Why is nobody talking about the illegal imprisonment of Kaci Hickox?

FREAKING OUT is acting like this nurse has been wrongfully 'imprisoned' or 'treated like a criminal'.

She's being forcibly held against her will by the government. How is that not imprisonment?

Disease with a mortality rate that averages 70% for healthy adults [not very young children/infants, unwell, elderly like the flu] isn't about 'big government'. It's about public welfare. That's a concept you should be familiar with.

When a disease is virulent enough to fell healthy strapping adults in charge of the infirm, that's when society steps up to stop it by any means necessary.

BTW, people are talking about it: Public Health Be Damned Nurse Tantrum Shows Depth of American Scientific Blindness US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
She should be kept in quarantine until there is no threat of contagion. There is no civil right to spread a deadly disease.
She should be kept in quarantine until there is no threat of contagion. There is no civil right to spread a deadly disease.
Her name is Kaci Hickox.

Her name is Kaci Hickox.

Her name is Kaci Hickox.

In life, members of project America have names. Her name is Kaci Hickox.


Members of project America also have rights. They have the right to move about and live their lives without the government arbitrarily arresting and imprisoning them without good cause. Or, as a wiser man once said: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. So why is nobody talking about Kaci Hickox? Why has nobody objected? Why is it that no one has blinked an eye? That Kaci Hickox can be arrested and imprisoned without warrant, without probable cause, without so much as a sneeze or even a whisper is testament of the power of Ebola fever--that most dangerous of diseases whereby fear dissolves all reason and love for liberty.

This is the United States of goddamned America! Is there none left who cherish their liberty?

Not one false conservative who claims to abhor over intrusive government has said a thing. Nor one Democrat who allege to stand guard against abuses the states may make against the principles of our federal protections. None can seem to give care of what this portends of the freedom of every single citizen. I challenge you now, look upon the face of Kaci Hickox and ignore this travesty of justice.
Behold how easily people give up their liberty...and especially the liberty of others, when they are scared.
I want to see a National Quarantine Law passed that anyone coming from any area where there is an infectious illness is automatically quarantine for a minimum of 45 days.

In other words, you want to throw the constitution out the window.

If they have recourse via a court to counteract an illegal quarantine order, then due process is maintained. ONLY if the court review is expedited, say like an arraignment.
If all these medical professionals feel they are no danger to anyone they should all be given a free 21 day stay at a luxury resort together. Free buffet, fitness room, pool, everything together. Let's see how many refuse to come out of their room because they fear their fellow medical professionals. They probably fear their fellow exposed doctors more than we fear them.
Take an aircraft carrier, float it in Jamaica Bay Queen just a few yards off runway 4-R. Arrivals from Ebola infected areas get to be our guests aboard the ship until they are clear of infection.
Okay. Say you put 10 people on there and only one was actually infected. You endanger the other nine....

Yes, we know she lawyered-up. Let them have breakfast with her.

Civil liberties attorney Norman Siegel said Kaci Hickox, who was quarantined after arriving Friday at the Newark airport, shows no symptoms of being infected and should be released immediately. He and attorney Steven Hyman said the state attorney general’s office had cooperated in getting them access to Hickox.

Quarantined nurse Treatment is completely unacceptable

Again, the simple solution is to enforce a voluntary quarantine, and if the person violates it they become criminally liable for any deaths they cause if infected, and civilly liable for any costs relating to their treatment/movement/containment if they DO become infectious.
We should treat gun owners the same way.

If you use a gun the wrong way you get punished.

Try again you gun grabbing dick licker.
That isn't true. Many people are careless with their guns and they fall into the wrong hands. Hardly anyone gets punished for that.

You seem angry and bitter.
Behold how easily people give up their liberty...and especially the liberty of others, when they are scared.
For 21 days, not forever, idiot.

Big big difference. Who is ramping up the hysteria now?

How is pointing out how you would gladly trade your liberty...and even easier...someone else's liberty because you are peeing your pants in fear, hysteria? Or are you imprisoning these people for some other reason than fear of Ebola.

We had our Ebola hysteria here already...nobody died, shucky darn.
Take an aircraft carrier, float it in Jamaica Bay Queen just a few yards off runway 4-R. Arrivals from Ebola infected areas get to be our guests aboard the ship until they are clear of infection.
Okay. Say you put 10 people on there and only one was actually infected. You endanger the other nine....
Let's see...I endanger nine folks who flew in from west Africa instead of endangering 8 million New Yorkers.

I wonder if my approach is more prudent than yours?
Take an aircraft carrier, float it in Jamaica Bay Queen just a few yards off runway 4-R. Arrivals from Ebola infected areas get to be our guests aboard the ship until they are clear of infection.
Okay. Say you put 10 people on there and only one was actually infected. You endanger the other nine....
Let's see...I endanger nine folks who flew in from west Africa instead of endangering 8 million New Yorkers.

I wonder if my approach is more prudent than yours?
So you don't mind endangering innocent people, got it.

8 million New Yorkers aren't endangered.

Virginia just came up with a quarantine guideline that makes a whole lot more sense than New York's or New Jersey's.
Take an aircraft carrier, float it in Jamaica Bay Queen just a few yards off runway 4-R. Arrivals from Ebola infected areas get to be our guests aboard the ship until they are clear of infection.
Okay. Say you put 10 people on there and only one was actually infected. You endanger the other nine....
Let's see...I endanger nine folks who flew in from west Africa instead of endangering 8 million New Yorkers.

I wonder if my approach is more prudent than yours?
So you don't mind endangering innocent people, got it.

8 million New Yorkers aren't endangered.

Virginia just came up with a quarantine guideline that makes a whole lot more sense than New York's or New Jersey's.
I'm not endangering innocent people by quarantining them. The danger was in West Africa, not the quarantine.

And not performing due diligence where public health is concerned is criminal. Would you rather stop an Ebola outbreak on board an off shore ship, or in the midst of Brooklyn and Queens? Which way would ultimately be more effective?

Yes, we know she lawyered-up. Let them have breakfast with her.

Civil liberties attorney Norman Siegel said Kaci Hickox, who was quarantined after arriving Friday at the Newark airport, shows no symptoms of being infected and should be released immediately. He and attorney Steven Hyman said the state attorney general’s office had cooperated in getting them access to Hickox.

Quarantined nurse Treatment is completely unacceptable

Again, the simple solution is to enforce a voluntary quarantine, and if the person violates it they become criminally liable for any deaths they cause if infected, and civilly liable for any costs relating to their treatment/movement/containment if they DO become infectious.
We should treat gun owners the same way.

If you use a gun the wrong way you get punished.

Try again you gun grabbing dick licker.
That isn't true. Many people are careless with their guns and they fall into the wrong hands. Hardly anyone gets punished for that.

You seem angry and bitter.

So if someone stole my hammer and used to to murder someone, I would be liable?
Constitution is not a Suicide Pact. You should at least have a passing familiarity with the things you post about. You must be an Obama voter

That's a ridiculous thing to say. So now this is about suicide?

The problem is that people know nothing about what they are talking about, and running scared like Al Gore's predicting tidal waves are going to hit next week because of global warming. There is absolutely zero probable cause to hold this woman against her will. But everyone wants to do it anyway. Apparently, people seem to think that being scared over something that isn't there dissolves another person's constitutional rights.
Behold how easily people give up their liberty...and especially the liberty of others, when they are scared.
For 21 days, not forever, idiot.

Big big difference. Who is ramping up the hysteria now?

How is pointing out how you would gladly trade your liberty...and even easier...someone else's liberty because you are peeing your pants in fear, hysteria? Or are you imprisoning these people for some other reason than fear of Ebola.

We had our Ebola hysteria here already...nobody died, shucky darn.

YOU are trying to scare people by telling them that 21 days equals life imprisonment. It's a very small price to pay to protect America. If African government officials demanded they be quarantined before leaving, the looney left "doctors' would do it in a heartbeat without so much as a peep if it helped stem the spread of ebola in the hot zones of Africa.
Disease with a mortality rate that averages 70% for healthy adults [not very young children/infants, unwell, elderly like the flu] isn't about 'big government'. It's about public welfare.

She doesn't have Ebola.

She does not have Ebola.

She does not have Ebola and there has never been any indication that she had Ebola.

Also, food stamps are about "public welfare." So what? Don't give me that BS about the constitution allowing whatever you want for "public welfare."
I'm not endangering innocent people by quarantining them. The danger was in West Africa, not the quarantine.

And not performing due diligence where public health is concerned is criminal. Would you rather stop an Ebola outbreak on board an off shore ship, or in the midst of Brooklyn and Queens? Which way would ultimately be more effective?

Don't confuse the blind uber-liberal left with poignant facts. They'd rather have martial law and whole-city lockdowns...because you know that would restrict less civil liberties than the random nurse or doctor getting 21 days off work to watch TV and read magazines.
She should be kept in quarantine until there is no threat of contagion. There is no civil right to spread a deadly disease.

Spoken like a true left wing imbecile. There is already no threat of contagion. More importantly, there is no legal grounds to imprison her. And no grounds for a liberty loving people to tolerate such an imprisonment.
If she is infected with ebola, and she is contagious, which ebola is, her going out and about with people is attempted murder
BTW, shamelessly plugging your own thread about the subject, which you posted 3 1/2 hours AFTER I said nobody is talking about it....well it certainly shows the poor state of your intellect.
Christie messed with the wrong nurse. She wasn't a pushover.

The quarantine of ANY health care worker coming home from saving lives is not necessary. It is nutter freakout only.

BTW...the death rate Americans contracting ebola and getting care in the US is 0%. It is 12.5% if you include Michael Duncan.
If she is infected with ebola, and she is contagious, which ebola is, her going out and about with people is attempted murder

And if someone shoots you with a gun, that's murder too. You liberal idiots need to get it through your head that you don't get to shit on the constitution just because you make up some hypothetical bullshit in your fantasy land.

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