Why is nobody talking about the illegal imprisonment of Kaci Hickox?

Excuse me? Nobody responded to your original post? This is like the umpteenth response to this stupid thread. You want a medal or something?. This girl didn't have EBOLA. And Christy knew that? His honor did the right thing, for the sake of public health. SO.... That is a bad thing or what?

quarantines restricts a individual

it does not require that every individual in quarantine develops the disease

in order to justify the quarantine
As she has said that she will violate her voluntary quarantine (she shouldn't have been trusted in the first place) the governor is sending the state police to make sure she keeps her word.
Maine seeks legal powers to force nurse into quarantine
The only reason she is in the news is because she sought attention for a lawsuit. I returned from that area a week ago. I have Ebola and am sick as hell. But I will be going to your local mall later to pick up some things. But I have not been on Fox news so I can guarantee no one including yourself is going to care I was there.

If you're serious you should be locked up.

If you're not serious, never mind.
Sorry for not responding sooner. As I said I have been sick. I currently am running a temperature so excuse any grammatical errors. If I was not serious I would not have said it. I was in Liberia two weeks ago now and I have the sniffles and a fever. So based on Fox News standards that means I have Ebola and should be locked up right? I went to the mall like I said. It was the Mall of America if you are interested. I must have sneezed around a few thousand people. So I guess we'll know in a couple of weeks when the outbreak happens. That aside I predicted none of the national media that I did not seek attention from would report on my post on this obscure forum. In the last four days they have not. And even giving the details as to where I have been I guarantee they still won't. Why? Because the whole panic is ratings driven.
You are wasting your time with SwimExpert, just as I did. I am considering putting him and his repeated inane comments on ignore. You can't argue with a brick wall.

You're free to do whatever you like. I'm happy to be a "brick wall" that stands for preservation of our constitutionally guaranteed rights to not be seized by the government without probable cause. Those of you who are so eager to cede such power to the government are truly disgraceful, misguided souls, unworthy of this great nation.

You are ignorant of the facts, and are waste of time. The government has had the constitutional power to quarantine individuals for decades. This statement from a lawyer debunks the nonsense you continue to post.

"You may disagree with the nature of the quarantine or its scope, but it's certainly reasonable and the law certainly supports the power of the governor, the executive authorities in the state and the federal government to order quarantines if they're in any way reasonable."

Several Governors have made the judgement that a quarantine is reasonable and it is certainly legal. The US military is isolating soldiers for 21 days that did not even come in contact with Ebola infected West Africans. and 80% of the people in the US support a quarantine.

You are a complete waste of time, and 80% of the people in the US support a quarantine.
As she has said that she will violate her voluntary quarantine (she shouldn't have been trusted in the first place) the governor is sending the state police to make sure she keeps her word.
Maine seeks legal powers to force nurse into quarantine
The only reason she is in the news is because she sought attention for a lawsuit. I returned from that area a week ago. I have Ebola and am sick as hell. But I will be going to your local mall later to pick up some things. But I have not been on Fox news so I can guarantee no one including yourself is going to care I was there.

If you're serious you should be locked up.

If you're not serious, never mind.
Sorry for not responding sooner. As I said I have been sick. I currently am running a temperature so excuse any grammatical errors. If I was not serious I would not have said it. I was in Liberia two weeks ago now and I have the sniffles and a fever. So based on Fox News standards that means I have Ebola and should be locked up right? I went to the mall like I said. It was the Mall of America if you are interested. I must have sneezed around a few thousand people. So I guess we'll know in a couple of weeks when the outbreak happens. That aside I predicted none of the national media that I did not seek attention from would report on my post on this obscure forum. In the last four days they have not. And even giving the details as to where I have been I guarantee they still won't. Why? Because the whole panic is ratings driven.

If you had been there as a healthcare volunteer and were in contact with Ebola infected patients, you either have Ebola, the flu or a common cold. If it is Ebola, you will die in the next few days. The media does not fall for scams very often, but if you go to a Doctor for treatment, you will probably be tested for Ebola. Only a damned fool would not see his Doctor if what you say is true.
Hold on there Captain Hyperbole. Imprisonment does not equal quarantine. Not by a long shot.

Calling it a different name does not change what it is.

And probable cause? How about 'probably, this person is infected with a deadly virus that could cause the deaths of thousands'?

But there has never been any indication of that! You say "probably" when it is not true! Just you saying something is probable does not make it probable. There has never been anything to support a claim that "probably Kaci Hickox is infected with Ebola."

Public health risks should be taken seriously. The cost of fighting a preventable Ebola outbreak would be staggering. Public officials must take due diligence to protect their citizens.

Once public officials ignore the problem, there will certainly be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth over the 'lack of response' and' inept handling' of a crisis.

So violating people's constitutional rights is now "due diligence"? My God, the love of big government in today's America is sickening.
One does not have a constitutional right to be 'Patient X'.

Her quarantine is NOT POLITICAL. It's practical in the face of a deadly plague.
No it was poltical.
She is the Sandra Fluke of Ebola.

Republicans took the bait again.
I wonder if you nutters know that we know that your position on this is fueled by politics?

That would be interesting if true, but of course it isn't. In a recent poll, 80% of those polled support a quarantine and Obama opposes one. All that tells me is 80% of the people have common sense.
Hold on there Captain Hyperbole. Imprisonment does not equal quarantine. Not by a long shot.

Calling it a different name does not change what it is.

And probable cause? How about 'probably, this person is infected with a deadly virus that could cause the deaths of thousands'?

But there has never been any indication of that! You say "probably" when it is not true! Just you saying something is probable does not make it probable. There has never been anything to support a claim that "probably Kaci Hickox is infected with Ebola."

Public health risks should be taken seriously. The cost of fighting a preventable Ebola outbreak would be staggering. Public officials must take due diligence to protect their citizens.

Once public officials ignore the problem, there will certainly be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth over the 'lack of response' and' inept handling' of a crisis.

So violating people's constitutional rights is now "due diligence"? My God, the love of big government in today's America is sickening.
One does not have a constitutional right to be 'Patient X'.

Her quarantine is NOT POLITICAL. It's practical in the face of a deadly plague.
No it was poltical.
She is the Sandra Fluke of Ebola.

Republicans took the bait again.

How is that flake doing?
I wonder if you nutters know that we know that your position on this is fueled by politics?

That would be interesting if true, but of course it isn't. In a recent poll, 80% of those polled support a quarantine and Obama opposes one. All that tells me is 80% of the people have common sense.

It's political. You fuckers.....you in particular....would oppose a quarantine had Obama supported it. You know it as well as I do.

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself", bitches.
Hold on there Captain Hyperbole. Imprisonment does not equal quarantine. Not by a long shot.

Calling it a different name does not change what it is.

And probable cause? How about 'probably, this person is infected with a deadly virus that could cause the deaths of thousands'?

But there has never been any indication of that! You say "probably" when it is not true! Just you saying something is probable does not make it probable. There has never been anything to support a claim that "probably Kaci Hickox is infected with Ebola."

Public health risks should be taken seriously. The cost of fighting a preventable Ebola outbreak would be staggering. Public officials must take due diligence to protect their citizens.

Once public officials ignore the problem, there will certainly be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth over the 'lack of response' and' inept handling' of a crisis.

So violating people's constitutional rights is now "due diligence"? My God, the love of big government in today's America is sickening.
One does not have a constitutional right to be 'Patient X'.

Her quarantine is NOT POLITICAL. It's practical in the face of a deadly plague.
No it was poltical.
She is the Sandra Fluke of Ebola.

Republicans took the bait again.

How is that flake doing?

She's healthy and happy....knowing that she's helping this nation get over its irrational fear of Ebola. You should thank her.
I wonder if you nutters know that we know that your position on this is fueled by politics?

That would be interesting if true, but of course it isn't. In a recent poll, 80% of those polled support a quarantine and Obama opposes one. All that tells me is 80% of the people have common sense.

It's political. You fuckers.....you in particular....would oppose a quarantine had Obama supported it. You know it as well as I do.

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself", bitches.

For you leftists everything is political. When the Secret Service faltered and let the fence jumper enter the White House and Republicans responded by holding hearings, a NYT columnist was flummoxed that conservatives cared about the President's safety. He was dubious because as a Leftist he can't imagine feeling the same way about Bush or McCain or Romney, an assassinated Republican President would be good for leftists because everything is political. You guys have trouble understanding that everything is not political.
I wonder if you nutters know that we know that your position on this is fueled by politics?

That would be interesting if true, but of course it isn't. In a recent poll, 80% of those polled support a quarantine and Obama opposes one. All that tells me is 80% of the people have common sense.

It's political. You fuckers.....you in particular....would oppose a quarantine had Obama supported it. You know it as well as I do.

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself", bitches.

I have to confess that I am one of 80% of Americans that support a quarantine and if you and Obama had any common sense, you would as well.
Calling it a different name does not change what it is.

But there has never been any indication of that! You say "probably" when it is not true! Just you saying something is probable does not make it probable. There has never been anything to support a claim that "probably Kaci Hickox is infected with Ebola."

So violating people's constitutional rights is now "due diligence"? My God, the love of big government in today's America is sickening.
One does not have a constitutional right to be 'Patient X'.

Her quarantine is NOT POLITICAL. It's practical in the face of a deadly plague.
No it was poltical.
She is the Sandra Fluke of Ebola.

Republicans took the bait again.

How is that flake doing?

She's healthy and happy....knowing that she's helping this nation get over its irrational fear of Ebola. You should thank her.

Your obsession is duly noted. What does Sandra Fluke have to do with Ebola?
One does not have a constitutional right to be 'Patient X'.

Her quarantine is NOT POLITICAL. It's practical in the face of a deadly plague.
No it was poltical.
She is the Sandra Fluke of Ebola.

Republicans took the bait again.

How is that flake doing?

She's healthy and happy....knowing that she's helping this nation get over its irrational fear of Ebola. You should thank her.

Your obsession is duly noted. What does Sandra Fluke have to do with Ebola?

I'm sorry.....is this discussion about Sandra Fluke?
No it was poltical.
She is the Sandra Fluke of Ebola.

Republicans took the bait again.

How is that flake doing?

She's healthy and happy....knowing that she's helping this nation get over its irrational fear of Ebola. You should thank her.

Your obsession is duly noted. What does Sandra Fluke have to do with Ebola?

I'm sorry.....is this discussion about Sandra Fluke?

ROADRUNNER SAID:She is the Sandra Fluke of Ebola. Republicans took the bait again.

And I responded. Your apology is accepted, of course.
She is the Sandra Fluke of Ebola.

Republicans took the bait again.

How is that flake doing?

She's healthy and happy....knowing that she's helping this nation get over its irrational fear of Ebola. You should thank her.

Your obsession is duly noted. What does Sandra Fluke have to do with Ebola?

I'm sorry.....is this discussion about Sandra Fluke?

ROADRUNNER SAID:She is the Sandra Fluke of Ebola. Republicans took the bait again.

And I responded. Your apology is accepted, of course.

Yeah....I missed what RR said. So...I apologize for my comment regarding Hickox.....who I thought you were calling a "flake".

Now....did you know what took place there? Did you know that I missed the Fluke reference? Did you know that I wasn't referring to Fluke with my comment? I think you did. What does that say about you?
How is that flake doing?

She's healthy and happy....knowing that she's helping this nation get over its irrational fear of Ebola. You should thank her.

Your obsession is duly noted. What does Sandra Fluke have to do with Ebola?

I'm sorry.....is this discussion about Sandra Fluke?

ROADRUNNER SAID:She is the Sandra Fluke of Ebola. Republicans took the bait again.

And I responded. Your apology is accepted, of course.

Yeah....I missed what RR said. So...I apologize for my comment regarding Hickox.....who I thought you were calling a "flake".

Now....did you know what took place there? Did you know that I missed the Fluke reference? Did you know that I wasn't referring to Fluke with my comment? I think you did. What does that say about you?

I do know that you are so obsessed with supporting Obama's position on quarantine that you can't be bothered, or aren't smart enough to read the entire thread. And you accuse anyone that disagrees with you are doing it for political reasons. The next logical step is to play the race card. You bedwetters are so predictable it isn't even funny any more.
She's healthy and happy....knowing that she's helping this nation get over its irrational fear of Ebola. You should thank her.

Your obsession is duly noted. What does Sandra Fluke have to do with Ebola?

I'm sorry.....is this discussion about Sandra Fluke?

ROADRUNNER SAID:She is the Sandra Fluke of Ebola. Republicans took the bait again.

And I responded. Your apology is accepted, of course.

Yeah....I missed what RR said. So...I apologize for my comment regarding Hickox.....who I thought you were calling a "flake".

Now....did you know what took place there? Did you know that I missed the Fluke reference? Did you know that I wasn't referring to Fluke with my comment? I think you did. What does that say about you?

I do know that you are so obsessed with supporting Obama's position on quarantine that you can't be bothered, or aren't smart enough to read the entire thread. And you accuse anyone that disagrees with you are doing it for political reasons. The next logical step is to play the race card. You bedwetters are so predictable it isn't even funny any more.

Is this thread about Obama now?

You are not being honest. I'm shocked.
I wonder.....have any people had a change of heart on this issue yet? Anyone who initially supported quarantining this nurse now believe that was not necessary?
The government has had the constitutional power to quarantine individuals for decades. This statement from a lawyer debunks the nonsense you continue to post.

I've said it umpteen times but you don't seem to get it so I'll say it again. Arresting individuals is constitutional. But not all arrests are themselves constitutional. The difference? Probable cause. You're entire tirade in all of this has been nothing more than emotional outlashing.
health care workers returning from Ebola affected countries all have a small but nonetheless actual possibility of infection

we do not know at what point a person becomes contagious

and it has been demonstrated that we can not trust the

good will of those returning to self monitor

the quarantine is a must

The United States is an Ebola infected country.

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