Why is nobody talking about the illegal imprisonment of Kaci Hickox?

It's a tough call whether or not to isolate suspected Ebola infected people. No doubt the left has convinced themselves that involuntary medical isolation is illegal if ordered by a republican and fine if it is done in a democrat state or by the democrat party dominated federal government.

The partisanship goes all the way around. Cinos seem all too happy to violate people's rights if it's ordered by a Republican Governor, especially if it's seen as a way to slam Obama. It's ridiculous and appalling. Nobody wants to look at the real matters behind it all. Either do it illegally, or don't do it at all. It's like there's no middle ground for rational minds.

Two Democrat Governors have the same quarantine policy in place and the Sec of Defense just gave the go ahead to quarantine soldiers returning from West Africa for 21 days. He used weasel words that meant exactly the same thing as quarantine and the soldiers were not even near Ebola victims.
A poll on 'Morning Joe' this morning said 80% of those polled support the mandatory quarantine, and Obama was shown saying it's not gonna happen. That takes it out of your partisanship rant, and puts it in the don't trust the government slot. Why anyone would believe what Obama says is amazing. He either outright lies or uses lawyer terms so he can have it both ways.

So......you think that the government is more trustworthy when it throws constitutionally protected rights out the window? Amazing.

Every state that I know of has a policy that quarantines people with communicable diseases. NEXT!
You did not answer the question. Why are all of the people who have cared for Ebola patients in America not being forced into quarantine?
How many health care professionals were involved in the care of Michael Duncan, Nina Pham, Miss Vincen, Dr Spencer, and the three other Ebola patients who have received care in the US?

I'd say hundreds.

Why aren't you weirdos calling for them all to be quarantined?

If you were consistent, a doctor or nurse could only consult with/ care for an Ebola patient ONCE. Then....off to isolation.

Think.....please. Just think.
Domestically, any person subjected to bodily fluids of an infected person needs to go into isolation ASAP.

Internationally, traveling from Hot Zones where health protocols are nonexistent or far less stringent and not subject to supervision by our own people, anybody and everybody needs to go to the Chill Zone for X (21?) days.

No exceptions.

If you decide to volunteer to treat stricken folk in Africa, well... wonderful... thank you... simply be aware that the quarantine protocol is in effect once you return, and, of course, once you've made it past the X-days mark, then your mission is fully completed, and you are free to go your own way.

Just think of it as part of what you're volunteering for... in this case, on the back end, protecting your neighbors and countrymen, and your nation, rather than others.

That's simply the way it is.

Apparently, several States, and the US Department of Defense, believe that such quarantines are an absolute necessity, to protect the Nation and its People.

Common sense, really.

And they've all bitch-slapped the White House, and broken with Obumble, for his grievous breach of faith with the health and safety of the American People.

Good on them - those people who stood up to this lackluster performance and egregious lack of common sense and rational thought - placing a higher priority upon fighting the disease at its source than in protecting our own people.

There is no conflict between the two - properly configured - we can stimulate temporary overseas service and also carry through with the quarantine - all that is required is an ounce of imagination and honesty with recruits and prospects and making the return-leg quarantine a Standard Operating Procedure, for everyone to expect in advance.


You are dreaming. It will cause people to not go.
How many health care professionals were involved in the care of Michael Duncan, Nina Pham, Miss Vincen, Dr Spencer, and the three other Ebola patients who have received care in the US?

I'd say hundreds.

Why aren't you weirdos calling for them all to be quarantined?

If you were consistent, a doctor or nurse could only consult with/ care for an Ebola patient ONCE. Then....off to isolation.

Think.....please. Just think.
Domestically, any person subjected to bodily fluids of an infected person needs to go into isolation ASAP.

Internationally, traveling from Hot Zones where health protocols are nonexistent or far less stringent and not subject to supervision by our own people, anybody and everybody needs to go to the Chill Zone for X (21?) days.

No exceptions.

If you decide to volunteer to treat stricken folk in Africa, well... wonderful... thank you... simply be aware that the quarantine protocol is in effect once you return, and, of course, once you've made it past the X-days mark, then your mission is fully completed, and you are free to go your own way.

Just think of it as part of what you're volunteering for... in this case, on the back end, protecting your neighbors and countrymen, and your nation, rather than others.

That's simply the way it is.

Apparently, several States, and the US Department of Defense, believe that such quarantines are an absolute necessity, to protect the Nation and its People.

Common sense, really.

And they've all bitch-slapped the White House, and broken with Obumble, for his grievous breach of faith with the health and safety of the American People.

Good on them - those people who stood up to this lackluster performance and egregious lack of common sense and rational thought - placing a higher priority upon fighting the disease at its source than in protecting our own people.

There is no conflict between the two - properly configured - we can stimulate temporary overseas service and also carry through with the quarantine - all that is required is an ounce of imagination and honesty with recruits and prospects and making the return-leg quarantine a Standard Operating Procedure, for everyone to expect in advance.


I will add that if Obama had any leadership and credibility at all he would be talking to the Europeans to send in additional medical help. Every West African that comes to the US has to pass through a European country to get here.
America will likely be Ebola free in a matter of weeks. There are currently no people with Ebola anywhere in this country outside of a state of the art medical facility.

Fear not.
How many health care professionals were involved in the care of Michael Duncan, Nina Pham, Miss Vincen, Dr Spencer, and the three other Ebola patients who have received care in the US?

I'd say hundreds.

Why aren't you weirdos calling for them all to be quarantined?

If you were consistent, a doctor or nurse could only consult with/ care for an Ebola patient ONCE. Then....off to isolation.

Think.....please. Just think.

Those that were thought by the State of Texas to be most at risk were quarantined. That included Duncan's family, and I didn't hear them whining about it. All of the others have been closely monitored daily.

The Doctor in New York that went out in public while under voluntary quarantine and then lying about it prompted 4 Governors to institute mandatory quarantine on certain health care workers returning from West Africa.
How many health care professionals were involved in the care of Michael Duncan, Nina Pham, Miss Vincen, Dr Spencer, and the three other Ebola patients who have received care in the US?

I'd say hundreds.

Why aren't you weirdos calling for them all to be quarantined?

If you were consistent, a doctor or nurse could only consult with/ care for an Ebola patient ONCE. Then....off to isolation.

Think.....please. Just think.

Those that were thought by the State of Texas to be most at risk were quarantined. That included Duncan's family, and I didn't hear them whining about it. All of the others have been closely monitored daily.

The Doctor in New York that went out in public while under voluntary quarantine and then lying about it prompted 4 Governors to institute mandatory quarantine on certain health care workers returning from West Africa.

Close monitoring is sufficient. Quarantine is stupid.
America will likely be Ebola free in a matter of weeks. There are currently no people with Ebola anywhere in this country outside of a state of the art medical facility.

Fear not.

Do I have your personal guarantee, or do I believe it if Obama says it? And, don't confuse common sense with fear. I have health care insurance just in case I get sick, not because I am afraid I will get sick.
It's going to happen. Eventually.

Someday.......a USMB nutter is going to admit that they were wrong. Someday.....facts will compel one of these fucking assholes to publicly change their point of view on a given issue.

This issue is ripe for this. The facts regarding how HARD IT IS TO TRANSMIT this virus and HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN CLOSE TO VICTIMS AND NOT GOTTEN SICK could be enough to prompt this unlikely event.

Let's see.
How many health care professionals were involved in the care of Michael Duncan, Nina Pham, Miss Vincen, Dr Spencer, and the three other Ebola patients who have received care in the US?

I'd say hundreds.

Why aren't you weirdos calling for them all to be quarantined?

If you were consistent, a doctor or nurse could only consult with/ care for an Ebola patient ONCE. Then....off to isolation.

Think.....please. Just think.

Those that were thought by the State of Texas to be most at risk were quarantined. That included Duncan's family, and I didn't hear them whining about it. All of the others have been closely monitored daily.

The Doctor in New York that went out in public while under voluntary quarantine and then lying about it prompted 4 Governors to institute mandatory quarantine on certain health care workers returning from West Africa.

Close monitoring is sufficient. Quarantine is stupid.

It didn't work with the Doctor. At least when he noticed he had a fever he wasn't on a crowded subway or throwing gutter balls at the bowling alley.
America will likely be Ebola free in a matter of weeks. There are currently no people with Ebola anywhere in this country outside of a state of the art medical facility.

Fear not.

Do I have your personal guarantee, or do I believe it if Obama says it? And, don't confuse common sense with fear. I have health care insurance just in case I get sick, not because I am afraid I will get sick.

Never take my word for anything having to do with science. Instead....find out what scientists say. They say that quarantining this nurse is stupid.

You have insurance because you don't have enough money to pay for care if you get sick. That is reality. If you were not afraid of going bankrupt due to illness...you wouldn't need it. Shitty example.
How many health care professionals were involved in the care of Michael Duncan, Nina Pham, Miss Vincen, Dr Spencer, and the three other Ebola patients who have received care in the US?

I'd say hundreds.

Why aren't you weirdos calling for them all to be quarantined?

If you were consistent, a doctor or nurse could only consult with/ care for an Ebola patient ONCE. Then....off to isolation.

Think.....please. Just think.

Those that were thought by the State of Texas to be most at risk were quarantined. That included Duncan's family, and I didn't hear them whining about it. All of the others have been closely monitored daily.

The Doctor in New York that went out in public while under voluntary quarantine and then lying about it prompted 4 Governors to institute mandatory quarantine on certain health care workers returning from West Africa.

Close monitoring is sufficient. Quarantine is stupid.

It didn't work with the Doctor. At least when he noticed he had a fever he wasn't on a crowded subway or throwing gutter balls at the bowling alley.

When an Ebola victim notices the first signs of illness....they are not highly contagious. Read up on it.
Every state that I know of has a policy that quarantines people with communicable diseases. NEXT!

And every state I know of has a law to arrest murderers. So what? You're making a red herring argument. Kaci Hickox does not have a communicable disease. Nothing you've said changes the fact that there is no probable cause to quarantine her.
America will likely be Ebola free in a matter of weeks. There are currently no people with Ebola anywhere in this country outside of a state of the art medical facility.

Fear not.

Do I have your personal guarantee, or do I believe it if Obama says it? And, don't confuse common sense with fear. I have health care insurance just in case I get sick, not because I am afraid I will get sick.

Never take my word for anything having to do with science. Instead....find out what scientists say. They say that quarantining this nurse is stupid.

You have insurance because you don't have enough money to pay for care if you get sick. That is reality. If you were not afraid of going bankrupt due to illness...you wouldn't need it. Shitty example.

Quarantines are legal and have been imposed on people for many decades for various communicable diseases. Some Scientists may say quarantining this nurse is stupid, others say it is a reasonable precaution.

Wrong! I have health insurance for my family because I am a responsible father. Why would I be afraid to go bankrupt? Lots of people do every day.
Every state that I know of has a policy that quarantines people with communicable diseases. NEXT!

And every state I know of has a law to arrest murderers. So what? You're making a red herring argument. Kaci Hickox does not have a communicable disease. Nothing you've said changes the fact that there is no probable cause to quarantine her.

She has been exposed to a life threatening disease that is communicable. That in and of itself is reasonable cause to two different Governors.
Every state that I know of has a policy that quarantines people with communicable diseases. NEXT!

And every state I know of has a law to arrest murderers. So what? You're making a red herring argument. Kaci Hickox does not have a communicable disease. Nothing you've said changes the fact that there is no probable cause to quarantine her.

This about the nurse in Maine from a former Harvard Law Professor, Alan Dersowitz.

"You may disagree with the nature of the quarantine or its scope, but it's certainly reasonable and the law certainly supports the power of the governor, the executive authorities in the state and the federal government to order quarantines if they're in any way reasonable."

Medical officials don’t yet know enough about just how contagious Ebola is and what kind of quarantine period is warranted, according to Dershowitz, so it’s best to "err on the side of public safety and public health."

"People ought to comply and not selfishly try to bring lawsuits to challenge the public health measures that are taken," he said.

And Dershowitz sure isn’t a right winger.
Every state that I know of has a policy that quarantines people with communicable diseases. NEXT!

And every state I know of has a law to arrest murderers. So what? You're making a red herring argument. Kaci Hickox does not have a communicable disease. Nothing you've said changes the fact that there is no probable cause to quarantine her.

This about the nurse in Maine from a former Harvard Law Professor, Alan Dersowitz.

"You may disagree with the nature of the quarantine or its scope, but it's certainly reasonable and the law certainly supports the power of the governor, the executive authorities in the state and the federal government to order quarantines if they're in any way reasonable."

Medical officials don’t yet know enough about just how contagious Ebola is and what kind of quarantine period is warranted, according to Dershowitz, so it’s best to "err on the side of public safety and public health."

"People ought to comply and not selfishly try to bring lawsuits to challenge the public health measures that are taken," he said.

And Dershowitz sure isn’t a right winger.

Is he a scientist?

I agree with everything he said except for "Medical officials don’t yet know enough about just how contagious Ebola is".

Of course they do.

You even think they do. If you didn't.....you wouldn't accept the "21 days" of quarantine. What if its 22 days? Or....what if Koshergirl is right and its 50 days?

Nice try.
Every state that I know of has a policy that quarantines people with communicable diseases. NEXT!

And every state I know of has a law to arrest murderers. So what? You're making a red herring argument. Kaci Hickox does not have a communicable disease. Nothing you've said changes the fact that there is no probable cause to quarantine her.

This about the nurse in Maine from a former Harvard Law Professor, Alan Dersowitz.

"You may disagree with the nature of the quarantine or its scope, but it's certainly reasonable and the law certainly supports the power of the governor, the executive authorities in the state and the federal government to order quarantines if they're in any way reasonable."

Medical officials don’t yet know enough about just how contagious Ebola is and what kind of quarantine period is warranted, according to Dershowitz, so it’s best to "err on the side of public safety and public health."

"People ought to comply and not selfishly try to bring lawsuits to challenge the public health measures that are taken," he said.

And Dershowitz sure isn’t a right winger.

Is he a scientist?

I agree with everything he said except for "Medical officials don’t yet know enough about just how contagious Ebola is".

Of course they do.

You even think they do. If you didn't.....you wouldn't accept the "21 days" of quarantine. What if its 22 days? Or....what if Koshergirl is right and its 50 days?

Nice try.

What are you babbling about now? I accept 21 days as the consensus of opinion of the medical profession for a person that was possibly exposed to either develop the disease or not. That has absolutely nothing to do with how contagious it is. So far, the Doctors and nurses that have contracted the disease do not have a clue how or when they got it.

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