Why is nobody talking about the illegal imprisonment of Kaci Hickox?

Every state that I know of has a policy that quarantines people with communicable diseases. NEXT!

And every state I know of has a law to arrest murderers. So what? You're making a red herring argument. Kaci Hickox does not have a communicable disease. Nothing you've said changes the fact that there is no probable cause to quarantine her.
She had been treating Ebola victims. She presented an elevated body temperature. If that is not probable cause to immediately quarantine her, I don't know what is.

The authorities did exactly the right thing. The prudent thing.

When her elevated body temperature proved to be a false alarm, and she tested negative for Ebola, then it was prudent to let her go.

I really don't see why there is any controversy about this. Some people have gotten hysterical that she was taken to a "windowless room". For fuck's sake. It's a violation of someone's rights to put them in an interior room? Really?

Again: She had an elevated body temperature, and had just come from Africa treating Ebola patients. It would have been grossly irresponsible NOT to immediately separate her from the rest of the people in that international airport.
She had been treating Ebola victims. She presented an elevated body temperature. If that is not probable cause to immediately quarantine her, I don't know what is.

She did not present with a temperature. An inaccurate instrument operated by an unqualified individual presented an inaccurate reading. Of course, even if she had been febrile, that does not establish probable cause. In order to establish probable cause, it must be able to be shown that an Ebola infection is probable. The mere existence of a fever does not mean a person probably has Ebola. Fever is such a common symptom for so wide a range of illnesses that it alone cannot possibly create probable cause.
Violation of a State-imposed medical quarantine?

She has a constitutional right to not be seized without probable cause.

Reckless endangerment?

Conspiracy to commit manslaughter?

Being a dedicated humanitarian who degenerated into a selfish bitch when asked to use common sense to remain isolated for a few more days?

What endangerment? What manslaughter? She is not sick. Nobody is in danger. She does not have Ebola. And there was never any probable cause to suggest that she ever did.
She has been exposed to a life threatening disease that is communicable. That in and of itself is reasonable cause to two different Governors.

Not for the constitution.

This is what a former Harvard Law Professor had to say about that. What are your qualifications if I may ask?

"You may disagree with the nature of the quarantine or its scope, but it's certainly reasonable and the law certainly supports the power of the governor, the executive authorities in the state and the federal government to order quarantines if they're in any way reasonable."
Violation of a State-imposed medical quarantine?

She has a constitutional right to not be seized without probable cause.

Reckless endangerment?

Conspiracy to commit manslaughter?

Being a dedicated humanitarian who degenerated into a selfish bitch when asked to use common sense to remain isolated for a few more days?

What endangerment? What manslaughter? She is not sick. Nobody is in danger. She does not have Ebola. And there was never any probable cause to suggest that she ever did.

She had an elevated temperature so you are lying about the probable cause. I am done with you.
We don't know she doesn't have ebola.

Yes, we do.

It can take up to 50 days for ebola to show up.

She had an elevated temperature so you are lying about the probable cause. I am done with you.

No, she did not have a fever. The alleged fever was due to an unqualified individual using an inaccurate method for taking a temperature.
Screw the cdc nurse. Lock her up, and charge her the same way we charge men who knowingly spread AIDS.

Seeing as she has neither AIDS nor Ebola, what are you charging her with?

We don't know she doesn't have ebola. It can take up to 50 days for ebola to show up.
Seriously put down the pipe and go outside.

America will likely be Ebola free in a matter of weeks. There are currently no people with Ebola anywhere in this country outside of a state of the art medical facility.

Fear not.

Says you

You did not answer the question. Why are all of the people who have cared for Ebola patients in America not being forced into quarantine?

Umm because they're not sick? No wait too easy.
This is what a former Harvard Law Professor had to say about that. What are your qualifications if I may ask?

Being a law professor does not necessarily indicate a person is knowledgeable about the medical facts.
No, we don't.

Ebola testing is quite inaccurate.

All the medical people know that, and definitely all the scientists who have dealt with ebola know it.

It's just the know-nothing lunatics who deny it.

People can test negative for ebola for DAYS after they get SICK...which in turn can be up to 50 days after they are infected.

Are Ebola Tests Reliable
"The most common test for Ebola is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. Unfortunately this test can be negative during the first three days an infected person has symptoms, said Dr. Sandro Cinti, an infectious-disease specialist at the University of Michigan Hospital System/Ann Arbor VA Health System. "Somebody could be in the hospital for three to five days before a diagnosis [of Ebola] is confirmed," Cinti told Live Science. "The important thing is keeping the patient isolated until you can get to a diagnosis."

I sincerely hope that all CDC personnel and every know-nothing progressive moron on this site comes down with ebola. That is what I would consider poetic justice.

Are Ebola Tests Reliable
"Tests don’t really confirm the presence of disease, not reliably at least. Many medical tests are deceptive and often useless when yielding up false negatives and even false positives."

Are Ebola Tests Reliable
On July 15, Omeonga’s boss walked into his office at St. Joseph Catholic Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia full of worry. The hospital director told Omeonga he had shaken hands with a man who was later diagnosed with Ebola, and now he was feeling ill—the director had been vomiting, had a headache, and was running a high fever. But two days later, when the diagnostic test came back negative, that worry was banished, and Omeonga and his colleagues began caring for the director as they would a typhoid or malaria patient. “We wore gloves, but we were not very strict at all.”
A week later, the director’s symptoms got worse, and he was tested again. This time, it came back positive for Ebola—the first test was a false negative [i.e. the test erroneously showed that the person did not have Ebola, when he did]. Suddenly, everyone who had cared for him was a possible Ebola case. The hospital became a quarantine zone. The director died on August 2, the same day Omeonga began to feel sick. Of the 20 health workers who had been in contact with him during that week, 15 came down with Ebola a short while later, including Omeonga. Nine of Omeonga’s colleagues died. He and five others survived."

Are Ebola Tests Reliable
"“The US diagnostic test for Ebola is utterly unreliable. Using the test to claim a patient has Ebola or doesn’t have Ebola is scientific fraud. Therefore, any pronouncements made by the Centers for Disease Control, where all the US testing is done, are worthless. The PCR is completely unreliable for a disease diagnosis."

Are Ebola Tests Reliable
Screw the cdc nurse. Lock her up, and charge her the same way we charge men who knowingly spread AIDS.

Seeing as she has neither AIDS nor Ebola, what are you charging her with?

We don't know she doesn't have ebola. It can take up to 50 days for ebola to show up.
Seriously put down the pipe and go outside.

America will likely be Ebola free in a matter of weeks. There are currently no people with Ebola anywhere in this country outside of a state of the art medical facility.

Fear not.

Says you

You did not answer the question. Why are all of the people who have cared for Ebola patients in America not being forced into quarantine?

Umm because they're not sick? No wait too easy.

Is the nurse in Maine sick?
Violation of a State-imposed medical quarantine?

She has a constitutional right to not be seized without probable cause...
This is no different than any other Public Health crisis in which The State has the legal means by which to isolate those who pose a potential health risk.

How do municipal and county and state health departments get away with quarantining citizens in other health-hazard situations?

I have no clue which aspect of Constitutional Law empowers such agencies to issue such quarantine orders, but, whatever the answer is, I suspect that we are looking at the very same, exact legal basis for this instance, as we see in operation from time to time for other disease vectors.

Reckless endangerment?

Conspiracy to commit manslaughter?

Being a dedicated humanitarian who degenerated into a selfish bitch when asked to use common sense to remain isolated for a few more days?

What endangerment? What manslaughter? She is not sick. Nobody is in danger. She does not have Ebola. And there was never any probable cause to suggest that she ever did.
You already know the answers to your questions.

She is not sick now - but do we know whether she can still begin to manifest symptoms and signs and indicators - between now and the end of the 21-Day Quarantine Period?

As to 'probable cause' - her mere presence in a Hot Zone, and her work with and near infected persons - is all the 'probable cause' that is required, from a scientific, ethical and legal perspective, yes?

The 21-Day Quarantine Period is not centered upon individuals and their level of personal exposure.

The 21-Day Quarantine Period is centered upon a previous presence in a Hot Zone or in direct contact with an infected person.

It is preventative, not remedial in nature.

It is designed to give the rest of us the best possible chance to remain healthy, in the context of this threat vector.

By isolating those who meet the Hot Zone or other Exposure criteria, we reduce the chances that the rest of us will be infected by returning personnel.

It is not foolproof, but the methodology greatly improves those odds in our favor - which is what such blanket precautionary measures are all about.

The greatest good for the greatest number, in a public health contagious disease crisis sort of context.

The 21-Day Quarantine Period is mandatory - it is legal - and it must be enforced - no exceptions.

And those jurisdictions have at their disposal as much force as is necessary to ensure enforcement - at their own discretion.

Whether it be a nurse traveling by commercial airliner after exposure, traveling on a cruise ship with thousands of potential infection victims, whether it be a returning doctor who chose to frequent public transportation and bowling alleys or a know-it-all nurse who was pissed at being temporarily housed in substandard quarantine quarters and who is now acting-out that anger at great potential risk to her community and her nation...

We have seen a number of so-called Medical Professionals self-diagnosing and acting selfishly - risking the infection of others - just to pursue personal pleasures or agendas while still well within their own Risk Manifestation Timeframes - highly educated and humanitarian people acting like little children, in pursuit of their own pleasures, or to make a point.

Despicable and irresponsible behavior.

They are not above The Law, and The Law grants The State the legal authority to isolate them during times of public health risk.

They should be professionally sanctioned, censured, forced to comply, and, if appropriate, charged with various felonies that can be readily conjured, in dealing with such noncompliance, and the enforcement of such precautionary measures.

Throw the book at the little wankers.

Especially that lovely humanitarian nurse in Maine, who degenerated into a selfish bitch at the speed of light, just to make a political point, at the risk of her neighbors and countrymen.
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