Why is nobody talking about the illegal imprisonment of Kaci Hickox?

It's a tough call whether or not to isolate suspected Ebola infected people. No doubt the left has convinced themselves that involuntary medical isolation is illegal if ordered by a republican and fine if it is done in a democrat state or by the democrat party dominated federal government.
Do you really think she has a case?

A case? For what, a lawsuit? Don't know. She would have had a good case for a Habeus petition, but that's moot now. If she decided to try making a Section 1983 claim she could have a case. Not only the lack of probable cause, but being denied access to a lawyer.
It's a tough call whether or not to isolate suspected Ebola infected people. No doubt the left has convinced themselves that involuntary medical isolation is illegal if ordered by a republican and fine if it is done in a democrat state or by the democrat party dominated federal government.

The partisanship goes all the way around. Cinos seem all too happy to violate people's rights if it's ordered by a Republican Governor, especially if it's seen as a way to slam Obama. It's ridiculous and appalling. Nobody wants to look at the real matters behind it all. Either do it illegally, or don't do it at all. It's like there's no middle ground for rational minds.
She has no case.

So you think the government had probable cause to hold her for several days?
Your problem seems to be you are trying to make a criminal complaint over a public health issue. 'Probable cause', 'imprisonment'. These are terms applied in criminal proceedings. No crime was committed and no one is suggesting there was.

No one should be quarantined beyond the incubation period, which is 21 days.
It's a tough call whether or not to isolate suspected Ebola infected people. No doubt the left has convinced themselves that involuntary medical isolation is illegal if ordered by a republican and fine if it is done in a democrat state or by the democrat party dominated federal government.

The partisanship goes all the way around. Cinos seem all too happy to violate people's rights if it's ordered by a Republican Governor, especially if it's seen as a way to slam Obama. It's ridiculous and appalling. Nobody wants to look at the real matters behind it all. Either do it illegally, or don't do it at all. It's like there's no middle ground for rational minds.

It is not a violation of our rights.
It is in our constitution.
Article ! Sec. 8 Clause 3
To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several Statse, and with the Indian tribes.
Commerce -social relations and exchange as well as the purchase and sale of goods and services.
She should be kept in quarantine until there is no threat of contagion. There is no civil right to spread a deadly disease.

Spoken like a true left wing imbecile. There is already no threat of contagion. More importantly, there is no legal grounds to imprison her. And no grounds for a liberty loving people to tolerate such an imprisonment.

Why don't you have her move in with you and your family then?
It's a tough call whether or not to isolate suspected Ebola infected people. No doubt the left has convinced themselves that involuntary medical isolation is illegal if ordered by a republican and fine if it is done in a democrat state or by the democrat party dominated federal government.

The partisanship goes all the way around. Cinos seem all too happy to violate people's rights if it's ordered by a Republican Governor, especially if it's seen as a way to slam Obama. It's ridiculous and appalling. Nobody wants to look at the real matters behind it all. Either do it illegally, or don't do it at all. It's like there's no middle ground for rational minds.

Cuomo (D) NY and Quinn(D) Illinois have the same quarantines in effect, fool!
Do you really think she has a case?

A case? For what, a lawsuit? Don't know. She would have had a good case for a Habeus petition, but that's moot now. If she decided to try making a Section 1983 claim she could have a case. Not only the lack of probable cause, but being denied access to a lawyer.

She wasn't under arrest and you don't know if she even requested a lawyer, fool.
Cuomo (D) NY and Quinn(D) Illinois have the same quarantines in effect, fool!

So let's do the math. Two Democrats and one left leaning Republican. And you still want to say that this is a conservative thing to do?
Kaci has been exposed on the internet as a political activist and huge obozo supporter. It's obvious obozo told her to make a big fuss over her treatment because he wants ebola to take hold in america. O is an america-hater and africa-firster.
It is not a violation of our rights.
It is in our constitution.
Article ! Sec. 8 Clause 3
To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several Statse, and with the Indian tribes.
Commerce -social relations and exchange as well as the purchase and sale of goods and services.

Are you seriously trying to argue that the commerce clause eliminates our fourth amendment protected rights? Wow, you lunatics are really, really, sick in the mind. The commerce clause has been used (and abused) to justify a wide range of government power. But I've never, ever, heard of someone saying that it empowers state governments to erase the fourth amendment. That kind of absurdly far reaching absolute power would have scared Joseph Stalin.
Cuomo (D) NY and Quinn(D) Illinois have the same quarantines in effect, fool!

So let's do the math. Two Democrats and one left leaning Republican. And you still want to say that this is a conservative thing to do?

I didn't say that or even imply it. Those three Governors say their reason to implement the quarantine is to protect the people in the respective states that they were elected to serve. Even if it means defying Obama.
It is not a violation of our rights.
It is in our constitution.
Article ! Sec. 8 Clause 3
To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes.
Commerce -social relations and exchange as well as the purchase and sale of goods and services.

Are you seriously trying to argue that the commerce clause eliminates our fourth amendment protected rights? Wow, you lunatics are really, really, sick in the mind. The commerce clause has been used (and abused) to justify a wide range of government power. But I've never, ever, heard of someone saying that it empowers state governments to erase the fourth amendment. That kind of absurdly far reaching absolute power would have scared Joseph Stalin.

It has been used ever since we became a nation to isolate people who might have an infectious disease and all courts have used the commerce clause as the base of being able to do so since 1776.Our founders put that in our Constitution for this very reason to protect the public.
The 4th amendment pertains to any criminal law not contagious illnesses.This is not about crime it is about protecting healthy citizens. Quit trying to combine the two. They are very different.
I think you are thinking of the general welfare words where that has been abused to expand our government.

History of quarantines in America
Colonial American quarantine law began in 1663, when New York restricted entrance to the city attempting to curb an outbreak of smallpox. In the 1730s, officials built a quarantine station on Bedloe's Island in New York Harbor. The Philadelphia Lazaretto was built in reaction devastation from a yellow fever epidemic in the 1790s and temporarily drove the national government (Philadelphia was then the nation's capital) out of the city. The 10-acre Lazaretto, built with a hospital, offices and residences on the banks of the Delaware River in Tinicum Township, processed ships, cargo and passengers sailing for the port of Philadelphia for nearly a century.
It has been used ever since we became a nation to isolate people who might have an infectious disease and all courts have used the commerce clause as the base of being able to do so since 1776.

But it does not erase 4th amendment rights.

The 4th amendment pertains to any criminal law not contagious illnesses.

No! It pertains to everything! Every single kind of search and/or seizure. It does not matter what the government's goal may be. The right of the people to be secure in their person from unreasonable seizure shall not be infringed. Period! That's why the government is required to have probable cause for an involuntary hold in a psychiatric facility. That's a health issue too.

As I've pointed out to you so many times already, just because quarantines are a generally legal does not mean that all actions of quarantine are legal. There has never been any probable cause to indicate that Kaci Hickox was infected with Ebola. Your "maybe" argument is no different than arresting someone who owns a gun because "maybe" they'll kill someone with it. It's bullshit there, and it's bullshit here.
It has been used ever since we became a nation to isolate people who might have an infectious disease and all courts have used the commerce clause as the base of being able to do so since 1776.

But it does not erase 4th amendment rights.

The 4th amendment pertains to any criminal law not contagious illnesses.

No! It pertains to everything! Every single kind of search and/or seizure. It does not matter what the government's goal may be. The right of the people to be secure in their person from unreasonable seizure shall not be infringed. Period! That's why the government is required to have probable cause for an involuntary hold in a psychiatric facility. That's a health issue too.

As I've pointed out to you so many times already, just because quarantines are a generally legal does not mean that all actions of quarantine are legal. There has never been any probable cause to indicate that Kaci Hickox was infected with Ebola. Your "maybe" argument is no different than arresting someone who owns a gun because "maybe" they'll kill someone with it. It's bullshit there, and it's bullshit here.

I never made a maybe argument.
Where did they search and seizure. They did no such thing. They detained her for a few days based on a high temperature and from where she just came from and then let her go.
Spoken like a true left wing imbecile. There is already no threat of contagion. More importantly, there is no legal grounds to imprison her. And no grounds for a liberty loving people to tolerate such an imprisonment.

Go ahead and release her, but have her stay at Obama's place, in his bedroom....

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