Why is nobody talking about the illegal imprisonment of Kaci Hickox?

She should be kept in quarantine until there is no threat of contagion. There is no civil right to spread a deadly disease.

Spoken like a true left wing imbecile. There is already no threat of contagion. More importantly, there is no legal grounds to imprison her. And no grounds for a liberty loving people to tolerate such an imprisonment.

It was common practice in the 40's and 50's to quarantine entire families for measles and chicken pox. I am not a lawyer, but there certainly were legal grounds for a mandatory quarantine back then. I will repeat, If someone comes down with the symptoms and becomes contagious, (and I don't wish that on anyone) I would much rather it happen while quarantined in their home rather than in the subway or bowling alley.
One does not have a constitutional right to be 'Patient X'.

Her quarantine is NOT POLITICAL. It's practical in the face of a deadly plague.

Well, while we're at it, let's also remind everyone that there is no constitutional right to be a ham and cheese sandwich. Though I have a better idea. Let's do away with the red herrings and straw man arguments, mkay?
Here are a few things to consider beyond claims of unconstitutional 'imprisonment' and lack of due process. Ebola is not a strawman. It it, in fact, a potentially devastating plague and a true national security matter. Procedures on treating, isolating and preventing this virus are in a state of flux. More science is needed on all fronts of this battle. Overkill, erring on the side of public health and promoting the general welfare is what is needed now.

Politics be damned. The issue is quarantine for enduring of the health of all Americans. A three week quarantine is not a jail sentence. Public health trumps three weeks including medical monitoring, meals, Internet access and a bed. That might sound like the Allenwood pen, but three weeks is not too much to ask in exchange fro a controllable viral outbreak.
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She should be kept in quarantine until there is no threat of contagion. There is no civil right to spread a deadly disease.

Spoken like a true left wing imbecile. There is already no threat of contagion. More importantly, there is no legal grounds to imprison her. And no grounds for a liberty loving people to tolerate such an imprisonment.

Just so you know that I think you are a complete and utter imbecile, I will post the following imprisonments so you can expand your lawsuit to millions.

Who needs to be quarantined?

People who have been exposed to someone with measles and are in the period where they could still get sick from it.
Why is the quarantine period for measles 18 days?

Although the waiting period is usually 10-14 days, sometimes it can take longer from the time someone is exposed to measles until the time they get sick from it.
Can anyone come into the house where a person is quarantined?

No. Entering the home where a person is quarantined is highly discouraged. However, in cases requiring caregivers such as a child or the elderly, some individuals will be allowed to enter the household.

Does the quarantined person need to wear a mask when leaving the house?
The quarantined person should not leave the house, except to receive emergency medical care. In this case, yes, the quarantined person should wear a mask.


SUBJ: New Isolation and Quarantine Regulations: Varicella
Varicella (chickenpox)

Until lesions have dried and crusted, or until no new lesions appear, usually by the fifth day.

Susceptible students or staff, who are not appropriately immunized or are without laboratory evidence of immunity or a reliable history of chickenpox, shall be excluded from school from the tenth through the 21st days after their last exposure. Neonates born to mothers with active varicella shall be isolated from susceptibles until 21 days of age. Health care workers shall be excluded from their occupations from the tenth through 21st days after their last exposure if they are susceptible. Anyone receiving varicella zoster immune globulin (VZIG) shall extend their exclusion to 28 days post exposure. Otherwise, no restrictions.

The probable cause is an infectious disease that turns your insides to mush.
Our main number one Government function is to protect the Citizens of the U.S.A.
We have had quarantines in the past and it should be done now again.

Evidently you don't know what you're talking about and are just talking out of your ass. That's not probable cause. You idiot liberals need to learn the difference between a government interest and probable cause. Murder is horrible. Ebola is horrible. There is a legitimate government interest in preventing and punishing murder. There is a legitimate government interest in preventing the spread of Ebola. Just because a person owns a gun does not mean there is probable cause to arrest them for murder. There is no probable cause behind the detention of Kaci Hickox. You statist shitheads think that just because the government has a good reason to be concerned with something the government can do anything it wants in the name of that cause. You're wrong. We have a constitution for a reason. Not that you care about that.

I am not a Liberal
I'm a Conservative
You need to learn some history bub.
Hold on there Captain Hyperbole. Imprisonment does not equal quarantine. Not by a long shot.

Calling it a different name does not change what it is.

And probable cause? How about 'probably, this person is infected with a deadly virus that could cause the deaths of thousands'?

But there has never been any indication of that! You say "probably" when it is not true! Just you saying something is probable does not make it probable. There has never been anything to support a claim that "probably Kaci Hickox is infected with Ebola."

Public health risks should be taken seriously. The cost of fighting a preventable Ebola outbreak would be staggering. Public officials must take due diligence to protect their citizens.

Once public officials ignore the problem, there will certainly be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth over the 'lack of response' and' inept handling' of a crisis.

So violating people's constitutional rights is now "due diligence"? My God, the love of big government in today's America is sickening.
One does not have a constitutional right to be 'Patient X'.

Her quarantine is NOT POLITICAL. It's practical in the face of a deadly plague.
No it was poltical.
Yes, we know she lawyered-up. Let them have breakfast with her. :rolleyes:

Civil liberties attorney Norman Siegel said Kaci Hickox, who was quarantined after arriving Friday at the Newark airport, shows no symptoms of being infected and should be released immediately. He and attorney Steven Hyman said the state attorney general’s office had cooperated in getting them access to Hickox.

Quarantined nurse Treatment is completely unacceptable

Again, the simple solution is to enforce a voluntary quarantine, and if the person violates it they become criminally liable for any deaths they cause if infected, and civilly liable for any costs relating to their treatment/movement/containment if they DO become infectious.
We should treat gun owners the same way.

If you use a gun the wrong way you get punished.

Try again you gun grabbing dick licker.
That isn't true. Many people are careless with their guns and they fall into the wrong hands. Hardly anyone gets punished for that.

You seem angry and bitter.

So if someone stole my hammer and used to to murder someone, I would be liable?
Under your logic, yes.
It was common practice in the 40's and 50's to quarantine entire families for measles and chicken pox. I am not a lawyer, but there certainly were legal grounds for a mandatory quarantine back then.

Arrest is legal. That does not mean that all arrests are legal.

I will repeat, If someone comes down with the symptoms and becomes contagious, (and I don't wish that on anyone) I would much rather it happen while quarantined in their home rather than in the subway or bowling alley.

Sure....who needs those pesky constitutional rights. TooTall would feel much better if people get sick while in a quarantine, so we'll just go with that plan. Matter of fact, we'll expand the quarantine to include flu and colds as well. TooTall, you're quarantine bed is right over this way....
I am not a Liberal
I'm a Conservative
You need to learn some history bub.

Bullshit. You're a good for nothing CINO. Anyone who wants to wipe their ass with the constitution the way you are is not conservative.
Again, the simple solution is to enforce a voluntary quarantine, and if the person violates it they become criminally liable for any deaths they cause if infected, and civilly liable for any costs relating to their treatment/movement/containment if they DO become infectious.
We should treat gun owners the same way.

If you use a gun the wrong way you get punished.

Try again you gun grabbing dick licker.
That isn't true. Many people are careless with their guns and they fall into the wrong hands. Hardly anyone gets punished for that.

You seem angry and bitter.

So if someone stole my hammer and used to to murder someone, I would be liable?
Under your logic, yes.

Wrong again. In my case a person would be given the option of keeping to a quarantine, or if they ignored it, got sick, and infected others be held liable for knowingly ignoring the risk. This is all hypothetical of course, and is in no way related to legal gun ownership.
Hold on there Captain Hyperbole. Imprisonment does not equal quarantine. Not by a long shot.

Calling it a different name does not change what it is.

And probable cause? How about 'probably, this person is infected with a deadly virus that could cause the deaths of thousands'?

But there has never been any indication of that! You say "probably" when it is not true! Just you saying something is probable does not make it probable. There has never been anything to support a claim that "probably Kaci Hickox is infected with Ebola."

Public health risks should be taken seriously. The cost of fighting a preventable Ebola outbreak would be staggering. Public officials must take due diligence to protect their citizens.

Once public officials ignore the problem, there will certainly be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth over the 'lack of response' and' inept handling' of a crisis.

So violating people's constitutional rights is now "due diligence"? My God, the love of big government in today's America is sickening.
One does not have a constitutional right to be 'Patient X'.

Her quarantine is NOT POLITICAL. It's practical in the face of a deadly plague.
No it was poltical.

Is this political?

Who needs to be quarantined?

People who have been exposed to someone with measles and are in the period where they could still get sick from it.

Why is the quarantine period for measles 18 days?

Although the waiting period is usually 10-14 days, sometimes it can take longer from the time someone is exposed to measles until the time they get sick from it.

Can anyone come into the house where a person is quarantined?

No. Entering the home where a person is quarantined is highly discouraged. However, in cases requiring caregivers such as a child or the elderly, some individuals will be allowed to enter the household.

Does the quarantined person need to wear a mask when leaving the house?

The quarantined person should not leave the house, except to receive emergency medical care. In this case, yes, the quarantined person should wear a mask.

Wrong again. In my case a person would be given the option of keeping to a quarantine, or if they ignored it, got sick, and infected others be held liable for knowingly ignoring the risk. This is all hypothetical of course, and is in no way related to legal gun ownership.

She's rather spot on. You're position is for people to "voluntarily" sacrifice their fundamental rights or suffer legal repercussions. Perhaps a better analogy would be to say that anyone wanting to own a gun is held criminally and civilly liable if a malfunction causes an accidental discharge that injures someone. At the end of the day the result is the same. You're attacking the civil liberties of people you [irrationally] fear, in hopes that you'll convince them to sacrifice them.
And you are 100% sure of all this? The reason you have to be symptomatic is that the symptoms are what lead to diarrhea, vomiting, and all the other stuff that flings out the viral particles.

And where did you come up with this nonsense?

basic biology.

Well, you are wrong. Just FYI. You're attempting to guess, most assuredly with your guesses being highly biased by the conclusion you're trying to defend, against all truth and logic. For example, Ebola can be spread through semen during sex. Obviously, being symptomatic is not required for ejaculation. The thing is......Ebola can only be transmitted by a person who is symptomatic. Having sex with a non symptomatic person will not transmit Ebola.

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