Why is Malcom X Celebrated in this Country?

Seriously he was a violent racist that preached harming whites (women and children) alike and a seperation of the races by force. He applauded the assassination of JFK. He applauded the murder of white police officers. His antisemitic teachings would make Hitler proud and in the end he was vicious evil hate filled monster.

His teaching of blame, hatred and LAZINESS (after all he was a self-proclaimed communist) has done more to harm the African American community then many any other black 'leader' than maybe Sharpton or Jackson.

Yet Congressman came to his funneral (John Lewis I believe), cities have Malcom X day, blacks hold him up in great esteem and no Congressman are denounced who praise him.

I mean he is the black equivalent of Gearge Rockwell. Imagine if white Congressman went to Rockwell's funneral and called him our "White Shining Prince." Imagine if cities had George Rockwell day and congressman today praise the asshole. Imagine that.

Malcom X was no different than Rockwell!

Black Muslims preach self-respect, healthy living, and self-sufficiency.


I think not.
It seems to me he was a person viscerally opposed to racial injustice, but never entirely settled on how to frame his overall approach. He was too easily influenced by outside forces and charismatic figures to form a concrete ideology entirely his own. However, he made people uncomfortable in a way and on a subject that perhaps many needed to feel uncomfortable about in order to pay sufficient attention. The value of MLK Jr.'s approach was brought into greater relief through contrast with Malcolm X's more aggressive and sometimes (to some people) threatening tone. It could be argued that MLK Jr. needed a Malcolm X.

Had he lived, I suppose he would have eventually settled on a more moderate, reasonable, practical approach to the fight for civil rights.

He was already starting to, when he was killed.

You could it read it as why he was killed.

Unk only knows about him via what the media portrays. He's a scary man to Unk.
El Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcom X) was without a doubt one of the most intelligent and articulate warriors to walk this earth. The only reason white racists have a problem with him is because he bucked your perception of what a Black man was supposed to be and exposed your silly arguments for white superiority as the biggest fraud ever committed in the history of mankind. For those that were not racist he was portrayed as evil incarnate so you would fear him. He was only about violence in defense of his people. No one should be afraid of hearing the truth.

MLK was a GREAT man, but Malcom X was a piece of shit. I guess that blows your retarded theory out of the water. WE hate Malcolm X because he was racist scum, which coincidentally, is why YOU love him.

I think its funny that he was murdered. :lol:
It seems to me he was a person viscerally opposed to racial injustice, but never entirely settled on how to frame his overall approach. He was too easily influenced by outside forces and charismatic figures to form a concrete ideology entirely his own. However, he made people uncomfortable in a way and on a subject that perhaps many needed to feel uncomfortable about in order to pay sufficient attention. The value of MLK Jr.'s approach was brought into greater relief through contrast with Malcolm X's more aggressive and sometimes (to some people) threatening tone. It could be argued that MLK Jr. needed a Malcolm X.

Had he lived, I suppose he would have eventually settled on a more moderate, reasonable, practical approach to the fight for civil rights.

He was already starting to, when he was killed.

You could it read it as why he was killed.

Unk only knows about him via what the media portrays. He's a scary man to Unk.

If only we could have known him personally like you did. :lol:
El Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcom X) was without a doubt one of the most intelligent and articulate warriors to walk this earth.

That's just ridiculous. I understand you're insecure, but don't take hero worship too far.

Whats ridiculous about it?

It's ridiculous to apply such unreasonable superlatives to anyone, let alone someone who was NOT a "warrior," was not intelligent enough to avoid a life of petty crime and addiction, then falling under the sway of a racist cult for years, and struggling to understand his own beliefs for the remainder of his life thereafter. His vaunted "articulation" was largely the recitation of the prepared slogans of a nutty cult.

There are things to respect in his commitment to racial justice, but attempting to worship a myth actually diminishes the man (not to mention violating his beliefs if he was, at the last, a sincere Muslim). At the least he deserves more respect from you than that.

And hero worship IS a sign of insecurity, champ. Get some help with that.
El Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcom X) was without a doubt one of the most intelligent and articulate warriors to walk this earth.

That's just ridiculous. I understand you're insecure, but don't take hero worship too far.

You know that uncomfortable chill you get when someone says something really douchy? Yeah, I got douche chills when I read that. That's some corny mother fuckin shit.
El Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcom X) was without a doubt one of the most intelligent and articulate warriors to walk this earth. The only reason white racists have a problem with him is because he bucked your perception of what a Black man was supposed to be and exposed your silly arguments for white superiority as the biggest fraud ever committed in the history of mankind. For those that were not racist he was portrayed as evil incarnate so you would fear him. He was only about violence in defense of his people. No one should be afraid of hearing the truth.

MLK was a GREAT man, but Malcom X was a piece of shit. I guess that blows your retarded theory out of the water. WE hate Malcolm X because he was racist scum, which coincidentally, is why YOU love him.

I think its funny that he was murdered. :lol:

The only reason you think MLK was great was because you got to beat on Black people that were not fighting back. That probably gave you an extreme woody. :lol:
It seems to me he was a person viscerally opposed to racial injustice, but never entirely settled on how to frame his overall approach. He was too easily influenced by outside forces and charismatic figures to form a concrete ideology entirely his own. However, he made people uncomfortable in a way and on a subject that perhaps many needed to feel uncomfortable about in order to pay sufficient attention. The value of MLK Jr.'s approach was brought into greater relief through contrast with Malcolm X's more aggressive and sometimes (to some people) threatening tone. It could be argued that MLK Jr. needed a Malcolm X.

Had he lived, I suppose he would have eventually settled on a more moderate, reasonable, practical approach to the fight for civil rights.

He was already starting to, when he was killed.

You could it read it as why he was killed.

Unk only knows about him via what the media portrays. He's a scary man to Unk.

More lies from you, asshole? Can you EVER participate in a discussion in an honest manner? Is it possible for you, or are you pathological?

I have taught more people about Malcolm X than you ever will, so stick your assumptions up your ass.
El Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcom X) was without a doubt one of the most intelligent and articulate warriors to walk this earth. The only reason white racists have a problem with him is because he bucked your perception of what a Black man was supposed to be and exposed your silly arguments for white superiority as the biggest fraud ever committed in the history of mankind. For those that were not racist he was portrayed as evil incarnate so you would fear him. He was only about violence in defense of his people. No one should be afraid of hearing the truth.

MLK was a GREAT man, but Malcom X was a piece of shit. I guess that blows your retarded theory out of the water. WE hate Malcolm X because he was racist scum, which coincidentally, is why YOU love him.

I think its funny that he was murdered. :lol:

The only reason you think MLK was great was because you got to beat on Black people that were not fighting back. That probably gave you an extreme woody. :lol:

That was before my time, and ive never hurt a black man or woman in my life. Try again.
That's just ridiculous. I understand you're insecure, but don't take hero worship too far.

Whats ridiculous about it?

It's ridiculous to apply such unreasonable superlatives to anyone, let alone someone who was NOT a "warrior," was not intelligent enough to avoid a life of petty crime and addiction, then falling under the sway of a racist cult for years, and struggling to understand his own beliefs for the remainder of his life thereafter. His vaunted "articulation" was largely the recitation of the prepared slogans of a nutty cult.

There are things to respect in his commitment to racial justice, but attempting to worship a myth actually diminishes the man (not to mention violating his beliefs if he was, at the last, a sincere Muslim). At the least he deserves more respect from you than that.

And hero worship IS a sign of insecurity, champ. Get some help with that.

Thats more like it Unk. Your opinion is not fact however. He was a warrior and fought for human rights especially Blacks. He was extremely intelligent as proven by his childhood excellence in school and later on reinventing himself. Intelligence is not a measure of how holy of a person you can be so his criminal past has nothing to do with how intelligent he was. Where did you come up with that belief? His belief in the NOI was pretty much justified for anyone in his position. There were plenty of speakers in America but his oratory skills were among the best.

I dont think anyone is worthy of worship but I don't begrudge people deserving of admiration. His legacy and influence lives on not just in the US but also in other countries around the world more so than MLK.
MLK was a GREAT man, but Malcom X was a piece of shit. I guess that blows your retarded theory out of the water. WE hate Malcolm X because he was racist scum, which coincidentally, is why YOU love him.

I think its funny that he was murdered. :lol:

The only reason you think MLK was great was because you got to beat on Black people that were not fighting back. That probably gave you an extreme woody. :lol:

That was before my time, and ive never hurt a black man or woman in my life. Try again.

So thats why you are so hateful of Malcolm. Too scared to try it nowadays because of the beatdown you would get.
He was already starting to, when he was killed.

You could it read it as why he was killed.

Unk only knows about him via what the media portrays. He's a scary man to Unk.

More lies from you, asshole? Can you EVER participate in a discussion in an honest manner? Is it possible for you, or are you pathological?

I have taught more people about Malcolm X than you ever will, so stick your assumptions up your ass.

Yeah right Unk. if you taught someone anything it was on the accident.
Unk only knows about him via what the media portrays. He's a scary man to Unk.

More lies from you, asshole? Can you EVER participate in a discussion in an honest manner? Is it possible for you, or are you pathological?

I have taught more people about Malcolm X than you ever will, so stick your assumptions up your ass.

Yeah right Unk.

YES, right. If that doesn't fit your worldview, tough shit.
Your opinion is not fact however. He was a warrior and fought for human rights especially Blacks. .

You seem to misunderstand what "fact" and "opinion" mean, fool. You also insult every real warrior everywhere by your misapplication of the term. He never went to war or fought anyone (in the real world, not the world of your hyperbolic figurative nonsense).
The only reason you think MLK was great was because you got to beat on Black people that were not fighting back. That probably gave you an extreme woody. :lol:

That was before my time, and ive never hurt a black man or woman in my life. Try again.

So thats why you are so hateful of Malcolm. Too scared to try it nowadays because of the beatdown you would get.

nigga pleez..........
his criminal past has nothing to do with how intelligent he was. .

Criminals are not only morally weak, but too stupid to support themselves and succeed legally and honestly. He himself made immeasurably more money legally than he did when living as a petty criminal.

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