Why is prostitution illegal?

If you want to make women vulnerable to abuse and rape then legalize prostitution. If you want to devalue and demean women, if you want to encourage sick bastards to purchase women's bodies then legalize prostitution. If instead you want to demonstrate to women that they are respected and equal in our society then prostitution would be unthinkable.
Wouldn't you be showing greater respect and equality to women by letting them make their own decisions about how to act with their bodies?
Why the need for Government control over people's choices...I thought that was supposed to be a Socialist thing.
Wrong, actually, the GM bailout was Obama's handiwork. He also bailed out plenty of banks and Wall Street brokerages.

Not true

Bush announced a $17.4 billion bailout for Chrysler and GM that provided short-term financial relief through March 2009.

Obama says automakers have paid back all the loans it got from his admin 'and more'

Bush signs Wall Street bailout

Bush signs Wall Street bailout - Washington Times

Nearly half of Americans incorrectly think President Obama started the the bank bailout program, otherwise known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), a new poll shows.

More Americans think Obama, Not Bush, Enacted Bank Bailouts, Poll Shows - CBS News
If you want to make women vulnerable to abuse and rape then legalize prostitution. If you want to devalue and demean women, if you want to encourage sick bastards to purchase women's bodies then legalize prostitution. If instead you want to demonstrate to women that they are respected and equal in our society then prostitution would be unthinkable.
Wouldn't you be showing greater respect and equality to women by letting them make their own decisions about how to act with their bodies?
Why the need for Government control over people's choices...I thought that was supposed to be a Socialist thing.

There's a reason we have laws to control lowlife scum and their filthy disgusting habits. Left unchecked and unopposed a segment of women in society would be driven into prostitution and not by choice.
That's cute. So you think it's okay for women to expose themselves to STDs then, oh it's her choice, right. Noted. Sure hope you aren't married.

Women shouldn't go to bars and go home with men? Nice of you to dictate what Women can and can't do!

Since this about legal prostitution; How many sex workers in Nevada have ever gotten an STD from a John?
If you want to make women vulnerable to abuse and rape then legalize prostitution. If you want to devalue and demean women, if you want to encourage sick bastards to purchase women's bodies then legalize prostitution. If instead you want to demonstrate to women that they are respected and equal in our society then prostitution would be unthinkable.
Wouldn't you be showing greater respect and equality to women by letting them make their own decisions about how to act with their bodies?
Why the need for Government control over people's choices...I thought that was supposed to be a Socialist thing.

There's a reason we have laws to control lowlife scum and their filthy disgusting habits. Left unchecked and unopposed a segment of women in society would be driven into prostitution and not by choice.
Hmmm...why discriminate against the women that are capable of making choices for themselves?
Where's the Liberty, and Freedom?
I note in this discussion that many of the same people that argue against gun control are also arguing against prostitution.

The main argument against prostitution seems to be that we need protect the group of women that might get forced into prostitution, or might get into it by making poor choices, or to save them from possibly getting STDs or having unwanted pregnancies.
This is at the expense of women that are able to make good choices but that's just too bad for them.

One of the main arguments against gun control is that it's unfair to penalise the responsible gun owners because of the irresponsible gun owners.

There seems to be a double standard here.
I hope it stays illegal. There's something... disturbing... about women demeaning themselves and their bodies that way. Hey, their choice, but I would hope women would think more of themselves than that. That's why there are so many kids out there who don't know their mom or their dad because of some one night fling that got the woman pregnant, and that because she can't support him/her afterwards.

That's shameful. You, OP, don't understand the damage this does to society.

Wait, is this going to get me called a misogynist? Oh well. I can't help you if you think women should have the right to sell their bodies and expose themselves to all sorts of dangerous diseases and people.

With your attitude, Women would demean themselves going to bed with you.

That's cute. So you think it's okay for women to expose themselves to STDs then, oh it's her choice, right. Noted. Sure hope you aren't married.
So you're saying they'd be exposing themselves to STDs by going to bed with you?
Get yourself down to Planned Parenthood...they'll get it all cleared up for you.
Prostitution is not theft or robbery, it is services paid for, like any other business. Why is it illegal then?

Also, with increased poverty, prostitution may help some economically.

If prostitution was legal, it could be regulated, pimps held at bay, and the exchange would be safer, even worthy of insurance policies.

So, why is this traditional industry still outlawed?

Simple enough reason: prostitution is mostly a woman's thing. As such, since mostly men make laws, the thought of a woman being able to earn a living with no assistance from a man makes the male lawmakers wet themselves.
I note in this discussion that many of the same people that argue against gun control are also arguing against prostitution.

The main argument against prostitution seems to be that we need protect the group of women that might get forced into prostitution, or might get into it by making poor choices, or to save them from possibly getting STDs or having unwanted pregnancies.
This is at the expense of women that are able to make good choices but that's just too bad for them.

One of the main arguments against gun control is that it's unfair to penalise the responsible gun owners because of the irresponsible gun owners.

There seems to be a double standard here.

To make a fair comparison, it's like saying because prostitutes have a high chance of passing something on to guys, all men must use condoms whether they are with a prostitute or not.
I note in this discussion that many of the same people that argue against gun control are also arguing against prostitution.

The main argument against prostitution seems to be that we need protect the group of women that might get forced into prostitution, or might get into it by making poor choices, or to save them from possibly getting STDs or having unwanted pregnancies.
This is at the expense of women that are able to make good choices but that's just too bad for them.

One of the main arguments against gun control is that it's unfair to penalise the responsible gun owners because of the irresponsible gun owners.

There seems to be a double standard here.

To make a fair comparison, it's like saying because prostitutes have a high chance of passing something on to guys, all men must use condoms whether they are with a prostitute or not.
Make it your way if you want.
The argument is that prostitution should be illegal.
It's either to protect the women from bad choices or exploitation...or to protect the men from getting diseases.


How is it fair to penalise all of the women and men that are able to look after themselves?

It looks suspiciously like a slippery slope.
Yes! Don't they know it's much more dignified to trade their bodies for free drinks, dinners, movies, or other miscellaneous entertainment, and not cash?

Is there a point to this sarcasm?

A woman trading the sanctity of her body for anything--cash, drinks, dinners, or Netflix--is placing worth on something that is invaluable.

That's her business, not yours.

I could give the slightest damn whose choice it is. The children who come from this have no choice. I can't imagine those young ones being born into that kind of world. I was a product of a one night fling between my mom and pop. Mom ran away, never knew her, pop ran away and didn't come back until I was 16.

I was destined to a life of foster care until my grandmother came along.

Funny too, we all think it's her choice here, but when it comes to abortion... oh well. At least you're... consistent.

One night flings are entirely legal. Are you proposing to outlaw those? Do you want to make the government the enforcer of shotgun weddings?

Yes. No and No. I'm not talking about "one night flings" being outlawed, I'm talking about prostitution.

You fail to consider the detriments should a child arise out of it. Oh well, at least she had fun at the Holiday Inn last night.

It seems we want government to intervene when it's suitable to our beliefs. I mean we want the government to enforce everything else. This thread shows just exactly how very inconsistent both sides are about the choices of a woman.

If a woman is careless enough to get pregnant, then she's going to get pregnant whether she's a prostitute or just dating some men. Child birth is a weak reason to not have prostitution legal.
I note in this discussion that many of the same people that argue against gun control are also arguing against prostitution.

The main argument against prostitution seems to be that we need protect the group of women that might get forced into prostitution, or might get into it by making poor choices, or to save them from possibly getting STDs or having unwanted pregnancies.
This is at the expense of women that are able to make good choices but that's just too bad for them.

One of the main arguments against gun control is that it's unfair to penalise the responsible gun owners because of the irresponsible gun owners.

There seems to be a double standard here.

To make a fair comparison, it's like saying because prostitutes have a high chance of passing something on to guys, all men must use condoms whether they are with a prostitute or not.
Make it your way if you want.
The argument is that prostitution should be illegal.
It's either to protect the women from bad choices or exploitation...or to protect the men from getting diseases.


How is it fair to penalise all of the women and men that are able to look after themselves?

It looks suspiciously like a slippery slope.

No, YOU"RE the one trying to make the comparison between prostitution and gun regulation. I gave you a fair example of both. Gun regulations want to punish all gun owners because of a few kooks and criminals. So again, it's like saying because there is prostitution, all men who have sex must use a condom whether they are with a prostitute or not.

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