Why Is Pelosi So Paranoid.....Could It Be Because She's Acting Like A Nazi Dictator?

Nancy Pelosi says she's scared of Republicans in Congress.

Because a bunch of people tried to kill her a few weeks ago? And she is working with people who are saying, Awwww...that was okay?


Yes the horned furry man was scary.


Nancy Pelosi says she's scared of Republicans in Congress.

Because a bunch of people tried to kill her a few weeks ago? And she is working with people who are saying, Awwww...that was okay?
Uh....no they didn't.
Quit lying.
Not one Republican member of congress tried to kill the Nazi bitch. Not one.
And nobody was killed by anyone other than the so-called terrorists you folks think are worse than ANITIFA.
No, it's the truth, although one of the reasons I don't like Pelosi is she exaggerates all the time.
You’re lying. And a phony. Think of all the people democrat rioters have killed over the years. BLM and antifa.
I'm never a phony. Deflecting to BLM is pretty dishonest though.
Over the years people made their points about those riots. Most of you said nothing. If it is in your areas form now on, have at it. To your hearts desire.
This is more of the charade. It’s all front designed to marginalize trump supporters by giving the impression that they’re all insurrectionists and everyone must be afraid.
I live in a community of Trump supporters and I know they aren't all willing to overthrow democracy. I am afraid, though, because they aren't making decisions based on facts. They've been bamboozled by propaganda. And in our own seat of democracy, the Congress, there are leaders continuing to dismiss what happened and blame it on imaginary enemies.
What propaganda, specifically?
This is more of the charade. It’s all front designed to marginalize trump supporters by giving the impression that they’re all insurrectionists and everyone must be afraid.
I live in a community of Trump supporters and I know they aren't all willing to overthrow democracy. I am afraid, though, because they aren't making decisions based on facts. They've been bamboozled by propaganda. And in our own seat of democracy, the Congress, there are leaders continuing to dismiss what happened and blame it on imaginary enemies.

You lack foresight.
Here's the rub OL. The more tyrannical this Administration becomes, and it will, the less support it will receive.
What has it done that is tyrannical? Name one.

Here's 3: Forcing thousands of Americans out of good paying jobs by Edict.
Non-securing our Southern Border by Edict.
Physically militarizing Washington, DC.

And this is only starters!
This is more of the charade. It’s all front designed to marginalize trump supporters by giving the impression that they’re all insurrectionists and everyone must be afraid.
I live in a community of Trump supporters and I know they aren't all willing to overthrow democracy. I am afraid, though, because they aren't making decisions based on facts. They've been bamboozled by propaganda. And in our own seat of democracy, the Congress, there are leaders continuing to dismiss what happened and blame it on imaginary enemies.

You lack foresight.
Here's the rub OL. The more tyrannical this Administration becomes, and it will, the less support it will receive.
What has it done that is tyrannical? Name one.
It does not confront media that promotes its tyranny.
It has outlawed energy extraction, thereby creating dependence.
It endorses segregation.
It denies fathers’ involvement in the fate of their babies.
Nancy Pelosi says she's scared of Republicans in Congress.

Because a bunch of people tried to kill her a few weeks ago? And she is working with people who are saying, Awwww...that was okay?
Uh....no they didn't.
Quit lying.
Not one Republican member of congress tried to kill the Nazi bitch. Not one.
And nobody was killed by anyone other than the so-called terrorists you folks think are worse than ANITIFA.
No, it's the truth, although one of the reasons I don't like Pelosi is she exaggerates all the time.
Well this is one of those exaggerations.

There may have been a bunch of pissed off Trump supporters outside the Capital....but the only people who tried to kill Pelosi are the imaginary beer drinking, Bible thumping, gun clinging, red-necks that reside in her nightmares.
She's so out of touch with real Americans that she thinks everyone beneath her wants to murder her.
Course this is what always happens to dictators.
They end up being paranoid.

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