Why is Malcom X Celebrated in this Country?

Start in Europe and check each continent to see his legacy.

I have spent a great deal of time working with many, many students from all over the world. It has been my experience that no one with at least some high school (or its equivalent) level education has not learned about MLK Jr. The same does not hold for Malcolm X, though many have also heard of him as well. I've yet to meet anyone who has learned about Malcolm X who has not learned and read much more about MLK Jr.

There is no need for a 'competition' between the two, but your claim does not stand up.

If you say many about 10 more times I may just believe you.....well maybe 100 more times.:lol: I've traveled around the world and spoke to many people and most of them ask me about him. Rarely has anyone mentioned MLK to me. I think i'm going to have to take my own experiences over your made up lies about teaching anyone anything except how to be stupid.
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I desnt matter what you explained Unk. I told you to go look it up if you want proof. Go do it. If you dont want proof then dont look for it.

In other words, you are a fraud and a liar and nothing you say has the least credibility, as usual.
Seriously he was a violent racist that preached harming whites (women and children) alike and a seperation of the races by force. He applauded the assassination of JFK. He applauded the murder of white police officers. His antisemitic teachings would make Hitler proud and in the end he was vicious evil hate filled monster.

His teaching of blame, hatred and LAZINESS (after all he was a self-proclaimed communist) has done more to harm the African American community then many any other black 'leader' than maybe Sharpton or Jackson.

Yet Congressman came to his funneral (John Lewis I believe), cities have Malcom X day, blacks hold him up in great esteem and no Congressman are denounced who praise him.

I mean he is the black equivalent of Gearge Rockwell. Imagine if white Congressman went to Rockwell's funneral and called him our "White Shining Prince." Imagine if cities had George Rockwell day and congressman today praise the asshole. Imagine that.

Malcom X was no different than Rockwell!


you accuse others of racism, and yet you said this to me in a Neg. Rep. comment:

"Jezzzus your a stupid sand n!gger"
Start in Europe and check each continent to see his legacy.

I have spent a great deal of time working with many, many students from all over the world. It has been my experience that no one with at least some high school (or its equivalent) level education has not learned about MLK Jr. The same does not hold for Malcolm X, though many have also heard of him as well. I've yet to meet anyone who has learned about Malcolm X who has not learned and read much more about MLK Jr.

There is no need for a 'competition' between the two, but your claim does not stand up.

If you say many about 10 more times I may just believe you......

Your belief or denial has no effect on reality. I generously told you something of my experiences - which far exceed your own - and you are free not to believe me. YOU made a categorical claim that you cannot support. You are afraid to even try. Readers can reach their own conclusions.
I desnt matter what you explained Unk. I told you to go look it up if you want proof. Go do it. If you dont want proof then dont look for it.

In other words, you are a fraud and a liar and nothing you say has the least credibility, as usual.

If thats [sic] what you get from my statement then so be it Unk.

That is what YOU indicated with your own statement. Any reasonable person reading all this can see it.
I have spent a great deal of time working with many, many students from all over the world. It has been my experience that no one with at least some high school (or its equivalent) level education has not learned about MLK Jr. The same does not hold for Malcolm X, though many have also heard of him as well. I've yet to meet anyone who has learned about Malcolm X who has not learned and read much more about MLK Jr.

There is no need for a 'competition' between the two, but your claim does not stand up.

If you say many about 10 more times I may just believe you......

Your belief or denial has no effect on reality. I generously told you something of my experiences - which far exceed your own - and you are free not to believe me.

Well thank God you gave me permission Unk. I thought I was going to have to only call you a liar in my mind. Thanks but no thanks for the generosity. You're full of it as always. How many, many, many, people have you taught about Malcolm X again? :lol:
In other words, you are a fraud and a liar and nothing you say has the least credibility, as usual.

If thats [sic] what you get from my statement then so be it Unk.

That is what YOU indicated with your own statement. Any reasonable person reading all this can see it.

Well in that case again thank God that what other people think while reading this will never move mountains in my life. Practically everyone tells me you are looking for validation on a message board. :lol:
Malcolm X was a racist criminal thug for 99% of his life.......but it's the final 1% that defines his humanity and legacy.

Unfortunately, many of the young African Americans today focus on the first 99% of his short life.

And seem oblivious to the wisdom he imparted during his last few days on the earth. . :cool:
Malcolm X is celebrated for the same reasons Christopher Columbus is celebrated.
Malcolm X was a racist criminal thug for 99% of his life.......but it's the final 1% that defines his humanity and legacy.

Unfortunately, many of the young African Americans today focus on the first 99% of his short life.

And seem oblivious to the wisdom he imparted during his last few days on the earth. . :cool:

In consideration of that last part, his entire life in total holds lessons if presented properly.
Seriously he was a violent racist that preached harming whites (women and children) alike and a seperation of the races by force. He applauded the assassination of JFK. He applauded the murder of white police officers. His antisemitic teachings would make Hitler proud and in the end he was vicious evil hate filled monster.

His teaching of blame, hatred and LAZINESS (after all he was a self-proclaimed communist) has done more to harm the African American community then many any other black 'leader' than maybe Sharpton or Jackson.

Yet Congressman came to his funneral (John Lewis I believe), cities have Malcom X day, blacks hold him up in great esteem and no Congressman are denounced who praise him.

I mean he is the black equivalent of Gearge Rockwell. Imagine if white Congressman went to Rockwell's funneral and called him our "White Shining Prince." Imagine if cities had George Rockwell day and congressman today praise the asshole. Imagine that.

Malcom X was no different than Rockwell!


you accuse others of racism, and yet you said this to me in a Neg. Rep. comment:

"Jezzzus your a stupid sand n!gger"

That's what Ghooker does is to, present questionable topics and then proceed to "neg" those who oppose his myopic views. Typical.

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