Why is prostitution illegal?

Isn't prostitution (trading sex for money or valuable goods) that's illegal. It's offering sex for money, 'solicitation' that's illegal. People have sex for money and goods all the time but don't consider themselves prostitutes, although they of course are. And porn is literal prostitution, they're not doing it for free.

You just can't ask someone to pay you to have sex with you. Can say you expect to be wined and dined first then maybe we'll see what happens later in the evening like. :)
I thought you were arguing for prostitution to be illegal

I am. The risk for disease if anything else should be one of the main reasons to keep it illegal. If government's role is to protect others from harm, preventing the spread of STDs is the first measure I'd want them to take.
what if a small tax was imposed on that industry for a "safe sex administration" to help regulate it.

There will be a wealth of unregulated and untaxed prostitutes. Some men will use legal brothels, some men will choose the cheaper alternative that's not taxed and not regulated.

How is that different than any other product or service? The more the government taxes and regulates something to death, the more incentive people have to go to the black market.

And is that an argument? Seriously? Well, we don't want to legalize something because not everyone will use the legal version, so let's keep it all illegal...

I just explained why. I thought better of some people in this thread, I thought people had respect for women. Perhaps I was mistaken.

To make something legal doesn't make it right. I have enough respect for women to know that there are better things for them in life than to subject themselves to this.
There's your mistake right there. Thinking there are better things in life for women than prostituting themselves. That might be true for some women, but many women have college degrees. They are educated, from good families and have made a conscious decision to be whores. They aren't street walkers. They are escorts, call girls, they work in legal Nevada brothels. Some have jobs, they are models, dancers. They like the money.
If you want to make women vulnerable to abuse and rape then legalize prostitution. If you want to devalue and demean women, if you want to encourage sick bastards to purchase women's bodies then legalize prostitution. If instead you want to demonstrate to women that they are respected and equal in our society then prostitution would be unthinkable.
Wouldn't you be showing greater respect and equality to women by letting them make their own decisions about how to act with their bodies?
Why the need for Government control over people's choices...I thought that was supposed to be a Socialist thing.

There's a reason we have laws to control lowlife scum and their filthy disgusting habits. Left unchecked and unopposed a segment of women in society would be driven into prostitution and not by choice.
And the difference from what happens right now is?
Oh yes, if we legalized prostitution there would be controls and regulations in place to mitigate such things where there are none currently.

Your faith in government is ill advised.
I have almost no faith in government at all.

That does not change the fact that regulations and options mitigate the harm that surrounds illegal activity. When johns have a legal option they are going to take it and when prostitutes have methods in place to help them stay safe they are going to utilize them.

Or we could keep ensuring that those protections are illegal and almost impossible to maintain.

The pro prostitution camp needs to research the reasons why prostitution was made illegal in the first place and get back to us on that. Personally I don't want to live in a society where women have to sell their bodies to some disgusting pigs to make a living but that's me.
It could be argued that everything you do with your body is prostitution then, because even if you just pave a road, you have sold your parts, hands, to someone else's whim.

The flaw in that statement is that prostitution is of a sexual nature; road construction, among other professions, is not.
The flaw in that argument is that road construction is of a roading nature...prostitution, among other professions, is not.

Prostitution is not synonymous with road construction. It's the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment. Per its other definition, it's the unworthy or corrupt use of one's talents for the sake of personal or financial gain. Therefore, it cannot be argued that everything you do with your body is prostitution. To argue otherwise is to, for example, say that working as a soldier, a doctor, a nurse, and an EMT is that same as being a prostitute.
I think it is not like you are a criminal mastermind with all the devious talent when you are a prostitute, so how is it anything else than just using your body, which is yours, so governments are overstepping their boundaries? Isn't it?
Wouldn't you be showing greater respect and equality to women by letting them make their own decisions about how to act with their bodies?
Why the need for Government control over people's choices...I thought that was supposed to be a Socialist thing.

There's a reason we have laws to control lowlife scum and their filthy disgusting habits. Left unchecked and unopposed a segment of women in society would be driven into prostitution and not by choice.
And the difference from what happens right now is?
Oh yes, if we legalized prostitution there would be controls and regulations in place to mitigate such things where there are none currently.

Your faith in government is ill advised.
I have almost no faith in government at all.

That does not change the fact that regulations and options mitigate the harm that surrounds illegal activity. When johns have a legal option they are going to take it and when prostitutes have methods in place to help them stay safe they are going to utilize them.

Or we could keep ensuring that those protections are illegal and almost impossible to maintain.

The pro prostitution camp needs to research the reasons why prostitution was made illegal in the first place and get back to us on that. Personally I don't want to live in a society where women have to sell their bodies to some disgusting pigs to make a living but that's me.
You already do.

There will always be illegal prostitution no matter how legalized it is.
Thinking there are better things in life for women than prostituting themselves.

There is. Or are you suggesting that their only way of life is that way of life? Is it wrong to encourage women to pursue something better?

They aren't street walkers. They are escorts, call girls, they work in legal Nevada brothels. Some have jobs, they are models, dancers. They like the money.

Some women like making whores of themselves. I get it. What a waste of that college degree.

That might be true for some women, but many women have college degrees. They are educated, from good families and have made a conscious decision to be whores.

A humiliating decision for their parents no doubt.
Their way of life certainly isn't the only way of life. They don't need to be encouraged to pursue something better. Sometimes they have something better already. They have just made this choice. Maybe it's the money. Maybe it's exciting for them. Or they just like sex. There are as many reasons as there are women. That's why legalization is so difficult.
Today, we have terrible pimps and sex slaves and all the crime that goes with it. Legalize, regulate, and tax it. Pay them well and protect them. Amsterdam it!
The pro prostitution camp needs to research the reasons why prostitution was made illegal in the first place and get back to us on that. Personally I don't want to live in a society where women have to sell their bodies to some disgusting pigs to make a living but that's me.

So being pro choice equals to pro prostitution?

Also, does "have to" equals to "want to"?
Today, we have terrible pimps and sex slaves and all the crime that goes with it. Legalize, regulate, and tax it. Pay them well and protect them. Amsterdam it!
Unfortunately Amsterdam has serious problems with pimps, sex slaves, and violence against the women, particularly women from eastern Europe.
Today, we have terrible pimps and sex slaves and all the crime that goes with it. Legalize, regulate, and tax it. Pay them well and protect them. Amsterdam it!
Unfortunately Amsterdam has serious problems with pimps, sex slaves, and violence against the women, particularly women from eastern Europe.

Monarchy run by leftists, labour and socialists got what they deserve.

You know, when you vote for Pedro, your wildest dreams will probably come true.
Today, we have terrible pimps and sex slaves and all the crime that goes with it. Legalize, regulate, and tax it. Pay them well and protect them. Amsterdam it!
Unfortunately Amsterdam has serious problems with pimps, sex slaves, and violence against the women, particularly women from eastern Europe.
LOL compared to here. Link?
Today, we have terrible pimps and sex slaves and all the crime that goes with it. Legalize, regulate, and tax it. Pay them well and protect them. Amsterdam it!
Unfortunately Amsterdam has serious problems with pimps, sex slaves, and violence against the women, particularly women from eastern Europe.

Monarchy run by leftists, labour and socialists got what they deserve.

You know, when you vote for Pedro, your wildest dreams will probably come true.
Much happier than here, tallest people in the world.
What do you all think a pimp is? Of course legal prostitutes will still have pimps. As long as there is love, there will be pimps.
Wouldn't you be showing greater respect and equality to women by letting them make their own decisions about how to act with their bodies?
Why the need for Government control over people's choices...I thought that was supposed to be a Socialist thing.

There's a reason we have laws to control lowlife scum and their filthy disgusting habits. Left unchecked and unopposed a segment of women in society would be driven into prostitution and not by choice.
And the difference from what happens right now is?
Oh yes, if we legalized prostitution there would be controls and regulations in place to mitigate such things where there are none currently.

Your faith in government is ill advised.
I have almost no faith in government at all.

That does not change the fact that regulations and options mitigate the harm that surrounds illegal activity. When johns have a legal option they are going to take it and when prostitutes have methods in place to help them stay safe they are going to utilize them.

Or we could keep ensuring that those protections are illegal and almost impossible to maintain.

The pro prostitution camp needs to research the reasons why prostitution was made illegal in the first place and get back to us on that. Personally I don't want to live in a society where women have to sell their bodies to some disgusting pigs to make a living but that's me.

Prostitution was made illegal because a lot of people in this country are uptight about sex. It's the same reason some drugs are illegal. The same people who go on a jihad against Marijuana will do it will smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer.
Thinking there are better things in life for women than prostituting themselves.

There is. Or are you suggesting that their only way of life is that way of life? Is it wrong to encourage women to pursue something better?

That's hypocritical since you're suggesting that your way of life is the only way of life.

They aren't street walkers. They are escorts, call girls, they work in legal Nevada brothels. Some have jobs, they are models, dancers. They like the money.

Some women like making whores of themselves. I get it. What a waste of that college degree.

When I worked construction, one of my formen had a masters degree in psychology. Talk about a waste of a college degree.

That might be true for some women, but many women have college degrees. They are educated, from good families and have made a conscious decision to be whores.

A humiliating decision for their parents no doubt.

There's the nub of it. The parents will always be opposed to legal prostitution.

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