Why is nobody talking about the illegal imprisonment of Kaci Hickox?

Her name is Kaci Hickox.

Her name is Kaci Hickox.

Her name is Kaci Hickox.

In life, members of project America have names. Her name is Kaci Hickox.


Members of project America also have rights. They have the right to move about and live their lives without the government arbitrarily arresting and imprisoning them without good cause. Or, as a wiser man once said: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. So why is nobody talking about Kaci Hickox? Why has nobody objected? Why is it that no one has blinked an eye? That Kaci Hickox can be arrested and imprisoned without warrant, without probable cause, without so much as a sneeze or even a whisper is testament of the power of Ebola fever--that most dangerous of diseases whereby fear dissolves all reason and love for liberty.

This is the United States of goddamned America! Is there none left who cherish their liberty?

Not one false conservative who claims to abhor over intrusive government has said a thing. Nor one Democrat who allege to stand guard against abuses the states may make against the principles of our federal protections. None can seem to give care of what this portends of the freedom of every single citizen. I challenge you now, look upon the face of Kaci Hickox and ignore this travesty of justice.
What's your name, little girl?
What's your name?
Shootin' you straight, little girl?
For there ain't no shame.

I might risk Ebola for some of that.

I'm a fool for redheads!!!!!
When will you chicken shit losers learn that one is not able to transmit the virus until one is noticeably.....visibly.....definitely......VERY FUCKING SICK ?

That nurse....having no symptoms of the virus....could spit into your mouth and not infect you with Ebola. That doctor in NY......he could have pissed in your beer at the bowling alley and then threw it into your face.....and you'd not get sick. He wasn't symptomatic yet. He wasn't endangering anyone.

Every American who has contracted this virus has done so while tending to violently ill people........as they were dying of the disease.

Michael Duncan's family.....the doctors and nurses who treated him before he was diagnosed.....every person he met before he was diagnosed.....all virus free.

Some of you are stupid. Others are politically motivated. Either way....it's not helping.

And you are 100% sure of all this? The reason you have to be symptomatic is that the symptoms are what lead to diarrhea, vomiting, and all the other stuff that flings out the viral particles.

as for the "piss in beer" and throw it at you, Feel free to prove that point at your next opportunity.

You also forget our immune compromised people, who need a far smaller viral dose to get sick.
When will you chicken shit losers learn that one is not able to transmit the virus until one is noticeably.....visibly.....definitely......VERY FUCKING SICK ?

That nurse....having no symptoms of the virus....could spit into your mouth and not infect you with Ebola. That doctor in NY......he could have pissed in your beer at the bowling alley and then threw it into your face.....and you'd not get sick. He wasn't symptomatic yet. He wasn't endangering anyone.

Every American who has contracted this virus has done so while tending to violently ill people........as they were dying of the disease.

Michael Duncan's family.....the doctors and nurses who treated him before he was diagnosed.....every person he met before he was diagnosed.....all virus free.

Some of you are stupid. Others are politically motivated. Either way....it's not helping.

And you are 100% sure of all this? The reason you have to be symptomatic is that the symptoms are what lead to diarrhea, vomiting, and all the other stuff that flings out the viral particles.

as for the "piss in beer" and throw it at you, Feel free to prove that point at your next opportunity.

You also forget our immune compromised people, who need a far smaller viral dose to get sick.
Truth is, the story has changed so much since Obama told us it can't get here, and if it did, we were prepared, that I don't believe a goddamned thing the government says about Ebola.

If there is Ebola panic, it is because Obama lies so much nobody can believe anything he says.
When will you chicken shit losers learn that one is not able to transmit the virus until one is noticeably.....visibly.....definitely......VERY FUCKING SICK ?

That nurse....having no symptoms of the virus....could spit into your mouth and not infect you with Ebola. That doctor in NY......he could have pissed in your beer at the bowling alley and then threw it into your face.....and you'd not get sick. He wasn't symptomatic yet. He wasn't endangering anyone.

Every American who has contracted this virus has done so while tending to violently ill people........as they were dying of the disease.

Michael Duncan's family.....the doctors and nurses who treated him before he was diagnosed.....every person he met before he was diagnosed.....all virus free.

Some of you are stupid. Others are politically motivated. Either way....it's not helping.

And you are 100% sure of all this? The reason you have to be symptomatic is that the symptoms are what lead to diarrhea, vomiting, and all the other stuff that flings out the viral particles.

as for the "piss in beer" and throw it at you, Feel free to prove that point at your next opportunity.

You also forget our immune compromised people, who need a far smaller viral dose to get sick.
Truth is, the story has changed so much since Obama told us it can't get here, and if it did, we were prepared, that I don't believe a goddamned thing the government says about Ebola.

If there is Ebola panic, it is because Obama lies so much nobody can believe anything he says.

The story has not changed.

You've been watching the wrong channel.
The dispute may be solved, but the actual problem won't be until she passes the incubation period.

There are some facts (and by "some" I mean all of them) you need to be made aware of. Here are just a couple....

1) She does not have Ebola. She has twice been tested. There is no virus in her system.

2) Even if she did, she would not be contagious. She would have to get sick and become symptomatic to be contagious.
When will you chicken shit losers learn that one is not able to transmit the virus until one is noticeably.....visibly.....definitely......VERY FUCKING SICK ?

That nurse....having no symptoms of the virus....could spit into your mouth and not infect you with Ebola. That doctor in NY......he could have pissed in your beer at the bowling alley and then threw it into your face.....and you'd not get sick. He wasn't symptomatic yet. He wasn't endangering anyone.

Every American who has contracted this virus has done so while tending to violently ill people........as they were dying of the disease.

Michael Duncan's family.....the doctors and nurses who treated him before he was diagnosed.....every person he met before he was diagnosed.....all virus free.

Some of you are stupid. Others are politically motivated. Either way....it's not helping.

And you are 100% sure of all this? The reason you have to be symptomatic is that the symptoms are what lead to diarrhea, vomiting, and all the other stuff that flings out the viral particles.

as for the "piss in beer" and throw it at you, Feel free to prove that point at your next opportunity.

You also forget our immune compromised people, who need a far smaller viral dose to get sick.
Truth is, the story has changed so much since Obama told us it can't get here, and if it did, we were prepared, that I don't believe a goddamned thing the government says about Ebola.

If there is Ebola panic, it is because Obama lies so much nobody can believe anything he says.

The story has not changed.

You've been watching the wrong channel.
Sorry, CNN comes in best.
Hold on there Captain Hyperbole. Imprisonment does not equal quarantine. Not by a long shot.

Calling it a different name does not change what it is.

And probable cause? How about 'probably, this person is infected with a deadly virus that could cause the deaths of thousands'?

But there has never been any indication of that! You say "probably" when it is not true! Just you saying something is probable does not make it probable. There has never been anything to support a claim that "probably Kaci Hickox is infected with Ebola."

Public health risks should be taken seriously. The cost of fighting a preventable Ebola outbreak would be staggering. Public officials must take due diligence to protect their citizens.

Once public officials ignore the problem, there will certainly be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth over the 'lack of response' and' inept handling' of a crisis.

So violating people's constitutional rights is now "due diligence"? My God, the love of big government in today's America is sickening.
One does not have a constitutional right to be 'Patient X'.

Her quarantine is NOT POLITICAL. It's practical in the face of a deadly plague.

It was totally political. It's totally impractical. Plague?
Hold on there Captain Hyperbole. Imprisonment does not equal quarantine. Not by a long shot.

Calling it a different name does not change what it is.

And probable cause? How about 'probably, this person is infected with a deadly virus that could cause the deaths of thousands'?

But there has never been any indication of that! You say "probably" when it is not true! Just you saying something is probable does not make it probable. There has never been anything to support a claim that "probably Kaci Hickox is infected with Ebola."

Public health risks should be taken seriously. The cost of fighting a preventable Ebola outbreak would be staggering. Public officials must take due diligence to protect their citizens.

Once public officials ignore the problem, there will certainly be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth over the 'lack of response' and' inept handling' of a crisis.

So violating people's constitutional rights is now "due diligence"? My God, the love of big government in today's America is sickening.
One does not have a constitutional right to be 'Patient X'.

Her quarantine is NOT POLITICAL. It's practical in the face of a deadly plague.

It was totally political. It's totally impractical. Plague?
How could quarantine be seen as political? How can due diligence be seen as impractical?
Hold on there Captain Hyperbole. Imprisonment does not equal quarantine. Not by a long shot.

Calling it a different name does not change what it is.

And probable cause? How about 'probably, this person is infected with a deadly virus that could cause the deaths of thousands'?

But there has never been any indication of that! You say "probably" when it is not true! Just you saying something is probable does not make it probable. There has never been anything to support a claim that "probably Kaci Hickox is infected with Ebola."

Public health risks should be taken seriously. The cost of fighting a preventable Ebola outbreak would be staggering. Public officials must take due diligence to protect their citizens.

Once public officials ignore the problem, there will certainly be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth over the 'lack of response' and' inept handling' of a crisis.

So violating people's constitutional rights is now "due diligence"? My God, the love of big government in today's America is sickening.
One does not have a constitutional right to be 'Patient X'.

Her quarantine is NOT POLITICAL. It's practical in the face of a deadly plague.

It was totally political. It's totally impractical. Plague?
How could quarantine be seen as political? How can due diligence be seen as impractical?

Instituting that quarantine was a political response.

For reasons outlined above.....it is impractical.
Was she put in hand cuffs and read her rights?

And why does that matter? Being handcuffed and read your rights does not define being seized. Go read some case law and educate yourself.

Was she put in a jail cell?

Yes. A place of confinement does not need to be "officially" labeled as such in order for it to be such.

No to both questions, so no she was not arrested nor was she imprisoned.

Only to ignorant big government loving leftist loons.

So, just because the government does it, it's constitutional? Are you seriously trying to say that forcibly holding a person against their will without probable cause is constitutional simply because you call it a quarantine?

The probable cause is an infectious disease that turns your insides to mush.
Our main number one Government function is to protect the Citizens of the U.S.A.
We have had quarantines in the past and it should be done now again.
And you are 100% sure of all this? The reason you have to be symptomatic is that the symptoms are what lead to diarrhea, vomiting, and all the other stuff that flings out the viral particles.

And where did you come up with this nonsense?
The New Jersey quarantine event, like so much GOP, was basis-free, (like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan), shabbily done, (Osama bin laden was actually in Pakistan, nowhere near Afghanistan or Iraq), and made more of a circus. There are only four reported ebola cases in the United States, and only one of those died. The victim of the "Public Health" charade was not infected, nor showing immediate signs of infection. The confinement conditions were not even in a regular, well-equipped building. The concept of returning from a medical mission would usually presuppose that medical precautions were already in place.

The Stupid New Jersey incarceration would be said arbitrary and capricious, and clearly not a quarantine able to pass a judicial test. The obviously ill people, in the United States, are actually any returning from a Tea Party meeting. Easily millions can be easily alarmed.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(Many wonder, now, how much vomit it really does take to feed Great Likeness of Many Herds of Buffalo!)
So, long story short, A Repub Governor caved and put everyone in her path in danger, albeit minimal danger.
Obuma Doesn't Care about Americans, Pushes Back on State Ebola Quarantines


The White House pushed back against the governors of New York, New Jersey, Illinois and other states that instituted procedures to forcibly quarantine medical workers returning from West Africa, deepening an emotional debate brought on by recent Ebola cases in the U.S. [snip] It wasn’t clear what action the (Obama) administration could take to end the quarantines. New York Gov. (Andrew Cuomo) on Sunday night gave the first new details about how his state’s quarantine would work, ( noting that individuals would be allowed to stay in their homes for 21 days).......

BTW, That :ahole-1: Christie, just GUARANTEED he won't get the 2016 nomination as he CAVES to the feckless mulatto in the White House! NO BALLS Christie shall be his new name!
The probable cause is an infectious disease that turns your insides to mush.
Our main number one Government function is to protect the Citizens of the U.S.A.
We have had quarantines in the past and it should be done now again.

Evidently you don't know what you're talking about and are just talking out of your ass. That's not probable cause. You idiot liberals need to learn the difference between a government interest and probable cause. Murder is horrible. Ebola is horrible. There is a legitimate government interest in preventing and punishing murder. There is a legitimate government interest in preventing the spread of Ebola. Just because a person owns a gun does not mean there is probable cause to arrest them for murder. There is no probable cause behind the detention of Kaci Hickox. You statist shitheads think that just because the government has a good reason to be concerned with something the government can do anything it wants in the name of that cause. You're wrong. We have a constitution for a reason. Not that you care about that.
One does not have a constitutional right to be 'Patient X'.

Her quarantine is NOT POLITICAL. It's practical in the face of a deadly plague.

Well, while we're at it, let's also remind everyone that there is no constitutional right to be a ham and cheese sandwich. Though I have a better idea. Let's do away with the red herrings and straw man arguments, mkay?
Her name is Kaci Hickox.

Her name is Kaci Hickox.

Her name is Kaci Hickox.

In life, members of project America have names. Her name is Kaci Hickox.


Members of project America also have rights. They have the right to move about and live their lives without the government arbitrarily arresting and imprisoning them without good cause. Or, as a wiser man once said: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. So why is nobody talking about Kaci Hickox? Why has nobody objected? Why is it that no one has blinked an eye? That Kaci Hickox can be arrested and imprisoned without warrant, without probable cause, without so much as a sneeze or even a whisper is testament of the power of Ebola fever--that most dangerous of diseases whereby fear dissolves all reason and love for liberty.

This is the United States of goddamned America! Is there none left who cherish their liberty?

Not one false conservative who claims to abhor over intrusive government has said a thing. Nor one Democrat who allege to stand guard against abuses the states may make against the principles of our federal protections. None can seem to give care of what this portends of the freedom of every single citizen. I challenge you now, look upon the face of Kaci Hickox and ignore this travesty of justice.

Well, you should have visited the Libertarian blogospehre, we support Ms Hickox' rights

Will Fats Quarantine Politicians Since He Says Government Should Protect Citizens’ Safety and Health?

I'm 100% for locking the stupid bitch up for the 21 day ebola quarantine. ...... :cool:

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