Why is Malcom X Celebrated in this Country?

His belief in the NOI was pretty much justified for anyone in his position.

Surrendering himself utterly to an obvious charlatan was "justified"? Maybe to someone of your personal limitations it would be.
Your opinion is not fact however. He was a warrior and fought for human rights especially Blacks. .

You seem to misunderstand what "fact" and "opinion" mean, fool. You also insult every real warrior everywhere by your misapplication of the term. He never went to war or fought anyone (in the real world, not the world of your hyperbolic figurative nonsense).

He did go to war on multiple occasions as a human and Black rights activist. Your narrow view of the definition of the word doesn't make it so. You are an insult to every person that has fought for anything physically or mentally.
his criminal past has nothing to do with how intelligent he was. .

Criminals are not only morally weak, but too stupid to support themselves and succeed legally and honestly. He himself made immeasurably more money legally than he did when living as a petty criminal.

You still have your mind stuck in a loop trying to associate intelligence to being a criminal. Intelligence is your capacity to learn which you just conveniently pointed out Malcom did. :lol:
His belief in the NOI was pretty much justified for anyone in his position.

Surrendering himself utterly to an obvious charlatan was "justified"? Maybe to someone of your personal limitations it would be.

Yes it was justified. It would be similar to doing what any preacher or priest would tell you to do. He showed commitment to his beliefs to a fault and when he learned otherwise he changed his views. Intelligence again on display. Please keep it coming. :lol:
Your opinion is not fact however. He was a warrior and fought for human rights especially Blacks. .

You seem to misunderstand what "fact" and "opinion" mean, fool. You also insult every real warrior everywhere by your misapplication of the term. He never went to war or fought anyone (in the real world, not the world of your hyperbolic figurative nonsense).

He did go to war on multiple occasions as a human and Black rights activist. Your narrow view of the definition of the word doesn't make it so. You are an insult to every person that has fought for anything physically or mentally.

Your inappropriate exaggerations have already been addressed, clown.
his criminal past has nothing to do with how intelligent he was. .

Criminals are not only morally weak, but too stupid to support themselves and succeed legally and honestly. He himself made immeasurably more money legally than he did when living as a petty criminal.

You still have your mind stuck in a loop trying to associate intelligence to being a criminal. Intelligence is your capacity to learn which you just conveniently pointed out Malcom did. :lol:

Criminals are, by and large, stupid and cowardly. YOU are at least halfway there.
His belief in the NOI was pretty much justified for anyone in his position.

Surrendering himself utterly to an obvious charlatan was "justified"? Maybe to someone of your personal limitations it would be.

Yes it was justified.

YOU seem just like the kind of weak-minded dupe that cults prey upon. No wonder why you want to admire such gullible tractability in others. Good luck with the Kool-Aid.
You have made a claim, now back it up.

I gave you the information go look it up and learn something. .

It has been explained to you before that when YOU make a claim it is incumbent upon YOU to support it, you idiot. "Go look it up" does NOT constitute proof, fool. If you have a learning disability it may not be your fault, but how many times do you need the same thing explained to you?
Start in Europe and check each continent to see his legacy.

I have spent a great deal of time working with many, many students from all over the world. It has been my experience that no one with at least some high school (or its equivalent) level education has not learned about MLK Jr. The same does not hold for Malcolm X, though many have also heard of him as well. I've yet to meet anyone who has learned about Malcolm X who has not learned and read much more about MLK Jr.

There is no need for a 'competition' between the two, but your claim does not stand up.
You have made a claim, now back it up.

I gave you the information go look it up and learn something. .

It has been explained to you before that when YOU make a claim it is incumbent upon YOU to support it, you idiot. "Go look it up" does NOT constitute proof, fool. If you have a learning disability it may not be your fault, but how many times do you need the same thing explained to you?

I desnt matter what you explained Unk. I told you to go look it up if you want proof. Go do it. If you dont want proof then dont look for it. I'm not here to convince you. When will you learn that what you want isnt very important to me?

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