt conduct operations domestically? Because they said so? :lol:

You can take the rest of the stupid shit you are about to post over to the conspiracy forum where you belong with the other nuts and fruits.
I knew you'd say something stupid like that instead of just admitting you didn't know. Your pattern of ignorance and dishonesty continues.

So how do you know the CIA doesnt conduct operations domestically? Because they said so? :lol:

You can take the rest of the stupid shit you are about to post over to the conspiracy forum where you belong with the other nuts and fruits.

Are you going to continue to avoid the question? How do you know the CIA is on the up and up and true to their published SOP?
Seriously he was a violent racist that preached harming whites (women and children) alike and a seperation of the races by force. He applauded the assassination of JFK. He applauded the murder of white police officers. His antisemitic teachings would make Hitler proud and in the end he was vicious evil hate filled monster.

His teaching of blame, hatred and LAZINESS (after all he was a self-proclaimed communist) has done more to harm the African American community then many any other black 'leader' than maybe Sharpton or Jackson.

Yet Congressman came to his funneral (John Lewis I believe), cities have Malcom X day, blacks hold him up in great esteem and no Congressman are denounced who praise him.

I mean he is the black equivalent of Gearge Rockwell. Imagine if white Congressman went to Rockwell's funneral and called him our "White Shining Prince." Imagine if cities had George Rockwell day and congressman today praise the asshole. Imagine that.

Malcom X was no different than Rockwell!

Malcolm X changed his views after seeing Mecca and seeing that Blacks and whites could co exist, but he was killed before he could put his new views into practice.
Nobody believes that you smack anybody across the face, you ridiculously transparent poseur. Give up the 'tough guy' act, you suck at it.

I dont really care what you believe Unk. I do know it infuriates you that I have smacked white racists to see if they would back up their tough talk.

NOBODY believes you. You have never smacked anyone, pussy, so stop trying to play the 'tough guy.' You seem to be trying really hard to make the racist fucking idiots on this thread look normal by comparison given the way you are conducting yourself here. At this point you look just about as stupid and racist as prometheusbitch and as cowardly as shithispeedos. You can stop smearing shit all over yourself whenever you choose, if you've got enough sense to do so.

I'm not trying to convince anyone Unk. I dont care what someone on a message board thinks of what i did or didnt do. I was replying to a post. If you chose not to believe thats really none of my business.
Seriously he was a violent racist that preached harming whites (women and children) alike and a seperation of the races by force. He applauded the assassination of JFK. He applauded the murder of white police officers. His antisemitic teachings would make Hitler proud and in the end he was vicious evil hate filled monster.

His teaching of blame, hatred and LAZINESS (after all he was a self-proclaimed communist) has done more to harm the African American community then many any other black 'leader' than maybe Sharpton or Jackson.

Yet Congressman came to his funneral (John Lewis I believe), cities have Malcom X day, blacks hold him up in great esteem and no Congressman are denounced who praise him.

I mean he is the black equivalent of Gearge Rockwell. Imagine if white Congressman went to Rockwell's funneral and called him our "White Shining Prince." Imagine if cities had George Rockwell day and congressman today praise the asshole. Imagine that.

Malcom X was no different than Rockwell!

Malcolm X changed his views after seeing Mecca and seeing that Blacks and whites could co exist, but he was killed before he could put his new views into practice.

He did start an organization called the OAAU with a Pan-African view. However, he made the fatal mistake of having too many admirers and not enough soldiers to carry on his work.
So how do you know the CIA doesnt conduct operations domestically? Because they said so? :lol:

You can take the rest of the stupid shit you are about to post over to the conspiracy forum where you belong with the other nuts and fruits.

Are you going to continue to avoid the question? How do you know the CIA is on the up and up and true to their published SOP?

Take it to the conspiracy forum, fruitcake.
I dont really care what you believe Unk. I do know it infuriates you that I have smacked white racists to see if they would back up their tough talk.

NOBODY believes you. You have never smacked anyone, pussy, so stop trying to play the 'tough guy.' You seem to be trying really hard to make the racist fucking idiots on this thread look normal by comparison given the way you are conducting yourself here. At this point you look just about as stupid and racist as prometheusbitch and as cowardly as shithispeedos. You can stop smearing shit all over yourself whenever you choose, if you've got enough sense to do so.

I'm not trying to convince anyone Unk. .

Good, because you are not convincing ANYONE.
You can take the rest of the stupid shit you are about to post over to the conspiracy forum where you belong with the other nuts and fruits.

Are you going to continue to avoid the question? How do you know the CIA is on the up and up and true to their published SOP?

Take it to the conspiracy forum, fruitcake.

Avoiding, deflecting, or afraid to answer the question Unk? How do you know the CIA does not conduct operations domestically?
NOBODY believes you. You have never smacked anyone, pussy, so stop trying to play the 'tough guy.' You seem to be trying really hard to make the racist fucking idiots on this thread look normal by comparison given the way you are conducting yourself here. At this point you look just about as stupid and racist as prometheusbitch and as cowardly as shithispeedos. You can stop smearing shit all over yourself whenever you choose, if you've got enough sense to do so.

I'm not trying to convince anyone Unk. .

Good, because you are not convincing ANYONE.

Then you should be happy not agitated. Smile Unk. :lol:
Its not a matter of me being brave. The issue is would you be? You are just like like your fellow cowards. I smack them across the face to make them mad. They turn red and do nothing.

That's what thugs do. They rely on people doing nothing. Right up to the point where they get shot or beaten over the head by a woman wielding a bicycle pump.

Racists only talk when they think they are safe and only will stand up like a man if they have 10 to 1 odds. I take their heart from them and show them how cowardly they really are. if the racist were so tough why cant they respond like any man would that really believes in themselves? If they were so superior in every way why cant they take me down and show me who is boss?

Like Reginald Denny ?
That's what thugs do. They rely on people doing nothing. Right up to the point where they get shot or beaten over the head by a woman wielding a bicycle pump.

Racists only talk when they think they are safe and only will stand up like a man if they have 10 to 1 odds. I take their heart from them and show them how cowardly they really are. if the racist were so tough why cant they respond like any man would that really believes in themselves? If they were so superior in every way why cant they take me down and show me who is boss?

Like Reginald Denny ?

Reginald Denny was an innocent victim and the people that beat him up got punished and rightly so. They are a disgrace to Black people because as far as I know Reginald Denny never harmed anyone. I dont have much tolerance for people that would hurt someone that was innocent.
Racists only talk when they think they are safe and only will stand up like a man if they have 10 to 1 odds. I take their heart from them and show them how cowardly they really are. if the racist were so tough why cant they respond like any man would that really believes in themselves? If they were so superior in every way why cant they take me down and show me who is boss?

Like Reginald Denny ?

Reginald Denny was an innocent victim and the people that beat him up got punished and rightly so. They are a disgrace to Black people because as far as I know Reginald Denny never harmed anyone. I dont have much tolerance for people that would hurt someone that was innocent.

But according to Malcolm x the gang took down a racist.
Kill whites was the thrust of his teaching was it not?
All whites are guilty of scores of multigenerational race crimes every day, correct?

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