Why Is Pence Even Running?

Pentz and Christie are not in to win, they are in to bash Trump.

The media will endlessly have both on over and over to do just that.

Nailed it!

They want to bash Trump to get Trump to bash them back...then CNN can say "look how horrible Trump is".

The 2 of them combined couldn't get 1% of the vote.
and ramaswamey...sounds good...but when you dig a little deeper. .......no.

Why not?

if you are talking about Pence then what crack are you smoking? he is a fucking traiter same as commie joe.

Actually he was talking about RINO DeSantis.

To stop your cult from handing the election to Biden.

There you go with your parroting again. *Squawk!!!* Cult 45!! *Squawk!!* "No stolen election nothing to see here!!" *Squawk!!!* "Conspiracy theory! Conspiracy theory!" Would you just go munch on a few crackers and shut the fuck up already!? 🙄
yeah but you SHOULD be greatful he was as every patriotic America is. Had DICK Nixon won,DICK is what he SHOULD have been called while POTUS,and thats being kind.

DICK Nixon would have gotten us into WW3 during the cuban missile crisis. During that crisis the military warmongers they tried to get kennedy to go into cuba and wanted him to bomb the hell out of them,had kennedy listened to the military and done that he would have got us into world war 3.

thank god we had the bay of pigs invasion because after that happened,after the CIA and the military LIED to kennedy about the invasion,keeping detailed information from him telling him air support was not going to be needed to overthrow castro and giving a plan they KNEW was designed to fail,after they lied to him about that he got wise and stopped listening to the military and started listening to his aides instead which turned out to be pivitol in the cuban missile crisis when he leaned on his aides for advise. Because he listened to his aides advise and not the warmongers in the military,he got us out of the cuban missile crisis.

people say that kennedy was a terrible president because he almost got us into world war 3 which is bullshit.it was THE MILITARY that almost got us into ww3 NOT kennedy.Kennedy got us out of it by not listening to the military.

Had DICK Nixon been elected instead of kennedy,i guarantee he WOULD have got us into ww3 because he WAS a yes man for the military,he did the bidding of what the military told him to do. anybody who does not think Nixon would have got us into ww3.I got a bridge in Russia i want to sell you.:auiqs.jpg:

In 68 when he was more mature he MIGHT not have got us into ww3 had it happened then but back in 1962 when he was as immature as crybaby kid? forget it. He even in later years said HIMSELF that had HE been president back then,he would have gone in and bombed them and if you think that was just all talk and he wouldnt.you're kidding yourselves and i know you dont believe that.
one more thing on this is Nixon and his pal Johnson,they were mass murderers hitler and stalin would have been proud of. they were the ones that murdered 58,000 Americans not the NVA or vietcong.Johnson reversed kennedys policy to withdraw from vietnam which is why they killed him and bastard Nixon expanded the war in vietnam lying to the American people he would put an immediate end to it if he got eleced but let it drag on another four more years and became a murderer same as johnson.
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He and DeSantis would be great friends with Judas Iscariot. However, trying to choose between Ramaswamy and Trump is like trying to choose between meat and potatoes. It's too bad that Ramaswamy wasn't running as Trump's VP though.

trump picks lint.jpg
Only homO is a bigger fraud than Pentz. What Pentz says about himself is complete bullshit. Pentz is from a very wealthy Jewish family in Indiana involved in investment management. Mike was the "runt of the litter" and hence was "converted" to be a ZPF "Christian" politician, complete with spray painting his hair silver.... and endless praise from Faux "News."

trump pussy.jpg
atually he was talking about RINO DeSantis.

He does not realise then That Ron is controlled opposition.

Yeah but it's actually a really difficult choice for me between Trump and Ramaswamy. That's why I wish they were on the same ticket. I'm surprised that Kari Lake isn't running, but she might be Trump's VP which would be a great choice too. :D
LIBERAL Jews Against DeSantis:
They should be careful. With all the Jew hate out there this could steer votes to DeSantis 😂

LIBERAL Jews Against DeSantis:
They should be careful. With all the Jew hate out there this could steer votes to DeSantis 😂

Rather, this just shows that there are multiple Jewish takes on Israel and Netanyahu etc.

Liberal Jews may not come out and say "Zionist Fascism did 911" but they all know.

Liberal Jews should be opposed to Chris Wray and Milley etc. but stay silent, indicating their authenticity has limits...
Rather, this just shows that there are multiple Jewish takes on Israel and Netanyahu etc.

Liberal Jews may not come out and say "Zionist Fascism did 911" but they all know.

Liberal Jews should be opposed to Chris Wray and Milley etc. but stay silent, indicating their authenticity has limits...
Liberals are a negative and destructive force in any country they occupy
Liberals are a negative and destructive force in any country they occupy

It depends on the definition of "liberal." A "liberal" is supposed to be an open minded logical supporter of free speech, debate, and elections. In America, a "liberal" is 180 degrees the other direction.

In Israel, what is "conservative" really isn't, it is precisely what Einstein warned us about...

The people who support Netanyahu are sick warmongering fascists who have presided over many attacks on America and Americans, and false flag/hate hoaxed each one.

When DeSantis started listening to Rove, and went over and kissed that wall, his campaign started sinking...
He and DeSantis would be great friends with Judas Iscariot. However, trying to choose between Ramaswamy and Trump is like trying to choose between meat and potatoes. It's too bad that Ramaswamy wasn't running as Trump's VP though.

I am to the point where I have to ask if this means you are a Trump or nothing person ? I am not being critical, just asking.

If Trump does not win the primary, do you still support the GOP ?
yeah but you SHOULD be greatful he was as every patriotic America is. Had DICK Nixon won,DICK is what he SHOULD have been called while POTUS,and thats being kind.

DICK Nixon would have gotten us into WW3 during the cuban missile crisis. During that crisis the military warmongers they tried to get kennedy to go into cuba and wanted him to bomb the hell out of them,had kennedy listened to the military and done that he would have got us into world war 3.

thank god we had the bay of pigs invasion because after that happened,after the CIA and the military LIED to kennedy about the invasion,keeping detailed information from him telling him air support was not going to be needed to overthrow castro and giving a plan they KNEW was designed to fail,after they lied to him about that he got wise and stopped listening to the military and started listening to his aides instead which turned out to be pivitol in the cuban missile crisis when he leaned on his aides for advise. Because he listened to his aides advise and not the warmongers in the military,he got us out of the cuban missile crisis.

people say that kennedy was a terrible president because he almost got us into world war 3 which is bullshit.it was THE MILITARY that almost got us into ww3 NOT kennedy.Kennedy got us out of it by not listening to the military.

Had DICK Nixon been elected instead of kennedy,i guarantee he WOULD have got us into ww3 because he WAS a yes man for the military,he did the bidding of what the military told him to do. anybody who does not think Nixon would have got us into ww3.I got a bridge in Russia i want to sell you.:auiqs.jpg:

In 68 when he was more mature he MIGHT not have got us into ww3 had it happened then but back in 1962 when he was as immature as crybaby kid? forget it. He even in later years said HIMSELF that had HE been president back then,he would have gone in and bombed them and if you think that was just all talk and he wouldnt.you're kidding yourselves and i know you dont believe that.
Weird that anybody could possibly find anything remotely possibly funny about these facts of history as jwoodie does.:uhoh3: Other than maybe me calling president Nixon DICK,now that would warrant a funny indeed and would be understandable,nothing else about this rest of this post however is one bit funny.
Why not?

Actually he was talking about RINO DeSantis.

There you go with your parroting again. *Squawk!!!* Cult 45!! *Squawk!!* "No stolen election nothing to see here!!" *Squawk!!!* "Conspiracy theory! Conspiracy theory!" Would you just go munch on a few crackers and shut the fuck up already!? 🙄
Troll boy is a coward,when I gave evidence to prove his bs there was no election fraud in the last election he ran off,dnc paid shill didn’t even attempt to debunk them cause he knows he can’t.
I am to the point where I have to ask if this means you are a Trump or nothing person ? I am not being critical, just asking.

I specifically said that I liked Vivek Ramaswamy did I not?
Only homO is a bigger fraud than Pentz. What Pentz says about himself is complete bullshit. Pentz is from a very wealthy Jewish family in Indiana involved in investment management. Mike was the "runt of the litter" and hence was "converted" to be a ZPF "Christian" politician, complete with spray painting his hair silver.... and endless praise from Faux "News."
he IS a fraud. And he was unlikeable as governor i hear. I don't think the guy has personality or the ability to READ A ROOM. LOLOL

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