Why is Malcom X Celebrated in this Country?

You didn't even know people internationally consider him a hero more so than MLK.

They don't. I have already corrected you on this point. Pay attention.

You are incorrect with your assumption as usually [sic] Unk. You need to get out more.

I made no assumption, and I get out plenty, thanks. As I have already explained to you, my experience in communicating with more people from more places is almost certainly much more extensive than yours. If you have a hard time accepting this, go ahead and prove your original claim. You know you won't even try because you know you can't. You're in a hole, stop digging.
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They don't. I have already corrected you on this point. Pay attention.

You are incorrect with your assumption as usually [sic] Unk. You need to get out more.

I made no assumption, and I get out plenty, thanks. As I have already explained to you, my experience in communicating with more people from more places is almost certainly much more extensive than yours. If you have a hard time accepting this, go ahead and prove your original claim. You know you won't even try because you know you can't. You're in a hole, stop digging.

Lying doesnt count as explaining. Its lying. Your experience in communicating with people is most certainly with your dog and your blow up doll. You are also transparent. You cant get me to prove anything to you especially with that weak ass line. :lol:
You are incorrect with your assumption as usually [sic] Unk. You need to get out more.

I made no assumption, and I get out plenty, thanks. As I have already explained to you, my experience in communicating with more people from more places is almost certainly much more extensive than yours. If you have a hard time accepting this, go ahead and prove your original claim. You know you won't even try because you know you can't. You're in a hole, stop digging.

Lying doesnt [sic]count as explaining.

Very much unlike you, I don't lie. What I told you is true. Why you feel threatened by it is for you to work out, maybe with a therapist.
I've never seen much approval for Malcolm X. He was divisive when the movement was trying to bring people together. Dr. King is much more celebrated as he should be.

But I can see why black people would take a liking to what Malcolm X stood for, as him and his contemporaries were considered subhuman. I'm sure if roles were reversed there would have been a white Malcolm X.

Actually there is massive approval for Malcolm X and what he stood for. People tend to view history the way they are told to. They only look on the surface of things. IMO Dr. King would not have been successful if Malcolm X was not around. Malcolm gave white America a choice..deal with the issue peacefully or deal with it violently, but it will be dealt with one way or the other. What some sources want you to think is he was this violent racist that was itching for a race war and really had no influence. The truth was that Dr. Kings movement was losing steam due to the inactivity of Congress and Malcolm s movement was rapidly growing. Suddenly we had Civil Rights and Malcolm was assassinated.

Man if I were black in the 60's, I hope I would've had the stones to be what Malcolm X was
I've never seen much approval for Malcolm X. He was divisive when the movement was trying to bring people together. Dr. King is much more celebrated as he should be.

But I can see why black people would take a liking to what Malcolm X stood for, as him and his contemporaries were considered subhuman. I'm sure if roles were reversed there would have been a white Malcolm X.

Actually there is massive approval for Malcolm X and what he stood for. People tend to view history the way they are told to. They only look on the surface of things. IMO Dr. King would not have been successful if Malcolm X was not around. Malcolm gave white America a choice..deal with the issue peacefully or deal with it violently, but it will be dealt with one way or the other. What some sources want you to think is he was this violent racist that was itching for a race war and really had no influence. The truth was that Dr. Kings movement was losing steam due to the inactivity of Congress and Malcolm s movement was rapidly growing. Suddenly we had Civil Rights and Malcolm was assassinated.

Man if I were black in the 60's, I hope I would've had the stones to be what Malcolm X was

Thats why I call him a warrior. The guy gave his all and his life for his people.
Actually there is massive approval for Malcolm X and what he stood for. People tend to view history the way they are told to. They only look on the surface of things. IMO Dr. King would not have been successful if Malcolm X was not around. Malcolm gave white America a choice..deal with the issue peacefully or deal with it violently, but it will be dealt with one way or the other. What some sources want you to think is he was this violent racist that was itching for a race war and really had no influence. The truth was that Dr. Kings movement was losing steam due to the inactivity of Congress and Malcolm s movement was rapidly growing. Suddenly we had Civil Rights and Malcolm was assassinated.

Man if I were black in the 60's, I hope I would've had the stones to be what Malcolm X was

Thats [sic] why I call him a warrior. The guy gave his all and his life for his people.

He was not a "warrior," and he didn't "give" his life, he had it taken from him. If people can't respect him for his commitment and his actual accomplishments without resorting to hyperbole, then they don't really respect the man himself at all - just their idealized version of him.
Man if I were black in the 60's, I hope I would've had the stones to be what Malcolm X was

Thats [sic] why I call him a warrior. The guy gave his all and his life for his people.

He was not a "warrior," and he didn't "give" his life, he had it taken from him. If people can't respect him for his commitment and his actual accomplishments without resorting to hyperbole, then they don't really respect the man himself at all - just their idealized version of him.

You obviously dont know the meaning of warrior Unk. He did give his life. How do you explain a man having knowledge that he was going to die and still continuing to make the public appearances where he could be assassinated? Your view of his life is automatically compromised because you are a closet racist so I understand. You cant take anyone admiring his stance because it frightens softies like you.
He did give his life. .

He did not "give" his life, it was taken from him. He did not die in battle, he did not jump on a live grenade, he did not do anything under the absolute certainty that he would unquestionably die at a given time and place. He suspected that some people wanted to kill him but decided to pursue his ambitions nonetheless. He failed to take sufficient precautions (which invalidates the "he knew he was going to die" bit), and was unfortunately and unjustly killed. He was not willingly killed and did not die in actual combat, therefore he did not "give" his life.

It's unfortunate that you keep trying to tear down the actual man this way.
[ Your view of his life is automatically compromised because you are a closet racist ....

You are a weak, lying, OVERTLY racist SOB and you have yet to engage in any honest discussion here. Your offensively false accusations only highlight your innate dishonesty.
[ Your view of his life is automatically compromised because you are a closet racist ....

You are a weak, lying, OVERTLY racist SOB and you have yet to engage in any honest discussion here. Your offensively false accusations only highlight your innate dishonesty.

You dont engage. You only do one liners demanding proof you can find for yourself. You offer opinions thinly disguised as fact. Say something solid and back your point then I will consider you engaged.

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You only do one liners demanding proof you can find for yourself.

You cannot defend the fact that you routinely make claims that you CANNOT support. It is a pattern of behavior that exemplifies your weak-minded dishonesty.
El Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcom X) was without a doubt one of the most intelligent and articulate warriors to walk this earth. The only reason white racists have a problem with him is because he bucked your perception of what a Black man was supposed to be and exposed your silly arguments for white superiority as the biggest fraud ever committed in the history of mankind. For those that were not racist he was portrayed as evil incarnate so you would fear him. He was only about violence in defense of his people. No one should be afraid of hearing the truth.

That's why he was killed by his own people.

You only do one liners demanding proof you can find for yourself.

You cannot defend the fact that you routinely make claims that you CANNOT support. It is a pattern of behavior that exemplifies your weak-minded dishonesty.

And you continually do 1 liners with little to no substance other than to attempt to point out an error. Contribute to the discussion and i would respect you more.
El Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcom X) was without a doubt one of the most intelligent and articulate warriors to walk this earth. The only reason white racists have a problem with him is because he bucked your perception of what a Black man was supposed to be and exposed your silly arguments for white superiority as the biggest fraud ever committed in the history of mankind. For those that were not racist he was portrayed as evil incarnate so you would fear him. He was only about violence in defense of his people. No one should be afraid of hearing the truth.

That's why he was killed by his own people.


Actually no one knows exactly who killed him.
Seriously he was a violent racist that preached harming whites (women and children) alike and a seperation of the races by force. He applauded the assassination of JFK. He applauded the murder of white police officers. His antisemitic teachings would make Hitler proud and in the end he was vicious evil hate filled monster.

His teaching of blame, hatred and LAZINESS (after all he was a self-proclaimed communist) has done more to harm the African American community then many any other black 'leader' than maybe Sharpton or Jackson.

Yet Congressman came to his funneral (John Lewis I believe), cities have Malcom X day, blacks hold him up in great esteem and no Congressman are denounced who praise him.

I mean he is the black equivalent of Gearge Rockwell. Imagine if white Congressman went to Rockwell's funneral and called him our "White Shining Prince." Imagine if cities had George Rockwell day and congressman today praise the asshole. Imagine that.

Malcom X was no different than Rockwell!
It's clear you don't know the whole or the full story. I recommend you read this book. The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley Educate yourself and I guarantee you will understand why Malcolm X is respected in America. But READ the book; don't watch the film and expect full understanding. Educated people read books; they don't get their information from Hollywood movies.
Seriously he was a violent racist that preached harming whites (women and children) alike and a seperation of the races by force. He applauded the assassination of JFK. He applauded the murder of white police officers. His antisemitic teachings would make Hitler proud and in the end he was vicious evil hate filled monster.

His teaching of blame, hatred and LAZINESS (after all he was a self-proclaimed communist) has done more to harm the African American community then many any other black 'leader' than maybe Sharpton or Jackson.

Yet Congressman came to his funneral (John Lewis I believe), cities have Malcom X day, blacks hold him up in great esteem and no Congressman are denounced who praise him.

I mean he is the black equivalent of Gearge Rockwell. Imagine if white Congressman went to Rockwell's funneral and called him our "White Shining Prince." Imagine if cities had George Rockwell day and congressman today praise the asshole. Imagine that.

Malcom X was no different than Rockwell!

I was not aware he was.
El Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcom X) was without a doubt one of the most intelligent and articulate warriors to walk this earth. The only reason white racists have a problem with him is because he bucked your perception of what a Black man was supposed to be and exposed your silly arguments for white superiority as the biggest fraud ever committed in the history of mankind. For those that were not racist he was portrayed as evil incarnate so you would fear him. He was only about violence in defense of his people. No one should be afraid of hearing the truth.

That's why he was killed by his own people.


Actually no one knows exactly who killed him.

It's pretty darn certain it was the Black Muslims, with whom he had broken off relations. I recommend you read his autobiography too. :) I studied black history in college and this book was on the reading list.
Actually no one knows exactly who killed him.
That is incorrect.

"Malcolm X killer freed after 44 years"

(CNN) -- Thomas Hagan, the only man who admitted his role in the 1965 assassination of iconic black leader Malcolm X, was paroled Tuesday.

Hagan was no ordinary prisoner. He is the only man to have confessed in the killing of Malcolm X, who was gunned down while giving a speech in New York's Audubon Ballroom in 1965.

"I have deep regrets about my participation in that," he told the parole board on March 3, according to a transcript. "I don't think it should ever have happened."

Hagan, then known by the name Talmadge X Hayer, was in his early 20s and a radical member of the Nation of Islam the day he entered the ballroom armed and ready to kill. His allegiance was to the Nation's founder, and he was outraged Malcolm X had broken from its ranks.

After the shooting, Hagan tried to flee the scene but he was shot in the leg. He was beaten by the crowd before being arrested outside.

Last month, he told the parole board he felt the urge to kill Malcolm X because of his inflammatory comments about the Nation's founder.

"It stemmed from a break off and confusion in the leadership," Hagan said. "Malcolm X broke with the Nation of Islam, separated from the Nation of Islam, and in doing so there was controversy as to some of the statements he was making about the leader."

He added, "History has revealed a lot of what Malcolm X was saying was true."

Malcolm X killer freed after 44 years - CNN.com
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