Why Is Obama Silent About Violence In Chicago

Ya, Obama could give a shit about Black lives in Chicago. He didn't do a thing about the violence when he was President and wouldn't lift a finger to help out now.

Where's his grand proposal to fix his old stomping grounds?

He didn't do a thing about the violence when he was President

I don't remember him doing anything about it when he was a senator

He was only in it for his ego and money. Typical Chicago politician.

Actually he was sort of forced to run by Harry Reid and other Dem leaders, took them months to convince him to do it because he told them nobody's going to vote for a black guy whose middle name is Hussein. Read "Game Changer".
Barry could care less about the lives being lost in Chicago...

To Barry & Democrats Chicago is just another 'Benghazi':

Do nothing to stop it / protect people

Let the violence happen

Don't do anything to save anyone in the midst of the violence

Blame others after the fact


Bumps in the road to the Socialist Paradise
Ya, Obama could give a shit about Black lives in Chicago. He didn't do a thing about the violence when he was President and wouldn't lift a finger to help out now.

Where's his grand proposal to fix his old stomping grounds?

He didn't do a thing about the violence when he was President

I don't remember him doing anything about it when he was a senator

He was only in it for his ego and money. Typical Chicago politician.

Actually he was sort of forced to run by Harry Reid and other Dem leaders, took them months to convince him to do it because he told them nobody's going to vote for a black guy whose middle name is Hussein. Read "Game Changer".

and when he was a state senator for 7 years?

Have an excuse for that?
Ya, Obama could give a shit about Black lives in Chicago. He didn't do a thing about the violence when he was President and wouldn't lift a finger to help out now.

Where's his grand proposal to fix his old stomping grounds?

No one bothers talking about black crime because, they know its a pointless discussion. It will simply fall on deaf ears. The black community does not care to improve in 2020. They havent cared for decades. They have a failed culture at the moment. I think it will take hundreds of years before they start behaving like everyone else. Usually a superior culture will rub off on the weaker ones around it, but the suckiness is strong in black culture, making it extremely resilient against improvement.
Ya, Obama could give a shit about Black lives in Chicago. He didn't do a thing about the violence when he was President and wouldn't lift a finger to help out now.

Where's his grand proposal to fix his old stomping grounds?

easy = he's a racist white/cop/America hater like a lot of blacks are
JMO, but it is believed or at least reported by some that many black voters are leaning towards Trump more than in 2016, or at least away from the Dems. Which isn't hard to understand, considering it's their shops and businesses that are being looted and burned down. And none of that is on Trump or the GOP, who actually want to stop the rioting. But BLM is a big part of the Dem message, as Biden says if you don't vote for me then you ain't black. So, the Dems are banking on that social cohesion, which means they cannot oppose the BLM movement even when it escalates into rioting and looting and destruction of property. Hence, Obama has never said or done anything to oppose the rioting, except the obligatory stance to oppose violence.

Which leaves us where we are today. All this shit has been going on for 2 months with no sign of abatement. The Dems that control the police in our larger cities are going to standby and let the carnage continue, at least until people start dying. And isn't that really sad, somebody has to die before the Dems restore law and order.
This is not true. And that means every word.
Ya, Obama could give a shit about Black lives in Chicago. He didn't do a thing about the violence when he was President and wouldn't lift a finger to help out now.

Where's his grand proposal to fix his old stomping grounds?

No one bothers talking about black crime because, they know its a pointless discussion. It will simply fall on deaf ears. The black community does not care to improve in 2020. They havent cared for decades. They have a failed culture at the moment. I think it will take hundreds of years before they start behaving like everyone else. Usually a superior culture will rub off on the weaker ones around it, but the suckiness is strong in black culture, making it extremely resilient against improvement.

The failed culture is yours. We have less crime than you by a wide margin. So wide that you have to multiply our numbers by 5 to make yourselves feel better.
Obama is a Democrat and Democrats are pro riots and pro crime. What do you expect him to say?
Ya, Obama could give a shit about Black lives in Chicago. He didn't do a thing about the violence when he was President and wouldn't lift a finger to help out now.

Where's his grand proposal to fix his old stomping grounds?

No one bothers talking about black crime because, they know its a pointless discussion. It will simply fall on deaf ears. The black community does not care to improve in 2020. They havent cared for decades. They have a failed culture at the moment. I think it will take hundreds of years before they start behaving like everyone else. Usually a superior culture will rub off on the weaker ones around it, but the suckiness is strong in black culture, making it extremely resilient against improvement.

The failed culture is yours. We have less crime than you by a wide margin. So wide that you have to multiply our numbers by 5 to make yourselves feel better.

No you dont. As you well know, your crime rates are by far the worst in the nation. Crime is horrendous in every city or town black people are the majority, without a single exception anywhere in the entire country. Your reputation could not possibly be worse. In case youve been wondering, this is why people avoid black neighborhoods.
Obama hasn’t lived in Chicago in 12 years
And it was the same then as it is now. Only a true fascist state with no tolerance for irresponsible actions can stop this. Just kill anyone who kills and/or commits crimes. It is simple and it works. At least for a while. That is the answer you Progs will come up with. For we are seeing it with the virus and riots.
Obama is more concerned with turning our country communist than helping Blacks. And he knows Blacks are easier to control when they're poor, pissed off and dependent on government. Hell, if we turn communist Obama would probably try for another couple terms as president.
Ya, Obama could give a shit about Black lives in Chicago. He didn't do a thing about the violence when he was President and wouldn't lift a finger to help out now.

Where's his grand proposal to fix his old stomping grounds?

Like all leftist scum, he can't use that to attack Trump.
Chi/Town is Barry Hussein's adopted home town. He and his partner, (former) domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, once milked a lucrative endowment fund that was intended to improve education for minority students in Chicago. How did that work out? The dirty little secret is that Barry has no genetic ties to Americans who descended from slaves. He is the offspring of a white hippie mom and an African nationalist. The longer the political unrest goes on and the higher the bodies stack up the better the democrat party's chances to overthrow the government....or so it seems to political hacks like Hussein.
Ya, Obama could give a shit about Black lives in Chicago. He didn't do a thing about the violence when he was President and wouldn't lift a finger to help out now.

Where's his grand proposal to fix his old stomping grounds?

Because he is retired, living in Kalorama neighborhood of D.C.? What do you want him to say? You still need him to advocate for you? Advocate for yourself.

Besides, Born in Kenya Barack is too busy ragging on Trump

You are a Birther? That dumb ass trump isn't even birther anymore. Are you anti-constitution? What happened to reciprocity among the states? We have seen his Hawaii birth certificate, and he has been out of office after two terms for over 3 years! Good grief!

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