Why is Malcom X Celebrated in this Country?

Because in Today's America it is acceptable to celebrate all things Black while demeaning all things White.
So why did you lie and say you didn't ask me? .

I didn't lie, you did (again). You asserted several times that I didn't know the difference and was looking to you for information I needed. That is a laughable proposition. Again, you are either too stupid to understand English, or are just trolling. I suspect it's a little of both.

You lied and said you didnt [sic] ask me and its in quotes up above.

I never asked you what you claimed I had. You are lying again right now. I suspect you just can't help yourself, being such a scumbag little low-life as you are.
I didn't lie, you did (again). You asserted several times that I didn't know the difference and was looking to you for information I needed. That is a laughable proposition. Again, you are either too stupid to understand English, or are just trolling. I suspect it's a little of both.

You lied and said you didnt [sic] ask me and its in quotes up above.

I never asked you what you claimed I had. You are lying again right now. I suspect you just can't help yourself, being such a scumbag little low-life as you are.

But you did. I quoted it for all to behold. Are you still going to lie and deny it??!! :lol: What a lowlife chum bucket of scum.
MLK was a GREAT man, but Malcom X was a piece of shit. I guess that blows your retarded theory out of the water. WE hate Malcolm X because he was racist scum, which coincidentally, is why YOU love him.

I think its funny that he was murdered. :lol:

The only reason you think MLK was great was because you got to beat on Black people that were not fighting back. That probably gave you an extreme woody. :lol:

Well, it's a sign of manhood to hunt down predatory beasts, unlike the woody gotten by the A Punk Is a Hunk crowd you want all Whiteys to belong to.

I bet if the predatory beasts had guns you wouldn't be hunting them down would you? All white racists are cowards. I've punked a couple personally. All they do is turn red with anger and cry but they wont step up even if you smack them a couple of times. i was disgusted and appalled at the lack of manhood displayed by the cowards.
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Post exactly what it was ... that made you assume I didn't know the difference.

This, for example:

The FBI and CIA had numerous plants in the NOI and in Malcolms new organizations. .

Thats [sic] your proof? How do you get out of that I think they are the same organization? .

What I "get out of that" is that you don't understand the difference between them. You obviously still don't.
All they do is turn red with anger and cry but they wont step up even if you smack them a couple of times. i was disgusted and appalled at the lack of manhood displayed by the cowards.

Everyone raise your hand if you believe this clown has ever "smacked" anyone. Hands? No? No one? Yeah, I didn't think so either.
This, for example:

Thats [sic] your proof? How do you get out of that I think they are the same organization? .

What I "get out of that" is that you don't understand the difference between them. You obviously still don't.

You must be some kind of dumb to think i don't know the difference based on that sentence. Face it Unk you messed up and are trying to find a way to make it right somehow. :lol:
I never asked you what you claimed I had. You are lying again right now. I suspect you just can't help yourself, being such a scumbag little low-life as you are.

But you did. .

I did not. Are you really so stupid that you STILL don't get it? You're fucking hopeless, troll.

What mystery does Unk know that no one else knows? This is typical of your posting. All 1 liners with no substance. Its apparent that you dont know the difference and you are trying to get me to tell you. :lol: Practically everyone sees this Unk. I keep getting PM's about it.
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Thats [sic] your proof? How do you get out of that I think they are the same organization? .

What I "get out of that" is that you don't understand the difference between them. You obviously still don't.

You must be some kind of dumb to think i don't know the difference based on that sentence. Face it Unk you messed up and are trying to find a way to make it right somehow.

I see you still don't get it, troll.
I did not. Are you really so stupid that you STILL don't get it? You're fucking hopeless, troll.

What mystery does Unk know that no one else knows?

There's no mystery, you're just an idiot.

Dont try and change the subject. What is it i dont know? This will be funny because I have a big surprise for you if you say the wrong thing. You better stick to just calling me names and avoiding answering the question.
What mystery does Unk know that no one else knows?

There's no mystery, you're just an idiot.

Dont [sic] try and change the subject. What is it i [sic] dont [sic] know?

I haven't tried to change the subject. From your repeated comments it seems you don't realize the CIA does not conduct operations domestically and would therefore not have been involved in infiltrating the ridiculous nation of islam. The CIA kept an eye on Malcolm X's doings during his brief period of travel abroad. That his grandstanding might undermine US foreign policy did not endear him to many, but domestic operations of such a sort fall under the jurisdiction of the FBI (with whom the CIA no doubt shared information). Neither the FBI nor the CIA killed him. That was the work of the loony cult he had finally managed to separate himself from.

Now you will deny that you didn't understand this distinction, and pretend that some exception, like the cooperation of a media outlet that fell within its legal purview, 'proves' otherwise.
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Because in Today's America it is acceptable to celebrate all things Black while demeaning all things White.

Some white people are extremely jealous we don't worship white icons. Why is that offensive to you and what about celebrating Malcolm X is demeaning whites?

Jealous of What? Most whites don't give a shit who you worship. Now for the second part of your question Why would any white person celebrate a man who has been quoted as saying "The common enemy is the white man."
Malcolm X is celebrated because he voices the desire kill innocent white women and children.
He instigated such violent behaviour.
The current EPIDEMIC of racist violence against the subhumans( creepy assed crackers, you can't say white, it might be offensive) is directly in line with his hate.
Though the hate spouted by Obama is probably more responsible for these multitudinous attacks.
Because in Today's America it is acceptable to celebrate all things Black while demeaning all things White.

Some white people are extremely jealous we don't worship white icons. Why is that offensive to you and what about celebrating Malcolm X is demeaning whites?

Because he preached murder and hate.

"Kill them in the womb, Drown them in their mothers blood"!
No reason for the subhumans to get all offended!!

Who do these creepy assed crackers think they are!!

They seriously need to learn their place.
The only reason you think MLK was great was because you got to beat on Black people that were not fighting back. That probably gave you an extreme woody. :lol:

Well, it's a sign of manhood to hunt down predatory beasts, unlike the woody gotten by the A Punk Is a Hunk crowd you want all Whiteys to belong to.

I bet if the predatory beasts had guns you wouldn't be hunting them down would you? All white racists are cowards. I've punked a couple personally. All they do is turn red with anger and cry but they wont step up even if you smack them a couple of times. i was disgusted and appalled at the lack of manhood displayed by the cowards.

Sounds like you were involved in one of many violent racist lynchings .
Against young white kids.
Were they 12? 13?
You are a tough guy aren't you, racist?
By whom? You?

Of course by me. Who did you think?

Wow, you are so brave. I'm sure you would be just as brave if we were face to face. Rule number 1, never talk tough over the internet. You'll look like a fool every time.

Its not a matter of me being brave. The issue is would you be? You are just like like your fellow cowards. I smack them across the face to make them mad. They turn red and do nothing.
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