Why is Malcom X Celebrated in this Country?

How many, many, many, people have you taught about Malcolm X again?

Hundreds. You?

I dont believe you Unk. You didn't even know people internationally consider him a hero more so than MLK. Stop your lying.

I am an international person: born in one country and a citizen of two others. And I consider Malcolm X to have been a nasty piece of work. However, its true, he will be very popular among those who really hate the US and who are willing to use any unscrupulous liar to discredit it.
You can go look that up if you dont [sic] know.

I do know. You don't, moron.

What [sic] the difference then Unk? i [sic] dont [sic] believe you know and thats [sic] why you asked for my help.

Who would ever ask for your help on anything? You have firmly established here that you are ignorant, unintelligent, and highly dishonest. That you don't know the difference is clear from your previous comments. That you are ashamed to admit it is clear from these most recent comments. You remain, a pitiable fool.
I do know. You don't, moron.

What [sic] the difference then Unk? i [sic] dont [sic] believe you know and thats [sic] why you asked for my help.

Who would ever ask for your help on anything? You have firmly established here that you are ignorant, unintelligent, and highly dishonest. That you don't know the difference is clear from your previous comments. That you are ashamed to admit it is clear from these most recent comments. You remain, a pitiable fool.

You would. You just asked me what the difference was. Why deny it. I already have it captured in my post. I keep asking you where in my post is it clear I don't know the difference or where I stated I didn't know the difference? Why lie about about Unk?
What [sic] the difference then Unk? i [sic] dont [sic] believe you know and thats [sic] why you asked for my help.

Who would ever ask for your help on anything? You have firmly established here that you are ignorant, unintelligent, and highly dishonest. That you don't know the difference is clear from your previous comments. That you are ashamed to admit it is clear from these most recent comments. You remain, a pitiable fool.

You would.

I would not and have not. Just how stupid are you?
Who would ever ask for your help on anything? You have firmly established here that you are ignorant, unintelligent, and highly dishonest. That you don't know the difference is clear from your previous comments. That you are ashamed to admit it is clear from these most recent comments. You remain, a pitiable fool.

You would.

I would not and have not. Just how stupid are you?

Evidently you must think I'm smarter than you. You asked what the difference was between the FBI and the CIA. Why are you lying about that fact now? Are you really that dumb?
Nobody thinks that, you idiot.

Can you explain why you asked for help finding out the difference between the CIA and FBI?

I didn't. How long do you plan on trolling like this? You're not very good at it.

You did liar. i'm going to keep this up as long as you deny it. I know it messes with your head what people think about you an a message board. :lol:

Is this your post or did someone knock you out and type this while you were under?

What is the most significant difference between them....

Can you explain why you asked for help finding out the difference between the CIA and FBI?

I didn't. How long do you plan on trolling like this? You're not very good at it.

You did liar.

No, I did not, you unbelievably stupid POS. I asked if YOU knew the difference because it seemed evident from your posts that you did not. You are either trolling or in dire need of remedial education in understanding the English language. Either way, you're a fucking moron.
Rampant sexual degeneracy among the White elite resulted in the phenomenon of a "A Punk Is a Hunk" cult that, by adopting the pushy attitude of its dream lover, intimidated others into accepting this born killer as a legitimate spokesman for a Kumbaya society.
El Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcom X) was without a doubt one of the most intelligent and articulate warriors to walk this earth. The only reason white racists have a problem with him is because he bucked your perception of what a Black man was supposed to be and exposed your silly arguments for white superiority as the biggest fraud ever committed in the history of mankind. For those that were not racist he was portrayed as evil incarnate so you would fear him. He was only about violence in defense of his people. No one should be afraid of hearing the truth.

This glorified gangbanger was murdered by members of his own pseudo-religious Muslim cult in a typical predatory power play from the race that brought us Rwandan self-genocide and other primate bloodbaths.
El Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcom X) was without a doubt one of the most intelligent and articulate warriors to walk this earth. The only reason white racists have a problem with him is because he bucked your perception of what a Black man was supposed to be and exposed your silly arguments for white superiority as the biggest fraud ever committed in the history of mankind. For those that were not racist he was portrayed as evil incarnate so you would fear him. He was only about violence in defense of his people. No one should be afraid of hearing the truth.

MLK was a GREAT man, but Malcom X was a piece of shit. I guess that blows your retarded theory out of the water. WE hate Malcolm X because he was racist scum, which coincidentally, is why YOU love him.

I think its funny that he was murdered. :lol:

The only reason you think MLK was great was because you got to beat on Black people that were not fighting back. That probably gave you an extreme woody. :lol:

Well, it's a sign of manhood to hunt down predatory beasts, unlike the woody gotten by the A Punk Is a Hunk crowd you want all Whiteys to belong to.
I didn't. How long do you plan on trolling like this? You're not very good at it.

You did liar.

No, I did not, you unbelievably stupid POS. I asked if YOU knew the difference....

So why did you lie and say you didn't ask me? Of course I know the difference. Thats why I never said they were the same organization. I posted evidence of you caught in a lie. Post exactly what it was you misunderstood or were too stupid to comprehend that made you assume I didn't know the difference.
You did liar.

No, I did not, you unbelievably stupid POS. I asked if YOU knew the difference....

So why did you lie and say you didn't ask me? .

I didn't lie, you did (again). You asserted several times that I didn't know the difference and was looking to you for information I needed. That is a laughable proposition. Again, you are either too stupid to understand English, or are just trolling. I suspect it's a little of both.
No, I did not, you unbelievably stupid POS. I asked if YOU knew the difference....

So why did you lie and say you didn't ask me? .

I didn't lie, you did (again). You asserted several times that I didn't know the difference and was looking to you for information I needed. That is a laughable proposition. Again, you are either too stupid to understand English, or are just trolling. I suspect it's a little of both.

You lied and said you didnt ask me and its in quotes up above. Why would you make a mistake like that and lie about it. Be a man and fess up you liar with no honor. You still haven't quoted where I didn't know as you are trying to claim. Come on Unk. Wheres your proof? I showed mine lets see yours.
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