Why is prostitution illegal?

That's hypocritical since you're suggesting that your way of life is the only way of life.

Uh, no.

I'm suggesting there other way(s) (plural) of life more suitable than that. I'm not limiting them to a singular way of life. Do I care if they become prostitutes? Not really. That's something I can't control. I just oppose legal prostitution because I am of the belief (like my grandmother) that this is unbecoming and undermines the integrity of the woman. She's not a Barbie doll.

And I will admit it's partially because of my religious upbringing.
I'll put it this way, from a nonreligious standpoint:

When you pay for sex, you're treating the other like an object. Objectification of the woman is one of the most pervasive diseases I can think of. Thusly I see prostitution as highly unethical.
I'll put it this way, from a nonreligious standpoint:

When you pay for sex, you're treating the other like an object. Objectification of the woman is one of the most pervasive diseases I can think of. Thusly I see prostitution as highly unethical.

I've never had any interest in having sex with inanimate objects.
I'll put it this way, from a nonreligious standpoint:

When you pay for sex, you're treating the other like an object. Objectification of the woman is one of the most pervasive diseases I can think of. Thusly I see prostitution as highly unethical.

I've never had any interest in having sex with inanimate objects.

Don't be a smartass.
More on my previous post:

From what I've read, prostitutes undergo severe mental and physical trauma. Just like in the first point I made, while you're using the woman and engaging in the sex act, the feelings of the prostitute are never taken into account (which means consent goes out the window).

I admit that perversion exists even in normal people, thus the nature of sexual attraction. But in some cases the sexual attraction becomes extreme in exceptionally perverse human beings.
If sex is commonly known as "making love" then by paying for it, you're paying for love. An act synonymous with love is being bought and paid for, therefore love that is purchased is never genuine. If anything this is the core reason why I oppose legal prostitution. Love is a feeling, not a commodity.
I'll put it this way, from a nonreligious standpoint:

When you pay for sex, you're treating the other like an object. Objectification of the woman is one of the most pervasive diseases I can think of. Thusly I see prostitution as highly unethical.

I've never had any interest in having sex with inanimate objects.

Don't be a smartass.

I'm not being a smartass. Wanting to have sex with someone isn't treating them like an object.
If sex is commonly known as "making love" then by paying for it, you're paying for love. An act synonymous with love is being bought and paid for, therefore love that is purchased is never genuine. If anything this is the core reason why I oppose legal prostitution. Love is a feeling, not a commodity.

All men pay for love. You're deluding yourself if you think you don't.
If sex is commonly known as "making love" then by paying for it, you're paying for love. An act synonymous with love is being bought and paid for, therefore love that is purchased is never genuine. If anything this is the core reason why I oppose legal prostitution. Love is a feeling, not a commodity.

All men pay for love. You're deluding yourself if you think you don't.

How? Explain how "all men pay for love." I'm interested to know how you reached that conclusion, and wiith all due respect, are you speaking from personal experience?

Love is invaluable. There can be no price put on love.

I'm not being a smartass. Wanting to have sex with someone isn't treating them like an object.

I can gather that this point went right over your head. That's not at all the point I was trying to make.

When you a pay a woman to have sex with you, she no longer becomes a person but something to be used and exploited. I have never in my life believed that exploiting anyone, especially women is a good thing.

If you have sex with your wife or GF, there is a mutual consensus between you and your significant other, that is free.
Prostitution is not theft or robbery, it is services paid for, like any other business. Why is it illegal then?

Also, with increased poverty, prostitution may help some economically.

If prostitution was legal, it could be regulated, pimps held at bay, and the exchange would be safer, even worthy of insurance policies.

So, why is this traditional industry still outlawed?
It is 'the world's oldest profession'. It should be monitored and licensed so that the workers are taken care of and there is no human traffic involved.
I'll put it this way, from a nonreligious standpoint:

When you pay for sex, you're treating the other like an object. Objectification of the woman is one of the most pervasive diseases I can think of. Thusly I see prostitution as highly unethical.
It is highly unethical. And the point is...

You see, there is little functional difference between the ethics of a prostitute and the local slut that stumbles out of a bar and allows a bunch f men to run a train on her. The latter is, though, perfectly legal. Why make 'unethical' prostitution illegal when the act of being a raging slut is totally legal?

Her body - her life and ultimately her decision. The idea that you think you know better than her what she can and cannot do with it is the height of arrogance.

Then there is porn which is identical to prostitution. Many pornographic 'actresses' are actually subjected to far WORSE actions than prostitution. Again, it is consensual though and therefore her (and his) choice. There is no valid stance for government to get in the way.
The idea that you think you know better than her what she can and cannot do with it is the height of arrogance.

Perhaps instead of accusing me of arrogance, you should read what I said to bripat earlier.

"I'm suggesting there other way(s) (plural) of life more suitable than that. I'm not limiting them to a singular way of life. Do I care if they become prostitutes? Not really. That's something I can't control. I just oppose legal prostitution because I am of the belief (like my grandmother) that this is unbecoming and undermines the integrity of the woman. She's not a Barbie doll.

And I will admit it's partially because of my religious upbringing."

I am not a king, and I don't issue decrees.
I'll put it this way, from a nonreligious standpoint:

When you pay for sex, you're treating the other like an object. Objectification of the woman is one of the most pervasive diseases I can think of. Thusly I see prostitution as highly unethical.

I've never had any interest in having sex with inanimate objects.
Lots of people do though :D

And this is one of something that does not even exist! Vampire mouth?? How is that something you would want - ouch!
The idea that you think you know better than her what she can and cannot do with it is the height of arrogance.

Perhaps instead of accusing me of arrogance, you should read what I said to bripat earlier.

"I'm suggesting there other way(s) (plural) of life more suitable than that. I'm not limiting them to a singular way of life. Do I care if they become prostitutes? Not really. That's something I can't control. I just oppose legal prostitution because I am of the belief (like my grandmother) that this is unbecoming and undermines the integrity of the woman. She's not a Barbie doll.

And I will admit it's partially because of my religious upbringing."

I am not a king, and I don't issue decrees.
But you support continuing legal action against consenting adults because you don't like what they are doing.

I did read what you wrote - perhaps you should understand the exact point I was making. Supporting jailing people for selling sex because YOU think they should not be doing it is, indeed, arrogant. It is based on the idea that you know what they should be doing better than they do. I might disagree with the practice, and would certainly be upset if my daughter wanted to become a whore, but I do not believe that I should empower the government to carry out that belief through the force of law.
But you support continuing legal action against consenting adults because you don't like what they are doing.

Yep. But its not consent. In prostitution consent isn't really consent unless there's money to be made. Even then the consent isn't genuine. It's fake love. It's just a job, not an act of real love.

Supporting jailing people for selling sex because YOU think they should not be doing it is, indeed, arrogant. It is based on the idea that you know what they should be doing better than they do.

They don't have to do anything I tell them to. I'm basing that assertion on the premise that love is precious, something you don't buy or sell. It's also arrogant to think there isn't a better life for these women than prostitution.

I might disagree with the practice, and would certainly be upset if my daughter wanted to become a whore, but I do not believe that I should empower the government to carry out that belief through the force of law.

That's your decision as a father. And you are entitled to your opinion. I will respectfully disagree with you here.
I thought you were arguing for prostitution to be illegal

I am. The risk for disease if anything else should be one of the main reasons to keep it illegal. If government's role is to protect others from harm, preventing the spread of STDs is the first measure I'd want them to take.
what if a small tax was imposed on that industry for a "safe sex administration" to help regulate it.

There will be a wealth of unregulated and untaxed prostitutes. Some men will use legal brothels, some men will choose the cheaper alternative that's not taxed and not regulated.

How is that different than any other product or service? The more the government taxes and regulates something to death, the more incentive people have to go to the black market.

And is that an argument? Seriously? Well, we don't want to legalize something because not everyone will use the legal version, so let's keep it all illegal...

I just explained why. I thought better of some people in this thread, I thought people had respect for women. Perhaps I was mistaken.

To make something legal doesn't make it right. I have enough respect for women to know that there are better things for them in life than to subject themselves to this.

So you think respecting women is to remove their choice because you know better than they do what to do with their own bodies.

As for this, "To make something legal doesn't make it right," that's exactly the point. It's not government's jobs to make our choices for us, and that means, we may make wrong choices. You aren't going to fix that, it is in fact the illegality of prostitution that magnifies the harm regarding safety and disease and you are funding organized crime. Read about all of those for legal prostituted in the Netherlands versus illegal ones here. You and the mafia are on the same side on this. Why is that do you suppose?

Be honest about one thing. You are not at all libertarian, you are a socon. I like you Templar, you're a good guy. But you're not a libertarian. You are here arguing that the choice is yours what a woman does with her body, not hers, and you call that respecting her. It's preposterous
I am. The risk for disease if anything else should be one of the main reasons to keep it illegal. If government's role is to protect others from harm, preventing the spread of STDs is the first measure I'd want them to take.
what if a small tax was imposed on that industry for a "safe sex administration" to help regulate it.

There will be a wealth of unregulated and untaxed prostitutes. Some men will use legal brothels, some men will choose the cheaper alternative that's not taxed and not regulated.

How is that different than any other product or service? The more the government taxes and regulates something to death, the more incentive people have to go to the black market.

And is that an argument? Seriously? Well, we don't want to legalize something because not everyone will use the legal version, so let's keep it all illegal...

I just explained why. I thought better of some people in this thread, I thought people had respect for women. Perhaps I was mistaken.

To make something legal doesn't make it right. I have enough respect for women to know that there are better things for them in life than to subject themselves to this.
There's your mistake right there. Thinking there are better things in life for women than prostituting themselves. That might be true for some women, but many women have college degrees. They are educated, from good families and have made a conscious decision to be whores. They aren't street walkers. They are escorts, call girls, they work in legal Nevada brothels. Some have jobs, they are models, dancers. They like the money.

you of course turn down money from your employer as you don't want to sully the relationship and make it look like you won't be there if you weren't paid, right Holmes?
But you support continuing legal action against consenting adults because you don't like what they are doing.

Yep. But its not consent. In prostitution consent isn't really consent unless there's money to be made. Even then the consent isn't genuine. It's fake love. It's just a job, not an act of real love.

Supporting jailing people for selling sex because YOU think they should not be doing it is, indeed, arrogant. It is based on the idea that you know what they should be doing better than they do.

They don't have to do anything I tell them to. I'm basing that assertion on the premise that love is precious, something you don't buy or sell. It's also arrogant to think there isn't a better life for these women than prostitution.

I might disagree with the practice, and would certainly be upset if my daughter wanted to become a whore, but I do not believe that I should empower the government to carry out that belief through the force of law.

That's your decision as a father. And you are entitled to your opinion. I will respectfully disagree with you here.
You are equating an act of sex with an act of love when they aren't the same at all. When men pay a prostitute they aren't paying for love or even the appearance of love. Not even fake love. They are paying for the mechanics of sex. Love is precious. Sex is not. Your wife loves you. She will wash your socks and cook your dinner. A pro would laugh at the mere suggestion.

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